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NAESB Request & Standards Development Activity
NAESB Request & Standards Development Activity Applicable to WEQ:

 Request for Initiation of a NAESB Standard (Word Format)

 WEQ Standards Request Guide (Word Format)

 WEQ Recommendation Development Overview
 Recommendation Form (Word Format)

 WEQ Standards Template (Word Format)

 NAESB Annual Plans

Request # Quad Description Requester Information
On Request
Recommendation Comments On Recommendation EC Status


Member Ratification
Final Action

WEQ Final Actions
2024 WEQ Annual Plan Items 1.d WEQ Develop and/or modify any necessary business practice standards, including revisions to WEQ-022 EIR Business Practice Standards, to complement and support new organization registration roles for inverter-based resources within the NERC Compliance Registry Coordinate Interchange Scheduling Subcommittee   No Action Recommendation WEQ Request for Comments Due August 23, 2024      
R24003 WEQ The request is to consider modifications to the WEQ Business Practice Standards to allow a transmission customer within OASIS to request and identify a designated agent for point-to-point transactions. Open Access Technology International, Inc.            

WEQ Request to review Modifications to the Glossary of Terms used in the NERC Reliability Standards in Support of Coordination between NERC and NAESB North American Electric Reliability Corporation            
2024 WEQ Annual Plan Items 2.b WEQ Consider and potentially develop modifications to WEQ-004 Coordinate Interchange and/or the NAESB Electronic Tagging Functional Specification to require that all entities actively approve e-Tags Coordinate Interchange Scheduling Subcommittee   No Action Recommendation WEQ Request for Comments Due March 14, 2024      

WEQ and RMQ Request for a standardized pro forma distribution service contract for DER aggregations. ICF Consulting and U.S. Department of Energy            
2023 WEQ Annual Plan Items 2.b WEQ Review the WEQ Business Practice Standards for needed modifications regarding Resales “off OASIS”. NAESB   Recommendation WEQ Request for Comments Due December 13, 2023

Comments Submitted by JT Wood, Southern Company

Late Comments Submitted by the WEQ OASIS Subcommittee

Late Comments Submitted by the WEQ Standards Review Subcommittee
2023 WEQ Annual Plan Items 2.a WEQ Review the WEQ OASIS Business Practice Standards for needed modifications based on implementation and operational experiences since the adoption of WEQ Version 003.3 WEQ OASIS Subcommittee   No Action Recommendation WEQ Request for Comments Due December 13, 2023

2023 WEQ Annual Plan Items 5.a, 5.b, and 5.c WEQ Develop business practices that define an index/registry for qualified energy storage resources and distributed energy resources participating in the wholesale markets; Develop business practices for information and reporting requirements for the qualified energy storage resources and distributed energy resources participating in the wholesale markets; Develop business practices to establish performance metrics for the qualified energy storage resources and distributed energy resources participating in the wholesale markets WEQ BPS   No Action Recommendation WEQ Request for Comments Due October 11, 2023

2023 WEQ Annual Plan Item 1.b WEQ Review annually at a minimum, the current version of the NAESB Electronic Tagging Functional Specification and make revisions as necessary to ensure the specification continues to be supportive of applicable NERC Reliability Standards and NAESB WEQ Business Practice Standards and is reflective of current cybersecurity best practices WEQ Coordinate Interchange Scheduling Subcommittee   No Action Recommendation WEQ Request for Comments Due September 29, 2023

2023 WEQ Annual Plan 6.a.i / R22002 WEQ Develop and/or modify as needed business practices, including the WEQ-023 Modeling Business Practice Standards, to support industry implementation of FERC Order No. 881 WEQ BPS   No Action Recommendation WEQ Request for Comments Due July 13, 2023

R23002 WEQ Request to modify WEQ-004 Coordinate Interchange 004-17, 004-17.2, and 004-17.3 to provide clarity regarding ramp durations. MISO   Recommendation WEQ Request for Comments Due August 18, 2023

Comments Submitted by the WEQ Standards Review Subcommittee

Comments Submitted by B. Dhuri, PJM

Comments Submitted by JT Wood, Southern Company

Late Comments Submitted by WEQ CISS
2023 WEQ Annual Plan 5.d / R22001 WEQ Develop business practices to define a common list of grid services for electric market interactions that support grid-edge resources such as distributed energy resources and batteries in support of U.S. Department of Energy Grid Modernization Laboratory Consortium efforts (Standards Request R22001) WEQ BPS   Recommendation

WEQ Request for Comments Due March 17, 2023

Comments Submitted by the WEQ Standards Review Subcommittee

Comments Submitted by JT Wood, Southern Company

Comments Submitted by Lawrence Berkley National Laboratory and Pacific Northwest National Laboratory

Late Comments Submitted by the WEQ BPS Subcommittee
2023 WEQ Annual Plan 6.a.ii / R22002 WEQ Develop and/or modify as needed WEQ OASIS related business practice standards to support industry implementation of FERC Order No. 881 WEQ OASIS Subcommittee   No Action Recommendation WEQ Request for Comments Due March 16, 2023

Comments Submitted by the WEQ Standards Review Subcommittee
2023 WEQ Annual Plan Item 3.c WEQ Review cybersecurity standards to determine if baseline Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) should be integrated into standard requirements and develop supportive standards as needed WEQ Cybersecurity Subcommittee   No Action Recommendation WEQ Request for Comments Due March 10, 2023

Comments Submitted by the WEQ Standards Review Subcommittee
2023 WEQ Annual Plan Item 3.a and 3.b WEQ Review annually, at a minimum, WEQ-012 and the accreditation requirements for Authorized Certification Authorities to determine if any changes are needed to meet market conditions/Evaluate and modify as needed standards to support and/or complement the current version of the NERC Critical Infrastructure Protection Standards and any other activities of NERC and the FERC related to cybersecurity. WEQ Cybersecurity Subcommittee   No Action Recommendation WEQ Request for Comments Due March 10, 2023

Comments Submitted by the WEQ Standards Review Subcommittee
2022 WEQ Annual Plan Item 3.b.ii/R21003 WEQ Review the need to easily assess profile changes that occurred as a result of Preemption-ROFR process and revise the standards as needed WEQ OASIS Subcommittee   Recommendation WEQ Request for Comments Due August 17, 2022

Late Comments Submitted by the WEQ Standards Review Subcommittee
2022 WEQ Annual Plan Item 5.b.i and 2022 RMQ Annual Plan Item 2.a WEQ and RMQ Develop technical implementation business practice standards to support automation of the current REC creation, accounting, and retirement processes for voluntary markets consistent with the NAESB Base Contract for Sale and Purchase of Voluntary Renewable Energy Certificates WEQ and RMQ BPS   Recommendation

Attachment A

Attachment B

Attachment C

Attachment D

Attachment E

Attachment F
WEQ and RMQ Request for Comments Due August 8, 2022

Comments Submitted by K. Sappenfield, Cheniere Energy

Attachment A Comments Submitted by K. Sappenfield, Cheniere Energy

Attachment B Comments Submitted by K. Sappenfield, Cheniere Energy

Attachment C Comments Submitted by K. Sappenfield, Cheniere Energy

Attachment D Comments Submitted by K. Sappenfield, Cheniere Energy

Attachment E Comments Submitted by K. Sappenfield, Cheniere Energy

Attachment F Comments Submitted by K. Sappenfield, Cheniere Energy

Late Comments Submitted by the WEQ Standards Review Subcommittee

Late Comments on Attachment A Submitted by the WEQ/RMQ BPS

Late Comments on Attachment B Submitted by the WEQ/RMQ BPS

Late Comments on Attachment C Submitted by the WEQ/RMQ BPS

Late Comments on Attachment D Submitted by the WEQ/RMQ BPS

Late Comments on Attachment E Submitted by the WEQ/RMQ BPS

Late Comments on Attachment F Submitted by the WEQ/RMQ BPS
WEQ 2022 Annual Plan Item 2.a WEQ Consistent with FERC Order No. 676-J, review WEQ-023-1.4 and WEQ-023-1.4.1 and determine if revisions are needed to address NOPR comments regarding contract path management WEQ BPS   Recommendation WEQ Request for Comments Due August 5, 2022

Comments Submitted by JT Wood, Southern Company

Comments Submitted by J. Phillips, SPP

Comments Submitted by B. Welch, MISO

Late Comments Submitted by the WEQ Standards Review Subcommittee

Late Comments Submitted by the WEQ BPS Subcommittee
WEQ 2022 Annual Plan Item 2.b WEQ Consistent with FERC Order No. 676-J, review the WEQ-023 Business Practice Standards and make modifications as necessary to improve the accuracy of ATC and related calculations WEQ BPS   No Action Recommendation WEQ Request for Comments Due August 5, 2022

Comments Submitted by B. Welch, MISO

Late Comments Submitted by the WEQ Standards Review Subcommittee
WEQ 2022 Annual Plan Items 4.b WEQ Request to evaluate and modify as needed standards to support and/or complement the current version of the NERC Critical Infrastructure Protection Standards and any other activities of NERC and the FERC related to cybersecurity. WEQ Cybersecurity Subcommittee   No Action Recommendation WEQ Request for Comments Due August 1, 2022

Comments Submitted by D. Brooks, Reliable Energy Analytics

Late Comments Submitted by the WEQ Standards Review Subcommittee
WEQ 2022 Annual Plan Items 4.a WEQ Request to review annually at a minimum WEQ-012 and the accreditation requirements for Authorized Certification Authorities to determine if any changes are needed to meet market conditions. WEQ Cybersecurity Subcommittee   Recommendation WEQ Request for Comments Due August 1, 2022

Comments Submitted by D. Brooks, Reliable Energy Analytics

Late Comments Submitted by the WEQ Standards Review Subcommittee
WEQ 2022 Annual Plan Items 7.a.ii / R21006 WEQ Request to create standard designations of critical electric infrastructure facilities during impending extreme weather-related emergency operating conditions consistent with other industry designations WEQ BPS   No Action Recommendation WEQ Request for Comments Due July 1, 2022

Comments Submitted by M. Foss, Institute for Public Policy, Rice University

Comments Submitted by the WEQ Standards Review Subcommittee
R22002 WEQ Request to review FERC Order 881 to implement ambient-adjusted ratings on the transmission lines to improve the accuracy and transparency of electric transmission line ratings Southern Company Services   No Action Recommendation WEQ Request for Comments Due March 16, 2023

Comments Submitted by the WEQ Standards Review Subcommittee
R22001 WEQ and RMQ Request to define a common list of grid services for Electric Market interactions Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley, CA, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA and U.S. Department of Energy, Washington, DC   Recommendation

WEQ Request for Comments Due March 17, 2023

Comments Submitted by the WEQ Standards Review Subcommittee
WEQ 2022 Annual Plan Items 7.a.i and 7.a.iii and R21006 WEQ and WGQ and RMQ Request for Standards Development to Support Coordinated Commercial Practices Between the Natural Gas and Electric Markets During Impending Extreme Weather-Related Emergency Operating Condition. Joint WEQ, WGQ, RMQ BPS   No Action Recommendation WEQ/WGQ/RMQ Request for Comments Due May 26, 2022

Comments Submitted by the ISO/RTO Council's Standards Review Committee and Electric Gas Coordination Task Force

Late Comments Submitted by the WEQ Standards Review Subcommittee
2022 WEQ Annual Plan Item 3.b.iii/R21003 WEQ Review the Concomitant Business Practice Standards requests to support the release of PTP capacity to be paired with a new request for designation and revise the standards as needed WEQ OASIS Subcommittee   No Action Recommendation WEQ Request for Comments
Due May 19, 2022

Comments Submitted by the WEQ Standards Review Subcommittee
2022 WEQ Annual Plan Item 3.c / R21004 WEQ Review the NAESB WEQ OASIS Business Practice Standards addressing consolidations and revise the standards as needed to support the TSP’s Tariff and FERC 18 CFR 37.6 OASIS posting regulations (Standards Request R21004) Southern Company Services   Recommendation WEQ Request for Comments Due May 3, 2022

Comments Submitted by the WEQ Standards Review Subcommittee
2022 WEQ Annual Plan Item 3.b.i / R21003 WEQ Review the current rollover rights functionality that is automatically redirected when a redirect is submitted to end of term and revise the standards as needed WEQ OASIS   Recommendation WEQ Request for Comments Due March 16, 2022

Comments Submitted by C. Pacella, PJM Interconnection

Comments Submitted by JT Wood, Southern Company

Comments Submitted by the WEQ Standards Review Subcommittee

Late Comments Submitted by the WEQ OASIS Subcommittee in response to PJM

Late Comments Submitted by the WEQ OASIS Subcommittee in response to Southern Company

Late Comments Submitted by the WEQ OASIS Subcommittee
R21006 WEQ and WGQ and RMQ Request for Standards Development to Support Coordinated Commercial Practices Between the Natural Gas and Electric Markets During Impending Extreme Weather-Related Emergency Operating Condition. Southwest Power Pool   No Action Recommendation

No Action Recommendation
WEQ/WGQ/RMQ Request for Comments Due May 26, 2022

Comments Submitted by the ISO/RTO Council's Standards Review Committee and Electric Gas Coordination Task Force

Late Comments Submitted by the WEQ Standards Review Subcommittee

WEQ Request for Comments Due July 1, 2022

Comments Submitted by M. Foss

Comments Submitted by the WEQ Standards Review Subcommittee
R21005 WEQ Request to Review the Preemption-ROFR Process Table 25-3 Priorities for Competing Reservations or Requests to identify description changes necessary to account for competition between firm and non-firm requests or reservations Southern Company Services   Recommendation WEQ Request for Comments Due August 17, 2022

Late Comments Submitted by the WEQ Standards Review Subcommittee
2021 WEQ Annual Plan Item 5 and 2021 WGQ Annual Plan Item 3 WEQ and WGQ Develop business practices as needed to support electronic filing protocols for submittal of FERC Forms WEQ/WGQ FERC Forms Subcommittee   No Action Recommendation WEQ and WGQ Request for Comments
Due November 22, 2021
2021 WEQ Annual Plan Item 3.e.i / R21003 WEQ Review the Request Timing Tables 4-2, 25-4, and 105-A to identify timing extensions changes necessary to account for human performance and revise the standards as needed WEQ OASIS   Recommendation WEQ Request for Comments Due October 26, 2021      
2021 WEQ Annual Plan Item 3.a.iii WEQ Review WEQ-005, WEQ-007, WEQ-008, and WEQ-023 and make modifications as needed for consistency in the use of defined terms, acronyms, and abbreviations WEQ BPS   Recommendation

Attachment 1

Attachment 2
WEQ Request for Comments Due September 20, 2021

Attachment 2 Comments Submitted by JT Wood, Southern Company

Late Comments Submitted by the WEQ BPS Subcommittee on Attachment 2

Late Comments Submitted by the WEQ BPS Subcommittee
2021 WEQ Annual Plan Item 1.a / R20008 WEQ Update WEQ-005 Area Control Error (ACE) Equation Special Cases to account for modifications to NERC Dynamic Transfer Reference Document V 4 WEQ BPS   Recommendation


WEQ Request for Comments Due September 20, 2021      
2021 RMQ Annual Plan Item 2.a and 2021 WEQ Annual Plan Item 6.b.i RMQ and WEQ Develop a Base Contract for Sale and Purchase of Renewable Energy Certificates (RECs) to support the voluntary markets RMQ BPS and WEQ BPS   Recommendation

Attachment 1

Attachment 2
Joint RMQ and WEQ Request for Comments
Due September 2, 2021

Comments Submitted by K. Sappenfield, Cheniere

Comments Submitted by K. Sappenfield, Cheniere on Attachment 1

Comments Submitted by K. Sappenfield, Cheniere on Attachment 2

Late Comments Submitted by the Joint WEQ BPS/RMQ BPS on Attachment 1

Late Comments Submitted by the Joint WEQ BPS/RMQ BPS on Attachment 2
R21004 / WEQ 2021 Annual Plan Item 3.c WEQ Request to make enhancements to NAESB OASIS Business Practice Standards WEQ-000, WEQ-001, WEQ-002, WEQ-003, and WEQ-013. These enhancements would provide needed changes to the Consolidation standards to utilize the consolidation feature that is more conducive to the Transmission Service Provider’s (TSP’s) Tariff and to FERC’s 18 CFR 37.6 OASIS posting regulations. Southern Company Services   Recommendation Request for Comments Due
July 21, 2021

Comments Submitted by C. Pacella, PJM

Supporting Examples Submitted by C. Pacella, PJM

Comments Submitted by JT Wood, Southern Company

Late Comments Submitted by the WEQ OASIS Subcommittee in response to PJM

Late Comments Submitted by the WEQ OASIS Subcommittee in response to Southern Company

Late Comments Submitted by the WEQ OASIS Subcommittee
WEQ 2021 Annual Plan Item 4.a and 4.b WEQ 4.a. Review annually at a minimum, WEQ-012 and the accreditation requirements for Authorized Certification Authorities to determine if any changes are needed to meet market conditions, 4.b. Evaluate and modify standards as needed to support and/or complement the current version of the NERC Critical Infrastructure Protection Standards and any other activities of NERC and the FERC related to cybersecurity. NAESB WEQ Cybersecurity Subcommittee   Recommendation

Request for Comments Due
August 12, 2021
WEQ 2021 Annual Plan Item 3.a.iv WEQ Review WEQ-012 and make modifications as needed for consistency in the use of defined terms, acronyms, and abbreviations. NAESB WEQ Cybersecurity Subcommittee   Recommendation Request for Comments Due
August 12, 2021

