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NAESB Request & Standards Development Activity
NAESB Request & Standards Development Activity Applicable to WGQ:

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 Request for Initiation of a NAESB Standard (Word Format)

 Recommendation Form (Word Format)

 NAESB Annual Plans

Request # Quad Description Requester Information
On Request
Recommendation Comments On Recommendation EC Status Ratification Final Action
2024 WGQ Annual Plan Item 4.a / 2024 WEQ Annual Plan Item 6.a / 2024 RMQ Annual Plan Item 3.a WGQ, WEQ, and RMQ Review and modify the Gas / Electric Coordination Business Practice Standards and any corresponding standards to improve communication among the operators of production facilities (producers, gatherers, processors) and pipeline and storage facilities for the timely dissemination of this coordinated communication from the these facilities to and from relevant natural gas infrastructure entities, BAs, shippers, and end-use customers (i.e., Local Distribution Companies) as needed to enhance situational awareness during extreme cold weather events without endangering sensitive commercial information Joint WGQ/WEQ/RMQ BPS   Recommendation Part 1 WGQ, WEQ, and RMQ Request for Comments Due August 19, 2024      
R23005 WGQ Request to allow TSPs to display Search Criteria to the Customer Activities Navigational Area and allow TSPs to display Favorites/Bookmarks/quick links for commonly used functions to Header or Navigational Area. Address the placement of Search Criteria and Commonly Used Screens to appear above those categories described in NAESB WGQ Standard 4.3.42 Kinder Morgan Inc. and Enbridge (U.S.) Inc.   Recommendation WGQ Request for Comments Due October 13, 2023      
R23004 WGQ Request to update condition of data element Route in NAESB WGQ Standard 2.4.3 Allocation. Kinder Morgan Inc.   Recommendation WGQ Request for Comments Due October 19, 2023      
R23003 WGQ Request to add Mutually Agreeable data elements to support sending multiple contacts in one invoice in the following Datasets: 3.4.1 Transportation/Sales Invoice, 3.4.2 Payment Remittance, 3.4.3 Statement of Account and 3.4.4 Service Requester Level Charge/Allowance Invoice Kinder Morgan Inc.   Recommendation WGQ Request for Comments Due October 19, 2023      
WGQ 2023 Annual Plan Item 4 WGQ Develop technical implementation business practice standards to support automation of the new Renewable Natural Gas Addendum and necessary modifications of the Base Contract for Sale and Purchase of Natural Gas Joint WGQ BPS/EDM/Contracts Subcommittee   Recommendation

Attachment 1 - Executive Summary

Attachment 2 - Contract Dataset

Attachment 3 - Transaction Confirmation Dataset

Attachment 4 - Invoice Dataset

Attachment 5 - Invoice Response Dataset

Attachment 6 - FAQ Document
WGQ Request for Comments Due August 7, 2023      
WGQ 2023 Annual Plan Item 5 WGQ Develop technical implementation business practice standards to support automation of the new Certified Gas Addendum and necessary modifications of the Base Contract for Sale and Purchase of Natural Gas. Joint WGQ BPS/EDM/Contracts Subcommittee   Recommendation

Attachment 1 - Executive Summary, Business Process and Practices, & Related Standards

Attachment 2 - 6.4.1 Contract Dataset

Attachment 3 - 6.4.2 Transaction Confirmation Dataset

Attachment 4 - 6.4.3 Sale Purchase Invoice Dataset

Attachment 5 - 6.4.4 Sale Purchase Invoice Response Dataset

Attachment 6 - Appendix A - FAQs for Base Contract

Attachment 7 - Appendix C - New Certified Gas Addendum FAQs
WGQ Request for Comments Due June 12, 2023

Comments Submitted by Cheniere, K.Sappenfield
R23001 WGQ Proposed revisions to the NAESB Base Contract for Sale and Purchase of Natural Gas to improve the clarity associated with the force majeure provisions in the contract. Southwest Power Pool, PJM Interconnection, MISO Energy, Texas Competitive Power Association, UGI Utilities and CenterPoint Energy   No Action Recommendation WGQ Request for Comments Due October 16, 2023

Comments Submitted by Xcel Energy

Comments Submitted by APGA

Comments Submitted by The Petroleum Alliance of Oklahoma

Comments Submitted by CenterPoint Energy

Comments Submitted by ConocoPhillips Company, Global Trading, Gas & Power Americas, Chevron Natural Gas, EQT Energy LLC, BP Energy Company and Occidental Energy Marketing, Inc.

Comments Submitted by National Public Gas Agency

Comments Submitted by Jo-Carroll Energy

Comments Submitted by the City of Tallahassee

Comments Submitted by National Grid

Comments Submitted by ONEOK

Comments Submitted by the American Gas Association

Comments Submitted by Cheniere

Comments Submitted by EQT Energy

Comments Submitted by Coterra Energy

Comments Submitted by UGI Utilities

Comments Submitted by ConEdison

Comments Submitted by the Duke Energy LDCs

Comments Submitted by the Duke Energy Electric Utilities

Late Comments Submitted by the Municipal Gas Authority of Georgia
WGQ 2023 Annual Plan Item 1.a and 1.b WGQ Review minimum technical characteristics in the Appendices of the WGQ QEDM Manual, and make changes as appropriate; and Review the data used in the NAESB WGQ Internet Electronic Transport specification for data fields that may no longer be utilized and determine if these data fields can be removed WGQ EDM   Recommendation

Attachment A

Attachment B
WGQ Request for Comments Due March 23, 2023

Comments Submitted by ONEOK

Comments Submitted by WGQ EDM Subcommittee on Attachment A

Comments Submitted by WGQ EDM Subcommittee on Attachment B
WGQ 2023 Annual Plan Item 1.c/R22003 - Revised WGQ Review cybersecurity standards to determine if baseline Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) should be integrated into standard requirements and develop supportive standards as needed. Boardwalk Pipelines, Eastern Gas Transmission & Storage Inc., Enbridge (U.S.) Inc., Kinder Morgan, Inc., Northern Natural Gas, Southern Star Central Gas Pipeline, TC Energy Corporation, Iroquois Gas Transmission System, L.P.   Recommendation WGQ Request for Comments Due March 10, 2023      
WGQ 2022 Annual Plan Item 6 WGQ Develop a Responsibly Sourced Natural Gas (RSG) Addendum to the NAESB Base Contract for various program offerings WGQ Contracts   Recommendation

Recommendation Attachment A - NAESB CG Addendum including Exhibit A (CG Transaction Confirmation)

Recommendation Attachment B - Revised NAESB WGQ Contracts FAQ Document to include CG Addendum
WGQ Request for Comments Due January 16, 2023

Comments Submitted by Cheniere, K.Sappenfield - Attachment A

Comments Submitted by Cheniere, K.Sappenfield - Attachment B

Comments Submitted by Cheniere, K.Sappenfield - General Comments

Comments Submitted by the WGQ Contracts Subcommittee - Attachment A

Comments Submitted by the WGQ Contracts Subcommittee - Attachment B

Comments Submitted by EDF

Comments Submitted by Project Canary
WGQ 2022 Annual Plan Item 4 WGQ Develop modifications to the NAESB Base Contract or a new standardized contract if it is determined beneficial. RNG Addendum is being developed for both Regulatory and Voluntary Programs. WGQ Contracts   Recommendation

Recommendation Attachment A - NAESB RNG Addendum including Exhibit A (RNG Transaction Confirmation) and Exhibit B (Transfer Certificate and Attestation)

Recommendation Attachment B - Revised NAESB WGQ Contracts FAQ Document
WGQ Request for Comments Due November 30, 2022

Comments Submitted by Cheniere, K.Sappenfield - Attachment A

Comments Submitted by Cheniere, K.Sappenfield - Attachment B

Comments Submitted by Cheniere, K.Sappenfield - General Comments

Late Comments Submitted by the WGQ Contracts Subcommittee - Attachment A

Late Comments Submitted by the WGQ Contracts Subcommittee - Attachment B
WGQ 2022 Annual Plan Item 5.a.ii and R21006 WGQ Request to create standard designations of critical natural gas infrastructure facilities that are essential to the operations of critical electric infrastructure facilities during impending extreme weather-related emergency operating conditions consistent with other industry designations. WGQ BPS   No Action Recommendation WGQ Request for Comments Due August 4, 2022      
WGQ 2022 Annual Plan Items 5.a.i and 5.a.iii WEQ and WGQ and RMQ Request for Standards Development to Support Coordinated Commercial Practices Between the Natural Gas and Electric Markets During Impending Extreme Weather-Related Emergency Operating Condition. Southwest Power Pool   No Action Recommendation WEQ/WGQ/RMQ Request for Comments Due May 26, 2022

Comments Submitted by the ISO/RTO Council's Standards Review Committee and Electric Gas Coordination Task Force

Late Comments Submitted by the WEQ Standards Review Subcommittee

R21006 WEQ and WGQ and RMQ Request for Standards Development to Support Coordinated Commercial Practices Between the Natural Gas and Electric Markets During Impending Extreme Weather-Related Emergency Operating Condition. Southwest Power Pool   No Action Recommendation WEQ/WGQ/RMQ Request for Comments Due May 26, 2022

Comments Submitted by the ISO/RTO Council's Standards Review Committee and Electric Gas Coordination Task Force

Late Comments Submitted by the WEQ Standards Review Subcommittee

2021 WEQ Annual Plan Item 5 and 2021 WGQ Annual Plan Item 3 WEQ and WGQ Develop business practices as needed to support electronic filing protocols for submittal of FERC Forms WEQ/WGQ FERC Forms Subcommittee   No Action Recommendation WEQ and WGQ Request for Comments
Due November 22, 2021
R21001 WGQ Request to modify NAESB WGQ Standard 0.4.1 Storage Information to add sender’s option data element “Cycle Indicator” Northern Natural Gas   Recommendation WGQ Request for Comments
Due September 16, 2021
WGQ 2020 Annual Plan Item 6.c WGQ Develop and/or modify the NAESB Business Practice Standards as needed to address Additional Findings and Considerations identified by Sandia National Laboratories     Recommendation WGQ Request for Comments
Due November 16, 2020
R20014 WGQ Request to update the Condition for data element "Charge Type Rate" to NAESB WGQ Standard No. 3.4.1 (Transportation/Sales Invoice). Need the ability to send a null Charge Type Rate when Blended Rates occur. Kinder Morgan Inc   Recommendation WGQ Request for Comments
Due March 11, 2021

WGQ Request to modify the Allocation Matrix (NAESB WGQ Standard 2.4.3 Allocation) to reflect usage of Service Requester Contract as mutually agreed, rather than not used, for allocation transaction types 10R and 10D. Northern Natural Gas   Recommendation WGQ Request for Comments
Due November 17, 2020

WGQ Request to add a Sender's Option data element “Location Indicator Data" to NAESB WGQ Standard No. 5.4.20 (Transactional Reporting – Capacity Release) Kinder Morgan Inc   Recommendation WGQ Request for Comments
Due November 17, 2020

WGQ Request to add the following new data elements: Authorized Service Requester Account in the Authorization to Post Imbalances (NAESB WGQ Standard No. 2.4.9), Service Requester Account in the Posted Imbalances Download (NAESB WGQ Standard 2.4.10), Account – Confirming Trader in the Imbalance Trade (NAESB WGQ Standard No. 2.4.11), and Account – Initiating Trader in the Imbalance Trade (NAESB WGQ Standard No. 2.4.11). Boardwalk Pipelines   Recommendation WGQ Request for Comments
Due June 29, 2020

WGQ Request to add four mutually agreeable data elements for Nomination Contact information to NAESB WGQ Standard No. 1.4.1 (Nomination). Kinder Morgan Inc.   Recommendation WGQ Request for Comments
Due June 29, 2020

WGQ Request to add a Sender's Option data element "Call Days Remaining" to NAESB WGQ Standard No. 0.4.1 (Storage Information) Kinder Morgan Inc.   Recommendation WGQ Request for Comments
Due June 29, 2020

WGQ Request new data element Capacity Block ID in the Nomination (NAESB WGQ Standard No. 1.4.1) so that is based upon the business condition of the Transportation Service Provider receiving the nomination. Add necessary validation codes in the Nomination Quick Response (NAESB WGQ Standard No. 1.4.2), as needed. Additionally, modify the nomination key in NAESB WGQ Standard No. 1.3.27, as appropriate. Boardwalk Pipelines   Recommendation WGQ Request for Comments
Due July 2, 2020

WGQ 2019 Annual Plan Item 2 WGQ Review minimum technical characteristics in Appendices B, C, and D of the WGQ Quadrant Electronic Delivery Mechanism Related Standards (QEDM) Manual, and make changes as appropriate. Joint WGQ Electronic Delivery Mechanisms Subcommittee   Recommendation

Attachment: WGQ QEDM Related Standards
WGQ Request for Comments
Due February 19, 2020

Comments Submitted by the WGQ Pipelines

WGQ Request to add a Sender's Option data element "Location Indicator" to NAESB WGQ Standard No. 5.4.21 (Transactional Reporting – Firm Transportation) Kinder Morgan Inc.   Recommendation WGQ Request for Comments
Due June 4, 2020

WGQ Request to add a Sender's Option data element "Invoice Notes" to NAESB WGQ Standard No. 3.4.1 (Transportation/Sales Invoice) Kinder Morgan Inc.   Recommendation WGQ Request for Comments
Due June 4, 2020

WGQ Request to Modify usage and condition of 'Discount Indicator' in the Offer. Dominion Energy Transmission, Inc., Southern Star Central Gas Pipeline, Enbridge (U.S.) Inc., Algonquin Gas Transmission, LLC, Big Sandy Pipeline, LLC, Bobcat Gas Storage, East Tennessee Natural Gas, LLC, Egan Hub Storage, LLC, Garden Banks Gas Pipeline, LLC, Gulfstream Natural Gas System, L.L.C., Maritimes & Northeast Pipeline, L.L.C., Mississippi Canyon Gas Pipeline, LLC, Nautilus Pipeline Company, L.L.C., NEXUS Gas Transmission, LLC, Ozark Gas Transmission, L.L.C., Sabal Trail Transmission, LLC, Saltville Gas Storage Company L.L.C., Southeast Supply Header, LLC, Steckman Ridge, LP, Texas Eastern Transmission, LP, TransCanada Pipelines Limited, ANR Pipeline Company, ANR Storage Company, Bison Pipeline LLC, Blue Lake Gas Storage Company, Central Kentucky Transmission Company, Columbia Gas Transmission, LLC, Columbia Gulf Transmission, LLC, Crossroads Pipeline Company, Gas Transmission Northwest LLC, Great Lakes Gas Transmission Limited Partnership, Hardy Storage Company, LLC, Millennium Pipeline Company, LLC, North Baja Pipeline, LLC, Northern Border Pipeline Company, Portland Natural Gas Transmission System,Tuscarora Gas Transmission Company   Recommendation WGQ Request for Comments
Due June 4, 2020

Attachment 1

Attachment 2
WGQ Request to add a new Nomination and Scheduling Related Standard for firm shipper's nomination of its MDQ during capacity reductions prior to nomination cycles Sabine Pass Liquefaction, LLC and Corpus Christi Liquefaction, LLC   Recommendation

as Approved by the WGQ
Executive Committee by
Notational Ballot on 12/14/2020
WGQ Request for Comments
Due November 30, 2020

Comments Submitted by Sabine Pass Liquefaction and Corpus Christi Liquefaction
WGQ 2019 Annual Plan Items 6.a and 6.b WGQ 6.a (Review the surety assessment performed by Sandia National Laboratories and determine if standard changes are necessary) and 6.b (Develop and/or modify the NAESB Business Practice Standards as needed to address Security Issues identified by Sandia National Laboratories) Joint WGQ EDM and RMQ IR/TEIS Subcommittees   Recommendation

Attachment 1: List of Proposed Standards and Documents Changes

Attachment 2: Proposed Changes to Appendices of the WGQ QEDM

Attachment 3: Proposed Changes to Appendices of the IET
WGQ Request for Comments
Due January 3, 2020

WGQ Review and modify, as necessary, the EDI data set structure of NAESB WGQ Standard No. 3.4.1 (Transportation/Sales Invoice), NAESB WGQ Standard No. 3.4.4 (Service Requester Level Charge/Allowance Invoice), and NAESB WGQ Standard No. 2.4.4 (Shipper Imbalance) to ensure the data sets comply with the hierarchical structure of the 811 ASC x12 data set and can be successfully used by trading partners. Alliance Pipeline L.P., Boardwalk Pipelines, Enbridge (U.S.) Inc., Energy Transfer, Iroquois Gas Transmission System, L.P., Northern Natural Gas, Dominion Energy Transmission Inc., Kinder Morgan Interstate Pipes, TransCanada Pipelines Limited, Southern Star Central Gas Pipeline   Recommendation

WGQ Request for Comments
Due February 10, 2020

WGQ Request to Modify Reference to the Wall Street Journal - Money Rates - publication in Section 7.5 of the NAESB WGQ Standard No. 6.3.1 Base Contract for Sale and Purchase of Natural Gas. Cheniere Corpus Christi Liquefaction, LLC Withdrawn by Submitter -
July 11, 2019


WGQ Request to change NAESB WGQ Standard No. 6.3.1 Base Contract for Sale and Purchase of Natural Gas, Section 2.25: Spot Price Publication. Argus requests that its Argus Natural Gas Americas service be added as a spot price publication reference. Argus Media, Inc.   Recommendation

Attachment: Exhibit A
WGQ Request for Comments
Due August 29, 2019


WGQ Request to add a Sender's Option data element "Location Fuel Area" to NAESB WGQ Standard No. 0.4.4 (Location Data Download) Enbridge (U.S.) Inc.   Recommendation

WGQ Request for Comments
Due August 15, 2019
R18013 WGQ Request to modify NAESB WGQ Standard No. 4.3.49 to allow for processing functions at the line item level on Customer Activities websites and to allow for the use of icons and/or graphical control elements for navigation and/or processing functions. Boardwalk Pipeline Partners, LP, Northern Natural Gas, Dominion Energy Transmission Inc and TransCanada Pipelines Limited   Recommendation WGQ Request for Comments
Due August 15, 2019

WGQ Request to add existing data element 'Route' to the following data set(s): NAESB WGQ Standard No. 1.4.3 - Request for Confirmation, NAESB WGQ Standard No. 1.4.3 - Confirmation Response and NAESB WGQ Standard No. 1.4.6 - Scheduled Quantity for Operator Williams Companies, Inc   Recommendation WGQ Request for Comments
Due March 25, 2019
R18007 / WGQ 2020 Annual Plan Item 1 WGQ Request to develop a standard digital representation of natural gas trade events, consistent with NAESB WGQ Standard No. 6.3.1 - NAESB Base Contract for Sale and Purchase of Natural Gas, in order to capitalize on smart contract and distributed ledger technologies. Big Data Energy Services
American Electric Power Service Corp.
Adjoint Inc
Tennessee Valley Authority
JKM Energy & Environmental Consulting
  Recommendation for R18007-A

Attachment A - Executive Summary

Attachment B - Standards Language

Attachment C - Dataset

Recommendation for R18007-B

Attachment A - Executive Summary of NAESB WGQ Contracts Standards & Models Manual (Clean)

Attachment A: (Redline)

Attachment B - Standards Language: for NAESB WGQ Contracts Standards & Models Manual (Clean)

Attachment B: (Redline)

Attachment C - Modified 6.4.1 Contracts Dataset (Clean)

Attachment C: (Redline)

Attachment D - 6.4.2 Transaction Confirmation Dataset

Attachment E - 6.4.3 Sale and Purchase Invoice Dataset

Attachment F - 6.4.4 Sale and Purchase Invoice Response Dataset

Attachment G - 6.3.1 NAESB Base Contract for Sale and Purchase of Natural Gas (NAESB Base Contract) (Clean)

Attachment G: (Redline)

Attachment H - 6.3.1.CA Canadian Addendum to the NAESB Base Contract (Clean)

Attachment H: (Redline)

Attachment I - 6.3.1.MA Mexican Addendum to the NAESB Base Contract (Clean)

Attachment I: (Redline)

Attachment J - FAQs for NAESB Base Contract (Clean)

Attachment J: (Redline)
WGQ Request for Comments
Recommendation for R18007-A
Due October 16, 2019

Comment Summary Submitted by Cheniere Corpus Christi Liquefaction

Attachment C Redline Mark-up Submitted by Cheniere Corpus Christi Liquefaction

Comments Submitted by Enbridge (U.S.) Inc.

WGQ BPS, EDM and Contracts Subcommittee Chair's Comments
Recommendation R18007-A

WGQ BPS, EDM and Contracts Subcommittee Chair's Comments
Recommendation R18007-A
Attachment C

WGQ BPS, EDM and Contracts Subcommittee Chair's Comments
Recommendation R18007-A Attachment B

WGQ Request for Comments
Recommendation for R18007-B
Due June 17, 2020
R18006 WGQ Request to Add a new data element 'Pool Rank' to the following data set(s): NAESB WGQ Standard No. 1.4.4 Confirmations Dominion Energy Transmission, Inc. and Dominion Energy Cove Point LNG, LP Withdrawn by Submitter - September 26, 2018          
R18005 WGQ Request to revise references to the standard quantity for Mexico to gigajoules in the WGQ Business Practice Standards and Technical Implementation. 8760 Inc. Withdrawn by Submitter - May 2, 2018          
R18003 WGQ Request to add the data elements 'Transport Contract' to Imbalance Trade. Kinder Morgan Inc.   Recommendation WGQ Request for Comments
Due August 21, 2018

WGQ Request to add the data elements - Payee's Bank Wire ABA Number' and 'Payee's Bank ACH ABA Number' to the Transportation Sales/Invoice, Payment Remittance, and Service Requester Level Charge / Allowance Invoice. Kinder Morgan Inc.   Recommendation WGQ Request for Comments
Due August 21, 2018
R17009 WGQ Request to add data elements and related code values to accommodate contractual quantities stated on an MCF basis in the following data sets: Bid, Award Download, Transactional Reporting ďż˝ Capacity Release, Transactional Reporting ďż˝ Firm Transportation, and Transactional Reporting ďż˝ Interruptible Transportation. Enbridge (U.S.) Inc. / Spectra Energy Corp   Recommendation WGQ Request for Comments
Due March 21, 2018

R17008 WGQ Request to convert the NAESB Invoice, Allocation and Imbalance datasets to XML. Aquilon Energy            
R17007 WGQ Request for new NAESB standard requiring historic retrieval to reflect the data in the time period in which the information was originally provided. Aquilon Energy Withdrawn by Submitter - September 21, 2018          
R17006 WGQ Request to define a NAESB standard time frame for information to be displayed and retained on the Customer Activities Website. Aquilon Energy Withdrawn by Submitter - September 21, 2018          
R17005 WGQ Request to define a NAESB standard time frame for information to be retained on the Informational Postings Website. Aquilon Energy   Recommendation

August 23, 2018
WGQ Request for Comments
Due March 29, 2018

Comments Submitted by P. Connor

WGQ Request for Comments
September 21, 2018 on
August 23, 2018
R17003 WGQ Request to add the data element ďż˝Right to Amend Primary Points 3 Month Limitďż˝ to NAESB WGQ Standard Nos. 5.4.24 (Offer), 5.4.26 (Award Download), and 5.4.20 (Transactional Reporting ďż˝ Capacity Release) data sets, and two associated code values. Kinder Morgan Inc.   Recommendation WGQ Request for Comments
Due December 13, 2017

R17002 WGQ Request to Modify the usage of data element Service Requester Contract for the Un-threaded Segment of the Pathed Non-Threaded Model in NAESB WGQ Standard Nos. 1.4.1 Nomination and 1.4.5 Scheduled Quantity data sets so that the usage of Service Requester Contract is changed to Business Conditional, based upon the business condition of the Transportation Service Provider receiving the nomination. Make corresponding modifications to other data sets, as needed, including the addition of any necessary validation codes to accommodate the requested change. Modify the nomination key in NAESB WGQ Standard No. 1.3.27, as appropriate, to reflect the change in the usage of Service Requester Contract. Additionally, add the data element Service Requester to the nomination key in 1.3.27 to reflect its mandatory usage in the Nomination. Boardwalk Pipeline Partners, LP and Kinder Morgan Inc.   Recommendation WGQ Request for Comments
Due August 14, 2017

Comments Submitted by G. Lander, Skipping Stone, LLC

Attachment 1 - Spanish

Attachment 2 - English (.docx version)

Attachment 2 - English (.pdf version)
WGQ Request to modify NAESB WGQ Standard 1.3.14 and related standards to remove references to gigacalories as the standard quantity for nominations, confirmations and scheduling in Mexico. TransCanada Pipelines USA, Ltd. and Spectra Energy Corp / Enbridge Inc   Recommendation WGQ Request for Comments
Due December 13, 2017

2017 WGQ Annual Plan Item 2 WGQ Review minimum technical characteristics in Appendices B, C, and D of the WGQ QEDM Manual, and make changes as appropriate. WGQ Electronic Delivery Mechanisms (EDM) Subcommittee   Recommendation

WGQ Request for Comments
Due April 25, 2017
2017 WGQ Annual Plan Items 5.a
and 5.b
WGQ Mexican Addendum or Base Contract:
5.a. - Consider and determine if a need for a Mexican Addendum or Base Contract
5.b. - Develop the Mexican Addendum or Base Contract according to the analysis completed in Item 5.a
WGQ Contracts Subcommittee   Recommendation

August 22, 2017

Attachment - Exhibit A
WGQ Request for Comments Due February 22, 2017

Comments Submitted by V. Crockett, WGQ Chairman

Comments Submitted by J. Buccigross, Group 8760

Late Comments Submitted by la Peza Gandara, CRE

WGQ Request for Comments on
August 22, 2017
Due September 20, 2017

Comments Submitted by R. Figueiredo, Santa Fe Natural Gas

Exhibit A: Late Comments Submitted by the WGQ Contracts Subcommittee in response to comments from Santa Fe Natural Gas (Redline)

Exhibit A: Late Comments Submitted by the WGQ Contracts Subcommittee in response to comments from Santa Fe Natural Gas (Clean)
2017 WGQ Annual Plan Item 3.a.i
2016 WGQ Annual Plan Item 3.b.i
WGQ Gas-Electric Coordination - Resulting from the efforts of annual plan item 3(a), develop standards as needed and directed by the Board of Directors, which are specifically assigned to the WGQ:
i. - GEH Forum Issue 22: �It would be desirable to have a set of terminology agreed upon by participants to characterize shapes, profiles, ratable, non-ratable, and so forth to facilitate discussion�
WGQ Business Practices Subcommittee   Recommendation

as Approved by the WGQ
Executive Committee on
WGQ Request for Comments Due February 20, 2017

Comments Submitted by C. Nicolay, Macquarie Energy LLC's

Comments Submitted by M. Burroughs, American Gas Association
2017 WGQ Annual Plan Items 3.a.ii-iii
2016 WGQ Annual Plan Items 3.b.ii-iii
WGQ Gas-Electric Coordination - Resulting from the efforts of annual plan item 3(a), develop standards as needed and directed by the Board of Directors, which are specifically assigned to the WGQ:
ii. - GEH Forum Issue 25: Communication protocols with LDCs, gas generator operators and natural gas marketing companies
iii. - GEH Forum Issue 26: �Improve efficiency of critical information sharing (related to issues 22 and 25)
WGQ Business Practices Subcommittee   Recommendation

as Approved by the WGQ
Executive Committee on
WGQ Request for Comments Due February 20, 2017

Comments Submitted by C. Nicolay, Macquarie Energy LLC's

Comments Submitted by M. Burroughs, American Gas Association
2017 WGQ Annual Plan Item 3.a.iv
2016 WGQ Annual Plan Item 3.b.iv
WGQ Gas-Electric Coordination - Resulting from the efforts of annual plan item 3(a), develop standards as needed and directed by the Board of Directors, which are specifically assigned to the WGQ:
iv. - GEH Forum Issue 33: �Use of multiple confirmation methods in addition to traditional confirmations for intraday nominations. There is currently a good definition of Confirmation by Exception (CBE) in NAESB standards. CBE however, may not be available everywhere but there may also be additional confirmation methods that could benefit from standardization�
WGQ Business Practices Subcommittee   Recommendation

as Approved by the WGQ
Executive Committee on
WGQ Request for Comments Due February 20, 2017

Comments Submitted by C. Nicolay, Macquarie Energy LLC's

Comments Submitted by M. Burroughs, American Gas Association
2017 WGQ Annual Plan Item 3.a.v
2016 WGQ Annual Plan Item 3.b.v
WGQ Gas-Electric Coordination - Resulting from the efforts of annual plan item 3(a), develop standards as needed and directed by the Board of Directors, which are specifically assigned to the WGQ:
v. - GEH Forum Issue 36: �Level of confirmations: there is a wide range of data elements that are exchanged, from a minimum amount to a very large set of data. In the "Art of Scheduling," pipelines confirm at different levels, with potential for disparities. Greater standardization could produce confirming efficiencies. (For example, confirm at the shipper-to-shipper level. Or, if there are confirmations at a lower level of detail, it would be driven by model type.) See issue 17 in the first presentation.�
WGQ Business Practices Subcommittee   Part 1

Part 2

Part 3
WGQ Request for Comments Due February 20, 2017

Comments Submitted by C. Nicolay, Macquarie Energy LLC's

Part 2 Recommendation
Comments Submitted by C. Gold, Natural Gas Supply Association

Part 2 Recommendation
Comments Submitted by Y.J. Bourgeois, Anadarko Energy Services Company

Comments Submitted by M. Burroughs, American Gas Association
2017 WGQ Annual Plan Item 3.b.i
2016 WGQ Annual Plan Item 3.c.i
(Part 1)

2017 WGQ Annual Plan Item 3.b.ii
2016 WGQ Annual Plan Item 3.c.iii
2017 WGQ Annual Plan Item 3.b.i
2016 WGQ Annual Plan Item 3.c.i
(Part 2)
WGQ Gas-Electric Coordination - Address standards development requests related to gas-electric harmonization:
i. - Develop business practices as needed to support R16003 and attachment: Special Efforts Scheduling Services for Natural Gas Pipeline Transportation - The proposed standard addresses certain business practices relating to Best Efforts scheduling for natural gas pipeline transportation that is: a) scheduled outside of the standard grid-wide nomination cycles, b) permits flow changes outside of standard schedule flow periods; and/or c) involves Shaped Flow Transactions (as defined in the proposed standard).
WGQ Business Practices Subcommittee   Part 1

Part 1
as Approved by the WGQ
Executive Committee on

Part 2
WGQ Request for Comments Due February 20, 2017

Submitted by C. Nicolay, Macquarie Energy LLC's

Part 2 Recommendation
Comments Submitted by J. Peress, Environmental Defense Fund

Comments Submitted by M. Burroughs, American Gas Association
2017 WGQ Annual Plan Item 3.b.ii
2016 WGQ Annual Plan Item 3.c.iii
2017 WGQ Annual Plan Item 3.b.i
2016 WGQ Annual Plan Item 3.c.i
(Part 2)
WGQ Gas-Electric Coordination - Address standards development requests related to gas-electric harmonization:
b.ii./c.iii. - Develop business practices as needed to support R16007: �Update the NAESB Nomination dataset and related datasets to support the ability for a service requester to submit a single nomination with hourly quantities when such a service is supported by the TSP.�
b.i./c.i - Develop business practices as needed to support R16003 and attachment: Special Efforts Scheduling Services for Natural Gas Pipeline Transportation - The proposed standard addresses certain business practices relating to Best Efforts scheduling for natural gas pipeline transportation that is: a) scheduled outside of the standard grid-wide nomination cycles, b) permits flow changes outside of standard schedule flow periods; and/or c) involves Shaped Flow Transactions (as defined in the proposed standard).
WGQ Business Practices Subcommittee   Recommendation

WGQ Request for Comments Due February 20, 2017

Comments Submitted by C. Nicolay, Macquarie Energy LLC's

Comments Submitted by J. Peress, Environmental Defense Fund

Comments Submitted by M. Burroughs, American Gas Association
R16014 WGQ Request for an enhancement to NAESB WGQ Standard 4.3.80 to increase the allowable field length in ASCII Comma Separated Value (CSV) files. Columbia Gas Transmission, LLC and FIS Energy Services   Recommendation WGQ Request for Comments Due April 19, 2017      
R16013 WGQ Request to allow checkboxes and radio buttons to indicate ďż˝Yesďż˝ and/or ďż˝Noďż˝ responses to Data Elements on Transportation Service Providerďż˝s (TSPďż˝s) Electronic Bulletin Boards (EBBs). Columbia Gas Transmission, LLC and Boardwalk Pipeline Partners, LP   Recommendation WGQ Request for Comments
Due April 25, 2017
R16012 WGQ Request to add three Business Conditional Data Elements to the Authorization to Post Imbalances dataset in NAESB WGQ Standard No. 2.4.9. Addition of these data elements will allow service requesters to authorize specific contracts and quantities for specified periods of time. Columbia Gas Transmission, LLC   Recommendation WGQ Request for Comments Due April 19, 2017      

Attachment 1 - Proposed Framework

Attachment 2 - Rationale and Further considerations

Attachment 3 - KBH Center Paper on LAUF

Attachment 4 - ICF report on LAUF
WGQ A proposal to develop a uniform and transparent industry-wide standard for calculating LAUF for use by any entity providing natural gas delivery service that is required to report LAUF (ďż˝LAUF reporting entityďż˝ or ďż˝LREďż˝), including without limitation, (1) interstate pipelines, (2) storage operators, (3) intrastate pipelines, and (4) local distribution companies (ďż˝LDCsďż˝) Environmental Defense Fund, Citizens Utility Board, Tennessee Valley Authority, Massachusetts Attorney Generalďż˝s Office and California Public Utilities Commission Withdrawn by Submitter - December 7, 2016          
2016 WGQ Annual Plan Item
5.a and 5.b
WGQ a.) Consider and determine if a NAESB Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) Master Agreement is needed.
b.) Develop the LNG Master Agreement according to the analysis completed
in item 5.a.
WGQ Contracts Subcommittee   Recommendation

as Approved by the WGQ
Executive Committee via
Notational Ballot on
WGQ Request for Comments Due June 20,2016      
R16007 WGQ Update the NAESB Nomination dataset and related datasets to support the ability for a service requester to submit a single nomination with hourly quantities when such a service is supported by the TSP. FIS Global - Energy Services   2016 WGQ Annual Plan Item 3.c.iii / 2017 WGQ Annual Plan Item 3.b.ii / R16007
2016 WGQ Annual Plan Item 3.c.i /
2017 WGQ Annual Plan Item
3.b.i /
R16003 - Part 2 Recommendation

WGQ Request for Comments Due February 20, 2017

Comments Submitted by C. Nicolay, Macquarie Energy LLC's

Comments Submitted by J. Peress, Environmental Defense Fund

Comments Submitted by M. Burroughs, American Gas Association
R16006 WGQ Update the Imbalance Trade (NAESB 2.4.11) dataset to re-add in the Confirming Traderďż˝s ability to reject the trade. FIS Global - Energy Services   Recommendation WGQ Request for Comments Due November 2,2016      
R16005 WGQ Rework the usage of the Service Requester and Service Requester Contract in the NAESB 1.4.1 Nomination dataset to reflect actual usage. FIS Global - Energy Services   Recommendation WGQ Request for Comments Due November 29,2016

Comments Submitted by L. MacDonald, Centra Gas Manitoba Inc.
R16004 WGQ Update the NAESB 1.4.1 Nomination dataset to remove all non-necessary data elements and to evaluate the use of all Mutually Agreed and Business Conditional data elements for their continued relevance. FIS Global - Energy Services Withdrawn by Submitter - February 23, 2017          

Attachment 1
WGQ Best Efforts Scheduling Services for Natural Gas Pipeline Transportation - The proposed standard addresses certain business practices relating to Best Efforts scheduling for natural gas pipeline transportation that is: a) scheduled outside of the standard grid-wide nomination cycles, b) permits flow changes outside of standard schedule flow periods; and/or c) involves Shaped Flow Transactions (as defined in the proposed standard). Skipping Stone and Environmental Defense Fund   2017 WGQ Annual Plan Item 3.b.i
2016 WGQ Annual Plan Item 3.c.i
(Part 1)

2017 WGQ Annual Plan Item 3.b.i
2016 WGQ Annual Plan Item 3.c.i
(Part 1)
as Approved by the WGQ
Executive Committee on

2017 WGQ Annual Plan Item 3.b.ii
2016 WGQ Annual Plan Item 3.c.iii
2017 WGQ Annual Plan Item 3.b.i
2016 WGQ Annual Plan Item 3.c.i
(Part 2)
WGQ Request for Comments Due February 20, 2017

Comments Submitted by C. Nicolay, Macquarie Energy LLC's

Comments Submitted by J. Peress, Environmental Defense Fund

Comments Submitted by M. Burroughs, American Gas Association
R16001 WGQ Request to Amend the Condition for Location Purpose Data the Transactional Data Sets: 5.4.20 Transactional Reporting- Capacity Release, 5.4.21 Transactional Reporting- Firm Transportation and 5.4.22 Transactional Reporting- Interruptible Transportation. WBI Energy Transmission, Inc.   Recommendation

as Approved by the WGQ
Executive Committee on
WGQ Request for Comments Due November 2,2016      
R15008 WGQ Request to modify the usage of data element Service Requester Contract for the Pathed Non-Threaded Model (Un-threaded Segment) in the NAESB WGQ Standard Nos. 1.4.1 Nomination and 1.4.5 Scheduled Quantity data sets so that it is based upon the business condition of the Transportation Service Provider receiving the nomination. Make corresponding modifications to other data sets, including the addition of any necessary validation codes, as needed. Additionally, modify the nomination key in NAESB WGQ Standard No. 1.3.27, as appropriate, to reflect the change in the usage of Service Requester Contract. Boardwalk Pipeline Partners, LP, Iroquois Gas Transmission System, L.P. and Kinder Morgan Inc   Recommendation WGQ Request for Comments Due November 29,2016

Comments Submitted by L. MacDonald, Centra Gas Manitoba Inc.

Comments Submitted by M. Burroughs, American Gas Association
R15007 WGQ Request to revise the Cover Page of the WGQ Base Contract (NAESB WGQ Standard No. 6.3.1) with additions regarding self-identification of counter parties to the contract. Tennessee Valley Authority   Recommendation

Attachment - Exhibit A
WGQ Request for Comments Due
November 25, 2015

Comments Submitted by J. Ryman, Encana Services Company

Comments Submitted by David Portz PC

Comments Submitted by M. Klyasheff, WEC Energy

Late Comments Submitted by K. Sappenfield, WGQ Contracts Subcommittee Chair
R15006 WGQ Request regarding Rounding Standard for EPSQ Calculation. Pacific Gas and Electric Company   Recommendation

Recommendation as revised and approved by the WGQ Executive Committee on February 25, 2016
WGQ Request for Comments Due
November 27, 2015

R15003 WGQ Request to add a new clause to add to the WGQ Base Contract (Standard No. 6.3.1) which conveys the concept of the following suggested (pro-forma) language: The parties to this Contract represent and warrant that at least one of the parties has a valid right to use this Contract, either through a contract purchase from NAESB or another valid acquisition method. Jim Buccigross, 8760, Inc., on behalf of the NAESB Board Revenue Committee   Recommendation

Attachment - Exhibit A

Recommendation - Part 2

Part 2 Attachment - Exhibit A
WGQ Request for Comments Due
November 4, 2015

Comments Submitted by K. Sappenfield, Chair, WGQ Contracts Subcommittee

Comments Submitted by David Portz PC

Comments Submitted by M. Klyasheff, WEC Energy Group

Comments Submitted by B. Hebenstreit, Southwestern Energy

Comments Submitted by P. Lookadoo, International Energy Credit Association (IECA)

Late Comments Submitted by K. Sappenfield, WGQ Contracts Subcommittee Chair

WGQ Request for Comments
(Recommendation - Part 2)
Due April 26, 2016
R15002 WGQ For NAESB WGQ Version 3.0 - Add Business Conditional (BC) data element ďż˝Waive Credit for Replacement Shipperďż˝ to NAESB WGQ Standard No. 5.4.24 - Offer Dominion Transmission Inc. / Dominion Cove Point LNG LP   Recommendation WGQ Request for Comments Due
November 27, 2015

2014 WGQ Annual Plan Item 6 WGQ Review Final Rules published by the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) and implications to NAESB contracts. WGQ Contracts Subcommittee   Recommendation

as Approved by the WGQ
Executive Committee on
WGQ Request for Comments Due September 11, 2014

Comments Submitted by R. Barry, NGSA

Comments Submitted by P. Hughes, Southern Company
R14007 WGQ Requested Change to Wholesale Gas Quadrant Business Practice Standard 1.3.39 to accommodate a Transportation Service Provider's ability to offer enhanced nominations T. Carlson for the Arizona Public Service Company, Salt River Project Agricultural Improvement and Power District, UNS Gas, Inc./Tucson Electric Power Company, Public Service Company of New Mexico, Arizona Corporation Commission   Recommendation

as Approved by the WGQ
Executive Committee on
WGQ Request for Comments Due October 13, 2015

Late Comments Submitted by P. Jones, SRP
2014 WGQ Annual Plan Item 11c WGQ Develop new standards and modify existing standards to support the timelines for timely, evening, ID1, ID2 and ID3 nomination cycles as specified in Attachment A of this plan and make corresponding changes where necessary to other standards such as those that support capacity release programs. The standards should be neutral on gas day start times; meaning that all references to the 9 am CCT start of the gas day should be removed. WGQ BPS, WGQ IR/Technical   Recommendation - Part 1 - Business Standards Language

Recommendation - Part 2 - Business Documentation and Implementation Guides
WGQ Request for Comments Due August 18, 2014

Comments Submitted by K. Burch, Spectra Energy Corp

Comments Submitted by A. Penner, Manitoba Hydro

Comments Submitted by the American Gas Association

Comments Submitted by T. Evey, Ameren Services Company

Comments Submitted by A. Schafer, Duke Energy

Comments Submitted by J. Sturm, ACES

Comments Submitted by K. Daly on behalf of the Joint Parties listed - all of which are members of the Desert Southwest Pipeline Stakeholders

Comments Submitted by C. Gold, Natural Gas Supply Association

Comments Submitted by J. Phillips, ISO/RTO Council

Comments Submitted by K. Daley, Interstate Natural Gas Association of America

Comments Submitted by J. Phillips, Southwest Power Pool

Comments Submitted by L. Ly, Kinetica Partners LLC

Comments Submitted by C. Nicolay, Macquarie Energy LLC

Comments Submitted by D. Davis, Williams

Comments Submitted by J. Luner, Xcel Energy Services, Inc.
2014 WGQ Annual Plan Item 2 and Annual Plan Item 3 WGQ Sample Paper Review and Development of EBB Code Values WGQ IR/Technical   Recommendation

Attachment 1 - Additional and Nomination Related Standards

Attachment 2 - Flowing Gas Related Standards

Attachment 3 - Invoicing Related Standards

Attachment 4 - Capacity Release Related Standards
WGQ Request for Comments Due August 18, 2014

Comments Submitted by the WGQ Information Requirements Subcommittee Co-Chairs
2014 WGQ Annual Plan Item 10 WGQ Posting of Offers to Purchase Capacity (Order to Show Cause Issued March 20, 2014 ďż˝ RM 14-442-000) WGQ BPS, WGQ IR/Technical   Recommendation WGQ Request for Comments Due August 18, 2014

Comments Submitted by the American Gas Association
2014 WGQ Annual Plan Item 8 WGQ Imbalance Trading ďż˝ Elimination of Data Set Reference to EDI WGQ BPS, WGQ IR/Technical   Recommendation WGQ Request for Comments Due August 18, 2014

Comments Submitted by the WGQ IR/Technical Subcommittee

Comments Submitted by the American Gas Association
R14006 WGQ Modify NAESB WGQ Standard Number 0.3.28 to clarify requirement M. Schmitz, Northern Natural Gas   Recommendation WGQ Request for Comments Due October 6, 2014

R14005 WGQ Requesting Changes to Enhance Capacity Release Timeline to better coordinate Capacity Release with Gas-Electric Harmonization Timely Nomination Timeline G. Lander, Skipping Stone Withdrawn by Submitter - October 29, 2015          
2013 WGQ Annual Plan Item 7 WGQ Investigate and determine if changes to standards are needed to support adequate session encryption (SSL/TLS issues US-Cert Vulnerability Note VU#864643) WGQ EDM   Recommendation

as Approved by the WGQ
Executive Committee on
WGQ Request for Comments Due February 6, 2014      
R13011 WGQ Modify the EBB Creation Usage and the EBB/EDI Download Usage of data element Replacement Shipper Role Indicator from ďż˝Mďż˝ to ďż˝Cďż˝ in the NAESB WGQ Standard No. 5.4.24 ďż˝ Offer based on whether the deal is prearranged and add conditions for both the Creation and Download. Additionally, modify the Usage from ďż˝Mďż˝ to ďż˝Cďż˝ in the NAESB WGQ Standard No. 5.4.26 ďż˝ Award based on whether the data element was present in the creation of the Offer. K. Van Pelt, Boardwalk Pipeline Partners, LP Withdrawn by Submitter - December 5, 2013          
R13010 WGQ NAESB WGQ Version 2.1 ďż˝ Add 2 data elements (SO) to Measured Volume Audit Statement ďż˝ NAESB WGQ Standard No. 2.4.6 to be applied in Version 2.2 D. Davis, Williams Gas Pipeline   Recommendation WGQ Request for Comments Due October 15, 2014      
2013 WGQ Annual Plan Item 5.b WGQ Review and Analyze the Interpretations of Standards - Elimination of Interpretations and Corresponding actions WGQ EC, WGQ BPS, IR/Technical, Contracts, EDM & Interpretations   Recommendation

Attachment 1 - Standards Language

Attachment 2 - Contracts FAQ

Attachment 3 - Implementation Guides and Data Set Changes

Recommendation - Part 2
WGQ Request for Comments Due October 22, 2013      
2013 WGQ Annual Plan Item 1.b WGQ Organize Standards Manuals for Ease of Use - Proposed modified or deleted standards as a result of development of matrix tool WGQ IR/Technical   Recommendation

Attachment 1 - Standards Language
WGQ Request for Comments Due October 22, 2013      
2012 WGQ Annual Plan Item 14.a WGQ FERC Order No. 587-V issues and implications to NAESB standards - Address issues other than design capacity and modify standards as needed. WGQ BPS   Recommendation WGQ Request for Comments Due October 22, 2013      
R13009 WGQ For Version 2.0 and 2.1 NAESB WGQ Standard No. 2.4.4 Shipper Imbalance - Add Data Element ďż˝Operational Impact Area (OIA)ďż˝ with a usage of Senderďż˝s Option (SO) for all Imbalance Reporting Types. WBI Energy Transmission, Inc.   Recommendation WGQ Request for Comments Due April 22, 2014      
2013 WGQ Annual Plan Item 4.a WGQ Review minimum technical characteristics in Appendices B, C, and D of the WGQ QEDM Manual, and make changes as appropriate. (Reference NAESB Standard No. 4.3.59) WGQ Electronic Delivery Mechanism (EDM) Subcommittee   Recommendation WGQ Request for Comments Due September 16, 2013      
R13008 WGQ Add the data element ďż˝Capacity Type Location Indicatorďż˝ to the Firm Transactional Reporting dataset, and four associated code values to the Offer, Bid, Award Download, and Transactional Reporting data sets. Tennessee Gas Pipeline Company, L.L.C.   Recommendation WGQ Request for Comments Due August 19, 2013      
R13007 WGQ Add the following Sender's Option (SO) data element (Replacement Shipper Contract Number (Repl SR K)) to NAESB WGQ Standard No. 5.4.26 Award Download. Northern Natural Gas   Recommendation WGQ Request for Comments Due August 19, 2013      
R13006 WGQ Requesting (846UPRD) Operational Capacity Data (873OACY) by Cycle Indicator via EDI Skipping Stone   Recommendation WGQ Request for Comments Due August 19, 2013      
R13005 WGQ/REQ/RGQ Modify WGQ/REQ/RGQ Internet Electronic Transport Examples, Version 2.0 Oncor   Recommendation Joint WGQ and RXQ Request for Comments Due September 16, 2013      

Attachment to R13003
WGQ Modify WGQ Business Practice Standards Matrix to include additional fields Quorum Business Solutions Not a Request; Withdrawn          
R13002 WGQ Add a new data element ďż˝Subjectďż˝ to the NAESB WGQ Standard No. 5.4.16, System Wide Notices. Questar Pipeline Company   Recommendation

Recommendation R13002 as revised and approved by the WGQ Executive Committee on August 22, 2013
WGQ Request for Comments Due June 17, 2013

2012 WGQ Annual Plan Item 14.b WGQ Address design capacity issues present in paragraph 30 of FERC Order No. 587-V3 WGQ IR/Technical Subcommittee   Recommendation

Recommendation as revised and approved by the WGQ Executive Committee on February 21, 2013
WGQ Request for Comments Due February 18, 2013

Comments Submitted by D. Davis, Williams Gas Pipeline
2012 WGQ Annual Plan Item 1 WGQ Investigate how to make standards referencing, which may include reorganization, more user friendly for implementation. (Reorganize Standards Request) as per the WGQ 2012 Annual Plan Item 1 WGQ IR/Technical Subcommittee   Recommendation

Recommendation as Approved by the WGQ Executive Committee on 02/21/2013
WGQ Request for Comments Due February 13, 2013      
R12011 WGQ Add a new data element to the Operational Capacity data set. Add a new Senderďż˝s Option (SO) data element Allocated Indicator Data to the NAESB WGQ Standard No. 0.4.2 Operational Capacity data set. Transwestern Pipeline Company, LLC, Fayetteville Express Pipeline LLC, ETC Tiger Pipeline, LLC and Florida Gas Transmission Company LLC   Recommendation WGQ Request for Comments Due January 6, 2014      
2012 WGQ Annual Plan Item 14a WGQ Modify NAESB WGQ Standard Nos. 4.3.4 and 10.3.2 as per the WGQ 2012 Annual Plan Item 14a WGQ BPS Subcommittee   Recommendation WGQ Request for Comments Due February 13, 2013

Comments Submitted by P. Connor, AGA
2012 WGQ Annual Plan Item 7.b WGQ Develop the NAESB Natural Gas Liquids Master Agreement according to the analysis completed in annual plan item 7.a WGQ Contracts Subcommittee   Recommendation

Attachment - NGL Master Agreement
WGQ Request for Comments Due October 22, 2012

Comments Submitted by C. Metz, Enogex

Comments Submitted by S. Strauss, LyondellBasell

Comments Submitted by J. Lavery, Chervon

Comments Submitted by T. Pantazis, ConocoPhillips

Comments Submitted by E. Klecka, Targa Resources

Supplemental Comments Submitted by C. Metz, Enogex
R12009 WGQ Add two Senderďż˝s Option Data Elements to NAESB WGQ 5.4.22ďż˝ Transactional Reporting ďż˝ Interruptible Transportation. Kinder Morgan Inc ďż˝ On Behalf of All Pipelines Operated by Kinder Morgan Inc   Recommendation

Recommendation as approved by the WGQ Executive Committee on February 21, 2013
WGQ Request for Comments Due February 13, 2013      
R12007 WGQ Modify NAESB WGQ Standard No. 5.3.70 to allow the use of Notice Type as an alternative to the Notice Type Abbreviation. Williams Gas Pipeline   Recommendation

Recommendation as revised and approved by the WGQ Executive Committee on February 21, 2013
WGQ Request for Comments Due February 13, 2013

Comments Submitted by D. Davis, Williams Gas Pipeline and R. Hogge, Dominion Transmission
2012 WGQ Annual Plan Item 9 WGQ Investigate and determine if changes to standards are needed to support adequate session encryption (SSL/TLS issues US-Cert Vulnerability Note VU#864643) WGQ EDM Subcommittee   Recommendation

as Approved by the WGQ Executive Committee on 08/28/2012
WGQ Request for Comments Due August 20, 2012      
2012 WGQ Annual Plan Item 5 WGQ Review minimum technical characteristics in Appendices B, C, and D of the WGQ QEDM Manual, and make changes as appropriate. (Reference NAESB Standard No. 4.3.59) WGQ EDM Subcommittee   Recommendation

Attachment 1: EDM Minimum Technical Review (redline)

Attachment 2: EDM Minimum Technical Review (clean)
WGQ Request for Comments Due August 20, 2012

Comments Submitted by D. Davis, Williams Gas Pipeline
2012 WGQ Annual Plan Item 4 WGQ Execute the plan for the development of meaningful error code values in all data sets to make them easier to understand on the TSPsďż˝ EBB web sites as compared to the X12 DISA error codes. WGQ IR/Technical Subcommittee   Recommendation WGQ Request for Comments Due August 20, 2012      
R12005 WGQ Add data element to Service Requester Level Charge/Allowance Invoice to NAESB WGQ Standard 3.4.4 Northern Natural Gas   Recommendation

Recommendation as approved by the WGQ Executive Committee on February 21, 2013
WGQ Request for Comments Due February 13, 2013      
2011 WGQ Annual Plan Item 7 / 2012 WGQ Annual Plan Item 8 WGQ Modify standards to remove location common code from NAESB WGQ standards. WGQ IR/Technical Subcommittee   Recommendation - Part A

Attachment 1: Additional Standards

Attachment 2: Noms Related Standards

Attachment 3: Flowing Gas Related Standards

Attachment 4: Invoicing Related Standards

Attachment 5: Capacity Release Related Standards

Attachment 6: Location Data Download

Recommendation - Part B - Interpretations
WGQ Request for Comments Due June 11, 2012      
R12004 WGQ Add contact data elements to Withdrawal of Request for Imbalance. Northern Natural Gas   Recommendation

Recommendation as revised and approved by the WGQ Executive Committee on February 21, 2013
WGQ Request for Comments Due February 13, 2013

Comments Submitted by D. Davis, Williams Gas Pipeline
R12003 WGQ Add contact detail data elements to Imbalance Trade datasets Northern Natural Gas   Recommendation

Recommendation as revised and approved by the WGQ Executive Committee on February 21, 2013
WGQ Request for Comments Due February 13, 2013

Comments Submitted by D. Davis, Williams Gas Pipeline
R12002 WGQ Add the data element Releaser Contract Capacity Type in the Offer (WGQ Standard No. 5.4.24), Award Download (WGQ Standard No. 5.4.26), and Transactional Reporting ďż˝ Capacity Release (WGQ Standard No. 5.4.20) datasets. ETC Tiger Pipeline, LLC            
2012 WGQ Annual Plan Item 6 WGQ Review requirements and develop an addendum to the NAESB Base Contract for Federal Acquisition Regulations (FAR) and Government Contract Compliance (GCP) clauses. WGQ Contracts Subcommittee   Recommendation

Attachment 1: Government Acquisitions Provision Addendum (GAPA)

Attachment 2: FAQ as Related to GAPA

Recommendation as approved by the WGQ Executive Committee on May 3, 2012
(Members Accessible)

Attachment 1: Government Acquisitions Provision Addendum (GAPA) as approved by the WGQ Executive Committee on May 3, 2012
(Members Accessible)

Attachment 2: FAQ as Related to GAPA as approved by the WGQ Executive Committee on May 3, 2012
(Members Accessible)
WGQ Request for Comments Due March 12, 2012

Comments Submitted by R. Parker, ExxonMobil Gas & Power Marketing

Comments Submitted by J. Jarvis, Encana

Late Comments Submitted by K. Sappenfield, WGQ Contracts Chairman (revised GAPA FAQs dated May 3, 2012)
R11021 WGQ Modify language of WGQ Standard No. 5.3.2 such that it meets the original intent and is consistent with Interpretations 7.3.15 and 7.3.46 Group 8760 LLC   Recommendation

Attachment 1

Attachment 2

Attachment 3
WGQ Request for Comments Due August 20, 2012

Comments Submitted by P. Connor on behalf of American Gas Association

Comments Submitted by D. Davis, Williams Gas Pipeline
R11019 WGQ Develop a Natural Gas Liquids (NGL) Master Agreement similar to the NAESB Base Contract for Sale and Purchase of Natural Gas in an effort to increase the efficiency and decrease the costs of trading NGL commodities. Williams Energy Resources LLC            
2011 WGQ Annual Plan Item 8.a WGQ Changes to the NAESB WGQ Standard Nos. 10.2.8 and 10.2.30 to support consistency with Retail and WEQ Activities. Joint WGQ EDM/Contracts Subcommittees   Recommendation WGQ Request for Comments Due November 7, 2011      
R11018 - Revised WGQ Delete data ordering standards and create a new data grouping standard Natural Gas Pipeline Company of America LLC and Dominion Transmission Inc.   Recommendation WGQ Request for Comments Due June 11, 2012      
R11017 WGQ Modify NAESB WGQ Standard No. 4.3.52 Natural Gas Pipeline Company of America LLC   Recommendation WGQ Request for Comments Due June 11, 2012      
R11016 WGQ Add a new data set, Swing Service Overtakes Williams Gas Pipeline on behalf of Transcontinental Gas Pipe Line   Recommendation

as Approved by the WGQ Executive Committee on 08/28/2012
WGQ Request for Comments Due August 20, 2012      
2011 WGQ Annual Plan Item 7 WGQ Determine if location common codes as formulated are needed. If location common codes are needed, then determine if existing specifications are sufficient, or conversely, if not needed, develop plan for modifications to support removal of location common code from NAESB WGQ standards. WGQ Business Practice Subcommittee   Recommendation WGQ Request for Comments Due October 14, 2011      
2011 WGQ Annual Plan Item 6 WGQ   WGQ Contracts Subcommittee   Recommendation

as Approved by the WGQ Executive Committee on 08/18/2011
WGQ Request for Comments Due August 8, 2011      
R11013 - Revised WGQ Add new Nomination, Scheduled Quantity data elements to the standards. Williston Basin Interstate Pipeline Company and Dominion Transmission Inc.   Recommendation

Recommendation R11013 as revised and approved by the WGQ Executive Committee on August 22, 2013
WGQ Request for Comments Due July 11, 2013      
R11012 WGQ Add the data elements Up Activity Code, Down Activity Code, Up Transaction Type, Down Transaction Type to the Nominations (WGQ Standard No. 1.4.1) and Scheduled Quantity (WGQ Standard No. 1.4.5 Data Sets. Spectra Energy   Recommendation