Comments Submitted by JT Wood, Southern Company
WEQ 2021 Annual Plan Item 3.a.ii WEQ Review WEQ-004 and WEQ-022 and make modifications as needed for consistency in the use of defined terms, acronyms, and abbreviations. NAESB WEQ Coordinate Interchange Scheduling Subcommittee   Recommendation Request for Comments Due
July 23, 2021

Comments Submitted by K. Frank, MISO

Comments Submitted by JT Wood, Southern Company

Late Comments Submitted by WEQ CISS

Late Comments Submitted by WEQ CISS in Response to MISO
WEQ 2021 Annual Plan Item 3.c / R21004 WEQ Develop of industry business practice standards, as applicable, for identification of all modifications of service made to an original reservation in one location within OASIS. NAESB WEQ OASIS Subcommittee   Recommendation Request for Comments Due
July 21, 2021

Comments Submitted by C. Pacella, PJM

Supporting Examples Submitted by C. Pacella, PJM

Comments Submitted by JT Wood, Southern Company

Late Comments Submitted by the WEQ OASIS Subcommittee in response to PJM

Late Comments Submitted by the WEQ OASIS Subcommittee in response to Southern Company

Late Comments Submitted by the WEQ OASIS Subcommittee

WEQ Request to review WEQ-000, WEQ-002, and WEQ-013 to extend in timing in Timing Tables 4-2 &105-A, evaluate the Redirect of Rollover Rights: Opt-out, support enhanced visibility of profile changes, and allow release of PTP capacity for concomitant requests. MISO   Recommendation - 3.e.i

Recommendation - 3.b.i
WEQ Request for 3.e.i Comments Due October 26, 2021

WEQ Request for 3.b.i Comments Due March 16, 2022

WEQ Request to review NAESB WEQ Business Practice Standards definition for System Operating Limit following NERC's proposal to revise the definition for System Operating Limit in the NERC Glossary. NERC   Recommendation Request for Comments Due
September 10, 2021

Comments Submitted by B. Welch, MISO - file 1

Comments Submitted by B. Welch, MISO - file 2
WEQ 2021 Annual Plan Item 3.a.i WEQ Review WEQ-001, WEQ-002, WEQ-003, and WEQ-013 and make modifications as needed for consistency in the use of the defined terms, acronyms, and abbreviations. NAESB WEQ OASIS Subcommittee   Recommendation Request for Comments Due
June 22, 2021

Comments Submitted by K. Frank, MISO

Late Comments Submitted by the WEQ OASIS Subcommittee in response to MISO

Late Comments Submitted by the WEQ OASIS Subcommittee
WEQ 2021 Annual Plan Item 3.d WEQ Review the NAESB WEQ OASIS Business Practice Standards addressing redirects and revise the standards as needed to support direction provided in the FERC Order on Clarification. NAESB WEQ OASIS Subcommittee   Recommendation

NO ACTION TO BE TAKEN Approved by the WEQ Executive Committee on October 5, 2021
Request for Comments Due
March 19, 2021
WEQ 2021 Annual Plan Item 3.a / R20013 WEQ Modify WEQ-000 Abbreviations, Acronyms, and Definition of Terms Business Practice Standards to provide a cross reference column to indicate which NAESB WEQ Business Practice Standards the abbreviations, acronyms, and definition of terms applies to
(Standards Request R20013).
NAESB WEQ Standards Review Subcommittee   Recommendation Request for Comments Due
March 1, 2021

Comments Submitted by JT Wood, Southern Company

Late Comments Submitted by the WEQ Standards Review Subcommittee
WEQ 2021 Annual Plan Item 2.a WEQ Consistent with FERC Order No. 676-I, reconsider the reservation of WEQ-006 Manual Time Error Correction and determine if the standards should be retained or revised. NAESB WEQ Business Practices Subcommittee   Recommendation Request for Comments Due
February 15, 2021

Comments Submitted by R. Berdahl, Bonneville Power Administration

Comments Submitted by JT Wood, Southern Company

Late Comments Submitted by J. Phillips, Southwest Power Pool

Late Comments Submitted by the WEQ BPS Subcommittee
WEQ 2020 Annual Plan Item 3.f WEQ Evaluate and develop a common industry data specification to support automated Net Scheduled Interchange (NSI) Checkout. NAESB WEQ Coordinate Interchange Scheduling Subcommittee   Recommendation Request for Comments Due
October 21, 2020

WEQ Request for an enhancement to NAESB WEQ-000 Abbreviations, Acronyms, and Definition of Terms Standard. Southern Company Services   WEQ 2021 Annual Plan Item 3.a / R20013
Request for Comments Due
March 1, 2021
WEQ 2020 Annual Plan Item 6.a WEQ Develop and/or modify the NAESB Business Practice Standards as needed to address the Additional Findings and Considerations identified by Sandia National Laboratories. NAESB WEQ Cybersecurity Subcommittee   Recommendation

TO BE TAKEN Approved by the WEQ Executive Committee on October 27, 2020
Request for Comments Due
September 24, 2020
WEQ 2020 Annual Plan Items 4.a and 4.b WEQ 4.a. Review annually at a minimum, WEQ-012 and the accreditation requirements for Authorized Certification Authorities,
4.b. Evaluate and modify standards as needed to support and/or complement the current version of the NERC Critical Infrastructure Protection Standards and any other activities of NERC and the FERC related to cybersecurity.
NAESB WEQ Cybersecurity Subcommittee   Recommendation

TO BE TAKEN Approved by the WEQ Executive Committee on October 27, 2020
Request for Comments Due
September 24, 2020

WEQ Request to review and update backup procedures for tagging entities as captured within WEQ-004 and the NAESB Electronic Tagging (e-Tag) Specification Version 1.8.4 Bonneville Power Administration   Recommendation Request for Comments Due
December 4, 2020

Comments Submitted by R. Berdahl, Bonneville Power Administration

WEQ Request for an enhancement to the NAESB WEQ-001 standard. There is conflicting language in the standard, specifically WEQ-001-9.4.3 and WEQ-001- Clarificaiton is needed. Arizona Public Service   Recommendation Request for Comments Due
September 18, 2020

Comments Submitted by J. Wood, Southern Company Services, Inc.

Late Comments Submitted by the WEQ OASIS Subcommittee in response to Southern Company

Late Comments Submitted by the WEQ OASIS Subcommittee

WEQ Request to update WEQ-005 Area Control Error (ACE) Equation Special Cases to account for modifications at NERC Dynamic Transfer Reference Document V 4. Southwest Power Pool   Recommendation


WEQ Request for Comments Due September 20, 2021      
WEQ 2020 Annual Plan Item 3.c WEQ Development of industry Business Practice Standards for the need for expanding concept of generation groups. E.g., hierarchical groups - fleet, plant, unit NAESB WEQ OASIS Subcommittee   Recommendation

TO BE TAKEN Approved by the WEQ Executive Committee on October 27, 2020
Request for Comments Due
May 15, 2020
WEQ 2020 Annual Plan Item 3.b WEQ Development of industry Business Practice Standards for the TP to be able to document any MW limitation on serving total load(s) as firm under the NITS Application at specific POD/Sink locations. This would be outside the scope of a load forecast (customer driven). NAESB WEQ OASIS Subcommittee   Recommendation

TO BE TAKEN Approved by the WEQ Executive Committee on October 27, 2020
Request for Comments Due
May 15, 2020
WEQ 2020 Annual Plan Item 3.e WEQ Development of industry Business Practice Standards for adding new variables on certain query responses (e.g., NITSLoadForecast, etc.) NAESB WEQ OASIS Subcommittee   Recommendation Request for Comments Due
April 24, 2020
WEQ 2020 Annual Plan Item 3.a / R18004 WEQ Develop industry Business Practice Standards to define the eligibility and treatment of Rollover Rights. NAESB WEQ OASIS Subcommittee   Recommendation Request for Comments Due
April 24, 2020

Comments Submitted by R. Robinson, WEQ Standards Review Subcommittee

Comments Submitted by K. Frank, MISO

Comments Submitted by J. Wood, Southern Company Services, Inc.

Late Comments Submitted by the WEQ OASIS Subcommittee in response to WEQ Standards Review Subcommittee

Late Comments Submitted by the WEQ OASIS Subcommittee in response to MISO

Late Comments Submitted by the WEQ OASIS Subcommittee in response to Southern Company

Late Comments Submitted by the WEQ OASIS Subcommittee
WEQ 2020 Annual Plan Item 3.d WEQ Development of industry Business Practice Standards to look into the optional nature be removed to require creating of Scheduling Rights (SRs) whether requested by the customer or generated by the TP. NAESB WEQ OASIS Subcommittee   Recommendation

TO BE TAKEN Approved by the WEQ Executive Committee on October 27, 2020
Request for Comments Due
March 23, 2020

WEQ Request to review WEQ-001-9 and WEQ-001-10 Redirect Standards for Modifications Needed per Order 676-I. Open Access Technology International   Recommendation Request for Comments Due
July 23, 2020

Comments Submitted by K. Frank, MISO

Comments Submitted by JT Wood, Southern Company

Late Comments Submitted by R. Berdahl, Bonneville Power Administration

Late Comments Submitted by the WEQ OASIS Subcommittee

Late Comments Submitted by the WEQ OASIS Subcommittee in response to BPA

Late Comments Submitted by the WEQ OASIS Subcommittee in response to MISO

Late Comments Submitted by the WEQ OASIS Subcommittee in response to Southern Company
WEQ 2020 Annual Plan Item 2.a WEQ Paragraphs 1627 of Order 890 - Posting of additional information on OASIS regarding firm transmission curtailments. NAESB WEQ Business Practices Subcommittee and WEQ OASIS Subcommittee   Recommendation Request for Comments Due
February 7, 2020

Comments Submitted by the WEQ Standards Review Subcommittee

Comments Submitted by R. Robinson, Tennessee Valley Authority

Comments Submitted by JT Wood, Southern Company

Late Comments Submitted by the Joint WEQ OASIS-BPS Subcommittees in response to Comments Submitted by R. Robinson, Tennessee Valley Authority

Late Comments Submitted by the Joint WEQ OASIS-BPS Subcommittees in response to Comments Submitted by JT Wood, Southern Company

Late Comments Submitted by the Joint WEQ OASIS-BPS Subcommittees

WEQ Conforming changes to the e-Tag specification in support of the Sandia National Labs report. Southwest Power Pool   Recommendation

Attachment 1

Attachment 2

Recommendation as approved by teh WEQ Executive Committee on February 18, 2020

Attachment 1 as approved by the WEQ Executive Committee on February 18, 2020

Attachment 2 as approved by the WEQ Executive Committee on February 18, 2020
Request for Comments Due
February 7, 2020

Comments Submitted by the WEQ Standards Review Subcommittee

Comments Submitted by A. Pradhan, OATI

Late Comments Submitted by the WEQ CISS on Attachment 1

Late Comments Submitted by the WEQ CISS on Attachment 2
WEQ 2019 Annual Plan Items 1.a and 1.b / R11020 WEQ Parallel Flow Visualization/Mitigation for Reliability Coordinators in the Eastern Interconnection and Revise TLR level 5 to be treated similarly to TLR level 3 in terms of treating the next hour allocation separately from that of the current hour (R11020). NAESB WEQ Business Practices Subcommittee   Recommendation Request for Comments Due
January 13, 2020

Comments Submitted by R. Berdahl, Bonneville Power Administration

Comments Submitted by JT Wood, Southern Company

Late Comments Submitted by J. Phillips on behalf of SPP and MISO

Late Comments Submitted by the WEQ Standards Review Subcommittee

Late Comments Submitted by the WEQ BPS Subcommittee in response to Comments Submitted by R. Berdahl, Bonneville Power Administration

Late Comments Submitted by the WEQ BPS Subcommittee in response to Comments Submitted by JT Wood, Southern Company

Late Comments Submitted by the WEQ BPS Subcommittee in response to Late Comments Submitted by J. Phillips on behalf of SPP and MISO

Late Comments Submitted by the WEQ BPS Subcommittee in response to Late Comments Submitted by the WEQ Standards Review Subcommittee

Late Comments Submitted by the WEQ BPS Subcommittee
WEQ 2019 Annual Plan Items 4.a and 4.b WEQ 4.a. Review annually at a minimum, WEQ-012 and the accreditation requirements for Authorized Certification Authorities
4.b. Evaluate and modify standards as needed to support and/or complement the current version of the NERC Critical Infrastructure Protection Standards and any other activities of NERC and the FERC related to cybersecurity.
NAESB WEQ Cyber Security Subcommittee   Recommendation

TO BE TAKEN Approved by the WEQ Executive Committee on February 18, 2020
Request for Comments Due
December 2, 2019

WEQ Request for proposed enhancement to the eTag standard includes the ability share or preview a partially or fully completed eTag prior to submittal with entities on the tag. Adapt2 Solutions   Recommendation

TO BE TAKEN Approved by the WEQ Executive Committee on October 27, 2020
Request for Comments Due
April 16, 2020
WEQ 2019 Annual Plan Item 6.b.i WEQ Develop and/or modify WEQ-012 and/or the NAESB Accreditation Requirements for Authorized Certification Authorities as needed to address Security Issues identified by Sandia National Laboratories. NAESB WEQ Cybersecurity Subcommittee   Recommendation


Recommendation as approved by the WEQ Executive Committee on February 18, 2020

Attachment as approved by the WEQ Executive Committee on February 18, 2020
Request for Comments Due
November 8, 2019

Comments Submitted by JT Wood, Southern Company
WEQ 2019 Annual Plan Items 6.a, 6bii, 6cii WEQ Develop and/or modify the NAESB Business Practice Standards if needed to address any recommendations resulting from the surety assessment performed by Sandia National Laboratories. NAESB WEQ OASIS Subcommittee and WEQ Cybersecurity Subcommittee   Recommendation Request for Comments Due
November 4, 2019

Comments Submitted by J. Phillips on behalf of MISO, PJM and SPP

Comments Submitted by C. Pacella, PJM Interconnection

Comments Submitted by JT Wood, Southern Company

Late Comments Submitted by the WEQ OASIS and CSS Subcommittees

Late Comments Submitted by the WEQ OASIS/CSS Subcommittees in response to MISO, PJM and SPP

Late Comments Submitted by the WEQ OASIS/CSS Subcommittees in response to PJM Interconnection

Late Comments Submitted by the WEQ OASIS/CSS Subcommittees in response to Southern Company

Late Comments Submitted by the WEQ Standards Review Subcommittee
WEQ 2019 Annual Plan Item 3.c WEQ Review the NAESB Network Integration Transmission Service (NITS) Business and Technical Standards for needed modifications based on implementation and operational experiences since their adoption. NAESB WEQ OASIS Subcommittee   Recommendation Request for Comments Due
November 4, 2019

Comments Submitted by M. Schingle, MISO

Comments Submitted by JT Wood, Southern Company

Late Comments Submitted by the WEQ OASIS Subcommittee

Late Comments Submitted by the WEQ OASIS Subcommittee in response to MISO

Late Comments Submitted by the WEQ OASIS Subcommittee in response to Southern Company

Late (2) Comments Submitted by the WEQ OASIS Subcommittee
WEQ 2019 Annual Plan Item 3.a / R12001 WEQ Requirements for OASIS to use data in the Electric Industry Registry (R12001) NAESB WEQ OASIS Subcommittee   Recommendation

TO BE TAKEN Approved by the WEQ Executive Committee on October 15, 2019
Request for Comments Due
September 20, 2019

WEQ Review of NAESB WEQ Business Practice Standards Following NERC Standards Efficiency Review Retirements Affecting the INT Family of Reliability Standards North American Electric Reliability Corporation   Recommendation Request for Comments Due
September 18, 2019

Comments Submitted by, C. Norton, American Municipal Power, Inc.

Comments Submitted by, B. Ambrosi, BC Hydro

WEQ Review of NAESB WEQ Business Practice Standards Following NERC Standards Efficiency Review Retirements Affecting the MOD Family of Reliability Standards. North American Electric Reliability Corporation   Recommendation Request for Comments Due
October 7, 2019

Comments Submitted by A. Wong, BC Hydro

Comments Submitted by R. Berdahl, Bonneville Power Administration

Comments Submitted by J. Manning, North Carolina Electric Membership Corporation

Comments Submitted by J. Wood, Southern Company

Late Comments Submitted by the WEQ BPS Subcommittee

Late Comments Submitted by the WEQ BPS in response to BC Hydro

Late Comments Submitted by the WEQ BPS in response to Bonneville Power Administration

Late Comments Submitted by the WEQ BPS in response to North Carolina Electric Membership Corporation

Late Comments Submitted by the WEQ BPS in response to Southern Company
WEQ 2019 Annual Plan Item 3.d WEQ Evaluate the need for new OASIS Business Practice Standards and/or mechanisms to allow documentation for coordination of partial path reservations to demonstrate the complete path associated with long-term firm interchange. This information, when populated, would provide a tool to improve coordination of interchange by transmission planners when developing planning models. This will provide greater certainty that partial path reservations are properly accounted for in transmission planning models and that reliable service is provided. NAESB WEQ OASIS Subcommittee   Recommendation

TO BE TAKEN Approved by the WEQ Executive Committee on October 15, 2019
Request for Comments Due
May 20, 2019
WEQ 2019 Annual Plan Item 3.g / R18010 WEQ Request for modifications to the current Next Hour Market Service (NHM) business practice in WEQ-001-7. NAESB WEQ OASIS Subcommittee   Recommendation Request for Comments Due
March 20, 2019

Comments Submitted by R. Vojdani, Western Area Power Administration

Comments Submitted by the WEQ Standards Review Subcommittee

Comments Submitted by B. Ambrosi, BC Hydro

Comments Submitted by JT Wood, Southern Company

Comments Submitted by J. Phillips on behalf of CAISO, IESO, ISONE, MISO, and SPP

Late Comments Submitted by WEQ OASIS in response to WEQ Standards Review Subcommittee

Late Comments Submitted by WEQ OASIS in response to Southern Company

Late Comments Submitted by WEQ OASIS in response to CAISO, IESO, ISONE, MISO, and SPP

Late Comments Submitted by WEQ OASIS- with Late Comments Redlined

Late Comments Submitted by WEQ OASIS - with Late Comments Accepted
WEQ 2019 Annual Plan Item 3.h / R18011 WEQ Request regarding the implementation of WEQ-004 Appendix D / Commercial Timing Tables for WECC. NAESB WEQ Coordinate Interchange Scheduling Subcommittee   Recommendation 1

Recommendation 2
Recommendation 1 - Request for Comments Due
March 14, 2019

Comments Submitted by R. Vojdani, Western Area Power Administration

Comments Submitted by the WEQ Standards Review Subcommittee

Comments Submitted by B. Ambrosi, BC Hydro

Comments Submitted by IESO, ISO-NE, MISO, NYISO, PJM and SPP

Comments Submitted by PJM Interconnection, LLC

Comments Submitted by R. Hundal, Powerex Corp.

Comments Submitted by R. Robinson, TVA

Late Comments Submitted by D. Reese, Tri-State Generation and Transmission

Late Comments Submitted by WEQ CISS

Late Comments Submitted by WEQ CISS in response to Comments

Recommendation 2 - Request for Comments Due
September 18, 2019

Comments Submitted by P. Sorenson, OATI

Comments Submitted by, B. Ambrosi, BC Hydro

Late Comments Submitted by WEQ CISS
WEQ 2019 Annual Plan Items 3.b and 3.f formerly
WEQ 2018 Annual Plan Items 3.c and 3.h / R18009
WEQ Evaluate adding dynamic notification for the rollover rights renewal deadline, develop new standards/modifications as needed, remove HTTP notification, and establish a generic structure for e-mail notifications. NAESB WEQ OASIS Subcommittee   Recommendation Request for Comments Due
December 28, 2018

Comments Submitted by R. Johnson, Western Area Power Administration

Comments Submitted by R. Kelley, Bonneville Power Administration

Comments Submitted by J. Phillips on behalf of the ISO/RTO Council's Standards Review Committee

Late Comments Submitted by WEQ OASIS in response to Bonneville Power Administration

Late Comments Submitted by WEQ OASIS in response to ISO/RTO Council's Standards Review Committee

Late Comments Submitted by WEQ OASIS - with Late Comments Redlined

Late Comments Submitted by WEQ OASIS - with Late Comments Accepted

Late Comments Submitted by the WEQ Standards Review Subcommittee
R18011 WEQ Request regarding the Implementation of WEQ-004 Appendix D - Commercial Timing Tables for WECC Powerex Corporation   WEQ 2019 Annual Plan Item 3.h / R18011
Recommendation 1

WEQ 2019 Annual Plan Item 3.h / R18011
Recommendation 2
Recommendation 1 - Request for Comments Due
March 14, 2019

Comments Submitted by R. Vojdani, Western Area Power Administration

Late Comments Submitted by the WEQ Standards Review Subcommittee

Late Comments Submitted by WEQ CISS

Late Comments Submitted by WEQ CISS in response to Comments

Recommendation 2 - Request for Comments Due
September 18, 2019

Comments Submitted by P. Sorenson, OATI

Comments Submitted by, B. Ambrosi, BC Hydro
R18010 WEQ Request for modifications to the current Next Hour Market Service (NHM) business practice in WEQ-001-7 Western Area Power Administration, Rocky Mountain Region   WEQ 2019 Annual Plan Item 3.g / R18010 Recommendation Request for Comments Due
March 20, 2019

Comments Submitted by R. Vojdani, Western Area Power Administration

Late Comments Submitted by the WEQ Standards Review Subcommittee
WEQ 2018 Annual Plan Item 4.a WEQ Review annually at a minimum WEQ-012 and the accreditation requirements for Authorized Certification Authorities to determine if any changes are needed to meet market conditions. NAESB WEQ Cybersecurity Subcommittee   Recommendation

Attachment: Revised NAESB Accreditation Requirements for ACA's

Recommendation as Revised and Approved by the WEQ Executive Committee on October 9, 2018

Attachment as Revised and Approved by the WEQ Executive Committee on October 9, 2018 -NAESB Accreditation Requirements for ACA's
Request for Comments Due
October 1, 2018
R18009 WEQ Request to review and modify WEQ-002- Dynamic Notification to provide the following enhancements to be done in conjunction with Business Practice Standards that are being developed for 2018 WEQ API 3.c.: 1. Remove WEQ-002- HTTP Notification and 2. Modify the standard as necessary to establish a generic structure for e-mail notifications that may be used for status notifications as well as notification for specific events such as notification to customers of the renewal deadline for rollover. Duke Energy   WEQ 2018 Annual Plan Items 3.c and 3.h / R18009
Request for Comments Due
December 28, 2018

Comments Submitted by R. Johnson, Western Area Power Administration

Comments Submitted by R. Kelley, Bonneville Power Administration

Comments Submitted by J. Phillips on behalf of the ISO/RTO Council's Standards Review Committee

Late Comments Submitted by WEQ OASIS in response to Bonneville Power Administration

Late Comments Submitted by WEQ OASIS in response to ISO/RTO Council's Standards Review Committee

Late Comments Submitted by WEQ OASIS - with Late Comments Redlined

Late Comments Submitted by WEQ OASIS - with Late Comments Accepted

Late Comments Submitted by the WEQ Standards Review Subcommittee
WEQ 2018 Annual Plan Item 3.e WEQ Develop new OASIS Business Practice Standards to ensure that reservation capacity that is assigned to untagged Pseudo-Ties is preserved for that purpose. NAESB WEQ OASIS Subcommittee   Recommendation

Request for Comments Due
September 24, 2018

Comments Submitted by J. Manning, NCEMC

Comments Submitted by R. Kelley, BPA

Comments Submitted by R. Brown, PJM

Comments Submitted by the ISO/RTO Council's Standards Review Committee

Comments Submitted by G. Campoli, NYISO

Late Comments Submitted by WEQ OASIS in response to NCEMC

Late Comments Submitted by WEQ OASIS in response to BPA

Late Comments Submitted by WEQ OASIS in response to PJM

Late Comments Submitted by WEQ OASIS in response to ISO/RTO Council's Standards Review Committee

Late Comments Submitted by WEQ OASIS in response to NYISO

Late Comments Submitted by WEQ OASIS
WEQ 2018 Annual Plan Item 4.b WEQ Evaluate and modify standards as needed to support and/or complement the current version of the NERC Critical Infrastructure Protection Standards and any other activities of NERC or the FERC related to cybersecurity. NAESB WEQ Cybersecurity Subcommittee   Recommendation

TO BE TAKEN Approved by the WEQ Executive Committee on October 9, 2018
Request for Comments Due
September 14, 2018

Comments Submitted by the ISO/RTO Council's Standards Review Committee
WEQ 2018 Annual Plan Item 3.b WEQ Evaluate the ability to define specific lists to be submitted for the Query/Response in the OASIS template format and develop new standards/modifications as needed. NAESB WEQ OASIS Subcommittee   Recommendation Request for Comments Due
July 23, 2018

Comments Submitted by JT Wood, Southern Company

Late Comments Submitted by J. Phillips on behalf of SPP and MISO
R18004 / WEQ 2020 Annual Plan Item 3.a WEQ Request the development of industry Business Practice Standards to define the eligibility and treatment of Rollover Rights for Network Integration Transmission Service (NITS). Also develop template structures and other standards that support these Business Practice Standards as necessary. Bonneville Power Administration   Recommendation Request for Comments Due
April 24, 2020

Comments Submitted by R. Robinson, WEQ Standards Review Subcommittee

Comments Submitted by K. Frank, MISO

Comments Submitted by J. Wood, Southern Company Services, Inc.

Late Comments Submitted by the WEQ OASIS Subcommittee in response to WEQ Standards Review Subcommittee

Late Comments Submitted by the WEQ OASIS Subcommittee in response to MISO

Late Comments Submitted by the WEQ OASIS Subcommittee in response to Southern Company

Late Comments Submitted by the WEQ OASIS Subcommittee
R18002 WEQ Enhance WEQ 001-20 Rollover Rights to include NITS transmission service and competition Bonneville Power Administration Withdrawn by Submitter - April 2, 2018          
WEQ 2018 Annual Plan Item 2.a.i.2 WEQ Redispatch Cost Posting to allow for posting of third party offers of planning redispatch services. NAESB WEQ OASIS Subcommittee and WEQ Business Practice Subcommittee   Recommendation Request for Comments Due
February 26, 2018

Comments Submitted by JT Wood, Southern Company

Late Comments Submitted by the WEQ OASIS and WEQ BPS
WEQ 2017 Annual Plan Item 3.a / R05026 WEQ 3. Develop business practices standards to improve the current operation of the wholesale electric market and develop and maintain business practice and communication standards for OASIS and Electronic Scheduling.
a) Make remaining incremental enhancements to OASIS as an outgrowth of the NAESB March 29, 2005 conference on the future of OASIS (R05026). The outstanding item is Enhance the TSR result postings to allow showing of available generation dispatch options that would allow acceptance of reservation request.
NAESB WEQ OASIS Subcommittee and WEQ Business Practice Subcommittee   Recommendation

TO BE TAKEN Approved by the WEQ Executive Committee on February 20, 2018
Request for Comments Due
January 3, 2018

Late Comments of the WEQ Standards Review Subcommittee Submitted to the WEQ Executive Committee
WEQ 2017 Annual Plan Item 3.b / R05026 WEQ 3. Develop business practices standards to improve the current operation of the wholesale electric market and develop and maintain business practice and communication standards for OASIS and Electronic Scheduling.
b) Enhance the TSR Results posting to allow a showing of limiting transmission elements for denied transmission service requests. This shall include information for denied Coordinated Requests.(R05026)
NAESB WEQ OASIS Subcommittee and WEQ Business Practice Subcommittee   Recommendation

TO BE TAKEN Approved by the WEQ Executive Committee on February 20, 2018
Request for Comments Due
January 3, 2018

Late Comments of the WEQ Standards Review Subcommittee Submitted to the WEQ Executive Committee
WEQ 2017 Annual Plan Item 4.a WEQ 4. Develop and/or maintain standard communication protocols and - cybersecurity business practices as needed:
a) Review annually at a minimum, WEQ-012 and the accreditation requirements for Authorized Certification Authorities to determine if any changes are needed to meet market conditions.
WEQ Cybersecurity Subcommittee   Recommendation

Attachment - NAESB Accreditation Requirements for Authorized Certification Authorities

Recommendation Approved by the WEQ Executive Committee on February 20, 2018

Attachment Approved by the WEQ Executive Committee on February 20, 2018 - NAESB Accreditation Requirements for Authorized Certification Authorities
Request for Comments Due
November 10, 2017

Late Comments of the WEQ Standards Review Subcommittee Submitted to the WEQ Executive Committee
WEQ 2017 Annual Plan Item 4.b WEQ Evaluate and modify standards as needed to support and/or complement the current version of the NERC Critical Infrastructure Protection Standards and any other activities of NERC or the FERC related to cybersecurity. WEQ Cybersecurity Subcommittee   Recommendation

TO BE TAKEN Approved by the WEQ Executive Committee on October 24, 2017
Request for Comments Due
October 11, 2017
WEQ 2017 Annual Plan Item 1.e.v WEQ Review and modify as necessary WEQ-015, WEQ-018, and WEQ-020 to address Line Items 19 through 22 from SRS Assignment Document. WEQ/RMQ DSM-EE Subcommittee   Recommendation Request for Comments Due
October 2, 2017
WEQ 2017 Annual Plan Item 1.e.iii WEQ Review and modify as necessary WEQ-001, WEQ-002, WEQ-003, and WEQ-013 to address Line Items 2 through 17 from SRS Assignment Document. WEQ OASIS Subcommittee   Recommendation Request for Comments Due
August 21, 2017

Comments Submitted by the ISO/RTO Council's Standards Review Committee

Late Comments Submitted by the WEQ OASIS

Late Comments Submitted by the WEQ OASIS in Response to the ISO/RTO Council's Standards Review Committee Comments
WEQ 2017 Annual Plan Item 1.d.i/R16008 WEQ Modifications to WEQ-004 Coordinate Interchange Business Practice Standards for Dynamic Tags and Psuedo-Tie type e-Tags Chair and Vice-Chair of the WEQ Executive Committee   2017 WEQ Annual Plan Item 1.d.i/R16008 Recommendation Request for Comments Due
August 9, 2017

Comments Submitted by J. Lemire, NCEMC

Comments Submitted by C. Bigelow, Arizona Public Service Company

Late Comments Submitted by the WEQ BPS and WEQ CISS
WEQ 2017 Annual Plan Items 2.a.i.1/R05019 and 5.a/R09003 WEQ Short-Term Firm Preemption and Competition (OATT Section 13.2 and 14.2), and Add language to WEQ-001-4 Online Negotiation and Confirmation process to clarify Table 4-3. NAESB WEQ OASIS Subcommittee   2017 WEQ Annual Plan Items 2.a.i.1/R05019 and 5.a/R09003 Recommendation

Request for Comments Due
August 4, 2017

Comments Submitted by R. Kelley, Bonneville Power Administration

Addendum to Comments Submitted by R. Kelley, Bonneville Power Administration

Comments Submitted by J. Lemire, NCEMC

Comments Submitted by C. Bigelow, Arizona Public Service Company

Comments Submitted by P. Sorenson, OATI

Comments Submitted by A. Pritchard, Duke Energy

Redline Recommendation Comments Submitted by A. Pritchard, Duke Energy

Comments Submitted by JT Wood, Southern Company

Comments Submitted by R. Brown, PJM

Comments Submitted by the ISO/RTO Council's Standards Review Committee

Late Comments Submitted by the WEQ OASIS

Late Comments Submitted by the WEQ OASIS in Response to the Bonneville Power Administration Comments

Late Comments Submitted by the WEQ OASIS in Response to the Bonneville Power Administration Addendum to Comments

Late Comments Submitted by the WEQ OASIS in Response to the NCEMC Comments

Late Comments Submitted by the WEQ OASIS in Response to the Arizona Public Service Company Comments

Late Comments Submitted by the WEQ OASIS in Response to the OATI Comments

Late Comments Submitted by the WEQ OASIS in Response to the Duke Energy Comments

Late Comments Submitted by the WEQ OASIS in Response to the Duke Energy - Redline Recommendation Comments

Late Comments Submitted by the WEQ OASIS in Response to the Southern Company Comments

Late Comments Submitted by the WEQ OASIS in Response to the PJM Comments

Late Comments Submitted by the WEQ OASIS in Response to the ISO/RTO Council's Standards Review Committee Comments

Late Comments Submitted by the WEQ OASIS - Best Offer Concept

Late Comments Submitted by BPA and Southern Company - Best Offer Compromise
WEQ 2017 Annual Plan Item 1.e.iv WEQ Assess Impact on NAESB Business Practice Standards and Specifications due to changes in tool ownership, NERC Committee Structure, and changes to the NERC Rules of Procedures.(R16010) Review and modify as necessary WEQ-008 to address Line Item 18 from SRS Assignment Document. NAESB WEQ Business Practice Subcommittee   Recommendation

Attachment - 1 (Redline)

Attachment - 2 (Clean)
Request for Comments Due
May 18, 2017

Comments Submitted by JT Wood, Southern Company

Comments Submitted by the ISO/RTO Council's Standards Review Committee

Comments Submitted by the WEQ Standards Review Subcommittee

Late Comments Submitted by the WEQ BPS
WEQ 2017 Annual Plan Item 1.e.ii WEQ Review and modify as necessary WEQ-000 and the Electronic Tagging Functional Specification to address Line Items 1 and 23 from the SRS Assignment Document. NAESB WEQ Coordinate Interchange Scheduling Subcommittee (CISS)   Recommendation

TO BE TAKEN Approved by the WEQ Executive Committee on August 15, 2017
Request for Comments Due
May 5, 2017
WEQ 2017 Annual Plan Items 7.a.i-v WEQ Gas-Electric Coordination - Resulting from the efforts of annual plan item 7(a), develop standards as needed and directed by the Board of Directors, which are specifically assigned to the WEQ:
Item 7.a.i � GEH Forum Issue 22,
Item 7.a.ii � GEH Form Issue 25,
Item 7.a.iii � GEH Forum Issue 26, and
Item 7.a.iv � GEH Forum Issue 33.
NAESB WEQ Executive Committee GEH Task Force   Recommendation

TO BE TAKEN Approved by the WEQ Executive Committee via Notational Ballot on May 10, 2017
Request for Comments Due
April 17, 2017