Recommendation as revised and approved by the WGQ Executive Committee on February 21, 2013
WGQ Request for Comments Due February 13, 2013      
R11011 - Revised WGQ NAESB WGQ Standard Nos. 5.4.24: Offer � add a code value to the Business Conditional data element �Capacity Type Location Indicator� for capacity that is �Primary thru Storage�, NAESB WGQ Standard Nos. 5.4.20, 5.4.25 and 5.4.26 Transactional Reporting � Capacity Release, Bid and Award � add a date element that is Business Conditional �Capacity Type Location Indicator�. Williston Basin Interstate Pipeline Company
Williams Gas Pipeline
  Recommendation WGQ Request for Comments Due June 11, 2012      
R11010 WGQ Modify the data element ďż˝Minimum Acceptable Volumetric Commitment Quantityďż˝ and add a new data element for Minimum Acceptable Volumetric Commitment Quantity-Location. Williston Basin Interstate Pipeline Company Withdrawn by Submitter - September 9, 2011          
R11009 WGQ Modify the data element ďż˝Minimum Volumetric Commitment Quantityďż˝ and add a new data element for Minimum Volumetric Commitment Quantity-Location. Also, standard usage. Williston Basin Interstate Pipeline Company Withdrawn by Submitter - September 9, 2011          
R11008 WGQ Add one new data element ďż˝Life of Reserves Indicatorďż˝ in the following Transaction Dataset Enbridge (U.S.) Inc.   Recommendation

Recommendation as approved by the WGQ Executive Committee on May 3, 2012
(Members Accessible)
Request for Comments Due March 29, 2012      
R11007 WGQ Modify the Discount Indicator Code Value Description for Code Value 1 and 2 Williston Basin Interstate Pipeline Company   Recommendation

Recommendation as approved by the WGQ Executive Committee on February 23, 2012
(Members Accessible)
Request for Comments Due December 12, 2011      
R11006 (MC11004) WGQ Enhance data element ďż˝Releaser Designation of Acceptable Bidding Basisďż˝ for Standard 5.4.24 - Offer Alliance Pipeline L.P. Will be processed as a Minor Correction          
R11005 WGQ Enhance Standard 5.4.20 ďż˝ Capacity Release, 5.4.24 ďż˝ Offer , 5.4.25 ďż˝ Bid, & 5.4.26 ďż˝ Award Download Alliance Pipeline L.P. Withdrawn by Submitter - February 3, 2011          
R11004 (MC11001-04) WGQ Add Negotiated Non-Renewal Charge and AOS Charge data elements for Transactional Reports including Firm Transportation, Capacity Release and IT Alliance Pipeline L.P.   Recommendation WGQ Request for Comments Due August 11, 2011      
R11003 (MC11003) WGQ Enhance data element ďż˝Bidder Designation of Bidding Basis for Standard 5.4.26 ďż˝ Award Download. Alliance Pipeline L.P. Will be processed as a Minor Correction          
R11002 (MC11002) WGQ Enhance data element ďż˝Bidder Designation of Bidding Basis for Standard 5.4.25 ďż˝ Bid Alliance Pipeline L.P. Will be processed as a Minor Correction          
R11001 (MC11001) WGQ Enhance data element ďż˝Rate Form/Type Codeďż˝ under 5.4.24 ďż˝ Offer, 5.4.25 ďż˝ Bids, 5.4.26 ďż˝ Award Download Alliance Pipeline L.P. Will be processed as a Minor Correction          
R10011 WGQ Change the length of the GS02 ďż˝Application Senderďż˝s Codeďż˝ and GS03 ďż˝Application Receiverďż˝s Codeďż˝ from the current 12 characters to the ANSI standard 15 characters. Kinder Morgan Inc. Withdrawn by Submitter - November 27, 2012          
R10010 WGQ Add data elements ďż˝Nominated Receipt Point Quantityďż˝ and ďż˝Nominated Delivery Point Quantityďż˝ to the (shipper) Scheduled Quantity document. Kinder Morgan Inc.   Recommendation WGQ Request for Comments Due October 22, 2013      
R10009 WGQ Add a new data element to Standard 5.4.21 (Transactional Reporting ďż˝ Firm Transportation). Iroquois Gas Transmission System, L.P.   Recommendation WGQ Request for Comments Due March 11, 2011

R08028/2010 WGQ Annual Plan Item 3/2009 WGQ Annual Plan Item 4/2008 WGQ Annual Plan Item 3 WGQ Eliminate Standards 5.4.4. (Replacement Capacity) El Paso Natural Gas   Recommendation

Rec/Attachment 1

Rec/Attachment 2

Rec/Attachment 3
Award Download

Rec/Attachment 4
Withdrawal Download

Rec/Attachment 5
Business Documentation

Rec/Attachment 6
Principles/Standards/Interpretations as modified in redline

Recommendation with revised attachments as approved by the WGQ EC on August 19, 2010

Rec/Attachment 1
Offer revised by the WGQ EC on August 19, 2010

Rec/Attachment 2
Bid revised by the WGQ EC on August 19, 2010

Rec/Attachment 3
Award Download

Rec/Attachment 4
Withdrawal Download

Rec/Attachment 5
Business Documentation revised by the WGQ EC on August 19, 2010

Rec/Attachment 6
Principles/Standards/Interpretations as modified in redline revised by the WGQ EC on August 19, 2010
WGQ Request for Comments Due August 13, 2010

Comments Submitted by D. Davis, Williams Gas Pipeline

Additional Comments Submitted by D. Davis, Williams Gas Pipeline

Late Comments Submitted by D. Davis, WGQ IR/Technical Subcommittees
R10007 WGQ Change the Offer, Bid and Award downloads to have the ability to communicate multiple indexed rates for a given offer. Tennessee Gas Pipeline   Recommendation WGQ Request for Comments Due February 2, 2011      
R10006 (MC10024) WGQ Add Additional Reduction Reason code value(s) to NAESB WGQ Standard 1.4.6 Dominion Transmission Will be processed as a Minor Correction          
R10005 WGQ Modify 5.3.26 to eliminate possible disputes over consequences associated with Bid Basisďż˝ not selected by the Releasing Shipper Natural Gas Pipeline of America   Recommendation WGQ Request for Comments Due August 11, 2011      
2010 WGQ Annual Plan Item 5 WGQ   WGQ EDM Subcommittee   Recommendation WGQ Request for Comments Due June 24, 2010      
R09014, 2010 WGQ Annual Plan Item 6 WGQ   WGQ BPS and EDM Subcommittees   Recommendation WGQ Request for Comments Due June 24, 2010      
R10004 WGQ Change the usage of the element Ending Time from Mandatory to Business Conditional in the Nominations dataset; Change the usage of the elements Beginning Time and Ending Time from Mandatory to Business Conditional in the Pre-determined Allocation dataset and Change the usage of Beginning Time (or equivalent element for the specific document below) and Ending Time (or equivalent element for the specific document below) from Mandatory to Senders Option in the Request for Confirmation, Confirmation Response, Scheduled Quantity and Scheduled Quantity for Operator, Allocation, Shipper Imbalance, Measurement Information, Measured Volume Audit Statement, and Transportation / Sales Invoice documents. Natural Gas Pipeline of America   Recommendation


Recommendation as approved by the WGQ Executive Committee on February 23, 2012
(Members Accessible)
WGQ Request for Comments Due September 3, 2010

No Comments Received

Request for Comments Due December 12, 2011
R10003 WGQ This request proposes the addition of two new data elements ďż˝Discount Begin Dateďż˝ and ďż˝Discount End Dateďż˝ in the following Transaction Datasets: Transactional Reporting ďż˝ Capacity Release, NAESB WGQ Standard No. 5.4.20 and Transactional Reporting ďż˝ Firm Transportation, NAESB WGQ Standard No. 5.4.21. Williams Gas Pipeline   Recommendation WGQ Request for Comments Due November 1, 2010      
R10001 WGQ Update the NAESB Wholesale Gas Quadrant (WGQ) Quadrant Electronic Delivery Mechanism (QEDM) Manual to add the ability to provide Informational Postings reports downloads in a CSV file format. Enbridge, Kern River Gas Transmission and Spectra Energy Transmission   Recommendation WGQ Request for Comments Due August 5, 2010      
R09025 WGQ Create a new WGQ EDM standard 8760 Inc.   Recommendation WGQ Request for Comments Due June 24, 2010      
R09022 WGQ Change Charge Type conditionality in NAESB WGQ Standard No. 3.14.1 Transportation/Sales Invoice Natural Gas Pipeline Company of America   Recommendation Request for Comments Due June 17, 2010      
R09021 WGQ Add a S/O data element to NAESB WGQ Standard no. 3.4.1 ďż˝ Transportation/Sales Invoice Natural Gas Pipeline Company of America
Williams Gas Pipeline
  Recommendation Request for Comments Due June 17, 2010      
R09020 (MC10004) WGQ Add additional Charge Type and Service Requestor Level Charge/Allowance Amount Descriptor code values to NAESB WGQ Standard No. 3.4.1 Natural Gas Pipeline Company of America Will be processed as a Minor Correction          

Attachment to R09019
WGQ Create two additional Allocation Transaction Type codes to improve the reporting of Pathed Non-Threaded levels of detail in the Allocation Statement NGPL            
R09018 WGQ Add a new MA data element to the Nominations dataset for Model ďż˝Tďż˝ called ďż˝Path Rankďż˝ NGPL   Recommendation WGQ Request for Comments Due February 2, 2011      

Attachment to R09017
WGQ Develop a new ISDA Gas Confirmation Form for use with the ISDA Gas Annex based on the current Confirmation Form under the NAESB Base Contract for Sale and Purchase of Natural Gas WGQ Contracts Subcommittee   Recommendation

Attachment: Exhibit A
Request for Comments Due November 23, 2009      
R09016 WGQ Add Rate Schedule data element to the Bid Upload and Bid Download datasets Northern Natural Gas   Recommendation WGQ Request for Comments Due November 1, 2010      
R09014 WGQ Create a section/heading under Informational Postings called Regulatory to include all filings made to the FERC Tennessee Valley Authority   Recommendation WGQ Request for Comments Due June 24, 2010      
R07009, 2008 Annual Plan Item 3 and 2009 Annual Plan Item 2a WGQ   WGQ Contracts Subcommittee   Recommendation - R07009, 2008 WGQ Annual Plan Item 3 and 2009 WGQ Annual Plan Item 2a

Recommendation Attachment 1 - 2009 Amendment Addendum to the ISDA North American Gas Annex - Exhibit A (Clean)

Recommendation Attachment 1 - 2009 Amendment Addendum to the ISDA North American Gas Annex - Exhibit A (Redline)
Request for Comments Due October 26, 2009

Comments Submitted by D. Gussow, FPL
R09013   Add a Bi-directional Indicator to NAESB WGQ Version 1.8 standard 5.4.13-Operationally Available and Unsubscribed Capacity data set. Natural Gas Pipeline Company of America            
R09012   Add the data elements ďż˝No-Notice Release Typeďż˝ and ďż˝No-Notice Release Type Descriptionďż˝ with BC usage for EBB to the data sets: 5.4.1 Offer Download, 5.4.7 Offer Upload and 5.4.9 Offer Upload Notification Boardwalk Pipeline Withdrawn by Submitter - October 22, 2010          
R09011 WEQ/WGQ Change the term Power Plant Operator to Power Plant Gas Coordinator in WEQ-011 Midwest ISO   Recommendation
2009 WEQ Annual Plan Item

Attachment WEQ-011

Attachment WEQ-011

WGQ Recommendation R09011

WGQ Recommendation R09011 as revised by the EC on June 4, 2010

Attachment WEQ-011 as revised by the EC on June 4, 2010 (Redline)

Attachment WEQ-011 as revised by the EC on June 4, 2010 (Clean)
WEQ Request for Comments Due November 2, 2009

Comments Submitted by the NAESB Standards Review Subcommittee

Comments Submitted by M. Kulas, Consumers Energy Company

Late Comments in Response to the Consumers Energy Comments Submitted by the WEQ and WGQ BPS Co-Chairs

WGQ Request for Comments Due April 29, 2010
R09010   Add the data elements ďż˝Location Term Start Dateďż˝ and ďż˝Location Term End Dateďż˝ with BC usage for EBB to the data sets: 5.4.1 Offer Download, 5.4.7 Offer Upload and 5.4.9 Offer Upload Notification Boardwalk Pipeline Withdrawn by Submitter - October 22, 2010          
R09009   Add four business conditional data elements to the imbalance trading NAESB WGQ data sets 2.4.11ďż˝2.4.16. Kinder Morgan Energy Partners   Recommendation WGQ Request for Comments Due August 11, 2011      
R09008   Add two business conditional data elements to the Offer Upload, NAESB WGQ Standard 5.4.7 for (1) Responsibility for Out of Path Overrun and (2) Out of Path Location Changes. These data elements should be conditional in standards 5.4.1 and 5.4.3. Natural Gas Pipeline Company of America   Recommendation WGQ Request for Comments Due August 11, 2011      
2008 WGQ Annual Plan Item 8 and 2009 WGQ Annual Plan Item 7 WGQ   WGQ EDM Subcommitee   Recommendation Request for Comments Due June 3, 2009      
2009 WGQ Annual Plan Item 9 WGQ   WGQ EDM Subcommitee   Recommendation Request for Comments Due April 13, 2009

Comments Submitted by I. King, Dominion Transmission, Inc.
R09007   Update the NAESB Wholesale Gas Quadrant (WGQ) Quadrant Electronic Delivery Mechanism (QEDM) Manual to delete Netscape as a supported browser and add Mozilla Firefox as another browser option Williams Gas Pipeline, Northern Natural Gas, El Paso - Tennessee Gas/El Paso - EPNG   Recommendation Request for Comments Due June 3, 2009      
R09006   Add a new data element ďż˝Contractďż˝ in the following Transaction Datasets for the NAESB WGQ Version 1.8 release: NAESB WGQ Standard No. 3.4.2, Payment Remittance and NAESB WGQ Standard No. 3.4.4, Service Requester / Charge Allowance Invoice Williams Gas Pipeline   Recommendation Request for Comments Due February 26, 2010      

Attachment to R09005
  Revise Appendix D of the QEDM document to remove references to UDP 1604 for Secure ICA. NGPL   Recommendation Request for Comments Due June 3, 2009      

Attachment to R09004
  Revise existing NAESB WGQ Standards 4.3.23, 4.3.26, 4.3.32 and 4.3.33, and add one new WGQ Standard 4.3.xx to conform existing standards to the new eTariff standards, ratified by NAESB membership on April 4, 2008 and adopted in the Commissionďż˝s Order No. 714, Electronic Tariff Filings, Final Rule, issued on September 19, 2008. Panhandle Eastern Pipe Line Company   Recommendation Request for Comments Due June 11, 2009      
R09002   Add two new ActiveX control browser plug-ins, Microsoft Reporting Services Client Print Control and Microsoft Silverlight to the NAESB Wholesale Gas Quadrant (WGQ) Quadrant Electronic Delivery Mechanism (QEDM) Manual in Appendix B and Appendix C. Enbridge, Inc.   Recommendation Request for Comments Due June 3, 2009      
R09001   Add two data elements to the Transactional Reporting ďż˝Interruptible Transportation Document (5.4.22) Natual Gas Pipeline Company of America   Recommendation Request for Comments Due January 20, 2010

Comments Submitted by I. King, Dominion Transmission
R08028   Eliminate Standards 5.4.4. (Replacement Capacity) El Paso Natural Gas   Recommendation

Rec/Attachment 1

Rec/Attachment 2

Rec/Attachment 3
Award Download

Rec/Attachment 4
Withdrawal Download

Rec/Attachment 5
Business Documentation

Rec/Attachment 6
Principles/Standards/Interpretations as modified in redline

Recommendation with revised attachments as approved by the WGQ EC on August 19, 2010

Rec/Attachment 1
Offer revised by the WGQ EC on August 19, 2010

Rec/Attachment 2
Bid revised by the WGQ EC on August 19, 2010

Rec/Attachment 3
Award Download

Rec/Attachment 4
Withdrawal Download

Rec/Attachment 5
Business Documentation revised by the WGQ EC on August 19, 2010

Rec/Attachment 6
Principles/Standards/Interpretations as modified in redline revised by the WGQ EC on August 19, 2010
WGQ Request for Comments Due August 13, 2010

Comments Submitted by D. Davis, Williams Gas Pipeline

Additional Comments Submitted by D. Davis, Williams Gas Pipeline

Late Comments Submitted by D. Davis, WGQ IR/Technical Subcommittees
R08026 - PDF format

R08026 - Word format
  Modify NAESB WGQ Standard No. 4.3.23 to clarify placement of TSP reporting obligations to provide easy access to other posted information, not required by the Commission on a generic basis, but posted as a result of tariff requirements or voluntarily. National Fuel Gas Distribution   Recommendation Request for Comments due January 5, 2009

Comments Submitted by M. Shepard, Mewbourne Oil Company

Comments Submitted by M. Novak, National Fuel
R08024   Add a new validation code for Offer Upload Quick Response, Add the error code ďż˝ Missing Special Terms and Misc Notes Boardwalk Pipelines   Recommendation

Recommendation Attachment 1 - including TIBPs, Sample Papers, Data Dictionaries and Code Values Dictionaries

Recommendation Attachment 2 - Data Element Quick Guides

Recommendation Attachment 3 - Technical Change Log

Request for Comments due May 11, 2009      
R08023 (MC08023) WGQ Add Surcharge Codes for Capacity Release Transactions to clarify the surcharge types available for transactions. Enbridge Energy Partners Assigned to WGQ Information Requirements Subcommittee on 9/8/08

March 30, 2009 - Will now be processed as a Minor Correction
2007 WGQ Annual Plan Item 6A & 2008 WGQ Annual Plan Item 3 WGQ Updated Physical Gas Annex to ISDA Agreement, based on the recently completed revised NAESB Base Contract for Sale and Purchase of Natural Gas (NAESB Standard 6.3.1, 9/5/06) WGQ Contracts Subcommitee   Recommendation

Recommendation - R07009, 2008 WGQ Annual Plan Item 3 and 2009 WGQ Annual Plan Item 2a

Recommendation Attachment 1 - 2009 Amendment Addendum to the ISDA North American Gas Annex - Exhibit A (Clean)

Recommendation Attachment 1 - 2009 Amendment Addendum to the ISDA North American Gas Annex - Exhibit A (Redline)
Request for Comments due August 27, 2008

Cover Letter to Comments Submitted by R. Ficken, Williams Gas Marketing

Comments Submitted by R. Ficken, Williams Gas Marketing

Cover Letter to Late Comments Submitted by K. Sappenfield, Chair, WGQ Contracts Subcommittee

Late Comments Submitted by K. Sappenfield, Chair, WGQ Contracts Subcommittee

Late Comments Submitted by R. Patino, ISDA

Request for Comments Due October 26, 2009
R08022 (MC08022) WGQ Add Rate ID codes to Transactional Reporting datasets. Northern Natural Gas Assigned to WGQ Information Requirements Subcommittee on 9/8/08

March 30, 2009 - Will now be processed as a Minor Correction
R08021 WGQ Implement a minor adjustment to the Measured Volume Audit Statement to allow for 40 instances of the MEA segment in the QTY loop El Paso Natural Gas Assigned to WGQ Technical Subcommittee on 9/8/08          
R08020 WEQ and WGQ Provide for enhanced granularity for public utilities in identifying critical operational flow orders, WEQ and WGQ Tennessee Valley Authority, Southwest Power Pool, ISO New England, PJM Interconnection and Midwest ISO Assigned to WEQ BPS and WGQ BPS on 9/8/08 Recommendation Request for Comments due January 29, 2010      
R08019 WGQ Change the usage for the data element �Maximum Tariff Rate� from mandatory to sender�s option within the dataset Award Download. Boardwalk Pipeline Partners Assigned to WGQ Business Practices Subcommittee (BPS) on 9/8/08 Recommendation

Recommendation Attachment 1 - including TIBPs, Sample Papers, Data Dictionaries and Code Values Dictionaries

Recommendation Attachment 2 - Data Element Quick Guides

Recommendation Attachment 3 - Technical Change Log

Request for Comments due May 11, 2009      
R08018 (MC08018) WGQ Add �Reservation and Commodity� as a new Rate Identification Code within the dataset Transactional Reporting � Firm Transportation. Boardwalk Pipeline Partners Assigned to WGQ Information Requirements Subcommittee on 9/8/08

March 30, 2009 - Will now be processed as a Minor Correction
R08017 (MC08017) WGQ Add the transaction type �Reservation/Enhanced Hourly Flow� to NAESB WGQ Standard 3.4.1 Transportation/Sales Invoice and Add the code values (MIS) Miscellaneous and (SST) State Sales Tax for the data element �Service Requester Level Charge/Allowance Amount Descriptor� to NAESB WGQ Standard 3.4.1 Transportation/Sales Invoice and NAESB WGQ Standard 3.4.4 Service Requester/Charge Allowance Invoice Boardwalk Pipeline Partners Assigned to WGQ Information Requirements Subcommittee on 9/8/08

March 30, 2009 - Will now be processed as a Minor Correction
R08016 (MC08016) WGQ Add Reduction Reason code to Operator Scheduled Quantity to support existing business practices and to more accurately define decreased quantities for shippers and operators. Northern Natural Gas Assigned to WGQ Information Requirements Subcommittee on 9/8/08

March 30, 2009 - Will now be processed as a Minor Correction
R08015 WGQ, REQ and RGQ Streamline current TPA by removing the Exhibits from the agreement and relegate such information as contained in the Exhibits to operational worksheet(s). Kinder Morgan Inc. Assigned to WGQ Contracts Subcommittee and the WGQ Electronic Delivery Mechanisms Subcommittee jointly, along with the Retail BPS should there be any changes needed to the retail documents on 9/8/08 Recommendation

Exhibit A - Trading Partner Agreement (Clean)

Exhibit A - Trading Partner Agreement (Redline)

Exhibit B - Trading Partner Worksheet

Exhibit C - Frequently Asked Questions (2009 TPA & TPW)

Exhibit D - Internet ET (Clean)

Exhibit D - Internet ET (Redline)

Exhibit E - WGQ QEDM (Clean)

Exhibit E - WGQ QEDM (Redline)

Exhibit F - Retail QEDM (Clean)

Exhibit F - Retail QEDM (Redline)
Request for Comments Due April 13, 2009

WGQ/REQ/RGQ Supplemental Notice to Request for Formal Comments Due April 13, 2009

Comments on TPA Submitted by S. Meyers, ANR Pipeline Company

Additional Comments on TPA Submitted by S. Meyers, ANR Pipeline Company

Comments on TPW Submitted by S. Meyers, ANR Pipeline Company

Comments on TPW Submitted by D. Forth, TransCanada U.S. Pipelines Central

Comments Submitted by I. King, Dominion Transmission, Inc.
WGQ 2007 Annual Plan Item 7c and WGQ 2008 Annual Plan Item 4c WGQ Consider whether changes to existing intra-day schedules would benefit all shippers, and provide better coordination between gas and electric scheduling. (FERC Order No. 698 issued 6-25-07, Docket Nos. RM05-5-001 and RM96-1-027 as related to the NAESB reports submitted in Docket No. RM05-28-000)     Recommendation Request for Comments due July 2, 2008

Comments Submitted by D. Chezar, National Grid Gas Delivery Companies

Comments Submitted by L. Pennock, Salt River Project

Comments Submitted by D. Petersen, Pacific Gas & Electric Company

Comments Submitted by D. Kijowski, PSEG Energy Resources and Trade LLC

Comments Submitted by B. Gray, Arizona Corporation Commission

Comments Submitted by V. Crockett, Tennessee Valley Authority

Comments Submitted by W. Scharfenberg, New Jersey Natural Gas Company

Joint Comments Submitted by K. Daly for the Arizona Public Service Company, The Boeing Company, El Paso Electric, ISO New England, Inc., Midwest Independent Transmission System Operator, Inc., Missouri Public Service Commission, New York Independent System Operator, Old Dominion Electric Cooperative, PJM Interconnection, L.L.C., Salt River Project Agricultural Improvement and Power District, Southwest Power Pool, Tennessee Valley Authority, Tucson Electric Power Co., UNS Gas, Inc. and Virginia Power Energy Marketing, Inc.

Comments Submitted by A. Clair, Old Dominion Electric Cooperative

Joint Comments Submitted by M. Arnaout for Interested LDCs: BGE, ConEdison, National Fuel, National Grid, New Jersey Natural, NiSource, PSEG, Southern California and Washington Gas Light

Comments Submitted by S. Tomalty, FPL Group

Comments Submitted by G. Donohue, Independent Power Producers of New York

Comments Submitted by M. Doyle, BG Energy Merchants, LLC and Dynegy Marketing and Trade

Supplemental Comments Submitted by K. Daly, Arizona Public Service Company

Comments Submitted by C. Sherman, New England Power Generators Association

Comments Submitted by M. Novak, National Fuel Gas Distribution

Late Comments Submitted by J. Cashin, the Electric Power Supply Association
R08014 (MC08014) WGQ Create a new Nominations Transaction Type code value to support Operational Sales and Operational Purchases for Nominations and all related documents where Transaction Type appears. Kinder Morgan Energy Partners Assigned to WGQ Information Requirements Subcommittee on 9/8/08

March 30, 2009 - Will now be processed as a Minor Correction
R08013 (MC08013) WGQ Create a new Nominations Transaction Type code value to support Wheeling service on Rockies Express Pipeline LLC for Nominations and all related documents where Transaction Type appears. Kinder Morgan Energy Partners Assigned to WGQ Information Requirements Subcommittee on 9/8/08

March 30, 2009 - Will now be processed as a Minor Correction
R08012 (MC08012) WGQ Add 2 detail (contract) level code values to Validation Code and Message elements in Nomination Quick Response dataset to generate an error message when nominated quantity is below EPSQ. Northern Natural Gas Assigned to WGQ Information Requirements Subcommittee on 9/8/08

March 30, 2009 - Will now be processed as a Minor Correction
WGQ 2007 Annual Plan Item 7b and WGQ 2008 Annual Plan Item 4b WGQ       Recommendation

Recommendation Part 2 - Technical Implementation
Request for Comments due May 2, 2008

Comments Submitted by D. Rudd, New Jersey Natural Gas Company

Comments Submitted by G. Schoepp, Williston Basin Interstate Pipeline Company

Request for Comments on Recommendation Part 2 due July 7, 2008
WGQ 2007 Annual Plan Item 7a and WGQ 2008 Annual Plan Item 4a WGQ       Recommendation

Recommendation Revised by the WGQ EC on June 25, 2008


Recommendation Attachment 1 - including TIBPs, Sample Papers, Data Dictionaries and Code Values Dictionaries

Recommendation Attachment 2 - Data Element Quick Guides

Recommendation Attachment 3 - Technical Change Log

Request for Comments due May 2, 2008

Comments Submitted by P. Love, NGPL

Request for Comments due May 11, 2009
R08010 (MC09003(B)) WGQ Add the data element �Cycle Indicator� in the Transaction Datasets for NAESB WGQ Standard No. 5.4.1, Offer Download (C), NAESB WGQ Standard No. 5.4.2, Bid Download (C), NAESB WGQ Standard No. 5.4.3, Award Download (C), and NAESB WGQ Standard No. 5.4.7, Offer Upload (BC) and add corresponding error/warning codes in the Transaction Data Set for NAESB WGQ Standard No. 5.4.8, Offer Upload Quick Response Williams Gas Pipeline Assigned to WGQ BPS on 3/19/08 Recommendation Request for Comments due July 22, 2009

Comments Submitted by the WGQ IR/Technical Chairs
R08009 (MC08009) WGQ Add a validation code value (Sub-detail) in NAESB WGQ Standard No. 1.4.2, Nomination Quick Response and add a code value for the data element Reduction Reason Code in NAESB WGQ Standard No. 1.4.5, Scheduled Quantity Williams Gas Pipeline Assigned to WGQ IR on 3/19/08

March 30, 2009 - Will now be processed as a Minor Correction
Recommendation Request for Comments due November 5, 2008      
R08008 WGQ Develop customer security administration standards Florida Power & Light Company Assigned to WGQ BPS on 3/19/08 Recommendation Comments Submitted by P. Love, NGPL

Request for Comments due August 16, 2010
2007 WEQ Annual Plan Item 5 and 2007 WGQ Annual Plan Item 8 WEQ and WGQ Develop business practices as needed to support the e-Tariff program including submittal of tariffs and metadata.
(Docket No RM01-5-000)

Recommendation Attachment

Request for Comments Due February 27, 2008

Comments Submitted by L. Morrison, ISO New England

Comments Submitted by eTariff Chairs

Attachment to Comments Submitted by eTariff Chairs

Comments Submitted by M. McCain, Spectra Energy

Comments on Shared Tariff Filing Issue by New England Participating Transmission Owners

Comments Submitted by P. Brown, PJM

Cover Letter to Comments Submitted by the ISO Group

Comments Submitted by the ISO Group

Comments Submitted by H. Bartholomot, EEI

Comments Submitted by D. Mihalik, AOPL

Comments Submitted by M. Regulinski, Dominion Resources Services
3/4/08 approved by the EC via notational ballot. Ratified on 4/4/08 Final Action Posted on 4/7/08
R08007 WGQ Modify WGQ Standard 4.3.16 regarding download formats Natural Gas Pipeline Company of America Assigned to WGQ BPS and WGQ EDM on 2/19/08, Assigned to WGQ EDM on 10/20/08 Recommendation

Request for Comments due January 19, 2009      
R08006 WGQ Add a new data field to the Measured Volume Audit Statement dataset Boardwalk Pipeline Partner, LP Assigned to WGQ BPS on 2/19/08 Recommendation Request for Comments due June 17, 2009      
2007 WGQ Annual Plan Item 3 and Retail 2007 Annual Plan Item 9 - Develop or amend WGQ technical standards, as appropriate, to address the DOE Sandia National Laboratories 2006 surety assessment findings and recommendations (WGQ)/Address issues raised in the Department of Energyďż˝s Sandia National Laboratories on NAESB technical standards and respond to the surety assessment finding and recommendations (REQ/RGQ) WGQ and REQ/RGQ 2007 WGQ Annual Plan Item 3 and Retail 2007 Annual Plan Item 9 - Develop or amend WGQ technical standards, as appropriate, to address the DOE Sandia National Laboratories 2006 surety assessment findings and recommendations (WGQ)/Address issues raised in the Department of Energyďż˝s Sandia National Laboratories on NAESB technical standards and respond to the surety assessment finding and recommendations (REQ/RGQ)     Recommendation