Comments Submitted by the ISO/RTO Council's Standards Review Committee
WEQ 2016 Annual Plan Item 5.c WEQ Review WEQ-022 and remove references to NERC (ERO) to reflect the full transition of the EIR. NAESB WEQ Coordinate Interchange Scheduling Subcommittee   Recommendation

Request for Comments Due
January 5, 2017

Comments Submitted by K. Spontak, MISO

Comments Submitted by JT Wood, Southern Company

WEQ CISS Late Formal Comments � Attachment
WEQ 2016 Annual Plan Item 1.d / R16002 WEQ Develop, modify or delete business practices standards to support NERC activities related to NERC Time Error Correction (BAL-004-0) NAESB WEQ Business Practice Subcommittee   Recommendation

Request for Comments Due
December 9, 2016

Comments Submitted by K. Spontak, MISO

WEQ BPS Late Formal Comments � Attachment

2015 OS - Draft 2.a.i.2 - Long-Term Rollover Rights Competition (recommendation 2 to April EC)

2.a.i.2 - Combined Comments by WEQ OASIS on Recommendation 2 - Corrected File

2015 OS - Final 2.a.i.2 - Long-Term Rollover Rights Competition (revised in 04-26-16 EC meeting)
WEQ Appeal of 2015 API 2.a.i.2 (Long-Term Rollover Rights Competition) Bonneville Power Administration   Recommendation Request for Comments Due
November 30, 2016

Comments Submitted by R. Kelley, BPA

Comments Submitted by C. Norton, American Municipal Power

Comments Submitted by J. Lemire, NCEMC

Comments Submitted by R. Spady, MEAN

Comments Submitted by JT Wood, Southern Company

Comments Submitted by J. Phillips, SPP

Late Comments Submitted by WEQ OASIS
R16010 WEQ Assess Impact on NAESB Business Practice Standards and Specifications due to changes in tool ownership, NERC Committee Structure, and changes to the NERC Rules of Procedures. MISO   2017 WEQ Annual Plan Item 1.e.iv Recommendation

2017 WEQ Annual Plan Item 1.e.iv Rec Attachment - 1 (Redline)

2017 WEQ Annual Plan Item 1.e.iv Rec Attachment - 2 (Clean)
Request for Comments on 2017 WEQ Annual Plan Item 1.e.iv Recommendation w/Attachments 1-2 Due
May 18, 2017
WEQ 2016 Annual Plan Item 4.b WEQ Evaluate and modify standards as needed to support and/or complement the current version of the NERC Critical Infrastructure Protection Standards and any other activities of the FERC related to cybersecurity. NAESB WEQ Cybersecurity Subcommittee   Recommendation

TO BE TAKEN Approved by the WEQ Executive Committee on October 25, 2016
Request for Comments Due
October 17, 2016
WEQ 2016 Annual Plan Item 4.a WEQ Review annually at a minimum WEQ-012 and the accreditation requirements for Authorized Certification Authorities to determine if any changes are needed to meet market conditions. NAESB WEQ Cybersecurity Subcommittee   Recommendation

TO BE TAKEN Approved by the WEQ Executive Committee on October 25, 2016
Request for Comments Due
October 17, 2016
WEQ 2016 Annual Plan Item 5.b / R09015 WEQ Create a new OASIS mechanism that allows for the merger of like reservations without the use of the resale mechanism (R09015). NAESB WEQ OASIS Subcommittee   Recommendation Request for Comments Due
August 18, 2016

Comments Submitted by J. Lemire, NCEMC

Comments Submitted by R. Kelley, BPA

Comments Submitted by JT Wood, Southern Company

Comments Submitted by the ISO/RTO Council's Standards Review Committee

Late Comments Submitted by WEQ OASIS in response to NCEMC Comments

Late Comments Submitted by WEQ OASIS in response to BPA Comments

Late Comments Submitted by WEQ OASIS in response to Southern Company Comments

Late Comments Submitted by WEQ OASIS in response to ISO/RTO Council's Standards Review Committee Comments

Late Comments Submitted by WEQ OASIS

Recommendation with Combined Comments

WEQ OASIS Disposition of the Combined Comments
WEQ 2016 Annual Plan Item 5.d WEQ Review and modify as necessary WEQ-004, EIR Business Practice Standards, e-Tag Specification, and e-Tag Schema to make the necessary modifications to recognize the Market Operator Role within the Electric Industry Registry. NAESB WEQ Coordinate Interchange Scheduling Subcommittee   Recommendation

Attachment 1 - WEQ-004

Attachment 2 - WEQ-022

Attachment 3 - Electronic Tagging Functional Specification

Attachment 4 - Electronic Tagging Schema

Request for Comments Due
July 20, 2016

Comments Submitted by R. Kelley, BPA

Comments Submitted by the ISO/RTO Council's Standards Review Committee

Late Comments to Recommendation Submitted by the WEQ CISS

Late Comments to Attachment 1 Submitted by the WEQ CISS

Late Comments to Attachment 3 Submitted by the WEQ CISS

Late Comments to Attachment 4 Submitted by the WEQ CISS

Late Comments Submitted by A. Pritchard, Duke Energy
R16008 WEQ Modifications to WEQ-004 Coordinate Interchange Business Practice Standards for Dynamic Tags and Psuedo-Tie type e-Tags Chair and Vice-Chair of the WEQ Executive Committee   WEQ 2017 Annual Plan Item 1.d.i/R16008 Recommendation Request for Comments Due
August 9, 2017
WEQ 2016 Annual Plan Item 1.f WEQ Develop, modify or delete business practice standards to support NERC activities related to NERC Inadvertent Interchange BAL-006. NAESB WEQ Business Practice Subcommittee   Recommendation

TO BE TAKEN Approved by the WEQ Executive Committee on August 16, 2016
Request for Comments Due
June 2, 2016
WEQ 2016 Annual Plan Item 8.a
/RMQ 2016 Annual Plan Item 7.a
WEQ/RMQ Develop and/or modify Demand Response Standards as needed in response to the Supreme Court decisions regarding the final D.C. Circuit ruling on FERC Order No. 745. Joint WEQ/RMQ DSM-EE Subcommittee   Recommendation

Recommendation as approved by the WEQ Executive Committee on
April 26, 2016
and Retail Executive Committee on
April 27, 2016
Request for Comments Due
April 11, 2016
R16002 WEQ Request for NAESB to retire WEQ-006 Manual Time Error Correction North American Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC)   Recommendation

Request for Comments Due
December 9, 2016

Comments Submitted by K. Spontak, MISO
WEQ 2015 Annual Plan Item
WEQ Evaluate and modify standards as needed to support and/or complement the current version of the NERC Critical Infrastructure Protection Standards and any other activities of the FERC related to cybersecurity. NAESB WEQ Cybersecurity Subcommittee   Recommendation

TO BE TAKEN Approved by the WEQ Executive Committee on February 23, 2016
Request for Comments Due
January 14, 2016
WEQ 2015 Annual Plan Item
WEQ Review annually at a minimum the accreditation requirements for Authorized Certification Authorities to determine if any changes are needed to meet market conditions. NAESB WEQ Cybersecurity Subcommittee   Recommendation

TO BE TAKEN Approved by the WEQ Executive Committee on February 23, 2016
Request for Comments Due
January 14, 2016
WEQ 2015 Annual Plan Item
WEQ Disturbance Control Standard (DCS) (BAL-002) Coordination with NERC Project 2010-14.1 Phase 1 of Balancing Authority Reliability-based Controls: Reserves. NAESB WEQ Business Practice Subcommittee   Recommendation

TO BE TAKEN Approved by the WEQ Executive Committee on February 23, 2016
Request for Comments Due
January 13, 2016

Comments Submitted by the ISO/RTO Council�s Standards Review Committee
WEQ 2015 Annual Plan Item
WEQ Long-Term Firm Rollover Rights Competition
(OATT Section 2.2)
NAESB WEQ OASIS Subcommittee   Recommendation - 1
(Remanded back to the WEQ OASIS by the WEQ EC
on February 23, 2016)

Recommendation - 2
Request for Comments Due
January 19, 2016

Comments Submitted by R. Kelley, BPA

Redline Comments Submitted by R. Kelley, BPA

Comments Submitted by A. Wong, BC Hydro

Comments Submitted by IESO, MISO, PJM and SPP

Comments Submitted by JT Wood, Southern Company

Redline Comments Submitted by JT Wood, Southern Company

Comments Submitted by A. Pritchard, Duke Energy

Redline Comments Submitted by A. Pritchard, Duke Energy

Late Comments Submitted by WEQ OASIS in response to BPA Comments

Late Comments Submitted by WEQ OASIS in response to Redline BPA Comments

Late Comments Submitted by WEQ OASIS in response to BC Hydro Comments

Late Comments Submitted by WEQ OASIS in response to IESO, MISO, PJM and SPP Comments

Late Comments Submitted by WEQ OASIS in response to Southern Company Comments

Late Comments Submitted by WEQ OASIS in response to Redline Southern Company Comments

Late Comments Submitted by WEQ OASIS in response to Duke Energy Comments

Late Comments Submitted by WEQ OASIS in response to Redline Duke Energy Comments

Late Comments Submitted by WEQ OASIS Subcommittee

Late Comments Submitted by WEQ OASIS in response to the Combined Comments

Request for Comments on
Due March 30, 2016

Comments Submitted by R. Kelley, BPA

Comments Submitted by E. Skiba, MISO

Comments Submitted by JT Wood, Southern Company

Late Comments Submitted by B. Millard, Municipal Energy Agency of Nebraska

Late Comments Submitted by WEQ OASIS in response to BPA Comments

Late Comments Submitted by WEQ OASIS in response to MISO Comments

Late Comments Submitted by WEQ OASIS in response to Southern Company Comments

Late Comments Submitted by WEQ OASIS in response to the Combined Comments

Late Comments Submitted by WEQ OASIS Subcommittee
WEQ 2015 Annual Plan Item
WEQ Review WEQ standards for impact of XML vulnerability exploits and make modifications as needed to standards and functional specifications. NAESB Cybersecurity Subcommittee and Coordinate Interchange Scheduling Subcommittee   Recommendation

TO BE TAKEN Approved by the WEQ Executive Committee on August 18, 2015
Request for Comments Due
August 12, 2015
WEQ 2015 Annual Plan Item
1.e / R14002
WEQ Develop, modify, or delete business practice standards to support request R14002 (NERC Project 2012-05 ATC Revisions (MOD A)) NAESB WEQ Business Practice Subcommittee   Recommendation

Request for Comments Due
July 28, 2015

Comments Submitted by K. Anderson, Idaho Power

Comments Submitted by R. Kelley, Bonneville Power Administration

Comments Submitted by JT Wood, Southern Company

Comments Submitted by R. Brown, PJM

Comments Submitted by J. Manning, NCEMC

Comments Submitted by E. Skiba on behalf of ERCOT, IESO, MISO and PJM

Comments Submitted by J. Phillips, SPP

Late Comments Submitted by the WEQ BPS
R15005 WEQ Modification of DUNS number treatment in OASIS Duke Energy   Recommendation Request for Comments Due
August 19, 2015

Comments Submitted by R. Kelley, Bonneville Power Administration

Late Comments Submitted by R. Brown, PJM
R15004 WEQ Modifications to WEQ-004 Coordinate Interchange Business Practice Standards Chair and Vice Chair of the WEQ Executive Committee   Recommendation

Request for Comments Due
August 10, 2015

Comments Submitted by R. Kelley, BPA

Comments Submitted by E. Skiba, on behalf of IESO, MISO, NYISO, PJM and SPP
WEQ 2015 Annual Plan Item
5.b / R08027
WEQ Correct WEQ 013- � Resale off OASIS. NAESB WEQ OASIS Subcommittee   Recommendation Request for Comments Due
May 15, 2015
WEQ 2015 Annual Plan Item
5.a / R08011
WEQ Consistent with �51 of FERC Order No. 890-A, add AFC and TFC values to the �System_Attribute� data element of the NAESB Standard WEQ-003: OASIS S&CP Data Dictionaries. NAESB WEQ OASIS Subcommittee   Recommendation Request for Comments Due
May 15, 2015
WEQ 2015 Annual Plan Item
WEQ Develop standards to support the Transmission Provider right to reassess the availability of conditional firm. NAESB WEQ OASIS Subcommittee   Recommendation Request for Comments Due
May 13, 2015

Comments Submitted by JT Wood, Southern Company

Late Comments Submitted by the WEQ OASIS Subcommittee

Late Comments Submitted by the WEQ OASIS Subcommittee in Response to Southern Company
WEQ 2015 Annual Plan Item
WEQ Initiate standard that eliminates the disparity of posting �sensitive� information. This standard should also include procedures of user certification that allows access to this class of information.. NAESB WEQ OASIS Subcommittee   Recommendation

TO BE TAKEN Approved by the WEQ Executive Committee on August 18, 2015
Request for Comments Due
May 13, 2015
WEQ 2015 Annual Plan Item
WEQ Eliminate Masking of TSR tag source and sink when requested status is denied, withdrawn refused, displaced, invalid, declined, annulled or retracted. NAESB WEQ OASIS Subcommittee   Recommendation Request for Comments Due
May 13, 2015

Late Comments Submitted by E. Skiba, MISO
WEQ 2015 Annual Plan Item
WEQ Revise NAESB standard WEQ-001-106.2.5 to clarify when Transmission Providers may refuse a request for terminating secondary network service based on the availability of capacity. NAESB WEQ OASIS Subcommittee   Recommendation Request for Comments Due
April 27, 2015

Comments Submitted by P. Sorenson, OATI

Comments Submitted by the WEQ OASIS Subcommittee

Comments Submitted by the WEQ OASIS Subcommittee in Response to OATI Comments

Comments Submitted by R. Kelley, Bonneville Power Administration

Comments Submitted by E. Skiba, MISO
WEQ 2015 Annual Plan Item
WEQ Consistent with FERC Order Nos. 890 and 676-H, modify NAESB standards WEQ-001-14.1.3 and WEQ-001-15.1.2 to provide for a one-day requirement for posting Available Transfer Capability narratives. NAESB WEQ OASIS Subcommittee   Recommendation Request for Comments Due
April 15, 2015

Comments Submitted by C. Wesley, PJM Interconnection

Comments Submitted by J. Lemire, NCEMC

Comments Submitted by JT Wood, Southern Company

Comments Submitted by R. Kelley, Bonneville Power Administration

Comments Submitted by N. Saini, Entergy

Late Comments Submitted by the WEQ OASIS Subcommittee

Late Comments Submitted by the WEQ OASIS Subcommittee in Response to PJM Comments

Late Comments Submitted by the WEQ OASIS Subcommittee in Response to NCEMC Comments

Late Comments Submitted by the WEQ OASIS Subcommittee in Response to Southern Company Comments

Late Comments Submitted by the WEQ OASIS Subcommittee in Response to Bonneville Power Administration Comments

Late Comments Submitted by the WEQ OASIS Subcommittee in Response to Entergy Comments
WEQ 2015 Annual Plan Item
WEQ Modify NAESB standards WEQ-001-9.5, WEQ-001-10.5, and related standards to be consistent with the Commission�s policy in Dynegy Power Marketing, Inc. and Entergy Services, Inc. NAESB WEQ OASIS Subcommittee   Recommendation Request for Comments Due
April 15, 2015

Comments Submitted by J. Lemire, NCEMC

Comments Submitted by JT Wood, Southern Company

Comments Submitted by P. Sorenson, OATI

Comments Submitted by R. Applegate, Tacoma Power

Comments Submitted by A. Pritchard, Duke Energy

Comments Submitted by R. Kelley, Bonneville Power Administration

Comments Submitted by J. Phillips on behalf of the ISO/RTO Council with support from PJM, MISO, SPP, IESO and ERCOT

Comments Submitted by N. Saini, Entergy

Redline Comments Submitted by N. Saini, Entergy

Late Comments Submitted by the WEQ OASIS Subcommittee

Late Comments Submitted by the WEQ OASIS Subcommittee in Response to NCEMC Comments

Late Comments Submitted by the WEQ OASIS Subcommittee in Response to Southern Company Comments

Late Comments Submitted by the WEQ OASIS Subcommittee in Response to OATI Comments

Late Comments Submitted by the WEQ OASIS Subcommittee in Response to Tacoma Power Comments

Late Comments Submitted by the WEQ OASIS Subcommittee in Response to Duke Energy Comments

Late Comments Submitted by the WEQ OASIS Subcommittee in Response to Bonneville Power Administration Comments

Late Comments Submitted by the WEQ OASIS Subcommittee in Response to the ISO/RTO Council Comments

Late Comments Submitted by the WEQ OASIS Subcommittee in Response to Entergy Comments

Late Comments Submitted by the WEQ OASIS Subcommittee in Response to Entergy Redline Comments
WEQ 2015 Annual Plan Item
WEQ Consider Bonneville Power Administration comment concerning the treatment of a conditional point-to-point reservation included in a coordinated group when displaced through preemption. NAESB WEQ OASIS Subcommittee   Recommendation Request for Comments Due
April 15, 2015

Comments Submitted by J. Lemire, NCEMC

Comments Submitted by JT Wood, Southern Company

Comments Submitted by R. Kelley, Bonneville Power Administration

Comments Submitted by N. Saini, Entergy

Late Comments Submitted by the WEQ OASIS Subcommittee

Late Comments Submitted by the WEQ OASIS Subcommittee in Response to NCEMC Comments

Late Comments Submitted by the WEQ OASIS Subcommittee in Response to Southern Company Comments

Late Comments Submitted by the WEQ OASIS Subcommittee in Response to Bonneville Power Administration Comments

Late Comments Submitted by the WEQ OASIS Subcommittee in Response to Entergy Comments
WEQ 2014 Annual Plan Item 8.b
(formerly WEQ 2014 Annual Plan Item 7.b)
WEQ Develop a specification for demand response products and services to support a certification program. Demand Side Management and Energy Efficiency (DSM-EE) Specifications Task Force   Recommendation

TO BE TAKEN Approved by the WEQ Executive Committee on February 24, 2015
Request for Comments Due
November 17, 2014

Comments Submitted by E. Skiba on behalf of CAISO, ERCOT, IESO, ISONE, MISO, NYISO, PJM and SPP
WEQ 2014 Annual Plan Items
1.a, 1.b and 1.d / R11020
WEQ Parallel Flow Visualization/Mitigation for Reliability Coordinators in the Eastern Interconnection � Permanent Solution, WEQ-008 Consistency Review, Standards Request R11020. NAESB WEQ Business Practice Subcommittee   Recommendation

Recommendation with Proposed Revisions from the WEQ Executive Committee PFV Task Force, January 12, 2015

Recommendation approved by the NAESB WEQ Executive Committee on February 24, 2015
to initiate the full staffing process.

Recommendation approved by the NAESB WEQ Executive Committee on February 24, 2015
to initiate the full staffing process.
Request for Comments Due
October 3, 2014

Comments Submitted by R. Robinson, Tennessee Valley Authority

Comments Submitted by N. Shah, MISO

Comments Submitted by the ISO/RTO Council Members

Comments Submitted by JT Wood, Southern Company

Comments Submitted by J. Luner, Xcel Energy Operating Companies

Late Comments Submitted by the WEQ Standards Review Subcommittee

Late Comments Submitted by the WEQ BPS

Late Comments Submitted by N. Schweighart, TVA

Request for Comments on Recommendation with Proposed Revisions from the WEQ Executive Committee PFV Task Force Due
February 10, 2015

Comments Submitted by N. Saini, Entergy

Comments Submitted by E. Skiba on behalf of IESO, ISO-NE, MISO, NYISO, PJM and SPP

Comments Submitted by E. Skiba, MISO

Comments Submitted by the WEQ Standards Review Subcommittee

Comments Submitted by E. Cardone, NYISO

Comments Submitted by JT Wood, Southern Company

Late Comments Submitted by the WEQ Executive Committee PFV Task Force

Late Comments Submitted by K. Khan, IESO
WEQ 2014 Annual Plan Item
WEQ Review and correct WEQ-004 Coordinate Interchange Business Practice Standard as needed based on activities in NERC Project 2008-12, Coordinate Interchange Standards Revisions and supporting EOP-002-2 R4 and R6. NAESB WEQ Joint Electric Scheduling Subcommittee (JESS)   Recommendation

Request for Comments Due
August 15, 2014

Comments Submitted by the ISO/RTO Standards Review Committee

Comments Submitted by JT Wood, Southern Company
WEQ 2014 Annual Plan Item
WEQ Develop complementary standards that align with NERC Project 2010-4 Demand Data. Demand Side Management and Energy Efficiency Subcommittee (DSM-EE)   Recommendation

TO BE TAKEN Approved by the WEQ Executive Committee on August 19, 2014
Request for Comments Due
July 25, 2014

Comments Submitted by the ISO/RTO Standards Review Committee
WEQ 2014 Annual Plan Item
WEQ Develop complementary standards that align with NERC Project 2013-04 (formerly Project 2008-01 and now rolled into Project 2013-04) Voltage and Reactive Planning and Control. A SAR was finalized in April 2011. NAESB WEQ Business Practice Subcommittee (BPS)   Recommendation

TO BE TAKEN Approved by the WEQ Executive Committee on August 19, 2014
Request for Comments Due
July 24, 2014

Comments Submitted by the ISO/RTO Standards Review Committee
R14003 WEQ Request to update the initiation and termination times for the West in WEQ-006-5 from -5/+5 and �0.5/�0.5 respectively, to -30/+30 and -25/+25 respectively. Western Electricity Coordinating Council (WECC) Withdrawn by Submitter - April 15, 2014          
R14002 WEQ Request to review and consider the incorporation in NAESB standards of six retired NERC standards collectively known as MOD A, addressing the commercial aspects of determination of Available Transfer Capability and Available Flowgate Capability North American Electric Reliability Corporation   Recommendation

Request for Comments Due
July 28, 2015

Comments Submitted by K. Anderson, Idaho Power

Comments Submitted by R. Kelley, Bonneville Power Administration

Comments Submitted by JT Wood, Southern Company

Comments Submitted by R. Brown, PJM

Comments Submitted by J. Manning, NCEMC

Comments Submitted by E. Skiba on behalf of ERCOT, IESO, MISO and PJM

Comments Submitted by J. Phillips, SPP

Late Comments Submitted by the WEQ BPS
WEQ 2014 Annual Plan Item
WEQ Coordinate with NERC on NERC Project 2012-08 Glossary Updates. NAESB WEQ Standards Review Subcommittee (SRS)   Recommendation

TO BE TAKEN Approved by the WEQ Executive Committee on April 29, 2014
Request for Comments Due
March 10, 2014

R14001 WEQ Modifications to NAESB Business Practice Standards Abbreviations, Acronyms, and Definition of Terms to support NERC CISDT under Project 2008-12. WEQ Standards Review Subcommittee (SRS)   Recommendation Request for Comments Due
April 7, 2014

Comments submitted by ERCOT, IESO, ISO-NE, MISO, NYISO, PJM and SPP

Comments submitted by JT Wood, Southern Company

Redline Comments Submitted by JT Wood, Southern Company

Late Comments Submitted by the WEQ Standards Review Subcommittee in Response to Southern Company Comments

Late Comments Submitted by the WEQ Standards Review Subcommittee - Proposed Glossary Changes to Accommodate Southern and ISO/RTO Comments
WEQ 2014 Annual Plan Item
WEQ Review e-Tag specifications and make modifications as needed. NAESB WEQ Joint Electric Scheduling Subcommittee (JESS)   Recommendation

Attachment 1
e-Tag Spec ver 1.8.2 (Redline)

Attachment 2
e-Tag Spec ver 1.8.2 (Clean)

Attachment 3
e-Tag Schema ver 1.8.2 (Redline)

Attachment 4
e-Tag Schema ver 1.8.2 (Clean)

Recommendation (with links to attachments) as approved by the WEQ Executive Committee on February 18, 2014
Request for Comments Due
February 11, 2014

Comments Submitted by ERCOT, IESO, ISO New England, MISO, New York ISO, PJM, SPP

Comments Submitted by R. Kelley, BPA

Comments Submitted by the WEQ Standards Review Subcommittee

Late Supplemental Comments Submitted by Z. Buus, BPA

Comments Submitted by C. Mendrala, ISO NE

Late Comments Submitted by the WEQ JESS (Redline)

Late Comments Submitted by the WEQ JESS (Clean)

Comments Submitted by B. Ambrosi, BC Hydro
WEQ 2014 Annual Plan Item
WEQ Coordinate with NERC on changes to the definition of Bulk Electric System NERC Project 2010-17 Definition of Bulk Electric System (Phase 2). NAESB WEQ Standards Review Subcommittee (SRS)   Recommendation

TO BE TAKEN Approved by the WEQ Executive Committee on February 18, 2014
Request for Comments Due
February 7, 2014

Retail 2013 Annual Plan Item 10.a / WEQ 2013 Annual Plan Item 7.a WEQ / Retail Develop a specification for demand response and energy efficiency products and services to support a certification program. DSM-EE Specifications Task Force   Recommendation

EE M&V Specification
Request for Comments Due
January 20, 2014

Comments Submitted by ERCOT, IESO, ISO-NE, MISO, SPP, PJM and NYISO

Comments Submitted by Southern Company

Late Comments of the DSM/EE Specifications Task Force
WEQ 2013 Annual Plan Item
WEQ Review annually at a minimum, the accreditation requirements for Authorized Certification Authorities to determine if any changes are needed to meet market conditions. NAESB WEQ Cybersecurity Subcommittee   Recommendation

NAESB Accreditation Specs - Redline

NAESB Accreditation Specs - Clean
Request for Comments Due
January 16, 2014

Comments Submitted by L. Kee, GlobalSign

Comments Submitted by D. Brooks, ISO New England

Comments Submitted by T. Suarez, TVA

Late Comments Submitted by IESO, MISO, PJM, ERCOT, SPP, NYISO

Late Comments Submitted by the WEQ CSS
WEQ 2013 Annual Plan Item
WEQ Review and develop standards as needed to support adequate session encryption (SSL/TLS issues:US-Cert Vulnerability Note VU#864643) NAESB WEQ Cybersecurity Subcommittee   Recommendation

TO BE TAKEN Approved by the WEQ Executive Committee on February 18, 2014
Request for Comments Due
January 16, 2014

WEQ 2013 Annual Plan Item
WEQ Develop, modify or delete business practices standards to support NERC activities related to NERC Time Error Correction (BAL-004-1) to ensure coordination between NERC and NAESB. NAESB WEQ Business Practices Subcommittee   Recommendation

TO BE TAKEN Approved by the WEQ Executive Committee on February 18, 2014
Request for Comments Due
November 18, 2013

Late Comments Submitted by the WEQ BPS
WEQ 2013 Annual Plan Item
WEQ Develop standards to support interconnection scheduling in 15 minute intervals per FERC Order No. 764. NAESB WEQ Joint Electric Scheduling Subcommittee   Recommendation

Recommendation as revised and approved by the WEQ Executive Committee on October 22, 2013
Request for Comments Due
September 9, 2013

Comments Submitted by K. Anderson, Idaho Power Company

Comments Submitted by R. Vojdani, Western Area Power Administration

Comments Submitted by R. Kelley, Bonneville Power Administration

Comments Submitted by E. Skiba, MISO

Late Comments Submitted by the WEQ JESS
WEQ 2013 Annual Plan Item
WEQ Develop Electric Industry Registry Business Practice Standards. NAESB WEQ Joint Electric Scheduling Subcommittee   Recommendation

Recommendation as revised and approved by the WEQ Executive Committee on August 20, 2013 - Redline

Recommendation as revised and approved by the WEQ Executive Committee on August 20, 2013 - Clean

Request for Comments Due
August 12, 2013

Comments Submitted by B. Kedrowski, We Energies

Comments Submitted by A. Pradhan, OATI

Comments Submitted by E. Skiba on behalf of IESO, ISO New England, MISO, NY ISO, PJM, and SPP

Comments Submitted by JT Wood, Southern Company

Redline Comments Submitted by JT Wood, Southern Company

Comments Submitted by R. Kelley, Bonneville Power Administration

Late Comments Submitted by the WEQ JESS
WEQ 2013 Annual Plan Item
WEQ Develop, modify or delete business practices to support Time Error, Automatic Generation Control (AGC), and Inadvertent Accounting (BAL-005, and BAL-006) (NERC Project 2010-14.2 Phase 2 of Balancing Authority Reliability-based Controls: Time Error, AGC, and Inadvertent. NAESB WEQ Business Practices Subcommittee   Recommendation

TO BE TAKEN Approved by the WEQ Executive Committee on August 20, 2013
Request for Comments Due
July 19, 2013

WEQ 2013 Annual Plan Item
WEQ Develop and/or modify business practices related to support of NERC effort on the NERC Resources and Transmission Adequacy. NAESB WEQ Business Practices Subcommittee   Recommendation

TO BE TAKEN Approved by the WEQ Executive Committee on August 20, 2013
Request for Comments Due
July 19, 2013

WEQ 2013 Annual Plan Item
WEQ Review the FERC Report, �Report on Use of North American Energy Standards Board Public Key Infrastructure Standards,� Docket No. EL12-86-000, issued on August 27, 2012, to determine which standards changes are needed to be responsive to suggestions made by the Commission. NAESB WEQ Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) Subcommittee   Recommendation

Work Paper to Support "No Action" Recommendation

TO BE TAKEN Approved by the WEQ Executive Committee on August 20, 2013

Work Paper to Support "No Action" Recommendation Approved by the WEQ Executive Committee on August 20, 2013
Request for Comments Due
June 19, 2013

R13004 WEQ Revise both the WEQ-004 business practice standards and the e-Tag Specification to allow registered Market Operators to be specified in e-Tag roles that better reflect their participation in Tagged Transactions. Bonneville Power Administration   Recommendation

TO BE TAKEN Approved by the WEQ Executive Committee on October 22, 2013
Request for Comments Due
October 15, 2013
WEQ 2013 Annual Plan Items
WEQ Review e-Tag specifications and make modifications as needed. NAESB WEQ Joint Electric Scheduling Subcommittee   Recommendation-1
(Remanded back to the WEQ JESS by the WEQ EC on April 30, 2013)

e-Tag Specifications
1.8.2 (Redline)

e-Tag Specifications
1.8.2 (Clean)

2014 WEQ AP Item 3.b.i-iii

Attachment 1
e-Tag Spec ver 1.8.2 (Redline)

Attachment 2
e-Tag Spec ver 1.8.2 (Clean)

Attachment 3
e-Tag Schema ver 1.8.2 (Redline)

Attachment 4
e-Tag Schema ver 1.8.2 (Clean)
Request for Comments Recommendation-1-
Due April 5, 2013

Comments Submitted by R. Kelley, Bonneville Power Administration

Comments Submitted by the WEQ Standards Review Subcommittee

Comments Submitted by J. Phillips, Southwest Power Pool

Comments Submitted by The ISAS Leadership

Late Comments Submitted by the WEQ JESS

Request for Comments Recommendation-2
(2014 WEQ AP Item 3.b.i-iii)
Due February 11, 2014

WEQ 2012 Annual Plan Item
WEQ Develop standards to support PAP 10 - Standards Energy Usage Information, Phase 2, Harmonization with CIM and SEP 2.0 NAESB Smart Grid PAP10 Subcommittee   Recommendation

Recommendation as revised and approved by the WEQ Executive Committee on February 19, 2013
Request for Comments Due
January 3, 2013

Comments Submitted by the WEQ Standards Review Subcommittee
R12010 WEQ Request for requirements for scheduling interchange in 15 minute intervals. FERC order 764 directs transmission entities to accept scheduling interchange in 15 minute intervals within the operating hour. Currently no NAESB standards require, state, or give guidance that the default for these intervals should be on the quarter hour increment (i.e. 0 (top of the hour), 15, 30, and 45, etc.). In order to ensure a smooth, interconnection wide, transition to 15 minute scheduling a default definition of 15 minute schedules needs to be developed. Southern Company Services, Inc.   Recommendation

Request for Comments Due
April 5, 2013

Comments Submitted by ERCOT, IESO, ISO New England, MISO, New York ISO, and SPP

Comments Submitted by J. Wood, Southern Company

Comments Submitted by the WEQ Standards Review Subcommittee

Late Comments Submitted by the WEQ JESS - Cover Letter

Late Comments Submitted by the WEQ JESS
WEQ 2012 Annual Plan Item 4.b
(Part 2)
WEQ PKI Standard Requirements for e-Tagging, Part 2 NAESB WEQ Joint Electric Scheduling Subcommittee   Recommendation

Electronic Tagging Functional Specifications
(Members Accessible)

Recommendation as approved by the WEQ Executive Committee on November 27, 2012

Electronic Tagging Functional Specifications
Version as approved by the WEQ Executive Committee on November 27, 2012
(Members Accessible)
Request for Comments Due
November 5, 2012

Part 1 and Part 2 Comments Submitted by the WEQ Standards Review Subcommittee

Late Part 2 Recommendation from WEQ JESS - November 13, 2012

Late Part 2 Attachment Comments Submitted by the NAESB WEQ Joint Electric Scheduling Subcommittee
WEQ 2012 Annual Plan Item 4.b
(Part 1)
WEQ PKI Standard Requirements for e-Tagging, Part 1 NAESB WEQ Joint Electric Scheduling Subcommittee   Recommendation Request for Comments Due
November 5, 2012

Part 1 and Part 2 Comments Submitted by the WEQ Standards Review Subcommittee

Late Part 1 Comments Submitted by the NAESB WEQ Joint Electric Scheduling Subcommittee
WEQ 2012 Annual Plan Item 4.a WEQ PKI Business Practice Standards for OASIS NAESB Joint WEQ OASIS/PKI Subcommittees   Recommendation Request for Comments Due
October 8, 2012

Comments Submitted by the WEQ Standards Review Subcommittee

Comments Submitted by Bonneville Power Administration

Comments Submitted by E. Cardone, NYISO

Comments Submitted by M. Colby, PJM

Comments Submitted by P. Sorenson, OATI

Late Comments Submitted by the WEQ OASIS Subcommittee on the Recommendation

Late Comments Submitted by the WEQ OASIS Subcommittee on the NYISO Comments

Late Comments Submitted by the WEQ OASIS Subcommittee on the OATI Comments

Late Comments Submitted by the WEQ OASIS Subcommittee on the PJM Comments

Late Comments Submitted by the WEQ OASIS Subcommittee on the SRS Comments

Late Comments Submitted by the WEQ OASIS Subcommittee on the BPA Comments
WEQ 2012 Annual Plan Item 4.c.i-ii / R11014 / R11015 (Part 2) WEQ Develop modifications for WEQ-012 as needed to reflect current market conditions (Authorized Certification Authority Standard and Credentialing Practice (R11014). Technology Review and Upgrade for NAESB Public Key Infrastructure Standard WEQ-012 (R11015)) NAESB WEQ PKI Subcommittee   Recommendation (redline)