Recommendation Revised by the WGQ EC 05/15/08 and approved by the Retail EC's on 6/3/08
Request for Comments due January 14, 2008      
2007 WGQ Annual Plan Item 4 and Retail 2007 Annual Plan Item 6 - Prepare a joint analysis for AS2 and AS3 protocols as compared to the NAESB IET WGQ and REQ/RGQ 2007 WGQ Annual Plan Item 4 and Retail 2007 Annual Plan Item 6 - Prepare a joint analysis for AS2 and AS3 protocols as compared to the NAESB IET     Recommendation Request for Comments due November 6, 2007      
R07018 WGQ Add Code Values to NAESB WGQ Transactional Reporting Data Sets WGQ Standard 5.4.20 ďż˝ Transactional Reporting Capacity Release, WGQ Standard 5.4.21 ďż˝ Transactional Reporting ďż˝ Firm Transportation and WGQ 5.4.22 ďż˝ Transactional Reporting ďż˝ Interruptible Transportation Spectra Energy Transmission   Recommendation

Recommendation Attachment 1 - including TIBPs, Sample Papers, Data Dictionaries and Code Values Dictionaries

Recommendation Attachment 2 - Data Element Quick Guides

Recommendation Attachment 3 - Technical Change Log

Request for Comments due May 11, 2009      
R07017 WGQ Add 2 Warning Messages to the NAESB WGQ Data Sets - WGQ Standard 1.4.1 - Nominations and WGQ Standard 1.4.2 ďż˝ Nomination Quick Response Spectra Energy Transmission   Recommendation Request for Comments due November 5, 2008      
R07016 WGQ Add two code values for the Reduction Reason data element in the Confirmation Response, Scheduled Quantity, and Scheduled Quantity for Operator datasets to identify pipeline emergency maintenance and pipeline facility installation Transwestern Pipeline Company   Recommendation Request for Comments due November 5, 2008      
R07015 WGQ Request that NAESB add a new internet browser plug-in, Adobe Flash Player, to the NAESB Wholesale Gas Quadrant (WGQ) Quadrant Electronic Delivery Mechanism (QEDM) Manual in APPENDIX B Williams Gas Pipeline - Northwest Pipeline   Recommendation Request for Comments due January 14, 2008      
R07014 WGQ Move the data errors and warnings from the Confirmation Response to the Quick Response dataset. El Paso Corporation   Recommendation Request for Comments due May 7, 2009

Comments Submitted by I. King, Dominion Transmission, Inc.
R07012 WGQ Add 4 new meter type code values to the Measured Volume Audit Statement Texas Gas Transmission   Recommendation Request for Comments due November 5, 2008      
R07011 WGQ Add code values to Charge Type element in Transportation/Sales Invoice dataset Northern Natural Gas   Recommendation R96121A-23/R07011 Request for Comments due November 5, 2008      
R07009 WGQ Review and update the Physical gas Annex to ISDA Agreement, based on the recently completed revised NAESB Base Contract for Sale and Purchase of Natural Gas (NAESB Standard 6.3.1, 9/5/06) Cheniere Marketing Inc.   Recommendation - R07009, 2008 WGQ Annual Plan Item 3 and 2009 WGQ Annual Plan Item 2a

Recommendation Attachment 1 - 2009 Amendment Addendum to the ISDA North American Gas Annex - Exhibit A (Clean)

Recommendation Attachment 1 - 2009 Amendment Addendum to the ISDA North American Gas Annex - Exhibit A (Redline)
Request for Comments Due October 26, 2009

Comments Submitted by D. Gussow, FPL
2007 WGQ Annual Plan Item 5 WGQ 2007 WGQ Annual Plan Item 5 - Develop FAQs for the updated NAESB Base Contract for Sale and Purchase of Natural Gas dated
September 5, 2006.
    Recommendation Request for Comments due July 1, 2007

Comments Submitted by P. Precht, Baltimore Gas and Electric Company

Comments Submitted by K. Van Pelt, Panhandle Eastern Pipe Line

Comments Submitted by R. Denton, BP Energy Company

Comments Submitted by E. Gillaspie, Coral Energy Resources, L.P.
R07008 WGQ Add the Bidder Contact E-mail Address data element and the Bidder Contact Phone Number to the Award Download dataset Texas Gas Transmission   Recommendation Request for Comments due June 17, 2009      
2007 WGQ Annual Plan Item 6 WGQ 2007 WGQ Annual Plan Item 6 - Update the NAESB WGQ Canadian Addendum related to the UPDATE of the NAESB WGQ Base Contract for Sale and Purchase of Natural Gas (NAESB WGQ Standard 6.3.1) dated September 5, 2006 and other industry comments proposed during the discussions.     Recommendation Request for Comments due April 11, 2007

Comments Submitted by M. Shepherd, Mewbourne Oil Company
R07006 WGQ Add Reduction Reason code to Operator Scheduled Quantity Northern Natural Gas Assigned to WGQ IR on 5/1/07 Recommendation Request for Comments due November 5, 2008      
R06023 WGQ Add new Reduction Reason code values for Scheduled Quantity, Scheduled Quantity for Operator and any other applicable NAESB datasets. Texas Gas Transmission, LLC Assigned to WGQ IR on 10/23/06 Recommendation

Recommendation as Revised by the WGQ EC on November 6, 2008 - (redline)

Recommendation as Revised by the WGQ EC on November 6, 2008 - (clean)
Request for Comments due November 5, 2008

Comments Submitted by R. Young, Boardwalk Pipeline Partners, LP
R06022 (MC06022) WGQ Add new Location Quantity Type Indicator code values for Offer Download, Bid Download, Award Download, Replacement Capacity, Offer Upload, Offer Upload Notification, Operationally Available, Unsubscribed Capacity, Bid Upload, Transactional Reporting ďż˝ Capacity Release, Firm Transportation, and Interruptible Transportation. Texas Gas Transmission, LLC Assigned to WGQ IR on 10/23/06

March 30, 2009 - Will now be processed as a Minor Correction
R06021 WGQ Add new code values for Transaction Type in Nomination, Scheduled Quantity, Transportation/Sales Invoice and any other applicable NAESB datasets. Texas Gas Transmission, LLC Assigned to WGQ IR on 10/23/06 Recommendation Request for Comments due November 5, 2008      
R06020 WGQ Add new code values for Pre-determined Allocation Quick Response, standard 2.4.2, at the detail level. Texas Gas Transmission, LLC Assigned to WGQ IR on 10/23/06 Recommendation Request for Comments due November 5, 2008      
R06019 WGQ Add new code values for Pre-determined Allocation Quick Response, standard 2.4.2, at the sub-detail level. Texas Gas Transmission, LLC Assigned to WGQ IR on 10/23/06 Recommendation Request for Comments due November 5, 2008      
R06018 WGQ Add new code values for Confirmation Response Quick Response, standard 1.4.2, at the detail level. Texas Gas Transmission, LLC Assigned to WGQ IR on 10/23/06 Recommendation Request for Comments due November 5, 2008      
R06017 WGQ Add new code values for Nomination Quick Response, standard 1.4.2, at the sub-detail level. Texas Gas Transmission, LLC Assigned to WGQ IR on 10/23/06 Recommendation Request for Comments due November 5, 2008      
R06016 WGQ Expand the processing definition for "Submit" (found in standard 4.3.69) to include the sending of records to the TSP for processing from the Form as well as the Matrix. Texas Gas Transmission, LLC Assigned to WGQ BPS on 10/23/06, Assigned to WGQ EDM on 10/20/08 Recommendation

Request for Comments due January 19, 2009      
R06015 (MC06015) WGQ Add code values for the Rate Identification Code data element in the Offer Download, Bid Download, Award Download, Offer Upload, Offer Upload Quick Response, Offer Upload Notification, Bid Upload and Bid Upload Quick Response datasets. Duke Energy Gas Transmission Assigned to WGQ IR on 9/5/06

March 30, 2009 - Will now be processed as a Minor Correction
R06014 WGQ Add code values for the Rate Identification Code data element in the Transactional Reporting datasets. Duke Energy Gas Transmission Assigned to WGQ IR on 9/5/06 Recommendation Request for Comments due November 7, 2007      
R06013 WGQ Add code values for the Charge Type data element in the Transportation/Sales Invoice dataset. Duke Energy Gas Transmission Assigned to WGQ IR on 9/5/06 Recommendation Request for Comments due November 5, 2008      
R06012 WGQ Add two (2) new code values for the data element �Transaction Type� into Scheduled Quantity and Invoice Datasets. Williams Gas Pipeline Assigned to WGQ IR on 8/1/06 Recommendation Request for Comments due November 7, 2007

Comments Submitted by L. Spangler, Latitude Technologies
R06011 WGQ Add 3 detail (contract) level and 1 sub detail (nomination) level code values to Validation Code and Message elements in Nomination Quick Response dataset. Northern Natural Gas Assigned to WGQ IR on 8/11/06 Recommendation Request for Comments due November 7, 2007      
R06009 WGQ Develop a standard that would enhance the communications between Transportation Service Providers (TSP) and their customers pertaining to nominations related deadlines. Tennessee Gas Pipeline Company Assigned to WGQ BPS on 5/18/06          
R06008 WGQ Modify WGQ Business Practice Standard 4.3.90 to clarify that all available data at representative points should be made available by Transmission Service Providers. National Fuel Gas Distribution Corporation Assigned to WGQ BPS on 5/18/06 Recommendation

Revised Recommendation
Request for Comments due December 1, 2006

Comments - WGQ Pipeline Minority Report - Submitted by K. Van Pelt, Panhandle Eastern

Comments Submitted by K. Burch, Duke Energy Gas Transmission

Comments Submitted by D. Sharo, NiSource Gas Transmission and Storage Companies

Comments Submitted by M.Novak, National Fuel Gas Distribution Corporation

Late Additional Comments Submitted by W. Griffith, WGQ Pipeline Segment EC Members and EC Alternates

Request for Comments on Revised Recommendation due May 8, 2007
R06007 WGQ Add Reduction Reason code to Scheduled Quantity, Operator Scheduled Quantity and Confirmation Response. Northern Natural Gas Assigned to WGQ IR on 5/18/06 Recommendation Request for Comments due November 7, 2007      
R06005 WGQ Add "Special terms and Miscellaneous notes" as SO data element to the Transactional Reporting - Interruptible Transportation data set (5.4.22) El Paso Eastern Pipelines Assigned to WGQ BPS on 5/18/06          
R06004 WGQ, RGQ and REQ Minor revisions to EDI Trading Partner Agreement Standard 6.3.3 Columbia Gas Transmission Corp. Assigned to WGQ Contracts and Retail Contracts on 1/23/06          
R06003 (MC06003) WGQ Add "Compression Use Surcharge" code value for "Surcharge Identification Code" data element. Northern Plains Natural Gas Company, LLC Assigned to WGQ IR on 1/23/06

March 30, 2009 - Will now be processed as a Minor Correction
R06001 WGQ Add two Nomination Transaction Type codes to support the nomination and tracking of the shipping entity or producing entity on the interconnecting facility where title tracking is employed by the TSP. Kinder Morgan Assigned to WGQ IR on 1/23/06 Recommendation Request for Comments due November 7, 2007

Comments Submitted by L. Spangler, Latitude Technologies
R05030 WGQ Modify specified transaction sets to allow for variable monthly release quantities, variable monthly bid quantities and variable monthly award quantities, subject to variable monthly minimum offer quantities. El Paso Natural Gas Company Assigned to WGQ BPS on 1/23/06          
R05029 WGQ Add new Adjustment Type Code Value to 2.4.3 Allocation and 2.4.4 Shipper Imbalance datasets. Northern Natural Gas Assigned to WGQ IR on 1/23/06 Recommendation Request for Comments due November 5, 2008      

Attachment 1 to R05028
WGQ Add two new Allocation Transaction Type codes to improve the reporting of Pathed Non-Threaded levels of detail in the Allocation Statement. Kinder Morgan Inc. Assigned to WGQ IR on 1/23/06 Recommendation Request for Comments due November 5, 2008      
R05027 WGQ Add two new data elements to the Nomination and Scheduled Quantity data sets that 1) permit the service requestor to identify a specified path for the nominated transaction, and 2) provide shippers the ability to identify the specific month of an imbalance they may want to clear. El Paso Natural Gas Company Assigned to WGQ BPS on 1/23/06 Recommendation

Recommendation as approved by the WGQ Executive Committee on February 23, 2012
(Members Accessible)
Request for Comments Due December 12, 2011      
R05025 WGQ Add new Adjustment Type Code Value to 2.4.4 Shipper Imbalance dataset Northern Natural Gas Assigned to WGQ IR on 1/23/06 Recommendation Request for Comments due November 5, 2008      
R05024 WGQ Add code values to Charge Type element in Transportation/Sales Invoice dataset. Northern Natural Gas Assigned to WGQ IR on 9/19/05 Recommendation Request for Comments due November 5, 2008      
R05023 WGQ Add new Adjustment Type Code Value to 2.4.4 Shipper Imbalance dataset. Northern Natural Gas Assigned to WGQ IR on 9/19/05 Recommendation Request for Comments due November 5, 2008      
R05022 WGQ Standard to limit the use of special characters in a Package ID El Paso Eastern Pipelines Assigned to WGQ BPS on 9/19/05          
R05021 WGQ Modify existing and/or develop additional standard(s) for displaying Entity codes when D-U-N-S Numbers do not exist. El Paso Eastern Pipelines Assigned to WGQ BPS on 9/19/05          
2005 WGQ Annual Plan Item 4 WGQ 2005 WGQ Annual Plan Item 4 Electronic Delivery Mechanism (EDM) Subcommittee   Recommendation Request for Comments due August 19, 2005
R05017 WGQ Delete or change the usage of the data element Rate Form/Type Code from datasets 5.4.20, 5.4.21 and 5.4.22 El Paso Eastern Pipelines Assigned to WGQ BPS on 7/8/05 Recommendation Request for Comments due November 7, 2007      
R05015 WGQ Add language to the NAESB WGQ Implementation Guide(s) discussing the use of discretionary verbs. National Fuel Gas Distribution Corporation   Recommendation Request for Comments due June 15, 2006      
R05014 WGQ Review the current NAESB WGQ's "Base Contract for Purchase and Sale of Natural Gas" for possible update and revisions to reflect current industry practices and applicable general terms and conditions. EnCana Gas Marketing and NAESB WGQ Contracts Subcommittee Assigned to WGQ Contracts on 7/8/05 Recommendation Request for Comments due
June 1, 2006

Comments Submitted by K.Sappenfield, EnCana Marketing (USA)

Comments Submitted by M.Wolosek, Nicor Gas Company

Comments Submitted by D.Gussow, Florida Power & Light

Comments Submitted by J.Schuch, General Motors

Comments Submitted by K. Burch, Duke Energy Gas Transmission Texas, also supported by El Paso Pipelines

Comments Submitted by A. Do, Merrill Lynch Commodities, Inc.

Comments, Document 1 - Submitted by A. Zaguli, ExxonMobil Gas & Power Marketing

Document 2 - Submitted by A. Zaguli, ExxonMobil Gas & Power Marketing

Comments Submitted by W. Roberts, The Peoples Natural Gas Company, d/b/a Dominion Peoples

Comments Submitted by J. McNeill, Salt River Project

Comments Submitted by S. Butler, Consolidated Edison of New York, Inc.

Comments Submitted by R. Denton, BP Energy Company

Late Comments Received 6/5/06 - Submitted by M.Novak, National Fuel Gas Distribution Corporation

Late Additional Comments Received 6/6/06 - Submitted by S.Butler, Consolidated Edison Company of New York, Inc.

Late Comments Received 6/6/06 - Submitted by E.Tanos, Washington Gas Light Company

Late Additional Comments Received 6/13/06 - Submitted by D.Gussow, Florida Power & Light

Late Additional Comments Received 6/26/06 - Submitted by M.Novak, National Fuel Gas Distribution
R05012 WGQ Add Reduction Reason code to Scheduled Quantity, Operator Scheduled Quantity and Confirmation Response. Northern Natural Gas Assigned to WGQ IR on 7/8/05 Recommendation Request for Comments due November 7, 2007

Comments Submitted by L. Spangler, Latitude Technologies
R05011 WGQ Add new Adjustment Type Code Value to 2.4.3 Allocation and 2.4.4 Shipper Imbalance datasets Northern Natural Gas Assigned to WGQ IR on 7/8/05 Recommendation Request for Comments due November 5, 2008      
R05010 WGQ Add code values to Validation Code and Message elements in Nomination Quick Response dataset Northern Natural Gas Assigned to WGQ IR on 7/8/05 Recommendation Request for Comments due November 7, 2007

Comments Submitted by L. Spangler, Latitude Technologies
R05006 WGQ Add code value to Validation Code and Message elements in Nomination Quick Response dataset. Northern Natural Gas Assigned to WGQ IR on 4/20/05 Recommendation Request for Comments due November 7, 2007

Comments Submitted by L. Spangler, Latitude Technologies
Revised R05005 WGQ Add new transaction type codes to the Nomination 1.4.1, Shipper Scheduled Quantity 1.4.5, and Transportation Sales Invoice 3.4.1 data sets. Northern Natural Gas Assigned to WGQ IR on 4/20/05 Recommendation

Revised Recommendation from WGQ IR submitted on 1/31/08
Request for Comments due November 7, 2007

Comments Submitted by L. Spangler, Latitude Technologies
R05003 WGQ Amend WGQ standard 3.4.1 to add new code value for special fuel surcharges Florida Gas Transmission Company Assigned to WGQ IR on 4/20/05 Recommendation Request for Comments due November 5, 2008      
WGQ 2005 Annual Plan Item 3 WGQ WGQ 2005 Annual Plan Item 3

Please also see WGQ 2004 Annual Plan Item 7
WGQ EDM   Recommendation

QEDM Manual
Request for Comments due
April 8, 2005

Comments Submitted
by R. Mills, ChevronTexaco
2005 WGQ Annual Plan Item #8 FERC Order 2004 (Affiliate Order) WGQ 2005 WGQ Annual Plan Item #8 FERC Order 2004 (Affiliate Order) NAESB WGQ Business Practices Subcommittee   Recommendation Request for Comments due
March 24, 2005
R04041 WGQ Amend and add new WGQ data elements in pre-determined allocation dataset Northern Natural Gas Assigned to WGQ IR on 1/10/05 Recommendation Request for Comments due November 5, 2008      
R04040 WGQ Develop new WGQ data element in nomination quick response dataset Northern Natural Gas Assigned to WGQ IR on 1/10/05

Withdrawn by Submitter - February 8, 2006
R04039 WGQ Develop new WGQ data element in transportation/sales invoice dataset Northern Natural Gas   Recommendation Request for Comments due November 5, 2008      
R04038 WGQ Amend WGQ standard 5.4.13 to indicate whether an overrun quantity has been scheduled. Transwestern Pipeline Company LLC   Recommendation - 5/17/2010

Attachment 1 - Data Dictionary

Attachment 2 - EDI Technical

Recommendation - 7/22/2010

Attachment 1 - Data Dictionary - 7/22/10

Attachment 2 - EDI Technical - 7/22/10

Attachment 3 - EDISM G873OACY - 7/22/10

Attachment 4 - EDISM G873UNSC - 7/22/10
Request for Comments Due June 17, 2010

Comments Submitted by D. Field, Southern Star Central Gas Pipeline
R04033 WGQ Amend WGQ standards 2.4.3 and 2.4.4 to add new allocation and shipper imbalance data elements. Northern Natural Gas   Recommendation Request for Comments due November 5, 2008      
R04031 WGQ Amend WGQ Standard 4.3.59 to change the timing of the technical review process. Williams Gas Pipeline and Latitude Technologies   Recommendation WGQ Request for Comments Due June 11, 2012      

Attachment to R04030
WGQ, REQ, RGQ Develop new WGQ data element for transaction tracking or duplicate detection. TDTWG - ERCOT Working Group   Recommendation

Request for Comments due
May 27, 2005

R04029 WGQ Develop new WGQ data element to permit nomination of multiple locations in single data set. Gas Transmission Northwest Corporation            
WGQ 2004 Annual Plan Item 7 WGQ WGQ 2004 Annual Plan Item 7

Please also see WGQ 2005 Annual Plan Item 3
WGQ EDM   Recommendation

Recommendation Attachment
Request for Comments due
November 12, 2004

Attachment to R04028
WGQ Amend WGQ Standard 6.3.1, Base Contract for Natural Gas, to allow alternative cover page. Florida Power and Light Company   Revised Recommendation

Recommendation Attachment
Request for Comments due
June 13, 2005
R04027 (MC04027) WGQ Develop new code values for Capacity Type Location Indicator data element. Texas Gas Transmission March 30, 2009 - Will now be processed as a Minor Correction           
R04026 WGQ Amend WGQ Standard 1.4.1 to add new storage limitation code value. Northern Natural Gas   Recommendation Request for Comments due November 7, 2007      
R04025 WGQ Amend WGQ Standards 1.4.1, 1.4.5 and 3.4.1 to add new imbalance adjustment clarification code value. Northern Natural Gas Withdrawn by Submitter - August 26, 2005          
R04024 WGQ Amend WGQ Standard 3.4.1 to add new charge type code data element. Northern Natural Gas   Recommendation Request for Comments due November 5, 2008      
R04023 WGQ Amend WGQ Standards to add new reduction reason code data element. Northern Natural Gas   Recommendation Request for Comments due November 7, 2007      
(Word Format)
WGQ Amend WGQ Standards 1.4.5 and 1.4.6 to allow new reduction reason codes. El Paso Western Pipelines   Recommendation

Recommendation Revised by the WGQ EC on Nov 8, 2007
Request for Comments due November 7, 2007

Comments Submitted by L. Spangler, Latitude Technologies
(Word Format)
WGQ, WEQ Develop standards for daily operational communications between pipelines and power plants Natural Gas Pipeline Co. of America, CrossCountry Energy and Salt River Project   Recommendation

Recommendation Revised by the WEQ/WGQ ECs on May 31, 2005

Recommendation R04021-A WGQ: Gas/Electric Operational Communications Technical Implementation

Request for Comments due
May 25, 2005

Comments Submitted
by B. Kedrowski, We Energies

Comments Submitted
by B. Gray, El Paso Electric Company

Comments Submitted
by M. Shepard, Mewbourne Oil Company

Comments Submitted
by G. Brown, California ISO

Comments Submitted
by L. Ell, Entergy

Comments Submitted
by J. Smith, Entergy Services, Inc. Gas Group

Comments Submitted
by K. York, Tennessee Valley Authority

Comments Submitted
by M. Desselle, American Electric Power

Comments Submitted
by J. Lewis, American Gas Association

Comments Submitted
by L. Crowley, NJR Companies

Comments Submitted
by K. Van Pelt, Pipeline Segment

Comments Submitted
by K. Burch, Duke Energy Corporation

Comments Submitted
by G. Ogenyi, Conectiv

Comments Submitted
by P. Larger, Progress Energy Carolinas

Request for Comments on R04021-A due
July 8, 2005
(Word Format)
WGQ Review the draft International Swaps & Derivatives Association, Inc. (ISDA) Gas Annex to the ISDA Master Agreement (Gas Annex) for possible adoption as WGQ standard. EnCana Gas Marketing (USA) Inc.   Recommendation

ISDA Gas Annex Model Form

User's Guide for the Model ISDA Gas Annex
Request for Comments due
November 17, 2004
R04018 WGQ Amend WGQ Standard 1.3.60 and Dataset 1.4.4 to permit two new data elements. Iroquois Gas Transmission System, LP Withdrawn by Submitter - July 20, 2006          
R04017 WGQ, REQ, RGQ Modify WGQ Standard 6.3.3, Trading Partner Agreement, to allow its application in both retail and wholesale markets. National Fuel Gas Distribution   Recommendation

Recommendation Cover Letter

Recommendation Modified 3/4/05 by the REQ/RGQ/WGQ EC
Request for Comments due
February 11, 2005

Comments Submitted
by J. Minneman, PPLSolutions

Comments Submitted
by K. Farley, ERCOT

Comments Submitted
by M. Edwards, Dominion Virginia Power

Comments Submitted
by M. Novak, National Fuel Gas Distribution
R04016 WGQ, WEQ Develop a standard definition for Energy Day. KeySpan Utility Services and Duke Energy Gas Transmission Withdrawn by Submitter - February 27, 2006

Withdrawl Letter
R04015 WGQ Add new data element to WGQ Capacity Release standards. Texas Gas Transmission Withdrawn by Submitter - June 29, 2004          
R04014 WGQ Amend the WGQ Standard 2.4.6 dataset, Measured Volume Audit Statement. Northern Natural Gas   Recommendation Request for Comments due May 26, 2009      
R04012 WGQ Amend the WGQ Standard 2.4.6 dataset, Measured Volumne Audit Statement. Northern Natural Gas   Recommendation Request for Comments due November 5, 2008      
WGQ Annual Plan Item 7, RGQ Annual Plan Item 12, REQ Annual Plan Item 14 WGQ, RGQ, REQ WGQ Annual Plan Item 7, RGQ Annual Plan Item 12, REQ Annual Plan Item 14 REQ & RGQ TEIS and WGQ EDM   Recommendation

Revised Recommendation as approved by the Retail ECs on 5/5/04

Revised Recommendation as approved by the Retail and WGQ ECs on 5/6/04
Request for Comments due
April 28, 2004

Comments Submitted by Dominion
2004 WGQ Annual Plan Item #2 FERC Order 2004 (Affiliate Order) WGQ 2004 WGQ Annual Plan Item #2 FERC Order 2004 (Affiliate Order) NAESB WGQ Business Practices Subcommittee   Recommendation

Revised Recommendation as Approved by the WGQ EC on 5/6/04
Request for Comments due
April 16, 2004

Comments Submitted by the Pipeline Segment
R04010 WGQ Add new data element to WGQ Capacity Release standards. Natural Gas Pipeline of America            
R04009 WGQ Add new data element to WGQ Capacity Release standards. Natural Gas Pipeline of America Withdrawn by Submitter - February 3, 2004          
R04008 WGQ Add new data element to WGQ Capacity Release standards. Natural Gas Pipeline of America            
R04004 WGQ Add new data element to WGQ standard 3.4.2, Invoicing. Williams Gas Pipeline   Recommendation Request for Comments due November 5, 2008      
R04003 WGQ Add new data element to WGQ standard 3.4.1, Invoicing. Williams Gas Pipeline   Recommendation Request for Comments due June 17, 2009      
R04002 WGQ Add 2 new data elements to WGQ standards 3.4.1 and 3.4.4, Invoicing. Williams Gas Pipeline   Recommendation Request for Comments due November 5, 2008      
R04001 WGQ Add new data element to WGQ standards 2.4.4 dataset, Shipper Imbalance. Williams Gas Pipeline   Recommendation Request for Comments due November 5, 2008      
R03036 WGQ Conform WGQ capacity release release standards 5.3.zD to FERC policy in RP03-545. KeySpan Withdrawn by Submitter - September 18, 2006 Recommendation Request for Comments due June 15, 2006      

Attachment to R03035
WGQ (A) Establish web-based reporting of existing gas quality paramaters, (B) standardize methodologies for calculating gas quality paramaters, and (C) determine the need for gas quality standards. Florida Power & Light Company   Recommendation - Revised by the WGQ EC on 9/16/04

R03035B Recommendation
Request for Comments due September 13, 2004

Comments Submitted by Mirant

Comments Submitted by Constellation Generation Group

Comments Submitted by Williston Basin Interstate Pipeline Company

Comments Submitted by Mewbourne Oil Company

Request for Comments (R03035B) due May 9, 2006
R03034 WGQ Modify WGQ Dataset 1.4, nominations data mapping, to allow for Model type to be sent at a detailed level. El Paso Eastern Pipelines and ANR Pipeline Withdrawn by Submitter - 4/7/04          
R03033 WGQ Amend WGQ Base Contract to include an alternative dispute resolution agreement as a special provision. American Arbitration Association   Revised Recommendation Request for Comments due
June 13, 2005
R03032 WGQ Change existing data elements of NAESB WGQ Transactional Reporting - Firm Transportation Standard 5.4.21 National Fuel Gas Distribution Corporation   Recommendation Request for Comments due November 7, 2007      

R03031 - Revised November 20, 2003

REQ, RGQ, WEQ, WGQ Investigate and review possible modifications to the WGQ Intraday Nominations, Confirmation Scheduling, and Gas Day standards, including possible standards for coordination of wholesale electric and wholesale gas scheduling. Tennessee Valley Authority   Interim Report

Final Report
R03030 WGQ Add two new transaction type codes to the Nomination 1.4.1, Shipper Scheduled Quantity 1.4.5, and Transportation Sales Invoice 3.4.1 data sets. Northern Natural Gas   Recommendation Request for Comments due August 19, 2005
R03029 WGQ Add a new Notice Type to System-Wide Notices Standard 5.4.16 to support firm capacity including subscribed ROFR Capacity. Northern Border Pipeline Company   Recommendation

Recommendation Revised by the WGQ EC on Nov. 8, 2007
Request for Comments due November 7, 2007