Recommendation (clean)
Request for Comments Due
August 10, 2012

Comments Submitted by J. Buccigross, Group 8760 LLC

Comments Submitted by the WEQ Standards Review Subcommittee

Comments Submitted by JT Wood, Southern Company
(to redline recommendation)

Comments Submitted by JT Wood, Southern Company
(to clean recommendation)

Comments Submitted by the IRC Standards Review Committee (PJM, NYISO, ISONE, IESO, ERCOT, MISO, SPP)

Comments Submitted by T. Ruser, OATI

Late Comments Submitted by the WEQ Joint Electric Scheduling Subcommittee

Late Comments Submitted by the WEQ PKI Subcommittee
WEQ 2012 Annual Plan Item 4.c.i-ii / R11014 / R11015 (Part 1) WEQ Develop modifications for WEQ-012 as needed to reflect current market conditions (Authorized Certification Authority Standard and Credentialing Practice (R11014). Technology Review and Upgrade for NAESB Public Key Infrastructure Standard WEQ-012 (R11015)) NAESB WEQ PKI Subcommittee   Recommendation

Attachment - NAESB Accreditation Requirements for Certification Authorities
Request for Comments Due
July 25, 2012

Comments Submitted by the WEQ Standards Review Subcommittee

Comments Submitted by ERCOT and MISO

Comments on Recommendadtion Submitted by JT Wood, Southern Company

Comments on Accreditation Requirements Attachment Submitted by JT Wood, Southern Company

Comments Submitted by T. Ruser, OATI

Late Comments Submitted by the WEQ PKI Subcommittee
Retail 2012 Annual Plan Item 3(b)-(WEQ Consideration for consistency in definitions to terms that are used both in the Retail and Wholesale Electric Quadrants) WEQ Demand Reduction Value and Energy Efficiency Definitions NAESB WEQ Standards Review Subcommittee   WEQ Recommendation Request for Comments Due
July 23, 2012

Comments Submitted by the WEQ Standards Review Subcommittee

Comments Submitted by ERCOT, IESO, ISO New England, MISO, New York ISO, PJM, and SPP
R12006 WEQ Request to improve transparency to allow customers to determine whether they have been treated in a non-discriminatory manner by posting of additional information on OASIS when service is denied (i.e. refused or declined) by customer(s) using new SAMTS process across multiple transmission systems to serve their NITS load on multiple systems. North Carolina Electric Membership Corporation (NCEMC) Withdrawn by Submitter - November 3, 2017          
R12001 WEQ Requirements for OASIS to use data in the Electric Industry Registry Puget Sound Energy            
WEQ 2012 Annual Plan Item
WEQ Support Crediting Redirect Requests with the Capacity of the Parent Reservation NAESB WEQ OASIS Subcommittee   Recommendation

Recommendation as approved by the WEQ Executive Committee on February 21, 2012
Request for Comments Due
February 17, 2012

Comments Submitted by the WEQ Standards Review Subcommittee

Comments Submitted by JT Wood, Southern Company
WEQ 2012 Annual Plan Item
WEQ Add AFC and TFC Values to the "System_Attribute" Data Element NAESB WEQ OASIS Subcommittee   Recommendation

Request for Comments Due
February 17, 2012

Comments Submitted by the WEQ Standards Review Subcommittee

Comments Submitted by E. Skiba on behalf of IESO, MISO, PJM and SPP
R11022 WEQ Modify WEQ Business Practice Standard 013- FULL_TRANSFER- Transfers of All Capacity and WEQ Business Practice Standard 013- � PART_TRANSFER-Transfer of Partial Capacity Southwest Power Pool   Recommendation

Recommendation as approved by the WEQ Executive Committee on May 1, 2012
(Members Accessible)
Request for Comments Due
March 22, 2012

Comments Submitted by the WEQ Standards Review Subcommittee
WEQ 2012 Annual Plan Item
WEQ Revised Bulk Electric System Definition NAESB WEQ Standards Review Subcommittee   Recommendation

Recommendation as revised/approved by the WEQ Executive Committee on February 21, 2012 (Redline)
(Members Accessible)

Recommendation as revised/approved by the WEQ Executive Committee on February 21, 2012 (Clean)
(Members Accessible)
Request for Comments Due
February 18, 2012

ISOs/RTOs Comments Submitted by M. Goldberg, ISO New England

Comments Submitted by the WEQ Standards Review Subcommittee

Comments Submitted by R. Kelley, BPA

Comments Submitted by E. Davis, Entergy

Comments Submitted by A. Johnson, NRG Power Marketing
WEQ 2011 Annual Plan Items
2.a.i.1-8, 2.b and 3.a.i
WEQ Network Service on OASIS (NITS) NAESB WEQ OASIS Subcommittee   Recommendation

Attachment 1 - WEQ-000

Attachment 2 - WEQ-001

Attachment 3 - WEQ-002

Attachment 4 - WEQ-003

Attachment 5 - WEQ-013

Recommendation as revised/approved by the WEQ Executive Committee on May 1, 2012
(Members Accessible)

Attachment 1 - WEQ-000 as revised/approved by the WEQ Executive Committee on May 1, 2012
(Members Accessible)

Attachment 2 - WEQ-001 as revised/approved by the WEQ Executive Committee on May 1, 2012
(Members Accessible)

Attachment 3 - WEQ-002 as revised/approved by the WEQ Executive Committee on May 1, 2012
(Members Accessible)

Attachment 4 - WEQ-003 as revised/approved by the WEQ Executive Committee on May 1, 2012
(Members Accessible)

Attachment 5 - WEQ-013 as revised/approved by the WEQ Executive Committee on May 1, 2012
(Members Accessible)
Request for Comments Due
February 27, 2012

Comments Submitted by the WEQ Standards Review Subcommittee

Comments Submitted by J. Manning, NCEMC

Comments Submitted by E. Davis, Entergy on Attachment 1

Comments Submitted by E. Davis, Entergy on Attachment 2

Comments Submitted by E. Davis, Entergy on Attachment 3

Comments Submitted by E. Davis, Entergy on Attachment 4

Comments Submitted by E. Davis, Entergy on Attachment 5

Comments Submitted by JT Wood, Southern Company

Comments Submitted by JT Wood, Southern Company on Attachment 1

Comments Submitted by JT Wood, Southern Company on Attachment 2

Comments Submitted by JT Wood, Southern Company on Attachment 3

Comments Submitted by JT Wood, Southern Company on Attachment 4

Comments Submitted by JT Wood, Southern Company on Attachment 5

Comments Submitted by E. Cardone, NYISO

Comments Submitted by J. Cummings, PPL Energy Plus

Comments Submitted by P. Lee, BPA on Attachment 1

Comments Submitted by P. Lee, BPA on Attachment 2

Comments Submitted by P. Lee, BPA on Attachment 3

Comments Submitted by P. Lee, BPA on Attachment 4

Comments Submitted by P. Lee, BPA on Attachment 5

Comments Submitted by E. Skiba, Midwest ISO

Comments Submitted by E. Skiba, Midwest ISO on Attachment 1

Comments Submitted by E. Skiba, Midwest ISO on Attachment 2

Comments Submitted by E. Skiba, Midwest ISO on Attachment 3

Comments Submitted by E. Skiba, Midwest ISO on Attachment 5

Comments Submitted by J. Womack, SPP on Attachment 2

Comments Submitted by J. Womack, SPP on Attachment 3

Comments Submitted by J. Womack, SPP on Attachment 4

Comments Submitted by J. Womack, SPP on Attachment 5

Late Comments Submitted by WEQ OASIS

Late Comments Submitted by WEQ OASIS on Attachment 1

Late Comments Submitted by WEQ OASIS on Attachment 2

Late Comments Submitted by WEQ OASIS on Attachment 3

Late Comments Submitted by WEQ OASIS on Attachment 4

Late Comments Submitted by WEQ OASIS on Attachment 5

Late Comments Submitted by WEQ OASIS on BPA Attachment 1 Comments

Late Comments Submitted by WEQ OASIS on BPA Attachment 2 Comments

Late Comments Submitted by WEQ OASIS on BPA Attachment 3 Comments

Late Comments Submitted by WEQ OASIS on BPA Attachment 4 Comments

Late Comments Submitted by WEQ OASIS on BPA Attachment 5 Comments

Late Comments Submitted by WEQ OASIS on Entergy Attachment 1 Comments

Late Comments Submitted by WEQ OASIS on Entergy Attachment 2 Comments

Late Comments Submitted by WEQ OASIS on Entergy Attachment 3 Comments

Late Comments Submitted by WEQ OASIS on Entergy Attachment 4 Comments

Late Comments Submitted by WEQ OASIS on Entergy Attachment 5 Comments

Late Comments Submitted by WEQ OASIS on Midwest ISO Comments

Late Comments Submitted by WEQ OASIS on Midwest ISO Attachment 1 Comments

Late Comments Submitted by WEQ OASIS on Midwest ISO Attachment 2 Comments

Late Comments Submitted by WEQ OASIS on Midwest ISO Attachment 3 Comments

Late Comments Submitted by WEQ OASIS on Midwest ISO Attachment 5 Comments

Late Comments Submitted by WEQ OASIS on NCEMC Comments

Late Comments Submitted by WEQ OASIS on NYISO Comments

Late Comments Submitted by WEQ OASIS on PPL Energy Plus Comments

Late Comments Submitted by WEQ OASIS on Southern Company Comments

Late Comments Submitted by WEQ OASIS on Southern Company Attachment 1 Comments

Late Comments Submitted by WEQ OASIS on Southern Company Attachment 2 Comments

Late Comments Submitted by WEQ OASIS on Southern Company Attachment 3 Comments

Late Comments Submitted by WEQ OASIS on Southern Company Attachment 4 Comments

Late Comments Submitted by WEQ OASIS on Southern Company Attachment 5 Comments

Late Comments Submitted by WEQ OASIS on SPP Attachment 2 Comments

Late Comments Submitted by WEQ OASIS on SPP Attachment 3 Comments

Late Comments Submitted by WEQ OASIS on SPP Attachment 4 Comments

Late Comments Submitted by WEQ OASIS on SPP Attachment 5 Comments

Late Comments Submitted by WEQ OASIS on WEQ SRS Comments
R11020 WEQ Revise TLR level 5 to be treated similarly to TLR Level 3 in terms of treating the next hour allocation separately from that of current hour. IDCWG Chair - Yasser Bahbaz on behalf of IDCWG   Recommendation

Recommendation with Proposed Revisions from the WEQ Executive Committee PFV Task Force, January 12, 2015

Recommendation approved by the NAESB WEQ Executive Committee on February 24, 2015
to initiate the full staffing process.

Recommendation approved by the NAESB WEQ Executive Committee on February 24, 2015
to initiate the full staffing process.
Request for Comments Due
October 3, 2014

Comments Submitted by R. Robinson, Tennessee Valley Authority

Comments Submitted by N. Shah, MISO

Comments Submitted by the ISO/RTO Council Members

Comments Submitted by JT Wood, Southern Company

Comments Submitted by J. Luner, Xcel Energy Operating Companies

Late Comments Submitted by the WEQ Standards Review Subcommittee

Late Comments Submitted by the WEQ BPS

Late Comments Submitted by N. Schweighart, TVA

Request for Comments on Recommendation with Proposed Revisions from the WEQ Executive Committee PFV Task Force Due
February 10, 2015

Comments Submitted by N. Saini, Entergy

Comments Submitted by E. Skiba on behalf of IESO, ISO-NE, MISO, NYISO, PJM and SPP

Comments Submitted by E. Skiba, MISO

Comments Submitted by the WEQ Standards Review Subcommittee

Comments Submitted by E. Cardone, NYISO

Comments Submitted by JT Wood, Southern Company

Late Comments Submitted by the WEQ Executive Committee PFV Task Force

Late Comments Submitted by K. Khan, IESO
WEQ 2011 Annual Plan Item 2.a.iv.1 WEQ Paragraph 1390 of Order 890 - Terminations related to: deficient requests, customer failure to pay required annual reservation fee, and customer modifications to applications which are meaningfully different. NAESB OASIS Subcommittee   Recommendation - NO ACTION
Request for Comments Due
September 8, 2011

Comments Submitted by the WEQ Standards Review Subcommittee

Late Comments Submitted by the WEQ OASIS Subcommittee
WEQ 2011 Annual Plan Item 7.a WEQ Review standards 001-14.1.3 and 001-15.1.2 based on
FERC Order No. 676-E
NAESB OASIS Subcommittee   Recommendation Request for Comments Due
September 8, 2011

Comments Submitted by the WEQ Standards Review Subcommittee

Comments Submitted by the IESO, New England ISO, Midwest ISO, PJM and SPP

Late Comments Submitted by the WEQ OASIS Subcommittee
WEQ 2011 Annual Plan Item 5.a / R08001 / R08002 / R08003 / R08005 WEQ Make consistency changes to Version 2.2 NAESB OASIS Subcommittee   Recommendation Request for Comments Due
September 8, 2011

Comments Submitted by the WEQ Standards Review Subcommittee

Comments Submitted by E. Davis, Entergy

Comments Submitted by the IESO, New England ISO, Midwest ISO, PJM and SPP

Late Comments Submitted by the WEQ OASIS Subcommittee
R11015 WEQ Technology Review and Upgrade for NAESB Public Key Infrastructure Standard WEQ-012 ISO New England, Midwest ISO and Tennessee Valley Authority   Recommendation

Attachment - NAESB Accreditation Requirements for Certification Authorities
Request for Comments Due
July 25, 2012
R11014 WEQ Review and update of the NAESB Public Key Infrastructure Standards WEQ-012 Shift Research   Recommendation

Attachment - NAESB Accreditation Requirements for Certification Authorities
Request for Comments Due
July 25, 2012
WEQ 2011 Annual Plan Item 2.a.iii.1 through 2.a.iii.3 WEQ Service Across Multiple Transmission Systems (SAMTS) WEQ OASIS Subcommittee   Recommendation Request for Comments Due
June 10, 2011

Comments Submitted by A. Pritchard, Duke Energy

Comments Submitted by the WEQ Standards Review Subcommittee

Comments Submitted by J. Manning, North Carolina Electric Membership Corp.

Comments Submitted by E. Cardone, NYISO

Comments Submitted by R. True, ACES Power Marketing

Summary of Comments Submitted by R. True, ACES Power Marketing

Comments Submitted by E. Skiba on behalf of ERCOT, IESO, MISO, NYISO, PJM, and SPP

Comments Submitted by E. Skiba, Midwest ISO

Comments Submitted by R. Pysh, the United Illuminating Company

Comments Submitted by P. Lee, Bonneville Power Administration

Comments Submitted by Y. Etheredge, Entergy

Late Comments Submitted by JT Wood, Southern Company

Late Comments Submitted by the WEQ OASIS

Late Formal Comments Submitted by the WEQ OASIS on 06/24/2011

Late Formal Comments (to the Late Formal Comments Submitted by the OASIS Subcommittee) Submitted by E. Skiba, Midwest ISO
WEQ 2010 Annual Plan Item 4d WEQ Business Practice Standards for Measurement Verification of Energy Efficiency Products DSM-EE Subcommittee   Recommendation - Redline

Recommendation - Clean
Request for Comments Due
January 14, 2011

Comments Submitted by the WEQ Standards Review Subcommittee

Recommendation Redline to Comments Submitted by the WEQ Standards Review Subcommittee

Comments Submitted by C. Wesley on behalf of the ISO/RTOS - ERCOT, IESO, ISO-NE, Midwest ISO, NYISO, PJM, SPP, CAISO

Recommendation Redlines to Comments Submitted by C. Wesley on behalf of the ISO/RTOS - ERCOT, IESO, ISO-NE, Midwest ISO, NYISO, PJM, SPP, CAISO

Late Comments Submitted by Hamilton Consulting on behalf of Southern California Edison

Late Comments Submitted by G. Fry, Northeast Utilities

Late Comments Submitted by E. Titus, NEEP

Late Comments Submitted by D. Korn, the Cadmus Group

Additional Late Comments Submitted by G. Fry, Northeast Utilities

Late Comments Submitted by G. Epstein, ERS

Late Comments Submitted by D. Jacobson, National Grid

Late Comments Submitted by M. Schuldt, SBW Consulting

Late Comments Submitted by A. Stevens, DMI

Additional Late Comments Submitted by R. Hamilton on behalf of Southern California Edison

Late Comments Submitted by the WEQ EE Work Group - Redlined Recommendation

Late Comments Submitted by the WEQ EE Work Group - Clean Recommendation

Late Comments Submitted by K. Cooney, Navigant Consulting

Late Comments Submitted by E. Skiba, Midwest ISO

Late Comments Submitted by J. Stoops, KEMA

Late Comments Submitted by S. Kromer, EVO
WEQ 2010 Annual Plan Items 4a and 4b WEQ Review and develop business practice standards to support DR and DSM-EE programs (DR Phase 2) DSM-EE Subcommittee   Recommendation - Redline

Recommendation - Clean
Request for Comments Due
January 14, 2011

Comments Submitted by G. Fry, Northeast Utilities

Comments Submitted by B. Sailers, Duke Energy

Comments Submitted by the WEQ Standards Review Subcommittee

Recommendation Redline to Comments Submitted by the WEQ Standards Review Subcommittee

Comments Submitted by C. Wesley on behalf of the ISO/RTOS - ERCOT, IESO, ISO-NE, Midwest ISO, NYISO, PJM, SPP, CAISO

Comments Submitted by A. Breidenbaugh, ENERNOC

Comments Submitted by M. Pieniazek, Energy Curtailment Specialists, Inc.

Late Comments Submitted by Hamilton Consulting on behalf of Southern California Edison

Late Comments Submitted by G. Fry, Northeast Utilities

Late Comments Submitted by the Wholesale Demand Response Working Group
WEQ 2010 Annual Plan Item 6 WEQ Master Data Requirements List for Standards associated with NIST PAP 03 and PAP09 NAESB Smart Grid Standards Developement Subcommittee   Recommendation Request for Comments Due
November 15, 2010

Comments Submitted by the NAESB Standards Review Subcommittee

Comments Submitted by R. Sahib, CAISO

REQ and WEQ Comments Submitted by S. Dinges, Trane-IngersollRand(Terms)

WEQ Comments Submitted by California ISO, ERCOT, IESO, ISO New England, Midwest ISO, New York ISO, PJM and SPP (Phase 2 - PAP03, PAP04, PAP09 and Data Requirements)

WEQ Comments Submitted by L. Tillman on behalf of Southern Companies (Phase 2 - Data Requirments)

Comments Submitted by W. Cox, Cox Software Architects LLC (REQ and WEQ Phase 2 - PAP03, PAP04, PAP 09 and Data Requirements)

Late Comments on Data Requirements Submitted by D. Pratt, J. Phillips and B. Bartell
WEQ 2010 Annual Plan Item 1d WEQ Monitor and develop NAESB business practices as needed to complement NERC reliability standards for FAC-012 and FAC-013. WEQ Standards Review Subcommittee   Recommendation Request for Comments Due October 25, 2010      
WEQ 2010 Annual Plan Item 6d WEQ Business Practices and Information Models to Support Priority Action Plan 10 � Standardized Energy Usage Information Smart Grid PAP10 Subcommittee   Recommendation Request for Comments Due
September 30, 2010

Comments Submitted by A. Jones, Schneider Electric

Comments Submitted by the NAESB Standards Review Subcommittee

Redlined Recommendation Submitted by the NAESB Standards Review Subcommittee

Comments Submitted by A. Fishman, Edison Electric Institute

Comments Submitted by B. Li on behalf of the signing members of The IRC Standards Review Committee

Redlined Recommendation Submitted by B. Li on behalf of the signing members of The IRC Standards Review Committee

Comments Submitted by S. Neumann on behalf of the IEC 61968-9 Team

UML Class Diagram Submitted by S. Neumann on behalf of the IEC 61968-9 Team

Comments Submitted by A. Johnson, NRG

Comments Submitted by J. Reiley, Exelon Corp

Cover Letter Submitted by L. Tillman, Southern Companies

Comments Submitted by L. Tillman, Southern Companies

WEQ PAP10 Late Comments of the Smart Grid Standards Subcommittee on Priority Action Plan 10

Late Comments Submitted by E. Skiba, MISO in response to the �WEQ PAP10 Late Comments of the Smart Grid Standards Subcommittee on Priority Action Plan 10�

Additional Late Comments Submitted by E. Skiba, MISO - comments are associated to the October 18th WEQ PAP-10 Recommendation

Late Comments Submitted by L. Tillman, Southern Companies
R10008 WEQ/REQ Standardize the exchange of Energy Usage Information, as per the requirements outlined in the requirements collected in OpenADE 1.0 Requirements documents. OpenADE Task Force            
WEQ 2010 Annual Plan Item 1.a.i WEQ Interim Solution for Parallel Flow Visualization WEQ BPS   Recommendation Request for Comments Due
August 30, 2010

Comments Submitted by the NAESB WEQ BPS

Comments Submitted by E. Davis, Entergy

Comments Submitted by the NAESB Standards Review Subcommittee

Comments Submitted by JT Wood, Southern Company

Comments Submitted by T. Mallinger on behalf of the Midwest ISO, PJM and SPP

Late Comments Submitted by B. Green on behalf of EPSA

Late Comments Submitted by the NAESB WEQ BPS
R10002 WEQ/REQ Create common interfaces and data structures necessary for enrolling DR sites into a DR program Endeavor Engineering Inc.            
WEQ 2010 Annual Plan Item 6a/Retail 2010 Annual Plan Item 9a WEQ/REQ Requirements Specifications for Common Electricity Product and Pricing Definition - for NIST PAP03 NAESB Smart Grid Task Force (SGTF)   Recommendation

Recommendation - Phase 2
Request for Comments Due
April 9, 2010

Comments Submitted by the NAESB Standards Review Subcommittee

Comments Submitted by B. Rehman, BPA

Comments Submitted by K. York, TVA

Cover Letter Submitted by S. Gabel, Honeywell

Comments Submitted by S. Gabel, Honeywell

Comments Submitted by the ISO/RTO Council

Late Comments Submitted by E. Skiba, Midwest ISO

Late Comments Submitted by the NAESB Smart Grid Standards Task Force

Request for Comments Due November 15, 2010

Comments Submitted by the NAESB Standards Review Subcommittee

Comments Submitted by R. Sahib, CAISO

WEQ Comments Submitted by S. Dinges, Trane-IngersollRand (Phase 2 - PAP03)

REQ and WEQ Comments Submitted by S. Dinges, Trane-IngersollRand(Terms)

WEQ Comments Submitted by California ISO, ERCOT, IESO, ISO New England, Midwest ISO, New York ISO, PJM and SPP (Phase 2 - PAP03, PAP04, PAP09 and Data Requirements)

WEQ Comments Submitted by L. Tillman on behalf of Southern Companies (Phase 2 - PAP03)

Comments Submitted by W. Cox, Cox Software Architects LLC (REQ and WEQ Phase 2 - PAP03, PAP04, PAP 09 and Data Requirements)

Late Comments on PAP 03 Submitted by D. Pratt, J. Phillips and B. Bartell
WEQ 2010 Annual Plan Item 6b/Retail 2010 Annual Plan Item 9b WEQ/REQ Requirements Specifications for Common Scheduling Mechanism for Energy Transactions - for NIST PAP04 NAESB Smart Grid Task Force (SGTF)   Recommendation

Recommendation - Phase 2
Request for Comments Due
April 9, 2010

Comments Submitted by the NAESB Standards Review Subcommittee

Comments Submitted by B. Rehman, BPA

Comments Submitted by K. York, TVA

Cover Letter Submitted by S. Gabel, Honeywell

Comments Submitted by S. Gabel, Honeywell

Comments Submitted by the ISO/RTO Council

Late Comments Submitted by E. Skiba, Midwest ISO

Late Comments Submitted by the NAESB Smart Grid Standards Task Force

Request for Comments Due November 15, 2010

Comments Submitted by the NAESB Standards Review Subcommittee

Comments Submitted by R. Sahib, CAISO

WEQ Comments Submitted by S. Dinges, Trane-IngersollRand (Phase 2 - PAP04)

REQ and WEQ Comments Submitted by S. Dinges, Trane-IngersollRand(Terms)

WEQ Comments Submitted by California ISO, ERCOT, IESO, ISO New England, Midwest ISO, New York ISO, PJM and SPP (Phase 2 - PAP03, PAP04, PAP09 and Data Requirements)

WEQ Comments Submitted by L. Tillman on behalf of Southern Companies (Phase 2 - PAP04)

Comments Submitted by W. Cox, Cox Software Architects LLC (REQ and WEQ Phase 2 - PAP03, PAP04, PAP 09 and Data Requirements)

Late Comments on PAP 04 Submitted by D. Pratt, J. Phillips and B. Bartell
WEQ 2010 Annual Plan Item 6c WEQ Requirements Specifications for Wholesale Standard DR Signals - for NIST PAP09 NAESB Smart Grid Task Force (SGTF)   Recommendation

Recommendation - Phase 2 - Clean

Recommendation - Phase 2 - Redline
Request for Comments Due
April 9, 2010

Comments Submitted by B. Rehman, BPA

Comments Submitted by the NAESB Standards Review Subcommittee

Comments Submitted by K. York, TVA

Comments Submitted by the ISO/RTO Council

Late Comments Submitted by E. Skiba, Midwest ISO

Late Comments Submitted by the NAESB Smart Grid Standards Task Force

Request for Comments Due
November 15, 2010

Comments Submitted by the NAESB Standards Review Subcommittee

Comments Submitted by R. Sahib, CAISO

REQ and WEQ Comments Submitted by S. Dinges, Trane-IngersollRand(Terms)

WEQ Comments Submitted by California ISO, ERCOT, IESO, ISO New England, Midwest ISO, New York ISO, PJM and SPP (Phase 2 - PAP03, PAP04, PAP09 and Data Requirements)

WEQ Comments Submitted by L. Tillman on behalf of Southern Companies (Phase 2 - PAP09)

Comments Submitted by W. Cox, Cox Software Architects LLC (REQ and WEQ Phase 2 - PAP03, PAP04, PAP 09 and Data Requirements)

Late Comments on PAP 09 Submitted by D. Pratt, J. Phillips and B. Bartell

Attachment to R09024
WEQ Revise WEQ 001-14.1.3 and WEQ 001-15.1.2 to accommodate more timely ATC Narrative postings on OASIS Bonneville Power Administration Withdrawn by Submitter - February 2, 2010

Triage Disposition

Attachment to R09023
WEQ Revise WEQ 001-21 language to accommodate the Transmission Provider�s right to extend the performance of a Biennial Reassessment Bonneville Power Administration Withdrawn by Submitter - February 2, 2010

Triage Disposition
2009 WEQ Annual Plan Item

WEQ Create a data Confidentiality Agreement for participants in the Electric Industry covering the treatment of data belonging to other Electric Industry Participants such as e-Tag data. NAESB WEQ JESS   Recommendation

Request for Comments Due
January 15, 2010

Comments Submitted by A. Rodriquez, NERC

Comments Submitted by E. Davis, Entergy

Comments Submitted by M. Mizumori, WECC

Comments Submitted by R. Martinko, FirstEnergy Service Company

Comments Submitted by E. Skiba, Midwest ISO

Comments Submitted by B. Huey, BC Transmission Corporation

Comments Submitted by B. Rehman, Bonneville Power Administration

Comments Submitted by NAESB WEQ SRS

Comments Submitted by ISO/RTO's

Late Comments Submitted by JESS
2009 WEQ Annual Plan Item

WEQ Modify NAESB definitions to address internal inconsistencies and inconsistencies with the NERC glossary NAESB WEQ OS and WEQ SRS   Recommendation

Request for Comments Due
December 14, 2009

Comments Submitted by B. Kedrowski, We Energies

Comments Submitted by E. Skiba, Midwest ISO

Late Joint Comments Submitted by ERCOT, MISO, NE-ISO, PJM and SPP

Late Comments Submitted by the NAESB Standards Review Subcommittee
R09015 WEQ Create a new OASIS mechanism that allows for the merger of like reservations without the use of the resale mechanism Puget Sound Energy   Recommendation 2016 WEQ Annual Plan Item 5.b / R09015 Request for Comments Due
August 18, 2016

Comments Submitted by R. Kelley, BPA

Comments Submitted by JT Wood, Southern Company

Comments Submitted by the ISO/RTO Council's Standards Review Committee

Late Comments Submitted by WEQ OASIS in response to NCEMC Comments

Late Comments Submitted by WEQ OASIS in response to BPA Comments

Late Comments Submitted by WEQ OASIS in response to Southern Company Comments

Late Comments Submitted by WEQ OASIS in response to ISO/RTO Council's Standards Review Committee Comments

Late Comments Submitted by WEQ OASIS

Recommendation with Combined Comments

WEQ OASIS Disposition of the Combined Comments
2009 WEQ Annual Plan Items

WEQ/WGQ Multiple Annual Plan Items Affecting WEQ-011 Gas/Electric Coordination NAESB WEQ BPS and WGQ BPS   Recommendation

Attachment WEQ-011

Attachment WEQ-011

WGQ Recommendation R09011

WGQ Recommendation R09011 as revised by the EC on June 4, 2010

Attachment WEQ-011 as revised by the EC on June 4, 2010 (Redline)

Attachment WEQ-011 as revised by the EC on June 4, 2010 (Clean)
Request for Comments Due
November 2, 2009

Comments Submitted by the NAESB Standards Review Subcommittee

Comments Submitted by M. Kulas, Consumers Energy Company

Late Comments in Response to the Consumers Energy Comments Submitted by the WEQ and WGQ BPS Co-Chairs

WGQ Request for Comments Due April 29, 2010
2009 WEQ Annual Plan Items

WEQ Version 1.8.1 Electronic Tagging Functional Specification and Schema NAESB WEQ JESS NAESB WEQ JESS 1.8.1 e-Tag Specifications and Schema (only)

Attachment 1
1.8.1 e-Tag Specifications (Redline)

Attachment 2
1.8.1 e-Tag Specifications(Clean)

Attachment 3
1.8.1 e-Tag Schema
(Word Format)

Attachment 4
1.8.1 e-Tag Schema
(.xsd Format)


Attachment - Revised WEQ-004 BPS (Redline)

Attachment - Revised WEQ-004 BPS (Clean)
Request for Comments on 1.8.1 e-Tag Specifications and Schema (only)
Due October 5, 2009

Comments Submitted by D. Landers, New Brunswick System Operator

Comments Submitted by S. Ashbaker, WECC

Redlines Submitted by S. Ashbaker, WECC

Comments Submitted by T. Kannel, MCG Energy

Comments Submitted by J. Ray, OATI

Comments Submitted by the NAESB Standards Review Subcommittee

Request for Comments on 2009 WEQ Annual Plan Item 1(a), R05020, 2009 Annual Plan Item on 3(a)(vii) Recommendation and Attachment
Due October 8, 2009

Comments Submitted by the NAESB Standards Review Subcommittee

Comments Submitted by E. Skiba, Midwest ISO

Comments Submitted by E. Davis, Entergy

Comments Submitted by J. Ray, OATI

Comments Submitted by C. Wesley, PJM
R09011 WEQ/WGQ Change the term Power Plant Operator to Power Plant Gas Coordinator in WEQ-011 Midwest ISO   Recommendation
2009 WEQ Annual Plan Item

Attachment WEQ-011

Attachment WEQ-011

WGQ Recommendation R09011

WGQ Recommendation R09011 as revised by the EC on June 4, 2010

Attachment WEQ-011 as revised by the EC on June 4, 2010 (Redline)

Attachment WEQ-011 as revised by the EC on June 4, 2010 (Clean)
WEQ Request for Comments Due
November 2, 2009

Comments Submitted by the NAESB Standards Review Subcommittee

Comments Submitted by M. Kulas, Consumers Energy Company

Late Comments in Response to the Consumers Energy Comments Submitted by the WEQ and WGQ BPS Co-Chairs

WGQ Request for Comments Due April 29, 2010
2009 WEQ Annual Plan Item

WEQ Rollover Rights on Redirect on a Firm Basis NAESB WEQ ESS/ITS NAESB WEQ ESS/ITS Recommendation
2009 WEQ Annual Plan Item
2(a)(ii)(3) - Rollover Rights on Redirect on a Firm Basis
Request for Comments Due
May 13, 2009

Comments Submitted by B. Green, EPSA

Comments Submitted by P. Sorenson, OATI

Comments Submitted by the NAESB Standards Review Subcommittee

Additional Comments Submitted by P. Sorenson, OATI

Comments Submitted by B. Rehman, BPA

Comments Submitted by M. Knox, Midwest ISO

Comments Submitted by E. Davis, Entergy

Comments Submitted by JT Wood, Southern Company

Comments Submitted by D. McGee, Southern Company

Group Comments Submitted by B. Li on behalf of MISO, PJM, SPP, ISO-NE, NYISO, ERCOT and IESO

Comments Submitted by the WEQ ESS/ITS Chairs

Late Comments Submitted by the WEQ ESS/ITS Subcommittee - Recommendation Revised

Late Comments Submitted by the WEQ ESS/ITS Subcommittee - Recommendation with all Formal Comments Shown

Late Comments Submitted by the WEQ ESS/ITS Subcommittee - Additional Justification

Late Formal Comments Submitted by E. Skiba, Midwest ISO in response to the Late Formal Comments submitted by the ESS/ITS
6/23/09 approved by the EC via notational ballot. Ratified on 7/27/09 Final Action Posted on 7/27/09
2009 WEQ Annual Plan Item

WEQ WEQ-011 Consistency Changes to include: Introduction and Applicability sections. NAESB WEQ BPS NAESB WEQ BPS Recommendation
2009 WEQ Annual Plan Item
6(a)(2)/R08004 - WEQ-011 Consistency Changes to include: Introduction and Applicability sections.
Request for Comments Due
May 13, 2009

Comments Submitted by E. Skiba, Midwest ISO

Comments Submitted by the NAESB Standards Review Subcommittee

Late Comments Submitted by E. Davis, Entergy
6/8/09 EC decision to remand the recommendation back to the WEQ BPS for further work.    
2009 WEQ Annual Plan Item

WEQ Order 717, Standards of Conduct NAESB WEQ BPS NAESB WEQ BPS Recommendation
2009 WEQ Annual Plan Item
3(d) - Order 717, Standards of Conduct
Request for Comments Due April 27, 2009

Comments Submitted by E. Davis, Entergy

Comments Submitted by the NAESB Standards Review Subcommittee

Comments Submitted by JT Wood, Southern Company

Comments Submitted by A. Pritchard, Duke Energy
5/12/09 approved by the EC. Ratified on 6/15/09 Final Action Posted on 6/15/09
R09003   Add language to WEQ-001-4 Online Negotiation and Confirmation process to clarify Table 4-3. Cargill Power Markets LLC   2017 WEQ Annual Plan Items 2.a.i.1/R05019 and 5.a/R09003 Recommendation

Request for Comments Due
August 4, 2017

Comments Submitted by J. Lemire, NCEMC

Comments Submitted by C. Bigelow, Arizona Public Service Company

Comments Submitted by P. Sorenson, OATI

Comments Submitted by A. Pritchard, Duke Energy

Redline Recommendation Comments Submitted by A. Pritchard, Duke Energy
R08027   Correct WEQ 013- � Resale off OASIS PJM Interconnection   Recommendation Request for Comments Due
May 15, 2015
2008 WEQ Annual Plan Item

WEQ Review and develop business practice standards to support DR and DSM-EE programs. NAESB DSM-EE Subcommittee NAESB DSM-EE Subcommittee Recommendation
2008 WEQ Annual Plan Item
5(a) - Business Practices for a Framework for Measurement and Verification of Wholesale Electricity Demand Response.
Request for Comments Due
January 5, 2009
NOTE: Comment Period Extended to January 12, 2009

Comments Submitted by the NAESB Standards Review Subcommittee

Comments Submitted by A. Breidenbaugh, EnerNoc

Comments Submitted by the IRC SRC

Attachment to Comments Submitted by the IRC SRC

Comments Submitted by J. Cowan, EVO

Comments Submitted by J. Hughes, ELCON

Comments Submitted by E. Davis, Entergy

Attachment A to Comments Submitted by Entergy

Attachment B to Comments Submitted by Entergy

Comments Submitted by E. Futoryan, Con Edison

Comments Submitted by D. McGee, Southern Company Transmission

Comments Submitted by Townsley and Saxonis, NYS Department of Public Service

Comments Submitted by G. Smith, Energy Curtailment Specialists, Inc.