Comments Submitted by L. Spangler, Latitude Technologies
R03028 WGQ Add a reduction reason code to Scheduled Quantity, Operator Scheduled Quantity and Confirmation Response. Northern Natural Gas   Recommendation Request for Comments due November 7, 2007      
R03027 WGQ Add a mutually agreeable data element - Nomination Segment Type - in the transaction specific data group of the Nomination and Scheduled Quantity datasets. SunGard Energy Systems Withdrawn by Submitter - December 4, 2013 Recommendation Request for Comments due November 5, 2008      
R03026 WGQ Add a mutually agreeable data element - Overlap Priority - in the Offer Upload, Offer Download, Notification and Award datasets. SunGard Energy Systems Withdrawn by Submitter - April 3, 2013          
R03025 WGQ Add a new notice type - Rates and Charges - to NAESB WGQ Standard 4.3.29. El Paso Eastern Pipelines   Recommendation Request for Comments due November 7, 2007      
R03024 WGQ Add code values for the Charge Type data element in the Transportation/Sales Invoice (3.4.1). Northern Natural Gas Withdrawn by Submitter - August 26, 2004          
R03023 WGQ and RGQ Adopt XML File Format as a new industry standard for exchange of natural gas custody transfer measurement data. PGAS Systems            
R03022 WGQ Reinstate the Transaction Types of 09 - Imbalance Transfer and 11 - Storage Inventory Transfer. Columbia Gas Transmission Corp.   Recommendation Request for Comments due August 19, 2005
R03021 WGQ Create a new Standard that indicates that unless otherwise denoted, all times contained with the NAESB WGQ Standards are Central Clock Time. National Fuel Gas Distribution Corp.   Recommendation Request for Comments due November 7, 2007      
R03020 WGQ Develop a new defined term/definition for Applicable Regulatory Authority and review NAESB WGQ Standards to make corresponding changes. National Fuel Gas Distribution Corp.   Recommendation Request for Comments due November 7, 2007      
R03019 WGQ Add a New Reduction Reason Code - Underperformance Confirming Party Reduction (UPR) - at Receipt Location. El Paso Western Pipelines   Recommendation Request for Comments due August 19, 2005
R03016 WGQ Add a new code value - Corrected / Updated - for Contract Status to provide the ability to identify when the contract data as reported on the transactional reports has been corrected or updated. Williams Gas Pipeline   Recommendation

Recommendation Revised by the WGQ EC on Nov. 8, 2007
Request for Comments due November 7, 2007

Comments Submitted by L. Spangler, Latitude Technologies
R03015 WGQ Modify the usage of the Downstream Rank data element in the threaded segment of the pathed non-threaded model in WGQ Standard 1.4.1 from Not Used to Mutually Agreeable. TransCanada PipeLines Limited            
R03012 WGQ Modifications to NAESB WGQ Transactional Reporting - Interruptible Transportation Standard 5.4.22 to enhance the display of interruptible data at the Sender's Option, including the additional of new data elements, changes to existing data elements, and the addition of new code values. El Paso Corporation   Recommendation Request for Comments due November 7, 2007      
R03011 WGQ Modifications to NAESB WGQ Transactional Reporting - Firm Transportation Standard 5.4.21 to enhance the display of firm data at the Sender's Option, including the addition of new data elements, changes to existing data elements, and the addition of new code values. El Paso Corporation   Recommendation Request for Comments due November 7, 2007      
R03010 WGQ Modifications to the NAESB WGQ Transactional Reporting - Capacity Release Standard 5.4.20 to enhance the display of capacity release data sets at the Sender's Option, including modifications to existing data elements and new data elements. El Paso Corporation   Revised Recommendation Request for Comments due November 7, 2007

Comments Submitted by L. Spangler, Latitude Technologies
R03009 WGQ Add a Transactional category to the Informational Posting under NAESB WGQ Standard 4.3.21 and the following subcategories to NAESB WGQ Standard 4.3.23: Transactional Firm, Interruptible, Capacity Release. El Paso Corporation   Recommendation Request for Comments due November 13, 2006      
R03008 WGQ Request a new mutually agreeable data element - Nominations Intra-day Indicator - to be added to the Nominations data set. El Paso Eastern Pipelines   Revised Recommendation

Recommendation 2
Revised Request for Comments due May 11, 2005

Request for Comments due August 19, 2005

R03006 Attachment 1 - Gas Daily

R03006 Attachment 2 - Natural Gas Intelligence Bid Week

R03006 Attachment 3 - NGI Daily Price Index

R03006 Attachment 4 - Platts Gas Market Report
WGQ Set standards names, definitions and regional classifications for the natural gas trading points most commonly used in the pricing tables appearing in industry publications. Intelligence Press Inc. Withdrawn by Submitter          
R03005 WGQ Add code values for the Service Code data element in the Transportation /Sales Invoice (3.4.1) Northern Natural Gas   Recommendation Request for Comments due November 13, 2006      
R03004 WGQ Request a new code value, Exceed Family of Contracts MDQ, for the data element Reduction Reason that will be used with the NAESB Scheduled Quantity data sets. El Paso Eastern Pipelines   Recommendation Revised Request for Comments due May 11, 2005
2003AP5 -
2003 Annual Plan Item 5
WGQ Modify the minimum technical characteristics found in Appendices C, D and E of the EDM Manual, in accordance with NAESB WGQ Annual Plan Item 5 and NAESB WGQ Standard 4.3.59 NAESB 2003 WGQ Annual Plan   Recommendation        
2003AP6 -
2003 Annual Plan Item 6
WGQ 2003AP6 -
2003 Annual Plan Item 6
NAESB 2003 WGQ Annual Plan   Recommendation

Recommendation 2

Recommendation - Revised November 2003

Recommendation - Revised November 6, 2003 by the EC
R03003 WGQ Modify the minimum technical characteristics found in Appendices C, D and E of the EDM Manual, in accordance with NAESB WGQ Annual Plan Item 5 and NAESB WGQ Standard 4.3.59 NAESB WGQ EDM Subcommittee Withdrawn by Submitter          
R03002 WGQ Review NAESB WGQ Version 1.6 Standards Booklets and Implementation Guides to remove references to actions and dates that have already passed. National Fuel Gas Distribution Corporation   Recommendation        
R03001 WGQ Request two new data elements be added to the Request for Confimation, Confirmation Response and Scheduled Quantity for Operator. The new data elements would be used at the same level as the Location Data and would be used to define a limit on the total amount of capacity that could be confirmed as delivery or receipt. El Paso Western Pipelines   Recommendation Request for Comments due November 7, 2007      
R02012 WGQ Modify the NAESB WGQ Capacity Release Standards and data sets to incorporate the October 1, 2002 reinstatement of the price cap on capacity release transactions. KeySpan   Recommendation        
R02011 WGQ Add code values for NAESB WGQ Standard 2.4.3 - Allocation, NAESB WGQ Standard 2.4.4 - Shipper Imbalance. Williams Gas Pipeline   Recommendation Request for Comments due November 7, 2007      
R02010 WGQ Add Path Balancing Reduction to the NAESB Confirmation Response (1.4.3), the NAESB Scheduled Quantity (1.4.5), and NAESB Scheduled Quantity for Operator (1.4.6). Gulf South Pipeline Company, LP   Recommendation Request for Comments due August 19, 2005
R02009 WGQ Add new reduction reasons for the Scheduled Quantity (1.4.5) and Scheduled Quantity for Operator (1.4.6). CMS Panhandle Pipeline Companies            
R02008 WGQ Add new transaction types in the Nomination (1.4.1) and Scheduled Quantity (1.4.5) data sets. CMS Panhandle Pipeline Companies   Recommendation Request for Comments due November 13, 2006      
R02007 WGQ Add new data element 'Notes Codes' and two related codes for the Invoicing data sets (3.4.1). Tennessee Gas Pipeline   Recommendation Request for Comments due November 7, 2007      
R02006 WGQ Add a code value for the Nomination Quick Response (1.4.2). Enron Transportation Services Company   Recommendation Revised Request for Comments due May 11, 2005
2000AP9 -
Order 637 Transactional Reporting
WGQ Implement 2000 GISB Annual Plan Item 9 regarding FERC Order 637, specifically action items VIII, IX & XIII. GISB 2000 Annual Plan   Recommendation        
Executive Committee - Ongoing WGQ Make various changes to the NAESB EDM Manual to update the "Minimum Technical Characteristics" for NAESB Web Sites. NAESB EDM Subcommittee   Recommendation        
R02005 WGQ Add a New Business Conditional data element and code values for a Rights to Amend Primary Point indicator in the Capacity Release Data Sets. ANR Gas Pipeline   Recommendation

Recommendation 2
R02004 WGQ Add new code values for the discount indicator in the Capacity Release Data Sets. ANR Gas Pipeline   Recommendation Request for Comments due May 10, 2006      
R02003 WGQ Add a new Capacity Release data element - Discount Indicator. Tennessee Gas Pipeline Companies   Recommendation Request for Comments due May 10, 2006      
R02002 WGQ Development of an industry-wide timeline to allow for recalls and renominations at the Intra-Day 1 and Intra-Day 2 nomination cycles. KeySpan   Recommendation

Recommendation 2

Recommendation 3
R02001 WGQ Strengthen the FTA Agreement to record that all properly executed FTA Agreements have resulted in payment. U.S. Department of Energy and Visage Energy            
R01021 WGQ Add for Code Values for the Nomination Scheduled Quantity, Pre-determined Allocation, Allocation, Shipper Imbalance, and Transportation/Sales Invoice data sets. Questar Pipeline Company   Recommendation        
R01020 WGQ Add an identifier for 'XML' to the list of possible identifiers for the EDI/EDM spcification.

Systrends, Inc.   Recommendation        
R01019 WGQ Add a new header element, REFNUM, to the EDI/EDM specification. Systrends, Inc.   Recommendation        
R01018 WGQ Add code values for the Transaction Type data element. ANR Pipeline   Recommendation

Recommendation Attachment 1

Recommendation Attachment 2

Recommendation Attachment 3

Recommendation Attachment 4
Request for Comments due February 2, 2005      
R01017 WGQ Add a Date Time Period Format Qualifier for seasonal Start Date and Seasonal End Date. Enron Transportation Services Company   Recommendation

Recommendation - Revised by WGQ Executive Committee on 2/23/06
Request for Comments due February 22, 2006      
R01016 - Revised WGQ Replace the requirement to use proprietary PGP 2.6.6 compliant products with open standard for PGP, called OpenPGP. Systrends, Inc.   Recommendation        
R01015 WGQ Add two Reduction Reason code values to the Confirmation Response, Scheduled Quantity and Scheduled Quantity for Operator datasets. Enron Transportation Services Company Withdrawn by Submitter          
R01014 WGQ Add elements to the Transportation/Sales Invoice and the Service Requester Level Charge/Allowance Invoice. Williams Gas Pipeline Withdrawn by Submitter          
R01013 WGQ Add a code value description to the Reduction Reason in the Scheduled Quantity and the Scheduled Quantity for Operator. Williams Gas Pipeline   Recommendation Revised Request for Comments due May 11, 2005
R01012 WGQ Modify the data dictionaries to reflect indented data items to be used by developers of EBB implementations of the affected datasets. Williams Gas Pipeline Withdrawn by Submitter - 5/7/04          
R01011 WGQ Add a warning message for the data element Validation Code in the Pre-determined Allocation Quick Response (2.4.2) data set. CMS Panhandle Pipeline Companies     Recommendation Request for Comments due May 11, 2005
R01010 WGQ Add Reduction Reason code values to the Confirmation Response, Scheduled Quantity and Scheduled Quantity for Operator standards to be used to communicate a reduction in nominated quantities. Enron Transportation Services Company   Recommendation Request for Comments due August 19, 2005
R01009 WGQ Add a Maximum Limited Days data element to the Offer Upload Notification and the Offer Download. Enron Transportation Services Company Withdrawn by Submitter          
R01008 WGQ Add a Transaction Type code Value 'Meter Bounce-Overrun' to the Nomination, Scheduled Quantity, Pre-determined Allocation, Allocation, Shipper Imbalance and Transportation/Sales Invoice data sets. Enron Transportation Services Company   Recommendation Request for Comments due August 19, 2005
R01007 WGQ Add a Limited Firm Day Percentage data element to the Transportation/Sales Invoice. Enron Transportation Services Company Withdrawn by Submitter          
R01006 WGQ Add Reduction Reason code values to the Scheduled Quantity and Scheduled Quantity for Operator data sets. (See related GISB Request R99052.)

Enron Transportation Services Company   Recommendation        
R01005 WGQ Add a Capacity Release Percentage to Offer Upload, Offer Upload Notification, Offer Download, Bid Upload, Bid Download, and Award Download. Enron Transportation Services Company            
R01004 WGQ Add a Storage Cycle Indicator data element to Offer Upload, Offer Upload Notification, Offer Download, Bid Upload, Bid Download, and Award Download. Enron Transportation Services Company Withdrawn by Submitter - June 30, 2005          
R01003 WGQ Add a System Management Service Quantity data element to various capacity release datasets. Enron Transportation Services Company   Recommendation

Recommendation 2
Request for Comments due November 13, 2006

Request for Comments due November 7, 2007

Comments Submitted by L. Spangler, Latitude Technologies
R01002 WGQ Add a Net Present Value data element to the header level of the Award Download (5.4.3). Enron Transportation Services Company Withdrawn by Submitter          
R01001 WGQ Add a data element to the Offer Upload, Offer Upload Notification, Offer Download and the Award Download. Enron Transportation Services Company   Recommendation

Recommendation 2
R00027 WGQ Add a Status data element to the Offer Download, Bid Download and the Award Download. (GISB Interpretation No. 7.3.43). Enron Transportation Services Company   Recommendation Request for Comments due February 22, 2006      
R00026 WGQ Resolve the issues defined in the BPS minutes of 10/10/2000 and 10/11/2000 related to FERC Order No. 637.            
2000AP9 -
Order 637 Items Assigned to the Business Practices Subcommittee
WGQ 2000AP9 -
Order 637 Items Assigned to the Business Practices Subcommittee
GISB 2000 Annual Plan   Recommendation 1

Recommendation 2

Recommendation 3

Recommendation 3 - Priority Action Items 1 and 2 - Revised
Order 637 Index of Customers WGQ Order 637 Index of Customers GISB 2000 Annual Plan   Recommendation 1

Recommendation 2 - amended and adopted by the EC on 10/12/00 and 10/19/00
2000AP9 -
Order 637 Items Assigned to the Information Requirements Subcommittee
WGQ 2000AP9 -
Order 637 Items Assigned to the Information Requirements Subcommittee
GISB 2000 Annual Plan   Recommendation - Action Item 11 - Priority #3        
EII Request to Accommodate Capacity Release EBB and Flat File Requirements in Data Dictionaries WGQ EII Request to Accommodate Capacity Release EBB and Flat File Requirements in Data Dictionaries     Recommendation 1

Recommendation 2
R00025 WGQ Modify the GISB procedures for development and implementation of new datasets to expedite the completion and adoption of the Imbalance Trading transaction sets. Altra Energy Technologies, Dynegy Marketing & Trade and PanCanadian Petroleum   Recommendation        
R00024 WGQ Add code values for the Charge Type data element in the Transportation/Sales Invoice. Enron Gas Pipeline Group   Recommendation Request for Comments due August 19, 2005
R00023 WGQ Add Rollover Rights Indicator and Rollover Rights Terms data elements to the header level of the Offer Download (5.4.1), Offer Upload (5.4.7) and Offer Upload Notification (5.4.9), with corresponding validation codes added to the Offer Upload Quick Response (5.4.8). Enron Gas Pipeline Group   Recommendation Request for Comments due May 10, 2006      
R00022 WGQ Add Right of First Refusal Indicator and Right of First Refusal Terms data elements to the Offer Download, Offer Upload and Offer Upload Notification, with corresponding validation codes added to the Offer Upload Quick Response. Enron Gas Pipeline Group   Recommendation Request for Comments due May 10, 2006      
R00021 WGQ Review EDI/EDM standards and manuals to ensure that the EDI/EDM software is case-insensitive. Enron Gas Pipeline Group            
R00020 WGQ Add code values for the Charge Type data element in the Transportation/Sales Invoice, and add definitions for two existing Charge Type code values. Enron Gas Pipeline Group   Recommendation        
R00019 WGQ Change the usage of Releaser Company Code from Mandatory to Conditional in the Bid Upload. CMS Panhandle Pipeline Companies   Recommendation Request for Comments due February 22, 2006      
R00018 WGQ Add a new business conditional data element - producer - to the Nomination Related Datasets. CMS Panhandle Pipeline Companies Withdrawn by Submitter          
R00017 WGQ Develop ED1 X.12 dataset standards for requesting AutoNoms service and providing corresponding supplier allocation. Reliant Energy Gas Transmission            
R00016 WGQ Add ďż˝loop inďż˝ and ďż˝loop outďż˝ code values to the list of Reduction Reasons for Standards 1.4.4 (Confirmation Response) and 1.4.5 (Scheduled Quantity). El Paso Natural Gas Company   Recommendation        
R00015 WGQ Add a Bidderďż˝s Contingency Terms data element to Bid Download and Bid Upload with corresponding validation codes to the Bid Upload Quick Response. Enron Gas Pipeline Group   Recommendation        
R00014 WGQ Add Signatory Name and Signatory Title data elements to the Bid Upload and the Offer Upload Bidder Confirmation, with corresponding validation codes added to the Bid Upload Quick Response and Offer Upload Bidder Confirmation Quick Response. Enron Gas Pipeline Group   Recommendation Request for Comments due February 22, 2006      
R00013 WGQ Add Bidder Invoice Contact and Bidder Invoice Address data elements to the Bid Upload and the Offer Upload Bidder Confirmation with corresponding validation codes added to the Bid Upload Quick Response and Offer Upload Bidder Confirmation Quick Response. Enron Gas Pipeline Group   Recommendation Request for Comments due February 22, 2006      
R00012 WGQ Add Bidder Notice Address and Bidder Notice Contact data elements to the Bid Upload and the Offer Upload Bidder Confirmation with corresponding validation codes added to the Bid Upload Quick Response and Offer Upload Bidder Confirmation Quick Response. Enron Gas Pipeline Group   Recommendation Request for Comments due February 22, 2006      
R00011 WGQ Add new Transaction Type code values for use in Nominations, Scheduled Quantities, Allocations, Imbalances, and Invoicing. NGPL   Recommendation        
R00010 WGQ Add Rate Identification Codes to the Offer Download, Bid Download, Award Download, Offer Upload, Offer Upload Quick Response, Offer Upload Notification, Bid Upload and Bid Upload Quick Response.     Recommendation Request for Comments due May 11, 2005
R00009 WGQ Modify GISB Standard No. 4.3.18 to be consistent with GISB Standard No. 4.3.65. NGPL            
R00008 WGQ Add a business practice for the content of the Storage Balance Report.            
FTTF Minimum Guidelines WGQ FTTF Minimum Guidelines .   Recommendation        
R00007 WGQ Add a data element to the Transportation/Sales Invoice (3.4.1) to identify charges as commodity or reservation. Enron Gas Pipeline Group Withdrawn by Submitter - December 16, 2004          
R00006 - Amended

WGQ Add 12 new code values for the Transaction Type data element in the nomination, flowing gas, and invoicing (as appropriate) related data sets. Southern Natural Gas Company   Recommendation

Revised Recommendation

Recommendation - 5/17/06
Request for Comments due August 19, 2005

No Comments Received

Request for Comments due February 22, 2006

No Comments Received

Request for Comments due June 15, 2006
R00005 WGQ Add a new data element ďż˝Swing Fuel Option Indďż˝ (ďż˝SG Fuel Optďż˝) to the Pre-determined Allocation (2.4.1). Tennessee Gas Pipeline Company   Recommendation Request for Comments due May 11, 2005
R00004 WGQ Add a new data element ďż˝Limit Typeďż˝ (ďż˝Limit Typeďż˝) to the Predetermined Allocation (2.4.1). Tennessee Gas Pipeline Company   Recommendation Request for Comments due May 11, 2005
R00003 WGQ Add code values of the Charge type data element in Transportation/Sales Invoice document. Great Lakes Gas Transmission Company Withdrawn by Submitter - May 24, 2004          
R00002 WGQ Review the possible use of Extensible Markup Language (XML). Enron Gas Pipeline Group Withdrawn by Submitter          
R00001 WGQ Review the existing GISB security mechanisms and make appropriate revisions. Enron Gas Pipeline Group Withdrawn by Submitter          
R99052 WGQ Add a code value description for the Service Code data element in the Transportation/Sales Invoice (3.4.1). The Service Code data element is used to specify the type of service being rendered under the contract. The additional code value description ďż˝Limited Firm Transportationďż˝ indicates that the transportation service was provided on a limited basis. Enron Gas Pipeline Group   Recommendation        
R99051 WGQ Change the usage code of several fields on the Transportation/Sales Invoice (3.4.1) from Business Conditional (BC) to Senderďż˝s Option (SO), as the sending of these data elements is determined by the sender of the document. Williams Gas Pipeline   Recommendation        
R99050 WGQ Change the definition of the data element Tax Identification Code in the Transportation/Sales Invoice (3.4.1) to reflect that the code is assigned to the Remit to Party. Williams Gas Pipeline   Recommendation        
R99049 WGQ Add the data element Remit to Party to the Transportation/Sales Invoice (GISB Std. 3.4.1). In the current Invoice, the Remittance Address data element is used to send both the name and the address for the Remit to Party. Williams Gas Pipeline   Revised Recommendation        
R99048 WGQ Modify the GISB standard contracts and models to correct any references to "19" century in date fields. Altra Energy Technologies   Recommendation        
R99047 WGQ Provide a means of sending the data element Accounting Period in the Transportation/Sales Invoice (3.4.1). Currently, this data element is sent in several other GISB documents, such as the Pre-Determined Allocation, Allocation, Shipper Imbalance and Measurement Information. However, it is not currently in the Invoice. Williams Gas Pipeline   Recommendation        
R99046 WGQ Modify GISB Standard No. 3.4.1 to enable the sending of more than one Charge Type for a Line Number in the Transportation/Sales Invoice (3.4.1). Currently, the document accommodates only one Charge Type for each Line Number, but it is typical for an invoice line to have more than one charge type. Williams Gas Pipeline   Recommendation        
EII Data Set Changes - July 30, 1999 WGQ       Recommendation        
R99045 WGQ Add a code value to the list of valid code values for the Charge Type data element in the Transportation/Sales Invoice (3.4.1), to accurately reflect a Reservation Charge Credit as described in one of firm rate schedules. Duke Energy Corporation   Recommendation        
R99044 WGQ Add the Transaction Type ďż˝Backhaulďż˝ to the Nomination, Scheduled Quantity, Shipper Imbalance, Transportation/Sales Invoice, and other documents where the Transaction Type appears, so that the requested Transaction Type can indicate whether to charge standard rates or backhaul rates. Williams Gas Pipeline   Recommendation        
R99043 WGQ Add a data element called ďż˝Minimum Volumetric Commitment Percentage Evaluation Codeďż˝ to the Offer Upload (5.4.7) and the Offer Download (5.4.1) datasets. Williams Gas Pipeline   Recommendation        
R99042 WGQ Add a data element called ďż˝Bidderďż˝s Contingency Termsďż˝ to the Bid Upload, the Bid Download, and other Capacity Release datasets where the Bidderďż˝s Contingency Indicator is used. The new data element is defined as ďż˝a description of the contingencies applicable to the bid.ďż˝ The data element would be a text field that would be required whenever the Bidderďż˝s Contingency Indicator indicated that the bidder had specified a contingency with respect to the bid. Williams Gas Pipeline            
R99041 WGQ Allow multiple Reduction Reasons to be sent on the Scheduled Quantity to track up to five instances where a reduction can take place. The additional reduction reasons should have a usage of MA. (Multiple reasons are not necessary on the Sched Qty for Op or the Confirmation Response.) Columbia Gas Transmission   Recommendation        
R99040 WGQ Add a Reduction Reason code value to the Confirmation Response (1.4.4), Scheduled Quantity (1.4.5) and Scheduled Quantity for Operator (1.4.6) data sets to be used to communicate a reduction in nominated quantities as a result of non-compliance with the processing affidavit requirements. Enron Gas Pipeline Group   Recommendation        
R99039 - Revised WGQ Add code values to the Transaction Type data element to identify and more accurately account for the gas transactions for Services Requestors and enhance the ability to communicate the nominations and scheduled quantities after the allocation process. Columbia Gas Transmission   Recommendation        
R99038 WGQ Add a data element of ďż˝Maximum Rate Indicatorďż˝ to the Nomination dataset with a usage of BC, to be used by Service Requesters moving gas under Interruptible transportation service to support the scheduling process. Koch Gateway Pipeline   Revised Recommendation        
EBB Internet Implementation Standards Recommended by the Task Force as of June 7, 1999 addressing Capacity Release and Contracting WGQ       Revised Recommendation - as adopted by the EC on 7/15/99        
Technical EII Changes as of June 7, 1999 WGQ       Recommendation        
1999AP7 - Imbalance Subcommittee Recommended Standards WGQ   GISB 1999 Annual Plan   Revised Recommendation 1 - as adopted by the EC on 7/15/99

Recommendation 2

EC Revised Imbalance Netting and Trading Recommendation

Corrected, EC Revised Imbalance Netting and Trading Recommendation
EII Data Sets for Invoicing as of June 7, 1999 WGQ       Recommendation        
EII Data Sets for Flowing Gas as of June 7, 1999 WGQ       Recommendation        
EII Data Sets for Nominations as of June 7, 1999 WGQ       Corrected Recommendation        
R99037 WGQ Add a new data element ďż˝Confirmation Levelďż˝ (ďż˝Conf Lvlďż˝) to the Request for Confirmation, Confirmation Response, and Scheduled Quantity for Operators to differentiate between the roles of the confirming parties on a Transportation Service Provider that supports multi-level confirmations. Tennessee Gas Pipeline   Recommendation

Recommendation - 1/6/05
Request for Comments due February 2, 2005      
R99036 - as revised by the EC 7/15/99 WGQ Review and recommend changes to the EDM Standards Manual, to ensure that the text of the manual is supported by existing standards and recommend incorporation of changes in the EDM manual to streamline the manual consistent with existing standards. Group 8760   Recommendation        
R99035 WGQ Review and recommend changes to the existing body of EDM standards to support standards convergence across other standards setting groups, such as AIAG, UIG, and EDI-INT. The recommendations would be guided by a principle of backward compatibility with the existing GISB standards. Group 8760   Recommendation        
R99034 WGQ Develop ANSI ASC X12 EDI standards for electronic contracting between the TSP and the shipper for transportation and storage services, request for services, transportation service agreements, rate agreements and confirmations. Reliant Energy Gas Transmission   Recommendation        
R99033 WGQ Add the name and definition for design capacity and scheduled quantity to the data set 5.4.13 Operationally Available and Unsubscribed Capcity. Dynegy   Recommendation

Recommendation - 5/17/2010

Attachment 1 - Data Dictionary

Attachment 2 - EDI Technical

Recommendation - 7/22/2010

Attachment 1 - Data Dictionary - 7/22/10

Attachment 2 - EDI Technical - 7/22/10

Attachment 3 - EDISM G873OACY - 7/22/10

Attachment 4 - EDISM G873UNSC - 7/22/10
Request for Comments Due June 17, 2010

Comments Submitted by D. Field, Southern Star Central Gas Pipeline
Notices Task Force Recommended Standards WGQ       Recommendation

Revised Recommendation - as adopted by the EC on 5/20/99
Common Codes Principle and Standards WGQ       Recommendation

Recommendation - Part 2

Recommendation - as adopted by the EC on 5/20/99 - (Revised 7/9/99)
R99032 WGQ Add a data element "Point Substitution Indicator" to the Offer Upload and Offer Download. Williams Gas Pipeline   Recommendation

Recommendation 2
R99031 WGQ Add a data element "Confirmation Intra-day Indicator" to the Request for Confirmation, Confirmation Response, Confirmation Response Quick Response and Scheduled Quantity for Operator data sets. TransCapacity   Revised Recommendation

Recommendation 2
Revised Request for Comments due May 11, 2005

Request for Comments due August 19, 2005
R99030 WGQ Determine if an EDI data set is needed for the Entities Lookup List if the list is displayed on the Entities Web site. Tennessee Gas Pipeline            
R99029 WGQ Determine if an EDI data set is needed for the Locations List if the list is displayed on the Entities Web site. Tennessee Gas Pipeline   Corrected Recommendation        
R99028 WGQ Determine if an EDI data set is needed for the Plant Meter List if the list is displayed on the Entities Web site. Tennessee Gas Pipeline   Recommendation        
R99027 WGQ Determine if an EDI data set is needed for the Cashout Pricing Index if the Index is displayed on the Entities Web site. Tennessee Gas Pipeline   Recommendation        
R99026 WGQ Determine if an EDI data set is needed for the EDI Implementation Guide Supplement if the supplement is displayed on the Entities Web site. Tennessee Gas Pipeline   Recommendation        
R99025 WGQ Determine if an EDI data set is needed for the Trading Partner Agreement if the Trading Partner Agreement is displayed on the Entities Web site. Tennessee Gas Pipeline   Recommendation        
R99024 WGQ Change the name and definition of several data elements in capacity release transaction to be consistent with the names of data elements in other transactions. Tennessee Gas Pipeline   Recommendation        
R99023 WGQ Add a code value to the Charge Type Code for the Invoice data set for "conditional reservation charge". Panhandle Eastern Pipeline   Recommendation        
R99022 WGQ Provide a means for replacement shippers to electronically execute contracts for awarded capacity. Williams Gas Pipeline            
R99021 WGQ Add three new code values to the Validation Code in the Confirmation Response Quick Response (1.4.7). These Validation Codes would be error messages at the sub-detail level. ANR Pipeline   Recommendation A

Corrected Recommendation B
R99020 WGQ Modify the Capacity Release data sets to accommodate the releasing shipper's ability to specify whether Gas Transaction Points can be changed after the capacity has been awarded. The data sets affected are Offer Upload, Offer Download, Award Download and Offer Upload Notification. Enron Gas Pipeline   Recommendation

Recommendation 2
R99019 WGQ Add a data element "Secondary Rights Indicator" to the Capacity Release data sets for Offers, Offers Download, UPPD and UPPD Notification. ANR Pipeline            
R99018 WGQ Add a data element "Segmentation Indicator" to the Capacity Release data sets for Offers, Offers Download, UPPD and UPPD Notification. ANR Pipeline            
R99017 WGQ Add a data element "Location/Quantity Type Indicator" to Capacity Release Data Sets 5.4.1, 5.4.2, 5.4.3, 5.4.7, 5.4.8, 5.4.9. Tennessee Gas Gas Pipeline Withdrawn by Submitter          
R99016 WGQ Add a data element "Capacity Type Indicator" to Capacity Release Data Sets 5.4.1, 5.4.2, 5.4.3, 5.4.7, 5.4.8, 5.4.9. Tennessee Gas Pipeline   Recommendation        
R99015 WGQ Define a means of sending Capcity Release want ads to the TSP to be posted, requesting a download of the want ads, and sending the want ads download to the requester. Williams Gas Pipeline   Recommendation        
R99014 WGQ Define a means of sending a Recall or Reput data set to the Transportation Service Provider to indicate that a capacity holder intends to recall or reput capcity previously released through the Capacity Release process, and sending a response data set and notification data set. This request may be linked to R99077. Williams Gas Pipeline Withdrawn by Submitter          
R99013 WGQ Define a means of requesting and providing pre-approved bidders list used in capacity release. Williams Gas Pipeline   Recommendation

Attachment 1 to R99013 Recommendation - TIBP/Paper Sample/Data Dictionary

Attachment 2 to R99013 Recommendation - Data Element Cross Reference

Attachment 3 to R99013 Recommendation - 105 Dataset
Request for Comments due May 10, 2006      
R99012 WGQ Create Approved Bidders List Download and Request for Approved Bidders List Download EDI data sets to allow trading partners to request and receive a list of the current approved capacity release bidders available on the transportation service provider. Texas Eastern Transmission Withdrawn by Submitter          
R99011 WGQ Create Match Upload and Request for Match Upload Quick Response EDI data sets to allow trading partners to provide information to match a winning bid and for transportation service providers to send validations regarding the match upload to the trading partner. Texas Eastern Transmission Withdrawn by Submitter          
R99010 WGQ Create Recall Upload and Recall Upload Quick Response data sets for trading partners to submit a recall of capacity to a TSP and the TSP to send a validation of the recall upload to the trading partner. Texas Eastern Transmission Withdrawn by Submitter          
R99009 WGQ Add data elements to the Award download (5.4.3) for comparability between EDI and Web Sites. Texas Eastern Transmission Withdrawn by Submitter          
R99008 WGQ Add standard data sets, elements and/or code values to the Capacity Release Related Standards to accomplish the reposting of an offer to release capacity subsequent to the close of an open season. Colorado Interstate Gas   Recommendation        
R99007 WGQ Add new data sets for capacity release to accomplish the recall and reput of released capacity. Colorado Interstate Gas Withdrawn by Submitter          
R99006 WGQ Add a data element to the Pre-determined Allocation and Pre-determined Allocation Quick Response data sets to facilitate response processing currently supported through the ANSI X12 data element that identifies location level (POC 01) and similarly for the Request for Confirmation, Confirmation Response and Confirmation Response Quick Response data sets (PO1 01). Williams Gas Pipeline - Transco            
R99005 WGQ Modify the definitions for Operational Delivery Quantity and Operational Receipt Quantity in the Shipper Imbalance (2.4.4) data set. Williams Gas Pipeline - Central   Recommendation 1

Recommendation 2

Revised Recommendation
EBB Internet Implementation Standards Recommended by the Task Force as of January 20, 1999 WGQ       Revised Recommendation - as adopted by the EC on 3/18/99        
R99004 WGQ Add code values to the Transaction Type data element in the Transportation/Sales Invoice (3.4.1) to support consistency from nomination through billing. Algonquin Gas Transmission   Recommendation        
R99003 WGQ Add two new code values for the Capacity release - Operationally Available and Unsubscribed Capacity data set (G840OAUC) for the existing data element Location/Quantity Type Indicator. ANR Pipeline Company            
Revised R99002 WGQ Modify the nomination deadlines and associated gas days from December 28, 1999 to January 3, 2000 to accommodate any software or hardware problems related to Year 2000. Tennessee Gas Pipeline and TransCapacity            
R99001 WGQ Add the Nominator Tracking Id to the SI data segment of the Transportation/Sales Invoice as a conditional data element based on the value being present earlier in the process. TransCapacity            
1998AP6 - Title Transfer Tracking WGQ   GISB 1998 Annual Plan   Recommendation

Recommendation - Revised

Recommendation 2
R98091 WGQ Add a DTM segment to the sub-detail level of the GISB Transportation/Sales Invoice (G811TSIN) to reduce the number of detail loops required for each contract when date ranges are needed to reflect volume or rate changes for different rates. ANR Pipeline            
EBB Internet Implementation Standards for Flowing Gas and Flat Files WGQ       Recommendation - as adopted by the EC on 1/21/99        
R98090 WGQ Revise the definition language for Service Provider's Activity Code in the nominations standards, including the addition of two addtional data elements to the definition -- Service Requester Contract and Transportation Type, and the specification of usages for the data elements specified for the definition. ANR Pipeline   Recommendation        
R98089 WGQ Add a code value of "RD" to the ANSI data element Acknowledgement Type in the BAK segment of the Confirmation Response (Standard 1.4.4) transaction set. The code value "RD" means Reject with Detail (the Request for Confirmation transaction set - Standard 1.4.3) and would be utilized when the entire transaction was rejected due to header level errors. ANR Pipeline   Recommendation

Recommendation B
R98088 WGQ Modify the Scheduled Quantity data set to add the data element "Confirmation Quantity" with a sender's option usage to allow all Service Requesters to view their meter balance information. Koch Gateway Pipeline   Recommendation        
R98087 WGQ Create a new data set and add a new code value to the Upload or Request for Download and associated response data sets -- both mutually agreeable -- to allow an Operator to request a download of physical meters and volumes behind an aggregate/ logical meter that is allocable. Koch Gateway Pipeline            
R98086 WGQ Proposed standards are requests to establish a consistent manner to notify service requesters of such [intraday bumps referenced in Order No. 587-G] intraday bumps as well as standardize Internet email notification of Operational Flow Orders (OFO) and Critical Notices. Columbia Gulf Transmission   Revised Recommendation - as adopted by the EC on 7/15/99        
R98085 WGQ Revise the Nomination data set to accommodate sending only one common code at custody transfer locations where the transportation service provider knows the relationship between the Contract Identifier and the Identifier Code (e.g. pooling points, logical points). Enron Capital & Trade   Recommendation        
R98084 - Revised WGQ Define a means of requesting and sending a dataset that communicates Gas Quantity Statement data. Transco   Recommendation

Revised Recommendation
R98083 WGQ Define a means of requesting and sending a dataset that communicates Measurement Data by Company. Transco            
R98082 WGQ Define a means of requesting and sending a dataset to communicate RTU Events. Transco   Recommendation

Attachment 1 to Recommendation - Data Element Xref

Attachment 2 to Recommendation - 814 Dataset

Attachment 3 to Recommendation - Transaction Table
Request for Comments due May 10, 2006      
R98081 WGQ Define a means of requesting and sending a dataset that communicates RTU Alarms. Transco   Recommendation

Attachment 1 to Recommendation - Data Element Xref

Attachment 2 to Recommendation - 814 Dataset

Attachment 3 to Recommendation - Transaction Table
Request for Comments due May 10, 2006      
R98080 WGQ Define a means of requesting and sending a dataset that communicates "Gas Quality Data". Transco            
R98079 WGQ Define a means of requesting and sending a dataset that communicates AGA History Measurement Audit data. Transco            
R98078 WGQ Define a means of requesting and sending the dataset "Allocation for Poolers". Transco            
R98077 WGQ Define a means of requesting and sending the dataset "Laboratory Analysis of Measurement Sample Data". Transco            
R98076 WGQ Define a means of communicating additional types of volumes on the Allocation dataset (2.4.3) and the Measurement Information dataset (2.4.5). Transco            
R98075 WGQ Define a means of communicating Nitrogen and Carbon Dioxide volumes by meter by day on the Measured Volume Audit Report dataset (2.4.6). Transco            
R98074 WGQ Define a means of requesting a dataset that communicates Pre-determined Allocation (PDA) information to those parties who can submit PDA information to the Transportation Service Provider. In addition, define a means of sending a dataset that communicates hourly measurement volumes at the meter level, either by creating a new dataset or by modifying an existing dataset. Transco            
R98073 WGQ Define a means of requesting and sending a dataset that communicates hourly measurement volumes at the meter level, either by creating a new dataset or by modifying an existing dataset. Transco            
R98072 WGQ Define a means of requesting and sending a dataset that communicates measurement volumes at the meter level, for both current and historical periods, either by creating a new data set or by modifying an existing dataset. Transco            
R98071 WGQ Add data elements to the Storage Balance Download transaction set requested by Texas Eastern Transmission in Request R98065: Balance Status, Transferred Injection Quantity and Transferred Withdrawl Quantity. Panhandle Eastern / Trunkline            
R98070 WGQ Create an EDI transaction set titled "PMA Contract Summary Download" and its corresponding request transaction set, "Request for PMA Contract Summary Download" in order for a trading partner to be able to request and to receive information related to prior month adjustments for a specified accounting period. Panhandle Eastern / Trunkline            
R98069 WGQ Add data elements to the Shipper Imbalance (2.4.4): Contract Daily Tolerance, Quantity in Excess of Daily Contract Tolerance, Variance Percent and Variance Quantity. Panhandle Eastern / Trunkline   Recommendation 1

Recommendation 2

Revised Recommendation
R98068 WGQ Add data elements to the Measurement Information (2.4.5): Point Relationship and Proprietary Meter Code. Panhandle Eastern / Trunkline   Recommendation        
R98067 WGQ Add code values to the list of valid code values for the Transaction Type data element in the Pre-determined Allocation (2.4.1) and Allocation (2.4.3): Suspense Gas Claim and Delivery of Claimed Suspense Gas. Texas Eastern Transmission   Recommendation        
R98066 WGQ Add code values to the list of valid code values for the Transaction Type data element in the Pre-determined Allocation (2.4.1) and Allocation (2.4.3): No-Notice Service, No-Notice Pre-Injection, No-Notice Balancing, No-Notice Due Transportation Service Provider Balancing, and No-Notice Due Service Requester Balancing. Texas Eastern Transmission   Recommendation        
R98065 WGQ Create an EDI transaction set titled Storage Balance Download and its corresponding request transaction set, Request for Storage Balance Download in order for a trading partner to be able to request and to receive balance information for storage contracts. Texas Eastern Transmission            
R98064 WGQ Add the data elements listed below to the Shipper Imbalance Statement(2.4.4): Delivery Zone Identifier, Direction of Flow, Receipt Zone Identifier, and Service Requester. Texas Eastern Transmission   Recommendation 1

Recommendation 2

Revised Recommendation
R98063 WGQ Add the data elements listed below to the Allocation (2.4.3) and the Pre-determined Allocation (2.4.1): Measured Direction of Flow and Rate Schedule. Texas Eastern Transmission Withdrawn by Submitter          
December 17, 1998 EC Adopted EII Standards WGQ       Revised Recommendation - as adopted by the EC on 12/17/98        
R98062 WGQ Add a new standards data set to the Nomination Related Standards (1.4.X) to allow a Park and Loan shipper to submit a request for a specific Park/Loan deal Park/Loan deal requests should include: Park/Loan contract, Request for "Park" or "Loan" , Park/Loan Location, Maximum Park/Loan Quantity, Park/Loan Deal Term and Park/Loan Deal Rate. Colorado Interstate Gas   Recommendation

Recommendation 2
R98061 WGQ Add a new standard data set to the Nomination Related Standards (1.4.X) to allow No Notice Transportation (NNT) shippers to request authorization for overrun deliveries under their NNT contracts. Colorado Interstate Gas   Recommendation

Recommendation 2
R98060 WGQ Give the functional acknowledgement a Transaction Set ID. The Transaction Set ID would be used as the value for "transaction set." Transaction set is a data element in the EDM Implementation Guide. The Functional Acknowledgement is the only document that has not been assigned a Transaction Set ID. Columbia Gas Transmission   Recommendation        
R98059 WGQ Add a new data set, Scheduled Quantity for Pools Report, to communicate the scheduled quantities at pools. Transco Withdrawn by Submitter          
R98058 WGQ Add the following code value description and definition for the Charge Type data element in the Transportation/Sales Invoice (3.4.1): Code Value Description Code: Voluntary GRI, Value Definition: A charge type to identify a voluntary contribution to GRI. El Paso Natural Gas   Recommendation A        
R98057 WGQ Add three data elements to the Scheduled Quantity (1.4.5) and Scheduled Quantity for Operators (1.4.6) datasets. The data elements are as follows: SQ Status, Month to date and Confirmed Quantity. TransCapacity   Recommendation        
R98056 WGQ Add two new datasets to accomplish the following purposes: Upload of Service Requester Information to upload a change of a service requesters name, address or DUNS Number to the Transportation Service Provider and Upload of Service Requester Information Quick Response to provide a relevant quick response download to the upload of change of service requester information. TransCapacity            
R98055 WGQ Add new code values for the "Transaction Type" data element in the nomination, invoicing (as appropriate), and flowing gas (as appropriate) related datasets. These code values would be used for nomination and scheduling of the following: Suspense gas, No-notice service, Flow day diversion and Authorized point overrun. TransCapacity   Recommendation        
R98054 WGQ Add a new data element, Accounting Data 2, to the Nomination and Confirmation data sets that allows the customer to enter additional information about the transaction. El Paso Natural Gas   Recommendation        
R98053 WGQ Add a new data element, Accounting Data 1, to the Nomination and Confirmation data sets that allows the customer to enter additional information about the transaction. El Paso Natural Gas   Recommendation        
R98052 WGQ Add a new data field called "tax code" to the Nomination dataset to provide a taxation code value that may be applicable to a nomination line item. This tax code could be used for the Canadian Goods and Services Tax (GST) export declaration. TransCanada PipeLines   Recommendation        
R98051 WGQ Add TransCanada PipeLine mainline (TCPL) requests that a new field be added to the Nomination and Scheduled Quantity datasets. This new field called "Minimum Quantity" would to provide shippers with an option of specifying a floor quantity below which the nomination would cease to have effect. This field should be Business Conditional. TransCanada PipeLines   Recommendation        
R98050 WGQ Add a new data set, "Storage and Park/Loan Balance Information", plus a new code value, "Storage and Park/Loan Balance", in the Upload of Request for Download (and Response) data sets to facilitate the transfer of storage and park/loan information to and from trading partners. TransCapacity   Recommendation

Recommendation Attachment 1

Recommendation Attachment 2

Recommendation Attachment 3

Recommendation Attachment 4
Request for Comments due February 2, 2005      
R98049 WGQ Add a new data set, "Credit Status Information", plus a new code value, "Credit Status", in the Upload of Request for Download (and Response) data sets to facilitate the transfer of credit status and approved bidder information to and from trading partners. TransCapacity            
R98048 WGQ Add a new data set, "Fuel Matrix Information", plus a new code value, "Fuel Matrix", in the Upload of Request for Download (and Response) data sets to facilitate the transfer of fuel matrix information to and from trading partners. TransCapacity            
R98047 WGQ Add a new data set, "Supported Code Value Information", plus a new code value, "Supported Code Values", in the Upload of Request for Download (and Response)data sets to facilitate the transfer of valid code value information to and from trading partners. TransCapacity   Recommendation

Recommendation - Attachment 1

Recommendation - Attachment 2

Recommendation - Attachment 3

Recommendation - Attachment 4
Request for Comments due November 7, 2007      
R98046 WGQ Add a Processing Rights Indicator data elements to the sub-detail level of the Nomination (1.4.1) and Scheduled Quantity (1.4.5) data sets. Enron Gas Pipeline Group   Recommendation        
R98045 WGQ Create an EDI transaction set for In-Field Storage Transfer. Duke Energy Withdrawn by Submitter          
R98044 WGQ Add nine data elements (Change Indicator, Confirmation Status, County, Estimated BTU, Location Operator, Physical Direction of Flow, Preliminary Allocation Method, Previous Day Scheduled Quantity, State Abbreviation) to the Scheduled Quantity for Operator (1.4.6) data set. Duke Energy   Recommendation        
R98043 WGQ Add eight data elements (Change Indicator, Confirmation Status, County, Location Operator, Physical Direction of Flow, Preliminary Allocation Method, Previous Day Scheduled Quantity, State Abbreviation) to the Request for Confirmation (1.4.3) data set and two data elements (Location Operator and Transaction Status Code) to the Confirmation Response (1.4.4) data set. Duke Energy   Recommendation        
R98042 WGQ Add four data elements (Bid Up Indicator, Delivery Location Confirmation Status, Fuel Percent, Receipt Location Confirmation Status) to the Scheduled Quantity (1.4.5) data set. Duke Energy   Recommendation        
R98041 WGQ Add contract data elements and bid rate data elements to allow the nomination of a "Super-Nom." Columbia Gas Transmission Withdrawn by Submitter          
R98040 WGQ Add a new data set, Storage Balance Report, to the Flowing Gas Implementation Guide. This will include 12 new data elements that are described in the request. Columbia Gas Transmission   Recommendation

Recommendation Attachment 1

Recommendation Attachment 2

Recommendation Attachment 3

Recommendation Attachment 4
Request for Comments due February 2, 2005      
R98039 WGQ Add a "Move to Cycle" data item to both nomination and confirmation transactions which will enable customers to automatically renominate or reconfirm the quantity on a transaction in subsequent cycles that was reduced during processing in the previous cycle. El Paso Natural Gas   Revised Recommendation - as adopted by the EC on 7/15/99        
R98038 WGQ Create an ANSI ASC X12 document that allows a Transportation Service Provider to send out a "Lesser of Rule" Confirmation Warning transaction prior to the end of the confirmation process. Koch Gateway Pipeline            
R98037 WGQ Add a non-textual data element that will tie the offers of a Not-Stand-Alone Offer together to the existing UPPD data set and the Non-Prearranged Deals data set under development. Columbia Gas Transmission   Recommendation Request for Comments due February 22, 2006      
R98036 - Revision 2 WGQ Implement a mechanism to allow Producer to request ranking of market contracts by location where the upstream entity is the Producer. The response to this request should include an acknowledgement that the ranking was approved by the TSP.

Request Revision: Add a new transaction identifier, Producer Ranking, to the Request for Confirmation and Confirmation Response in order to indicate when the dataset is being used for producer ranking.
ANR Pipeline            
R98035 - Revision 2 WGQ Add a data element for "pre-limit quantity" to nomination/ confirmation related transaction datasets. Implement a mechanism to request a list of active pre-approved, pre-limit quantities by SR, Operator, LDC or Producer. Implement a mechanism to allow LDC or Operator to request pre-limit quantities for each contract or location.

Request Revision: Add a new transaction identifier, Pre-Limit Quantities, to the Request for Confirmation and Confirmation Response in order to indicate when the dataset is being used for pre-limit quantities.
ANR Pipeline   Recommendation A

Recommendation B
R98034 - Revised WGQ Initiate standards, data elements, code values and X12 ANSI implementation guides to allow customer access (EDI/EDM and EBB/EDM) to directly add, change and delete various entity information including addresses, contacts, phone numbers and business uses. ANR Pipeline            
R98033 WGQ Provide the Service Requester (i.e. pooler) with the ability to request pooling information for any specified time period via a proposed Scheduled Quantity of Poolers Dataset. Add a new data element for "Contract." ANR Pipeline Withdrawn by Submitter          
R98032 WGQ Add data elements for Market Balance Service nominations: MBS Storage Quantity, MBS Injection Quantity and MBS Withdrawl Quantity. Nomination business key ID (NomID) - created by TSP to use in lieu of the business keys. One unique Nom ID for each unique business key. Modify the datasets to accommodate multiple occurrences of Associated Contracts for each MBS nomination. ANR Pipeline            
Revised R98031 WGQ Develop an EDI dataset to allow Confirming Parties to elect to "Confirm by Exception" as provided for in 1.2.11 and 1.3.22. This would be classified as a "new transaction." Tennessee Gas Pipeline   Recommendation        
R98030 WGQ Modify GISB Standard 3.4.1 to include enhancements to the sales invoice to the GISB Implementation Guides. Texaco Natural Gas            
R98029 WGQ Change the usage and definition of the Transaction Status Code "AE" in the 855 Quick Response transaction set. The definition of "AE" should change from "Acknowledge - With Exception Detail Only: Error(s) or warning(s) occurred in the transaction. Transaction has been acknowledged. Error(s) and warning(s) follow." to "Acknowledge: Transaction has been acknowledged. all processed line items, i.e. sub-detail, to follow." TransCapacity            
R98028 WGQ Add two code values (Suspense Gas Claim and Delivery of Claimed Suspense Gas) to the list of valid code values for the Transaction Type data element in the Nomination (1.4.1), Scheduled Quantity (1.4.5) Imbalance (2.4.4) and Transportation/Sales Invoice (3.4.1). Duke Energy Corp.   Recommendation        
R98027 WGQ Add five code values (No-Notice Service, No-Notice Pre-Injection, No-Notice Balancing, No-Notice Due Transportation Service Provider Balancing, No-Notice Due Service Requester Balancing) to the list of valid code values for the Transportation Type data element in the Nomination (1.4.1), Scheduled Quantity (1.4.5) Imbalance (2.4.4) and Transportation/Sales Invoice (3.4.1). Duke Energy Corp.   Recommendation        
R98026 WGQ Add the data elements "Bid Up Indicator" and "Fuel Percent" to the Nomination dataset 1.4.1. Duke Energy Corp.   Revised Recommendation - as adopted by the EC on 3/18/99        
R98025 WGQ Add a code value description and definition for the Charge Type data element in the Transportation/Sales Invoice document (GISB Standard No. 3.4.1). Enron Gas Pipeline Group   Recommendation        
R98024 WGQ Add a validation code description to the Validation Code data element in the Nomination Quick Response (GISB Standard No. 1.4.2), applicable at the sub-detail level. TransCapacity   Recommendation        
R98023 WGQ Add eight Reduction Reason code value descriptions and definitions for the Scheduled Quantity (1.4.5) and Scheduled Quantity for Operator (1.4.6). Enron Gas Pipeline Group   Recommendation        
R98022 WGQ Order 587G provides that "Pipelines will be permitted cost-of-service recovery in subsequent section 4 rate cases for the costs of the interactive web site only if the pipelines together with GISB create standards governing the access to, presentation, and format ("look and feel") of the sites." I am requesting that GISB develop standards consistent with the Order. Providence Gas Co.            
R98021 WGQ Modify the implementation of the CTT segment within the Shipper Imbalance and the Transportation/Sales Invoice. In these transactions, the CTT should be the accummulation of the number of ITI segments. Columbia Gas Transmission   Recommendation        
OBA Standards - Item 1c WGQ   GISB 1998 Annual Plan   Revised Recommendation        
R98020 WGQ Develop a standard Agency Agreement and associated business practice standards whereby transportation service providers (TSPs) or their agents provide TSP's business parties an Agency Agreement whereby the business parties would appoint the TSP or the TSP's agency to act as agent for the business coordination purpose of collecting and disseminating bueiness party identification codes. These business parties would include but not be limited to service requesters, interconnected service providers, information service providers, end-use customers, marketers and producers. TransCapacity            
R98019 WGQ Develop a long term master purchase and sales contract for natural gas. PG&E Texas Industrial Energy            
R98018 WGQ Add a method to the Scheduled Quantity by Contract (865SQTS) and the Scheduled Quantity for Operator (865SQOP) to send multiple (up to ten) Reduction Reason Codes (additional Reduction Reason Codes are MA) and add a new data element Reduction Quantity (MA) multiple times (up to 10). Definition of Reduction Quantity - Quantity associated with Reduction Reason Code. El Paso Natural Gas & SoCal Gas   Recommendation Request for Comments due February 2, 2005      
R98017 WGQ Modify the data dictionary to add text to the Release Term Start Date and Release Term End Date in the Capacity Release Award Notice. Columbia Gas Transmission   Recommendation        
R98016 WGQ Correct an omission in the cross reference of the Measurement Information document by the inclusion of the usage for Ending Flow Date and Ending Flow Time. Columbia Gas Transmission   Recommendation        
R98015 WGQ Change the usage of Meter Operator to BC in the Measured Volume Audit Statement. Columbia Gas Transmission   Recommendation        
R98014 WGQ Add Preparer ID and Recipient ID to the Measured Volume Audit Statement. Columbia Gas Transmission            
R98013 WGQ Modify the Measured Volume Audit Statement to make the values for Static Pressure Range consistent with Static Pressure, and Maximum Differential Pressure with Differential Pressure. Columbia Gas Transmission   Recommendation        
R98012 WGQ Add a new standard to describe when and under what circumstances Allocation Statements are sent to shippers. TransCapacity   Recommendation

Recommendation 1 - Revised by EC 9/16/99

Recommendation 2
R98011 WGQ Add new standards and definitions to standardize the PDA/ Allocation process and standardize the terms parties use when referring to various processes known as allocation. TransCapacity   Recommendation

Recommendation 1 - Revised by EC 9/16/99

Recommendation 2
R98010 WGQ Add the data element "Payment Remittance Total Amount" to the Payment Remittance data dictionary. Exxon   Recommendation        
R98009 WGQ Add the data element "Remit to Party" to the Statement of Account and the Payment Remittance data dictionaries. Exxon   Recommendation        
R98008 WGQ Add the data elements Offer Number and Replacement Shipper's Contract Number to the Invoice. Columbia Gas Transmission   Recommendation        
R98007 WGQ Add a quantity field to the invoice, the Maximum Daily Quantity (MDQ). Columbia Gas Transmission   Recommendation        
R98006 WGQ Change the definition and condition of Allocation Rank Level so that it may be used with the "swing" Allocation Method. Columbia Gas Transmission   Recommendation        
R98005 WGQ Modify standards 2.4.4 and 3.4.1 for conforming changes such that the field "Package ID" is conditional usage consistent with the requirements of standard 1.3.24. TransEnergy Management   Recommendation        
R98004 WGQ Develop an energy industry standardized continuing guaranty similar in form to a GISB contract. Idaho Power Company            
R98003 WGQ Revise the Transportation Invoice as follows: Method 1 - Use the ITA12 element in the ITA segmetn to send the quantity that may be accumulated by the shipper to arrive at a total quantity for a point with a contract. Recommend that this be a mandatory field or Method 2 - Create a new ITA segment and map the charge type, price tier and a new data element Charge Type Rate to this lower level of detail; these would be mandatory data elements. Enron Capital & Trade Resources            
R98002 WGQ Develop a contract that could be used for the long and short term sale of natural gas and EFPs as well as having a rider for long and short term electrical power and generating capacity. American Electric Power            
R98001 WGQ Modify the usage or condition of Associated Contract in the PDA and Allocation Statement. Columbia Gas Trans.   Recommendation        
R97128 WGQ Add new Service Code values to the Invoice. Additional values are needed to identify Firm Gathering Service, Interruptible Gathering Service and Gas Processing Service. Columbia Gas Trans.   Recommendation        
R97127 WGQ For locations and entities, add an error message that indicated "Inactive" (for example, in active Upstream ID). Columbia Gas Trans.   Recommendation        
R97126 WGQ Add an error code and message to "Table A - Internet EDM Standard Error Codes and Messages". An EDM error is needed for EDI translation errors. Columbia Gas Trans.   Recommendation        
R97125 WGQ Add a data element to Confirmation transactions pursuant to GISB Standard 1.4.4 which will provide the "available capacity" at the interconnect point level. This would be a "mutually agreeable" data element. SoCal Gas, EPNG, Mojave PL Withdrawn by Submitter          
R97124 WGQ Specify the use of a current ANSI mandatory data element (assigned Identification, P01 01) and add it as a business data element to the 855 Nomination Quick Response document. TransCapacity   Recommendation

Revised Recommendation

Recommendation - 2nd Revised
Intraday WGQ   FERC   Revised Recommendation        
R97123 WGQ When a pipeline invoice due date is also a non-business day, the payment date should be determined by whether the previous day is a business day. National Fuel Gas Dist.   Revised Recommendation - as adopted by the EC on 7/15/99        
R97122 WGQ Add a code value to the UPPD Status code data element in the Upload to Pipeline of Prearranged Deal - Validation (GISB Standard 5.4.8). TransCapacity            
R97121 WGQ Add a new Standard to the Nominations Related Standards to enable service requesters to contract with third-party agents which agents would provide required fuel at appropriate points. TransCapacity            
R97120 WGQ Adopt and publish as a GISB Standard the file format for downloads of a Transportation Service Provider's Index of Customers as that specified by the FERC in Order No. 581. TransCapacity            
R97119 WGQ Add a new GISB Business Practice Standard to the Electronic Delivery Mechanism Related Standards describing the Transportation Service Provider's responsibility in terms of e-mailing of Operational Flow Orders (OFO's) and Critical Notices. TransCapacity   Revised Recommendation - as adopted by the EC on 7/15/99        
R97118 WGQ Add two new codes to the Transaction Type data element to delineate nominations of imbalance trades across contracts in the Nomination and nomination related data sets.

Please refer to 1997AP7
TransCapacity   Revised Recommendation 1 - as adopted by the EC on 7/15/99

Recommendation 2
R97117 WGQ Add two new business practice standards, one new assoicated dataset (EDI document) to facilitate the posting of Shippers' Imbalances, and a new code value for the Data Sets Requested data element in the Upload of Request for Download of Posted Data Sets (GISB Standard No. 5.4.14) and Response to Upload of Request for Download of Posted Data Sets (GISB Standard No. 5.4.15).

Please refer to 1997AP7
TransCapacity   Revised Recommendation 1 - as adopted by the EC on 7/15/99

Recommendation 2
R97116 WGQ Add a new business practice standard and an assoicated data element to the Nomination and Scheduled Quantity datasets. TransCapacity   Recommendation        
R97115 WGQ Modify "Condition" of Delivery Location, Downstream Identifier Code, Receipt Location and Upstream Identifier Code in Standard 1.4.1 - Nomination dataset to correspond to the instructions for Interpretations 7.3.8, 7.3.9, 7.3.10 and 7.3.11. Altra Energy   Recommendation        
R97114 WGQ Reclassify usage of data elements bid number and offer number from mandatory to business conditional in the Upload to Pipeline of prearranged Deals (UPPD) Bidder Confirmation and UPPD Bidder Validation documents. TransCapacity            
R97113 WGQ Reclassify Standards 2.3.14, 2.3.26, and 3.3.15 to the category of "Principles". Exxon Company USA            
R97112 WGQ Create a new business practice standard for storage, makeup and pooling nominations to be regarded as stand-alone nominations accepted or rejected on their own merit. TransCapacity            
R97111 WGQ Modify the Capacity Release UPPD and Bidder Confirmation datasets to enable Releasing Shippers (without pre-arranged bidders) and bidders (in addtion to pre-arranged bidders) to employ the EDI datasets to effectuate capacity release transactions other than through on-line EBBs. TransCapacity   Recommendation

Revised Recommendation B - as adopted by the EC on 7/15/99
R97110 WGQ The time appearing in the field "Posting Date/Time" should be the time that the completed Offer, Bid, Award, and Notice of Withdrawal (as applicable) first appeared on the Transportation Service Provider's Electronic Bulletin Board (EBB) as a completed activity (or reached the completed state, in the event there was no EBB involved in the transaction. TransCapacity   Recommendation Request for Comments due May 11, 2005
R97109 WGQ Change the field length of contract numbers associated with Standards No. 1.4.x, 2.4.x, 3.4.x and 5.4.x and their related implementation guides and change the remittance numbers associated with Standard No. 3.4.2 and related implementation guide items to utilize a field length of 12 characters instead of the current 30-character field length. INGAA   Recommendation        
R97108 WGQ Change the usage code of the Capacity Type Indicator contained in Standard 1.4.1 from Mutually Agreeable (MA) to Business Conditional (BC). Texas Gas Transmission   Recommendation A

Recommendation B
R97107 WGQ Add an optional ASC X12 name segment, N1, to send/receive meters in the GISB Measurement Information Report. Texaco/El Paso Energy            
R97106 WGQ Add two code values (one warning and one error) for the validation code element in the nomination Quick Response transaction. Enron Interstate Pipelines            
R97105 WGQ Modify Standard 1.3.27 to remove the data element "service proivder activity code" from the set of data elements which defines the key of the nomination. TransCapacity            
R97104 WGQ Add a new standard to the current GISB Electronic Delivery Mechanisms standards to address testing. TransCapacity   Recommendation        
R97103 WGQ Develop version and revision level of technology standards. Future Technology Task Force            
R97102 WGQ Develop standards to ensure a common "look and feel" for internet web page development and operations. Natural Gas Clearinghouse   Recommendation        
R97101 WGQ Technical Subcommittee recommended corrections to clean up version 1.2 Technical Subcommittee   Recommendation - Same as Request        
R97100 WGQ Technical Subcommittee recommended corrections to clean up version 1.2 Technical Subcommittee   Recommendation - Same as Request        
R97099 WGQ Technical Subcommittee recommended corrections to clean up version 1.2 Technical Subcommittee   Recommendation - Same as Request        
R97098 WGQ Technical Subcommittee recommended corrections to clean up version 1.2 Technical Subcommittee   Recommendation - Same as Request        
R97097 WGQ Technical Subcommittee recommended corrections to clean up version 1.2 Technical Subcommittee   Recommendation - Same as Request        
R97096 WGQ Create a standard contract for day trades. El Paso Energy Marketing   Recommendation as Amended April 16, 1998        
R97095 WGQ Add a data element, Payment Method Code, to the Data Dictionary for the Payment Remittance (Standard 3.4.2) dataset. Transco   Recommendation        
R97094 WGQ Add two data elements to the Payment Remittance (Standard 3.4.2) dataset, the ABA Number (bank identification code) and the bank account number to which payment was made. Transco   Recommendation        
R97093 WGQ Add three data elements with the usage code of mutually agreeable to the imbalance statement: shrinkage gas quantity, flash gas quantity, lost/unaccounted for gas quantity. Transco   Recommendation        
R97092 WGQ Add a new Invoicing-related Standard to describe the timeliness requirements of the Payment Remittance statement. Transco   Recommendation        
R97091 WGQ Add a new Invoicing-related Standard to describe the timeliness requirements of the Payment Remittance statement. Transco   Recommendation with Recommended Action (Item 1) Corrected        
R97090 WGQ Add a data element, Service Requester Contract, to the data dictionary for the Statement of Account (Standard 3.4.3) dataset with usage code Mutually Agreeable (MA). Transco            
R97089 WGQ Add a data element, Source Location, to the Nominations transaction. Transco Withdrawn by Submitter Recommendation B        
R97088 WGQ Add a data element called Capacity Release Cross Reference Contract to the data dictionary for the Invoice dataset (Standard 3.4.1) with usage code Sender's Option (SO). Transco   Recommendation        
R97087 WGQ Add three data elements to the PDA and Allocation Statement transactions: receipt location, delivery location, and transaction type. Transco   Revised Recommendation - as adopted by the EC on 7/15/99        
R97086 WGQ Add a data element -- statement type, to the Imbalance Statement transaction, with a usage code of mutally agreeable. Transco   Recommendation        
R97085 WGQ Add a data element, pressure base, to the existing Measurement Information report (2.4.5). Add an optional MEA (measurement) segment to the existing Measurement Information report (2.4.5). Texaco            
R97084 WGQ Add several code values to the Adjustment Type data element in the Measurement Information document (Standard 2.4.5). These same code values were added to the Measured Volume Audit Statement (Standard 2.4.6); ratified by GISB membership on February 28, 1997. Enron Interstate Pipelines   Recommendation        
R97083 WGQ Modify GISB Standard 1.3.1 from 9:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. central clock time to 9:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. central clock time for gas day. KN Energy            
R97082 WGQ Add two Transaction Type code values to the Nomination Transaction Type table. Florida Gas Transmission Withdrawn by Submitter          
R97081 WGQ Add a code of "RD" to the BAK02 element of the 855RRFC transaction. Add (an) error/reduction reason code(s) to notify the operator of error(s). El Paso Energy            
R97080 WGQ Add two new data elements to the Confirmation Response document -- confirmation provider's tracking ID, Unsolicited Confirmation Response Indicator, and one data element to the Operator Scheduled Quantity Document -- confirmation provider's tracking ID. TransCapacity   Recommendation 1

Recommendation 2
R97079 WGQ Add a new code value to the existing data element 'Transaction Status Code' in the Nomination Quick Response (QR) to indicate a 'Partial Response - details for processed nominations follow. TransCapacity   Recommendation        
R97078 WGQ Add a data element for a Storage Flag on the request for confirmation and confirmation request transactions. Southern Natural Gas            
R97077 WGQ Add a data element for Scheduled Service to the nominations and scheduled quantities transactions. Southern Natural Gas            
R97076 WGQ Add a data element for Package ID to the request for confirmation and confirmation response transactions. Southern Natural Gas   Recommendation - Revised with Additional Reference Information        
R97075 WGQ Add a data element for Storage Service to the nominations, request for confirmation, confirmation response and scheduled quantities transactions. Southern Natural Gas            
R97074 WGQ Add a data element for a Force Balance Flag to the nominations transaction. Southern Natural Gas            
R97073 WGQ Add a data element for offer # to the nominations and scheduled quantities transactions. Southern Natural Gas            
R97072 WGQ Add a data element for a Force Balance Flag to the nominations transactions. Southern Natural Gas            
R97071 WGQ Add a new standard or standards language to the current GISB Electronic Delivery Mechanism standards. The proposed standards address the use of ISA (Envelope) Sender Identification codes when sending EDI files. TransCapacity            
R97070 WGQ Add three codes to transaction type for contract demand limit overrun - fronthaul, shorthaul and backhaul. El Paso Natural Gas   Recommendation        
R97069 WGQ Standardize the dekatherm abbreviation to Dth in all GISB standards. Texaco   Recommendation        
R97068 WGQ Revise the SAC Segment in Capacity Release - Upload to the Pipeline of Prearranged Deal X12 transaction from Mandatory to Conditional, required when the biddable deal indicator is "Y" or the lesser rate indicator is "Y". Enron Interstate Pipelines   Recommendation        
R97067 WGQ Revise the usage of Rate Identification Code in the Capacity Release - Upload to the Pipeline of Prearranged Deal from Mandatory to Conditional. Enron Interstate Pipelines   Recommendation        
R97066 WGQ Revise the SAC Segment in Capacity Release - Firm Transportation and Storage - Offer X12 transaction from Mandatory to Conditional, required when the lesser rate indicator is "Y". Enron Interstate Pipelines   Recommendation        
R97065 WGQ Revise the usage of Rate Identification Code in the Capacity Release - Firm Transportation and Storage Offer - from Mandatory to Conditional. Enron Interstate Pipelines   Recommendation        
R97064 WGQ Correct the GISB implementation quides to use approved ASC X12 code values through requests to X12 to adopt the GISB codes, or through changes to the code values to use the X12 specified codes. Texaco   Revised Recommendation A

Recommendation B

Recommendation C

Recommendation D - part 1

Recommendation D - part 2

Recommendation E

Recommendation F

Recommendation G

Recommendation H (09/26/2011)

Rec H - Attachment 1

Rec H - Attachment 2

Rec H - Attachment 3

Rec H - Attachment 4

Rec H - Attachment 5

Recommendation I (9/3/2014)
Request for Comments
Due October 26, 2011

Comments Submitted by the WGQ IR/Technical Chairs

Request for Comments
Due October 2, 2014
R97063 WGQ Modify the GISB Base Contract for Short Term Purchases and Sales of Natural Gas to include the Fund Transfer Agency concept -- using two related agreements. DOE/Natural Gas &
Petroleum Tech.
R97062 WGQ Add a mandatory data element, "Scheduled Quantity Statement Type", to the Scheduled Quantity transaction. TransCapacity   Recommendation        
R97061 WGQ Modify GISB Standard 1.3.14 to include terms for nominations on distribution systems behind city gates or for nominations by retail end users. TransCapacity            
R97060 WGQ Adopt a short term Trading Partner Agreement as a GISB Operating Practice. Enron Capital & Trade   Recommendation 1

Recommendation 2
R97059 WGQ Classify the methods of transporting gas for processing and identify those methods in the nomination process. TransCapacity            
R97058 WGQ Add ability to use a transportation service provider's proprietary identifer when a trading partner's D-U-N-S number as not yet been issued or may not exist. TransCapacity   Staffed Recommendation

Recommendation B - as adopted by the EC on 5/20/99 - (Revised 7/9/99)

Recommendation B
R97057 WGQ Add a data element, Validation Code, to the Confirmation Response. Columbia Gas Transmission   Recommendation

Recommendation B
R97056 WGQ Rename the data element "confirmation requester's tracking number" to "confirmation requester's tracking ID" in the Request for Confirmation and Confirmation Response Transactions and clarify that the data element contains alpha-numberic data. TransCapacity   Recommendation        
R97055 WGQ Rename the data element "Nominator's Tracking Number" to "Nominator's Tracking ID" for the Nomination, Nomination Quick Response and Scheduled Quantity, transactions and clarify that the data element value contains alpha-numeric data. TransCapacity   Recommendation        
R97054 WGQ Add a new data element "Detail Code" to the Request for Confirmation and Confirmation Response transactions. Columbia Gulf   Recommendation        
R97053 WGQ Add a new business practice standard for capacity release: "All Capacity Release business practices with respect to rates, charges and surcharges, should be accommodated through one or more of the following manners: 1) total reservation charge/unit of reserved service, 2) total usage charge/unit of provided (or minimum commitment quantity of) service, 3) total surcharge/contract (unrelated to units of service reserved or provided), 4) total demand surcharges/unit of reserved service, or 5) total of usage surcharges/unit of provided (or minimum commitment quantity of) services. TransCapacity   Recommendation        
R97052 WGQ Modify GISB Standard 5.3.27 for more specificity in minimum/maximum rates specified by the releasing shipper. TransCapacity   Recommendation        
R97051 WGQ Remove the data element "Service Provider's Activity Code" from the transaction key defined in GISB standard 1.3.27. Transco   Recommendation        
R97050 WGQ Add all data elements in the Nominations transaction key to the data dictionary for the Invoice Data Set. Transco   Recommendation        
R97049 WGQ Add four code values to the allocation type codes in the PDA Data Set - Multi-level Operator, Multi-level Producer, Multi-level First Supplier, Multi-level Last Supplier. Transco Withdrawn by Submitter Revised Recommendation - as adopted by the EC on 12/17/98        
R97048 WGQ Add data elements "First Supplier" and "Last Supplier" to the Nomination, Scheduled Quantity, Imbalance Statement, and Invoice Data Sets with appropriate error messages developed for Nomination Quick Response. Transco Withdrawn by Submitter          
R97047 WGQ Add the data element "Source Location" to the Nominations, Scheduled Quantity, PDA, Shipper Imbalance, Allocation Statement, Invoice and Request for Confirmation Data Set with corresponding error codes defined for Nomination Quick Response and PDA Quick Responses. Transco            
R97046 WGQ Add two definitions to the GISB Business Practice Standards for Transportation and Transportation Service Provider. TransCapacity   Recommendation        
R97045 WGQ Modify the list of permitted qualifiers for point code to include "Service Provider's Proprietary Point Code" with a description of only to be used when there is no verified DRN number. TransCapacity   Recommendation        
R97044 WGQ Modify the reduction reason codes of the Confirmation Response and Scheduled Quantity for consistency. El Paso Natural Gas   Recommendation

Recommendation A
R97043 WGQ Add a data element for Interest Owner to the Nominations, Request for Confirmation, Confirmation and Scheduled Quantities Transactions. Southern Natural Gas   Revised Recommendation - as adopted by the EC on 12/17/98

R97042 WGQ Add a charge type of "Prepayment Credit" to the Transportation/Sales invoice. Northern Border            
R97041 WGQ Add a new fuel reimbursement option to the nominations related data sets allowing separate nominations for fuel gas. NGC            
R97040 WGQ Add a new final dispostion response code "U6" -- Contract Validation Error to be used during the capacity release award process. Texas Gas Transmission   Recommendation        
R97039 WGQ Add two codes to the data element capacity type indicator in the nominations and the scheduled quantity data sets -- tertiary to primary, tertiary to secondary. Tennessee Gas Pipeline   Recommendation        
R97038 WGQ Add additional reduction reason codes to the Scheduled Quantity Data Set -- no delivery nomination, no supply. NorAm   Recommendation        
R97037 WGQ Develop a standard data format for sharing operational data between pipeline operators having physical pipe-to-pipe connections. CNG            
R97036 WGQ Modify the GISB Implementation Guides to reflect the changes needed to support the Pathed Non-Threaded Model for Pre-Determined Allocation and Allocation Statement transactions. KGPC and NGPL   Revised Recommendation - as adopted by the EC on 7/15/99        
R97035 WGQ Modify the model trading partner agreement to accommodate the use of Internet electronic delivery mechanism. FTTF   Corrected Recommendation        
R97034 WGQ Add a service code to the invoice transaction data set -- balancing service. Transwestern Pipeline            
R97033 WGQ Add additional tie breaking methods codes for the Upload of Pre-Arranged Deals transaction set -- pro-rata lottery and first come/first serve. Transwestern & NNG            
R97032 WGQ Add a charge type code of Enrate to the Invoice transaction set. Transwestern Pipeline Withdrawn by Submitter          
R97031 WGQ Add two data elements to the Invoice Document - invoice level charge/allowance descriptor and invoice level charge/allowance amount, both with usage codes of SO. Market Settlement Task Force   Recommendation

Recommendation A

Recommendation B

Recommendation C
R97030 WGQ Add standards for shipper discount rates and include discount codes in the nomination process (previously AP9601). NorAm Energy Services            
R97029 WGQ Add transaction type to the invoice as a mandatory data element including a description of the technical implementation and the addition of three codes for the data element -- gathering, unauthorized overrun, and capacity release. Market Settlement Task Force   Recommendation        
R97028 WGQ Change the conditionality of Receipt and Delivery Location in the GISB Invoice document to be based on location indicator rather than service code. Market Settlement Task Force   Recommendation1

R97027 WGQ Add three values for service code for operational balancing, imbalance settlement and plant thermal reduction for the invoice and payment remittance documents. Market Settlement Task Force   Recommendation        
R97026 WGQ Add language in the Technical Implementation of Business Process for the GISB Transportation/Sales Invoice regarding charge type. Market Settlement Task Force   Recommendation        
R97025 WGQ Modify the language of Standard 3.3.5. Market Settlement Task Force   Recommendation        
R97024 WGQ Modify GISB Standard 4.3.1 to reflect the Electronic Delivery Mechanism standards adopted in September 1996. FTTF   Recommendation - Same as Request        
R97023 WGQ Further define GISB Standard 4.3.6 on formats for non-transactional data. FTTF   Recommendation        
R97022 WGQ Add two data elements to the nominations related data sets -- upstream package ID and downstream package ID. EPNG   Recommendation

Recommendation A

Recommendation B
R97021 WGQ Add "Adjustment Type" code values to the Measurement Information Statement. Market Settlement Task Force   Recommendation1

R97020 WGQ Modify the shipper imbalance statement for use with all nomination model types. Market Settlement Task Force   Recommendation 1

Recommendation 2

Recommendation 3

Revised Recommendation
R97019 WGQ Add additional elements for Provider, Supplier and Provider Contract to the Nominations dataset. NorAm   Revised Recommendation - as adopted by the EC on 12/17/98        
R97018 WGQ Add error codes to the Nominations Quick Response dataset. NorAm   Recommendation        
R97017 WGQ Form a task force to study the implementations of intra day noms and develop standards to achieve a seamless implementation. Texaco   Recommendation        
R97016 WGQ Modify the mapping of the rate segment in capacity release. PEC   Recommendation        
R97015 WGQ Add additional Rate Identification Codes and Surcharge Identification Codes to 5 Capacity Release datasets. PEC   Recommendation        
R97014 WGQ Modify the mapping of the Response Reason Code. PEC            
R97013 WGQ Modify the usage of the Contingency End Date/Time. PEC            
R97012 WGQ Modify the mapping of the UPPD Number. PEC            
R97011 WGQ Add Bidder Company Code to the detail on the Final Disposition. PEC   Recommendation

Recommendation - Revised
R97010 WGQ Add Rate Identification Code and Surcharge Identification Code to the UPPD Validation. PEC   Recommendation        
R97009 WGQ Add a comment segment to the Withdrawal Upload and Withdrawl Download datasets. PEC   Recommendation1

R97008 WGQ Add Stand Alone Terms to the Offer Download. PEC   Recommendation A

Recommendation B
R97007 WGQ Add a data element to allow the customer to choose whether contact information is displayed / downloaded. PEC            
R97006 WGQ Modify the PDA dataset to indicate the swing contract. Koch Gateway   Recommendation        
R97005 WGQ Add a volume type to the Nomination and Schedule Quantity data sets. NNG            
R97004 WGQ Add 5 new Charge Type codes to the Transportation/ Sales Invoice. Koch Gateway   Recommendation        
R97003 WGQ Add validation codes to the UPPD Validation. Transwestern   Recommendation        
R97002 WGQ Modify the definition of Preparer ID. Columbia Gas   Recommendation        
R97001 WGQ Update the Invoice to include the Line Number only in the Sub-detail. Columbia Gas   Recommendation        
R96131 WGQ Update Flowing Gas Implementation Guide to expand discussion and examples pertaining to Volume Allocations Statement. Market Settlement Task Force   Recommendation

Revised Recommendation 2 - as adopted by the EC on 7/15/99
R96130 WGQ Add transaction type indicators to delineate receipt deficiency and tender deficiency nominations. Northern Border   Recommendation        
R96129 WGQ Add a new capacity type indicator and associated error/warning messages to the Nomination, Nomination Quick Response, and Scheduled Quantity data sets to identify interruptible gas delivered to a firm contract. Northern Border            
R96128 WGQ Add data elements "Location" and "Beginning Date/Time" to the PDA Quick Response to allow the receiver of the PDA to pinpoint errors to a single location. Columbia Gulf            
R96127 WGQ Add a data element to the Payment Remittance data set to indicate the reasons for non-payment. Columbia Gulf            
R96126 WGQ Add a data element to the Payment Remittance data set to indicate the party being paid. Columbia Gulf   Recommendation        
R96125 WGQ Add a data element to the PDA, PDA Quick Response and Allocation Statement data sets to identify the level of allocation. Columbia Gulf   Recommendation1


Revised Recommendation A - as adopted by the EC on 7/15/99;
R96124 WGQ Modify Shipper Imbalance Transaction so that it supports the Pathed Non-Threaded nomination model. NGPL   Recommendation 1

Recommendation 2

Revised Recommendation
R96123 WGQ Add a data element, Balancing Agreement, to the UPPD - Bidder Confirmation and UPPD - Bidder Confirmation Validation Capacity Release Data Sets. Columbia Gas   Recommendation        
R96122 WGQ Add 2 new code values to Service Code on the Transportation/Sales Invoice. ANR   Recommendation        
R96121 WGQ Add clarifying descriptions to 2 code values on the Charge Type on the Transportation/Sales Invoice. ANR   Recommendation1
Recommendation A-1
Recommendation A-2
Recommendation A-3
Recommendation A-4
Recommendation A-5
Recommendation A-6
Recommendation A-7
Recommendation A-8
Recommendation A-9
Recommendation A-10
Recommendation A-11
Recommendation A-12
Recommendation A-13
Recommendation A-14
Recommendation A-15
Recommendation A-16
Recommendation A-17
Revised Recommendation A-18
Recommendation A-19
Recommendation A-20
Recommendation A-21
Recommendation A-22
Recommendation A-23/R07011
Request for Comments due November 5, 2008      
R96120 WGQ Add 4 new code values to Charge Type on the Transportation/Sales Invoice. ANR   Recommendation        
R96119 WGQ Add a new data element, Indemnification Clauses, to datasets in Capacity Release Standards. Columbia Gas   Recommendation        
R96118 WGQ Add two code types of "Capacity Discount" and "Market Affiliates" to the Notice Type on the System-Wide Notice. Columbia Gas   Recommendation        
R96117 WGQ Add a code type of "other" to the Service Code on the Invoice Statement. Columbia Gas            
R96116 WGQ Add minimum, maximum and bid point level quantity elements to the Upload to Pipeline of Prearranged Deal data set and other applicable capacity release data sets. PEC   Revised Recommendation        
R96115 WGQ Create a dataset for acceptance or errors/warnings for the Capacity Release Withdrawal Data Set. PEC Withdrawn by Submitter          
R96114 WGQ Eliminate seconds from the Upload to Pipeline of Prearranged Deal elements for Contingency End Date/Time, Bid Period Start Date/Time, Bid Period End Date/Time, Prearranged Deal Match Date/Time. PEC            
R96113 WGQ Limit the length of the UPPD Number to 10 characters in the Upload to Pipeline of Prearranged Deal. PEC            
R96112 WGQ Identify and assign adjustment reason codes for prior period adjustments on the Measurement Information Statement. NNG & TWPL   Recommendation        
R96111 WGQ Add reduction reason codes to Confirmation Response. PEC            
R96110 WGQ Add two business conditional data elements, Aggregator's Suppply Point and Aggregater's Supplier to Confirmation, Confirmation Resonse and Allocation data sets. PEC   Recommendation        
R96109 WGQ Add reduction reason codes to Scheduled Quantity 12/97. PEC            
R96108 WGQ Add error codes and warning codes to Nomination Quick Response. PEC   Recommendation        
R96107 WGQ Add data element "Previous Balance Forward" to Invoice data dictionary. PEC   Recommendation        
R96106 WGQ Modify usage requirement of Contact Person in all Flowing Gas and Invoicing Related Standards dictionaries. PEC   Recommendation        
R96105 WGQ Add additional error codes and warning codes to Pre-determined Allocation Quick Response. PEC   Recommendation        
R96104 WGQ Modify definition of Limit Value in Pre-determined Allocation data dictionary. PEC   Recommendation        
R96103 WGQ Modify Invoice dataset, Beginning Flow Date/Time and Ending Flow Date/Time to be Beginning Production Period and Ending Production Period. PEC   Recommendation        
R96102 WGQ Modify Remittance Number element in Payment Remittance dataset to limit field size. PEC   Recommendation        
R96101 WGQ Modify usage requirement of Service Requester and Account Number in Payment Remittance and Invoice datasets. PEC   Recommendation        
R96100 WGQ Modify the Payment Remittance to allow for multiple service requesters per billable party. PEC   Recommendation        
R96099 WGQ Modify the UPPD Validation to include location information for error conditions. NNG   Recommendation        
R96098 WGQ Modify the Transportation/Sales Invoice "Charge Type" element to add codes values. FGT   Recommendation        
R96097 WGQ Modify the level of response on the Nomination Quick Response from Transaction level to Contract level. Enron (NNG, FGT, TWPL)   Recommendation        
R96096 WGQ Modify the usage code of the Charge Type element on the Transportation/Sales Invoice. FGT            
R96095 WGQ Add a code value to the Transportation / Sales Invoice "Charge Indicator" element. FGT            
R96094 WGQ Add the Surcharge Identification Code values from the UPPD to the UPPD - Validation document's Surcharge Identification Code element values. FGT   Recommendation        
R96093 WGQ Modify the Notes/Special Instruction document to remove the Gas Transaction Point. FGT   Recommendation        
R96092 WGQ Modify the allocation statement data dictionary so that Beginning Flow Date/Time and Ending Flow Date/Time are split into four elements. PEC   Recommendation        
R96091 WGQ Add a Return Addressee company code to the Notes/ Special Instructions document for UPPD purposes. FGT   Recommendation        
R96090 WGQ Add a business conditional indicator to the UPPD and UPPD-Notify and Request to Confirm to allow releasing shippers to release their right to change points. FGT   Recommendation        
R96089 WGQ Add Replacement Shipper Contract Number to UPPD and UPPD-Notify and Request to Confirm. FGT   Recommendation        
R96088 WGQ Add new code values for Service Code to the Transportation / Sales Invoice. Koch Gateway   Recommendation        
R96087 WGQ Modify the nominations transactions to add additional values to transaction type data element. CNG   Recommendation        
R96086 WGQ Modify the capacity release transactions to add surcharge identificiation codes. CNG   Recommendation        
R96085 WGQ Modify the nomination transactions to add reduction reason codes. CNG   Recommendation        
R96084 WGQ Modify the invoice transaction to add charge type codes. NNG   Recommendation        
R96083 WGQ Modify the statement of account transaction usage code for date element. NNG   Recommendation        
R96082 WGQ Modify the capacity release offer review, award notice, upload of pre-arranged deals and upload of pre-arranged deals request to confirm transactions to add rate identification code and a conforming change to upload of pre-arranged deals surcharge identification codes. NNG   Recommendation        
R96081 WGQ Modify the scheduled quantity and confirmation response transactions to add additional reduction reason codes. NNG & TWPL   Recommendation        
R96080 WGQ Modify the measurement information and allocation statement transactions to add contact information at the detail level. NGPL   Recommendation        
R96079 WGQ Modify the nomination quick response transaction to add a warning message. NorAm            
R96078 WGQ Modify the GISB Standard 1.3.1 regarding implementation date. PSE&G            
R96077 WGQ Modify the nominations related standards to conform to GISB business practices. Mk Exec Task Force            
R96076 WGQ Modify the upload of pre-arranged deals transaction to add new status codes. Koch Gateway   Recommendation        
R96075 WGQ Modify the capacity release related transactions to add an additional data element - indemnification clauses. Columbia Gas Trans   Recommendation        
R96074 WGQ Modify the capacity release related transactions to add notice types. Columbia Gas Trans   Recommendation        
R96073 WGQ Modify the invoice transaction to add service codes. Columbia Gas Trans   Recommendation        
R96072 WGQ Modify the scheduled quantity transaction to add additional reduction reason codes. NNG & TWPL   Recommendation        
R96071 WGQ Modify the nomination quick response transaction to add status of nomination. Enron   Recommendation        
R96070 WGQ Modify the nomination transaction to add an additional capacity type of primary firm. NNG   Recommendation        
R96069 WGQ Modify the nomination quick response transaction to add a warning message. EPNG   Recommendation        
R96068 WGQ Modify the nominations and shipper imbalance transaction to add transaction type codes. EPNG   Recommendation        
R96067 WGQ Modify nominations transaction to add an additional option for capacity type. Northern Natural   Recommendation        
R96066 WGQ Modify the Transportation/Sales Invoice to add two data elements -- electronic funds transfer due data, and electronic funds transfer remittance address. EPNG   Recommendation        
R96065 WGQ Modify Standard 3.3.14 to define rendered as "post-marked for U.S. Postal Service delivery of communication, time-stamped for facsimile communication and time-stamped and delivered to the designated site for electronic communication." MSTF   Recommendation        
R97064 WGQ Correct the GISB implementation quides to use approved ASC X12 code values through requests to X12 to adopt the GISB codes, or through changes to the code values to use the X12 specified codes. Texaco   Revised Recommendation A

Recommendation B

Recommendation C

Recommendation D - part 1

Recommendation D - part 2

Recommendation E

Recommendation F

Recommendation G
R97063 WGQ Modify the GISB Base Contract for Short Term Purchases and Sales of Natural Gas to include the Fund Transfer Agency concept -- using two related agreements. DOE/Natural Gas &
Petroleum Tech.
R97062 WGQ Add a mandatory data element, "Scheduled Quantity Statement Type", to the Scheduled Quantity transaction. TransCapacity   Recommendation        
R97061 WGQ Modify GISB Standard 1.3.14 to include terms for nominations on distribution systems behind city gates or for nominations by retail end users. TransCapacity            
R97060 WGQ Adopt a short term Trading Partner Agreement as a GISB Operating Practice. Enron Capital & Trade   Recommendation 1

Recommendation 2
R97059 WGQ Classify the methods of transporting gas for processing and identify those methods in the nomination process. TransCapacity            
R97058 WGQ Add ability to use a transportation service provider's proprietary identifer when a trading partner's D-U-N-S number as not yet been issued or may not exist. TransCapacity   Staffed Recommendation

Recommendation B - as adopted by the EC on 5/20/99 - (Revised 7/9/99)

Recommendation B
R97057 WGQ Add a data element, Validation Code, to the Confirmation Response. Columbia Gas Transmission   Recommendation

Recommendation B
R97056 WGQ Rename the data element "confirmation requester's tracking number" to "confirmation requester's tracking ID" in the Request for Confirmation and Confirmation Response Transactions and clarify that the data element contains alpha-numberic data. TransCapacity   Recommendation        
R97055 WGQ Rename the data element "Nominator's Tracking Number" to "Nominator's Tracking ID" for the Nomination, Nomination Quick Response and Scheduled Quantity, transactions and clarify that the data element value contains alpha-numeric data. TransCapacity   Recommendation        
R97054 WGQ Add a new data element "Detail Code" to the Request for Confirmation and Confirmation Response transactions. Columbia Gulf   Recommendation        
R97053 WGQ Add a new business practice standard for capacity release: "All Capacity Release business practices with respect to rates, charges and surcharges, should be accommodated through one or more of the following manners: 1) total reservation charge/unit of reserved service, 2) total usage charge/unit of provided (or minimum commitment quantity of) service, 3) total surcharge/contract (unrelated to units of service reserved or provided), 4) total demand surcharges/unit of reserved service, or 5) total of usage surcharges/unit of provided (or minimum commitment quantity of) services. TransCapacity   Recommendation        
R97052 WGQ Modify GISB Standard 5.3.27 for more specificity in minimum/maximum rates specified by the releasing shipper. TransCapacity   Recommendation        
R97051 WGQ Remove the data element "Service Provider's Activity Code" from the transaction key defined in GISB standard 1.3.27. Transco   Recommendation        
R97050 WGQ Add all data elements in the Nominations transaction key to the data dictionary for the Invoice Data Set. Transco   Recommendation        
R97049 WGQ Add four code values to the allocation type codes in the PDA Data Set - Multi-level Operator, Multi-level Producer, Multi-level First Supplier, Multi-level Last Supplier. Transco Withdrawn by Submitter Revised Recommendation - as adopted by the EC on 12/17/98        
R97048 WGQ Add data elements "First Supplier" and "Last Supplier" to the Nomination, Scheduled Quantity, Imbalance Statement, and Invoice Data Sets with appropriate error messages developed for Nomination Quick Response. Transco Withdrawn by Submitter          
R97047 WGQ Add the data element "Source Location" to the Nominations, Scheduled Quantity, PDA, Shipper Imbalance, Allocation Statement, Invoice and Request for Confirmation Data Set with corresponding error codes defined for Nomination Quick Response and PDA Quick Responses. Transco            
R97046 WGQ Add two definitions to the GISB Business Practice Standards for Transportation and Transportation Service Provider. TransCapacity   Recommendation        
R97045 WGQ Modify the list of permitted qualifiers for point code to include "Service Provider's Proprietary Point Code" with a description of only to be used when there is no verified DRN number. TransCapacity   Recommendation        
R97044 WGQ Modify the reduction reason codes of the Confirmation Response and Scheduled Quantity for consistency. El Paso Natural Gas   Recommendation

Recommendation A
R97043 WGQ Add a data element for Interest Owner to the Nominations, Request for Confirmation, Confirmation and Scheduled Quantities Transactions. Southern Natural Gas   Revised Recommendation - as adopted by the EC on 12/17/98

R97042 WGQ Add a charge type of "Prepayment Credit" to the Transportation/Sales invoice. Northern Border            
R97041 WGQ Add a new fuel reimbursement option to the nominations related data sets allowing separate nominations for fuel gas. NGC            
R97040 WGQ Add a new final dispostion response code "U6" -- Contract Validation Error to be used during the capacity release award process. Texas Gas Transmission   Recommendation        
R97039 WGQ Add two codes to the data element capacity type indicator in the nominations and the scheduled quantity data sets -- tertiary to primary, tertiary to secondary. Tennessee Gas Pipeline   Recommendation        
R97038 WGQ Add additional reduction reason codes to the Scheduled Quantity Data Set -- no delivery nomination, no supply. NorAm   Recommendation        
R97037 WGQ Develop a standard data format for sharing operational data between pipeline operators having physical pipe-to-pipe connections. CNG            
R97036 WGQ Modify the GISB Implementation Guides to reflect the changes needed to support the Pathed Non-Threaded Model for Pre-Determined Allocation and Allocation Statement transactions. KGPC and NGPL   Revised Recommendation - as adopted by the EC on 7/15/99        
R97035 WGQ Modify the model trading partner agreement to accommodate the use of Internet electronic delivery mechanism. FTTF   Corrected Recommendation        
R97034 WGQ Add a service code to the invoice transaction data set -- balancing service. Transwestern Pipeline            
R97033 WGQ Add additional tie breaking methods codes for the Upload of Pre-Arranged Deals transaction set -- pro-rata lottery and first come/first serve. Transwestern & NNG            
R97032 WGQ Add a charge type code of Enrate to the Invoice transaction set. Transwestern Pipeline Withdrawn by Submitter          
R97031 WGQ Add two data elements to the Invoice Document - invoice level charge/allowance descriptor and invoice level charge/allowance amount, both with usage codes of SO. Market Settlement Task Force   Recommendation

Recommendation A

Recommendation B

Recommendation C
R97030 WGQ Add standards for shipper discount rates and include discount codes in the nomination process (previously AP9601). NorAm Energy Services            
R97029 WGQ Add transaction type to the invoice as a mandatory data element including a description of the technical implementation and the addition of three codes for the data element -- gathering, unauthorized overrun, and capacity release. Market Settlement Task Force   Recommendation        
R97028 WGQ Change the conditionality of Receipt and Delivery Location in the GISB Invoice document to be based on location indicator rather than service code. Market Settlement Task Force   Recommendation1

R97027 WGQ Add three values for service code for operational balancing, imbalance settlement and plant thermal reduction for the invoice and payment remittance documents. Market Settlement Task Force   Recommendation        
R97026 WGQ Add language in the Technical Implementation of Business Process for the GISB Transportation/Sales Invoice regarding charge type. Market Settlement Task Force   Recommendation        
R97025 WGQ Modify the language of Standard 3.3.5. Market Settlement Task Force   Recommendation        
R97024 WGQ Modify GISB Standard 4.3.1 to reflect the Electronic Delivery Mechanism standards adopted in September 1996. FTTF   Recommendation - Same as Request        
R97023 WGQ Further define GISB Standard 4.3.6 on formats for non-transactional data. FTTF   Recommendation        
R97022 WGQ Add two data elements to the nominations related data sets -- upstream package ID and downstream package ID. EPNG   Recommendation

Recommendation A

Recommendation B
R97021 WGQ Add "Adjustment Type" code values to the Measurement Information Statement. Market Settlement Task Force   Recommendation1

R97020 WGQ Modify the shipper imbalance statement for use with all nomination model types. Market Settlement Task Force   Recommendation 1

Recommendation 2

Recommendation 3

Revised Recommendation
R97019 WGQ Add additional elements for Provider, Supplier and Provider Contract to the Nominations dataset. NorAm   Revised Recommendation - as adopted by the EC on 12/17/98        
R97018 WGQ Add error codes to the Nominations Quick Response dataset. NorAm   Recommendation        
R97017 WGQ Form a task force to study the implementations of intra day noms and develop standards to achieve a seamless implementation. Texaco   Recommendation        
R97016 WGQ Modify the mapping of the rate segment in capacity release. PEC   Recommendation        
R97015 WGQ Add additional Rate Identification Codes and Surcharge Identification Codes to 5 Capacity Release datasets. PEC   Recommendation        
R97014 WGQ Modify the mapping of the Response Reason Code. PEC            
R97013 WGQ Modify the usage of the Contingency End Date/Time. PEC            
R97012 WGQ Modify the mapping of the UPPD Number. PEC            
R97011 WGQ Add Bidder Company Code to the detail on the Final Disposition. PEC   Recommendation

Recommendation - Revised
R97010 WGQ Add Rate Identification Code and Surcharge Identification Code to the UPPD Validation. PEC   Recommendation        
R97009 WGQ Add a comment segment to the Withdrawal Upload and Withdrawl Download datasets. PEC   Recommendation1

R97008 WGQ Add Stand Alone Terms to the Offer Download. PEC   Recommendation A

Recommendation B
R97007 WGQ Add a data element to allow the customer to choose whether contact information is displayed / downloaded. PEC            
R97006 WGQ Modify the PDA dataset to indicate the swing contract. Koch Gateway   Recommendation        
R97005 WGQ Add a volume type to the Nomination and Schedule Quantity data sets. NNG            
R97004 WGQ Add 5 new Charge Type codes to the Transportation/ Sales Invoice. Koch Gateway   Recommendation        
R97003 WGQ Add validation codes to the UPPD Validation. Transwestern   Recommendation        
R97002 WGQ Modify the definition of Preparer ID. Columbia Gas   Recommendation        
R97001 WGQ Update the Invoice to include the Line Number only in the Sub-detail. Columbia Gas   Recommendation        
R96131 WGQ Update Flowing Gas Implementation Guide to expand discussion and examples pertaining to Volume Allocations Statement. Market Settlement Task Force   Recommendation

Revised Recommendation 2 - as adopted by the EC on 7/15/99
R96130 WGQ Add transaction type indicators to delineate receipt deficiency and tender deficiency nominations. Northern Border   Recommendation        
R96129 WGQ Add a new capacity type indicator and associated error/warning messages to the Nomination, Nomination Quick Response, and Scheduled Quantity data sets to identify interruptible gas delivered to a firm contract. Northern Border            
R96128 WGQ Add data elements "Location" and "Beginning Date/Time" to the PDA Quick Response to allow the receiver of the PDA to pinpoint errors to a single location. Columbia Gulf            
R96127 WGQ Add a data element to the Payment Remittance data set to indicate the reasons for non-payment. Columbia Gulf            
R96126 WGQ Add a data element to the Payment Remittance data set to indicate the party being paid. Columbia Gulf   Recommendation        
R96125 WGQ Add a data element to the PDA, PDA Quick Response and Allocation Statement data sets to identify the level of allocation. Columbia Gulf   Recommendation1


Revised Recommendation A - as adopted by the EC on 7/15/99;
R96124 WGQ Modify Shipper Imbalance Transaction so that it supports the Pathed Non-Threaded nomination model. NGPL   Recommendation 1

Recommendation 2

Revised Recommendation
R96123 WGQ Add a data element, Balancing Agreement, to the UPPD - Bidder Confirmation and UPPD - Bidder Confirmation Validation Capacity Release Data Sets. Columbia Gas   Recommendation        
R96122 WGQ Add 2 new code values to Service Code on the Transportation/Sales Invoice. ANR   Recommendation        
R96121 WGQ Add clarifying descriptions to 2 code values on the Charge Type on the Transportation/Sales Invoice. ANR   Recommendation1
Recommendation A-1
Recommendation A-2
Recommendation A-3
Recommendation A-4
Recommendation A-5
Recommendation A-6
Recommendation A-7
Recommendation A-8
Recommendation A-9
Recommendation A-10
Recommendation A-11
Recommendation A-12
Recommendation A-13
Recommendation A-14
Recommendation A-15
Recommendation A-16
Recommendation A-17
Revised Recommendation A-18
Recommendation A-19
Recommendation A-20
Recommendation A-21
Recommendation A-22
Recommendation A-23/R07011
Request for Comments due November 5, 2008      
R96120 WGQ Add 4 new code values to Charge Type on the Transportation/Sales Invoice. ANR   Recommendation        
R96119 WGQ Add a new data element, Indemnification Clauses, to datasets in Capacity Release Standards. Columbia Gas   Recommendation        
R96118 WGQ Add two code types of "Capacity Discount" and "Market Affiliates" to the Notice Type on the System-Wide Notice. Columbia Gas   Recommendation        
R96117 WGQ Add a code type of "other" to the Service Code on the Invoice Statement. Columbia Gas            
R96116 WGQ Add minimum, maximum and bid point level quantity elements to the Upload to Pipeline of Prearranged Deal data set and other applicable capacity release data sets. PEC   Revised Recommendation        
R96115 WGQ Create a dataset for acceptance or errors/warnings for the Capacity Release Withdrawal Data Set. PEC Withdrawn by Submitter          
R96114 WGQ Eliminate seconds from the Upload to Pipeline of Prearranged Deal elements for Contingency End Date/Time, Bid Period Start Date/Time, Bid Period End Date/Time, Prearranged Deal Match Date/Time. PEC            
R96113 WGQ Limit the length of the UPPD Number to 10 characters in the Upload to Pipeline of Prearranged Deal. PEC            
R96112 WGQ Identify and assign adjustment reason codes for prior period adjustments on the Measurement Information Statement. NNG & TWPL   Recommendation        
R96111 WGQ Add reduction reason codes to Confirmation Response. PEC            
R96110 WGQ Add two business conditional data elements, Aggregator's Suppply Point and Aggregater's Supplier to Confirmation, Confirmation Resonse and Allocation data sets. PEC   Recommendation        
R96109 WGQ Add reduction reason codes to Scheduled Quantity 12/97. PEC            
R96108 WGQ Add error codes and warning codes to Nomination Quick Response. PEC   Recommendation        
R96107 WGQ Add data element "Previous Balance Forward" to Invoice data dictionary. PEC   Recommendation        
R96106 WGQ Modify usage requirement of Contact Person in all Flowing Gas and Invoicing Related Standards dictionaries. PEC   Recommendation        
R96105 WGQ Add additional error codes and warning codes to Pre-determined Allocation Quick Response. PEC   Recommendation        
R96104 WGQ Modify definition of Limit Value in Pre-determined Allocation data dictionary. PEC   Recommendation        
R96103 WGQ Modify Invoice dataset, Beginning Flow Date/Time and Ending Flow Date/Time to be Beginning Production Period and Ending Production Period. PEC   Recommendation        
R96102 WGQ Modify Remittance Number element in Payment Remittance dataset to limit field size. PEC   Recommendation        
R96101 WGQ Modify usage requirement of Service Requester and Account Number in Payment Remittance and Invoice datasets. PEC   Recommendation        
R96100 WGQ Modify the Payment Remittance to allow for multiple service requesters per billable party. PEC   Recommendation        
R96099 WGQ Modify the UPPD Validation to include location information for error conditions. NNG   Recommendation        
R96098 WGQ Modify the Transportation/Sales Invoice "Charge Type" element to add codes values. FGT   Recommendation        
R96097 WGQ Modify the level of response on the Nomination Quick Response from Transaction level to Contract level. Enron (NNG, FGT, TWPL)   Recommendation        
R96096 WGQ Modify the usage code of the Charge Type element on the Transportation/Sales Invoice. FGT            
R96095 WGQ Add a code value to the Transportation / Sales Invoice "Charge Indicator" element. FGT            
R96094 WGQ Add the Surcharge Identification Code values from the UPPD to the UPPD - Validation document's Surcharge Identification Code element values. FGT   Recommendation        
R96093 WGQ Modify the Notes/Special Instruction document to remove the Gas Transaction Point. FGT   Recommendation        
R96092 WGQ Modify the allocation statement data dictionary so that Beginning Flow Date/Time and Ending Flow Date/Time are split into four elements. PEC   Recommendation        
R96091 WGQ Add a Return Addressee company code to the Notes/ Special Instructions document for UPPD purposes. FGT   Recommendation        
R96090 WGQ Add a business conditional indicator to the UPPD and UPPD-Notify and Request to Confirm to allow releasing shippers to release their right to change points. FGT   Recommendation        
R96089 WGQ Add Replacement Shipper Contract Number to UPPD and UPPD-Notify and Request to Confirm. FGT   Recommendation        
R96088 WGQ Add new code values for Service Code to the Transportation / Sales Invoice. Koch Gateway   Recommendation        
R96087 WGQ Modify the nominations transactions to add additional values to transaction type data element. CNG   Recommendation        
R96086 WGQ Modify the capacity release transactions to add surcharge identificiation codes. CNG   Recommendation        
R96085 WGQ Modify the nomination transactions to add reduction reason codes. CNG   Recommendation        
R96084 WGQ Modify the invoice transaction to add charge type codes. NNG   Recommendation        
R96083 WGQ Modify the statement of account transaction usage code for date element. NNG   Recommendation        
R96082 WGQ Modify the capacity release offer review, award notice, upload of pre-arranged deals and upload of pre-arranged deals request to confirm transactions to add rate identification code and a conforming change to upload of pre-arranged deals surcharge identification codes. NNG   Recommendation        
R96081 WGQ Modify the scheduled quantity and confirmation response transactions to add additional reduction reason codes. NNG & TWPL   Recommendation        
R96080 WGQ Modify the measurement information and allocation statement transactions to add contact information at the detail level. NGPL   Recommendation        
R96079 WGQ Modify the nomination quick response transaction to add a warning message. NorAm            
R96078 WGQ Modify the GISB Standard 1.3.1 regarding implementation date. PSE&G            
R96077 WGQ Modify the nominations related standards to conform to GISB business practices. Mk Exec Task Force            
R96076 WGQ Modify the upload of pre-arranged deals transaction to add new status codes. Koch Gateway   Recommendation        
R96075 WGQ Modify the capacity release related transactions to add an additional data element - indemnification clauses. Columbia Gas Trans   Recommendation        
R96074 WGQ Modify the capacity release related transactions to add notice types. Columbia Gas Trans   Recommendation        
R96073 WGQ Modify the invoice transaction to add service codes. Columbia Gas Trans   Recommendation        
R96072 WGQ Modify the scheduled quantity transaction to add additional reduction reason codes. NNG & TWPL   Recommendation        
R96071 WGQ Modify the nomination quick response transaction to add status of nomination. Enron   Recommendation        
R96070 WGQ Modify the nomination transaction to add an additional capacity type of primary firm. NNG   Recommendation        
R96069 WGQ Modify the nomination quick response transaction to add a warning message. EPNG   Recommendation        
R96068 WGQ Modify the nominations and shipper imbalance transaction to add transaction type codes. EPNG   Recommendation        
R96067 WGQ Modify nominations transaction to add an additional option for capacity type. Northern Natural   Recommendation        
R96066 WGQ Modify the Transportation/Sales Invoice to add two data elements -- electronic funds transfer due data, and electronic funds transfer remittance address. EPNG   Recommendation        
R96065 WGQ Modify Standard 3.3.14 to define rendered as "post-marked for U.S. Postal Service delivery of communication, time-stamped for facsimile communication and time-stamped and delivered to the designated site for electronic communication." MSTF   Recommendation        
R96064 WGQ Modify Upload of Pre-Arranged Deals transactions to add one new data element (retained quantity) and incorporate two existing data elements (production area indicator, gas transaction point 1 zone), with the addition also of error messages and warning messages. EPNG   Recommendation        
R96063 WGQ Add abbreviations developed by the Market Settlement Task Force for the invoicing functions. MSTF   Recommendation        
R96062 WGQ Modify the Nominations Transaction to add a new data element - role. EPNG   Recommendation        
R96061 WGQ Modify the Nominations and Scheduled Quantity Transactions to add two new data elements - accounting data 1 and accounting data 2. EPNG   Recommendation        
R96060 WGQ Modify the Nominations Transaction to add a new data element - cycle. EPNG   Recommendation        
R96059 WGQ Modify the Nominations and Scheduled Quantity Transactions to add a new data element to be used by the service requester - comments. EPNG   Recommendation1

R96058 WGQ Modify the Nominations Related Standards to correct the examples to path non-threaded routing , and correction to the cross reference. Koch Gateway   Recommendation        
R96057 WGQ Modify the Nominations, Flowing Gas, and Invoicing Related Standards to change two data elements lengths - package id and contract number. EPNG   Recommendation        
R96056 WGQ Develop the Producer Imbalance Statement. Exxon   Recommendation as approved by the WGQ EC on August 26, 2004 Request for Comments due
August 23, 2004

Comments Submitted by COPAS

Comments Submitted by ExxonMobil
R96055 WGQ Modify the Invoice Related Standards to refer to the data element invoice code as invoice identifier. MSTF   Recommendation        
R96054 WGQ Modify the Request for Confirmation and the Confirmation Response Transactions to include a new data element - service requester. PanEnergy   Recommendation        
R96053 WGQ Modify the Confirmation Response Transaction to provide for a usage code of "C" from "BC" for Downstream Contract Identifier, and modify the text of the data dictionary. PanEnergy   Recommendation        
R96052 WGQ Modify the Confirmation Response Transaction to provide for a usage code of "C" from "BC" for Upstream Contract Identifier, and modify the text of the data dictionary. PanEnergy   Recommendation        
R96051 WGQ Modify the Confirmation Response Transaction to provide for a usage code of "C" from "MA" for Service Requester Contract, and modify the text of the data dictionary. PanEnergy   Recommendation        
R96050 WGQ Modify the Upload of a Pre-Arranged Deal, Offer Download, and Invoicing Transactions to include a new data element - rate basis indicator. Northern Border   Recommendation1

R96049 WGQ Modify the Confirmation Request Transaction to support a "final" transmission of data for informational purposes only. Northern Border   Recommendation        
R96048 WGQ Modify the Nominations Related Standards to add a new data element and associated error messages to specify the confirming party at an interconnection. Northern Border   Recommendation        
R96047 WGQ Modify the Nominations Related Standards to add additional values to the transaction type data element to delineate backhaul nominations and associated error messages. Northern Border   Recommendation        
R96046 WGQ Modify the Nominations Related Standards to add additional values to the transaction type data element to delineate linepack nominations and associated error messages. Northern Border   Recommendation        
R96045 WGQ Modify the Nominations Related Standards to add additional values to the transaction type data element to delineate fuel nominations and associated error messages. Northern Border   Recommendation        
R96044 WGQ Develop a Confirmation Response Quick Response Transaction. PanEnergy   Recommendation-1

Revised Recommendation-2
R96043 WGQ Modify the Nominations Transactions to add additional values to the transaction type data element. PanEnergy   Recommendation        
R96042 WGQ Modify the Nominations and Shipper Imbalance Transaction Sets to add additional values to the transaction type data element. EPNG   Recommendation1

R96041 WGQ Modification of Capacity Release Related Standards. MITF            
R96040 WGQ Modify the Request for Confirmation and confirmation Response Transactions for the definition of contractual flow indicator. PanEnergy   Recommendation        
R96039 WGQ Correction to GISB Standard 2.3.9 - Heating Values. I.S. Anderson            
R96038 WGQ Modify the Pre-Determined Allocation Transaction to change the definition of allocation rank level, and to add values for the rank method data element. PanEnergy   Recommendation        
R96037 WGQ Modify Payment Remittance Transaction to add three new data elements - disputed line item amount paid, unit price paid, quantity paid. MSTF   Recommendation        
R96036 WGQ Develop Cash Out Information Statement Transaction. MSTF            
R96035 WGQ Develop Request for Measurement Information and Request for Gas Metered Volume Statement Transactions. PanEnergy            
R96034 WGQ Modify the Flowing Gas Related Standards to add an additional allocation methodology type - End user value. PanEnergy   Recommendation 1

Recommendation 2
R96033 WGQ Modify the Measurement Information Transaction to add two new data elements - pressure base indicator and pressure base. TransCapacity   Recommendation        
R96032 WGQ Modify the Nominations Related Standards to add additional codes to the reduction reason and transaction type data elements. CNG   Recommendation        
R96031 WGQ Modify the Scheduled Quantity Transaction by adding a data element for the status of "not confirmed". NGPL   Recommendation        
R96030 WGQ Modify the Invoicing Related Standards to add three new data elements, Paid Amount - flow period, Beginning Flow Date/Time, Ending Flow Date/Time - to comply with GISB Std. 3.3.21. PanEnergy   Recommendation        
R96029 WGQ Modify the Nominations, Quick Response, and Scheduled Quantity Transactions to add agent and shipper data elements. NGPL   Recommendation        
R96028 WGQ Modify Nominations Transaction to add additional codes to the transaction type data element. PanEnergy   Recommendation        
R96027 WGQ Develop Conformed Quantity Transaction as part of the Nominations Related Standards. NrG   Recommendation        
R96026 WGQ Modify Nominations Quick Response Transaction to add four new error codes. NrG   Recommendation        
R96025 WGQ Modify Nominations Related Standards to provide title transfer code for transaction type data element. NrG   Recommendation        
R96024 WGQ Modify Nominations Related Standards to provide receipt as well as delivered quantity data elements. Col Gas   Recommendation        
R96023 WGQ Modify Nominations Related Standards to include storage contract number data element. Col Gas   Recommendation        
R96022 WGQ Modify several standards from disposition of principle to disposition of standard. Registry   Recommendation A        
R96021 WGQ Modify Capacity Release Offer, Upload of Pre-Arranged Deals, Upload of Pre-Arranged Deals Notifications, Awards Transactions to support second field for storage releases data element. Col Gas   Recommendation        
R96020 WGQ Modify Nominations Quick Response Transaction to support additional error codes. PanEnergy   Recommendation        
R96019 WGQ Modify Stds 1.3.14 and 2.3.9 to include conversion factors for Mexico. Pemex   Recommendation        
R96018 WGQ Develop standards for real-time capacity information. TransCapacity   Recommendation - 5/17/2010

Attachment 1 - Data Dictionary

Attachment 2 - EDI Technical
Request for Comments Due June 17, 2010      
R96017 WGQ Modify Offer, Bid Review, Award Notice, and Upload of Pre-Arranged Deals Transactions to support maximum Appalachian receipt quantity data element. CNG   Recommendation        
R96016 WGQ Modify Nominations Transaction to support source 2 data element. CNG   Recommendation1

R96015 WGQ Modify Nominations Transaction to support fuel method indicator type data element. Koch Gateway   Recommendation        
R96014 WGQ Modify Nominations Transaction to support offer type data element. Koch Gateway   Recommendation        
R96013 WGQ Modify Nominations and Scheduled Quantity Transactions to support additional values for transaction types. Tenneco Energy   Recommendation        
R96012 WGQ Modify Confirmation and Confirmation Response Transactions to support receipt rank and delivery rank data element. Tenneco Energy   Recommendation        
R96011 WGQ Modify Scheduled Quantity Transaction to support additional values for reduction reason code. Tenneco Energy   Recommendation        
R96010 WGQ Modify Scheduled Quantity Transaction to support sending the transaction to operators, producers and end users. Tenneco Energy   Recommendation        
R96009 WGQ Develop the Request for Scheduled Quantity Information Transaction. PanEnergy   Recommendation        
R96008 WGQ Develop the Request for Shipper Imbalance Transaction. PanEnergy   Recommendation 1

Recommendation 2 - amended and adopted by the EC on 10/12/00 and 10/19/00

Recommendation 2 - corrected, amended and adopted by the EC on 10/12/00 and 10/19/00
R96007 WGQ Develop the Request for Allocation Statement. PanEnergy   Recommendation 1

Recommendation 2 - amended and adopted by the EC on 10/12/00 and 10/19/00

Recommendation 2 - corrected, amended and adopted by the EC on 10/12/00 and 10/19/00
R96006 WGQ Modify nominations standards to incorporate granting firm shippers the ability to nominate outside the primary contract path. Williston Basin   Recommendation        
R96005 WGQ Develop standards for Gas Metered Volume Statements. Texaco   Recommendation        
R96004 WGQ Enhance Model Trading Partner Agreement and adopt as a standard. TransCapacity   Recommendation

Adopted Recommendation
R96003 WGQ Changes to Definition of Gas Day -- Std. 1.3.1. Northern Dist. Gas Group/
R96002 WGQ Enhancement to Standard 5.3.22. NGPL            
R96001 WGQ Reliance on Actual Data Only for Prior Period Adjustments. Texaco            
R95003 WGQ Develop Operational Balancing Agreement. EC, Valero   Recommendation

Recommendation A
R95002 WGQ Standardized Reporting. AGD            
R95001 WGQ One Call National System for Natural Gas Emergencies. NERC,INGAA            
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