Late Comments Submitted by P. McCurley, National Rural Electric Cooperative Association (NRECA)
2/10/09 approved by the EC via notational ballot. Ratified on 3/16/09 Final Action Posted on 3/16/09
R08025   Develop standards to support synchronizing the bidding credit requirements for FTR, TCC and CRR. EPIC Merchant Energy Withdrawn by Submitter - June 18, 2009          
2008 WEQ Annual Plan Item

WEQ Update the Timing Table to Reflect the Categories (On-time, Late, After-the-fact, and Pre-late) used in the latest E-Tag Specification with respect to receipt of an Arranged Interchange (RFI). Puget Sound Energy WEQ JISWG Subcommittee Recommendation
2008 WEQ Annual Plan Item

Revised Recommendation
2008 WEQ Annual Plan Item
6(m)/R07007 as revised/approved by the WEQ EC on February 3, 2009 (Redline)

Revised Recommendation
2008 WEQ Annual Plan Item
6(m)/R07007 as revised/approved by the WEQ EC on February 3, 2009 (Clean)
Request for Comments Due November 10, 2008

Comments Submitted by the NAESB Standards Review Subcommittee
2/3/09 approved by the EC. Ratified on 3/11/09 Final Action Posted on 3/11/09
2008 WEQ Annual Plan Item

WEQ Modify the timing chart for the Western Interconnection in WEQBPS-006 to an initiation of manual time error at +/-5 seconds. WEQ BPS Subcommittees WEQ BPS Subcommittees Recommendation
2008 WEQ Annual Plan Item
Request for Comments Due October 24, 2008 11/4/08 EC decision was made to take no action on the recommendation.    
2008 WEQ Annual Plan Item

WEQ Continuous Support of TLR Procedure in Alignment with NERC Efforts on Phase II and Phase III. WEQ BPS Subcommittees WEQ BPS Subcommittees Recommendation
2008 WEQ Annual Plan Item
1(a)(ii) - (Redline)

2008 WEQ Annual Plan Item
1(a)(ii) - (Clean)

2008 WEQ Annual Plan Item
1(a)(ii) as revised by the WEQ EC on Nov. 4, 2008 - (Redline)

2008 WEQ Annual Plan Item
1(a)(ii) as revised by the WEQ EC on Nov. 4, 2008 - (Clean)
Request for Comments Due October 24, 2008

Comments Submitted by the NAESB Standards Review Subcommittee

Comments Submitted by C. Feagans, Tennessee Valley Authority

Comments Submitted by E. Davis, Entergy Services

Late Comments Submitted by JT Wood, Southern Company
11/26/08 approved by the EC. Ratified on 1/12/09 Final Action Posted on 1/12/09
2008 WEQ Annual Plan Item

WEQ Develop a NAESB time and inadvertent management business practice that provides additional inadvertent payback options and improved time control. WEQ BPS Subcommittees WEQ BPS Subcommittees Recommendation
2008 WEQ Annual Plan Item
6(b)/R07020 - (Redline)

2008 WEQ Annual Plan Item
6(b)/R07020 - (Clean)
Request for Comments Due October 24, 2008

Comments Submitted by C. Feagans, Tennessee Valley Authority

Comments Submitted by W. Franklin, Entergy Services

Comments Submitted by the NAESB Standards Review Subcommittee

Comments Submitted by L. Larson, Otter Tail Power Company

Comments Submitted by D. Klempel, Basin Electric Power Cooperative

Comments Submitted by J. Cyrulewski, JDRJC Associates

Comments Submitted by E. Davis, Entergy Services

Comments Submitted by J. Knight, Great River Energy

Comments Submitted by D. Koehn, Bonneville Power Administration

Comments Submitted by D. Kimm, MidAmerican Energy Company

Comments Submitted by M. Goldberg, ISO New England

Comments Submitted by A. Rodriquez, NERC Staff

Comments Submitted by M. Desselle, NAESB Chairman and K. York, NAESB WEQ EC Chairman

Late Supplemental Comments Submitted by C. Feagans, Tennessee Valley Authority
2/3/09 failed by the EC via notational ballot.    
2008 WEQ Annual Plan Item

WEQ Initiate standard that requires all historical transmission service reservations to be available for review up to a number of years in the past. WEQ ESS/ITS Subcommittees WEQ ESS/ITS Subcommittees Recommendation
2008 WEQ Annual Plan Item
3(a)(vi)(3)/R05026 - NO ACTION TO BE TAKEN
Request for Comments Due October 20, 2008 11/4/08 EC decision was made to take no action on the recommendation.    
2008 WEQ Annual Plan Item

WEQ Develop OASIS S&CP changes to support OASIS business practices. WEQ ESS/ITS Subcommittees WEQ ESS/ITS Subcommittees Recommendation
2008 WEQ Annual Plan Item
Request for Comments Due October 20, 2008 11/4/08 EC decision was made to take no action on the recommendation.    
2008 WEQ Annual Plan Item

WEQ Develop a standard mechanism to implement a �RECALL� of transmission capacity from an existing confirmed transmission service reservation/Specify the technical requirements for implementation of a new OASIS request type, RECALL. (R07001) WEQ ESS/ITS Subcommittees WEQ ESS/ITS Subcommittees Recommendation
2008 WEQ Annual Plan Item
Request for Comments Due October 20, 2008 11/4/08 EC decision was made to take no action on the recommendation.    
2008 WEQ Annual Plan Item

WEQ Clarify the S&CP implementation of the DEFERRAL request. (R07003) WEQ ESS/ITS Subcommittees WEQ ESS/ITS Subcommittees Recommendation
2008 WEQ Annual Plan Item
Request for Comments Due October 20, 2008 11/4/08 EC decision was made to take no action on the recommendation.    
2008 WEQ Annual Plan Item
6(g)/R03031 & R03031 revised

WEQ Investigate and review possible modifications to the WGQ Intraday Nomination, Confirmation Scheduling, and Gas Day Standards. WEQ SRS Subcommittee WEQ SRS Subcommittee Recommendation
2008 WEQ Annual Plan Item
(6)(g)/R03031 & R03031 revised - NO ACTION TO BE TAKEN
Request for Comments Due October 16, 2008 11/4/08 EC decision was made to take no action on the recommendation.    
2008 WEQ Annual Plan Item

WEQ Provide complementary business practice standards to support the Coordinate Operations Standards Authorization Request assigned to NERC by the JIC. WEQ SRS Subcommittee WEQ SRS Subcommittee Recommendation
2008 WEQ Annual Plan Item
(1)(g)/R03014 - NO ACTION TO BE TAKEN
Request for Comments Due October 16, 2008 11/4/08 EC decision was made to take no action on the recommendation.    
2008 WEQ Annual Plan Item

WEQ Review Market System Back-Up existing language and review of existing back-up language. WEQ SRS Subcommittee WEQ SRS Subcommittee Recommendation
2008 WEQ Annual Plan Item
Request for Comments Due October 16, 2008

Comments Submitted by P. Brown, PJM

Comments Submitted by D. Ulch, Southern Company
11/4/08 EC decision was made to take no action on the recommendation.    
2008 WEQ Annual Plan Items
2(a)(iv)(3), 3(a)(vii), and 6(l)

WEQ Rollover Rights on Redirect on a Firm Basis WEQ ESS/ITS Subcommittee WEQ ESS/ITS Subcommittee Recommendation
2008 WEQ Annual Plan Items
2(a)(iv)(3), 3(a)(vii), and 6(l) - (Redline)

2008 WEQ Annual Plan Items
2(a)(iv)(3), 3(a)(vii), and 6(l) - (Clean)

2008 WEQ Annual Plan Items
2(a)(iv)(3), 3(a)(vii), and 6(l) - Part 1 as revised by the WEQ EC on Nov. 4, 2008- (Redline)

2008 WEQ Annual Plan Items
2(a)(iv)(3), 3(a)(vii), and 6(l) - Part 1 as revised by the WEQ EC on Nov. 4, 2008 - (Clean)
Request for Comments Due October 6, 2008

Comments Submitted by R. Lamoureux on behalf of SPP, PJM and Midwest ISO

Comments Submitted by B. Harshbarger, Puget Sound Energy

Comments Submitted by the NAESB Standards Review Subcommittee

Comments Submitted by JT Wood, Southern Company

Comments Submitted by B. Green, EPSA

Comments Submitted by E. Davis, Entergy

Comments Submitted by B. Rehman, BPA
11/04/08 approved by the EC. Ratified on 1/12/09 Final Action Posted on 1/12/09
2008 WEQ Annual Plan Item

WEQ Develop version 1 business practice standards to support transparency reporting and related functions that may be required as a result of the final order. WEQ EC ATC Information List Task Force WEQ EC ATC Information List Task Force Recommendation
2008 WEQ Annual Plan Item
2.c - (Redline)

2008 WEQ Annual Plan Item
2.c - (Clean)
Request for Comments Due September 17, 2008

Comments Submitted by E. Davis, Entergy (Motion 1)

Comments Submitted by E. Davis, Entergy (Motion 1- Redline)

Comments Submitted by E. Davis, Entergy (Motion 2)

Comments Submitted by E. Davis, Entergy (Motion 2 - Redline)

Comments Submitted by A. Rodriquez, NERC Staff

Comments Submitted by the Co-Chairs of the NAESB WEQ BPS, ESS/ITS Subcommittees

Comments Submitted by the NAESB Standards Review Subcommittee

Comments Submitted by W. Weathers on behalf of Duke Energy and SRP

Comments Submitted by B. Green, EPSA

Comments Submitted by A. Johnson, NRG Energy

Comments Submitted by J. Donovan, Constellation Energy Resources

Comments Submitted by D. Kimm, MidAmerican Energy Company

Comments Submitted by M. Otondo, Arizona Public Service Company

Comments Submitted by D. McGee, Southern Company Transmission
10/6/08 No standards are recommended to be added, modified or deleted � by action of the WEQ EC.    
2008 WEQ Annual Plan Item

WEQ Capacity Benefit Margin (CBM) NAESB WEQ ESS/ITS/BPS NAESB WEQ ESS/ITS/BPS Recommendation
2008 WEQ Annual Plan Item
2.b.iii.1-3 - (Redline)

2008 WEQ Annual Plan Item
2.b.iii.1-3 - (Clean)
Request for Comments Due September 5, 2008

Comments Submitted by the NAESB Standards Review Subcommittee

Comments Submitted by C. Wesley, PJM
11/7/08 approved by the EC. Ratified on 12/15/08 Final Action Posted on 12/15/08
2008 WEQ Annual Plan Item

WEQ Review and evaluate whether to cutoff or put a size limit on the entities for which the standards apply. NAESB WEQ SRS NAESB WEQ SRS Recommendation
2008 WEQ Annual Plan Item
Request for Comments Due September 4, 2008

Comments Submitted by E. Davis, Entergy
11/4/08 EC decision was made to take no action on the recommendation.    
2008 WEQ Annual Plan Item

WEQ Represent ALL pre-Order 888 (�grandfathered�) transmission and ancillary services in current use in OASIS (R05026 E) NAESB WEQ ESS/ITS/BPS NAESB WEQ ESS/ITS/BPS Recommendation
2008 WEQ Annual Plan Item
Request for Comments Due August 18, 2008

Comments Submitted by E. Davis, Entergy

Comments Submitted by B. Green, EPSA
8/19/08 EC decision was made to take no action on the recommendation.    
2008 WEQ Annual Plan Item 2.b.i.2

WEQ Remaining requirements documented in R05004 and R05004A NAESB WEQ ESS/ITS/BPS NAESB WEQ ESS/ITS/BPS Recommendation
2008 WEQ Annual Plan Item 2.b.i.2
Request for Comments Due August 18, 2008

Comments Submitted by E. Davis, Entergy

Comments Submitted by B. Green, EPSA
8/19/08 EC decision was made to take no action on the recommendation.    
2008 WEQ Annual Plan Item 6.d

WEQ Modify WEQ-001 to reflect in the definition of certain ancillary services that such ancillary services may be provided by non-generation resources such as demand resources. NAESB WEQ ESS/ITS/BPS NAESB WEQ ESS/ITS/BPS Recommendation
2008 WEQ Annual Plan Item 6.d
Request for Comments Due August 11, 2008

Comments Submitted by the NAESB Standards Review Subcommittee

Comments Submitted by the J. Dison, Southern Company Generation

Comments Submitted by the B. Rehman, BPA

Comments Submitted by E. Davis, Entergy
8/19/08 approved by the EC. Ratified on 9/22/08 Final Action Posted on 9/22/08
2008 WEQ Annual Plan Item 2.a.i.2 2008 WEQ Annual Plan Item 2.a.vii.1

WEQ Conditional Firm Business Practice Standards associated with S&CP Requirements completed in 2008 AP 2(a)(i)(1) and Tagging for Conditional Firm Service. Additional changes to Rollover templates NAESB WEQ ESS/ITS NAESB WEQ ESS/ITS Recommendation
2008 WEQ Annual Plan Item 2.a.i.2 2008 WEQ Annual Plan Item 2.a.vii.1

2008 WEQ Annual Plan Item 2.a.i.2 2008 WEQ Annual Plan Item 2.a.vii.1 by the WEQ EC on July 31 and August 8, 2008

2008 WEQ Annual Plan Item 2.a.i.2 2008 WEQ Annual Plan Item 2.a.vii.1 by the WEQ EC on July 31 and August 8, 2008
Request for Comments Due July 25, 2008

Comments Submitted by P. Sorenson, OATI

Additional Comments Submitted by P. Sorenson, OATI

Comments Submitted by B. Rehman, BPA

Comments Submitted by D. McGee, Southern

Comments Submitted by the NAESB Standards Review Subcommittee

Comments Submitted by C. Yeung on behalf of PJM, MISO and SPP

Comments Submitted by B. Green, EPSA

Comments Submitted by C. Wesley, PJM

Comments Submitted by D. Kimm, MidAmerican Energy

Comments Submitted by N. McIntire, American Wind Energy Association

Comments Submitted by W. Weathers, SRP

Comments Submitted by N. Saini, Entergy
8/15/08 approved by the EC via notational ballot. Ratified on 9/25/08 Final Action Posted on 9/25/08
2008 WEQ Annual Plan Items 2.a.iv.4, and 2.b.ii.1

WEQ Existing Transmission Commitments NAESB WEQ ESS/ITS/BPS NAESB WEQ ESS/ITS/BPS Recommendation
2008 WEQ Annual Plan Items 2.a.iv.4, and 2.b.ii.1

2008 WEQ Annual Plan Items 2.a.iv.4, and 2.b.ii.1
Request for Comments Due July 21, 2008

Comments Submitted by E. Davis, Entergy

Comments Submitted by J. Cashin and B. Green, EPSA

Comments Submitted by B. Rehman, BPA

Comments Submitted by the NAESB WEQ Standards Review Subcommittee

Comments Submitted by W. Weathers, SRP

Late Comments Submitted by J. Cummings, PPL Energy Plus
8/19/08 approved by the EC. Ratified on 9/22/08 Final Action Posted on 9/22/08
R08020 WEQ and WGQ Provide for enhanced granularity for public utilities in identifying critical operational flow orders, WEQ and WGQ Tennessee Valley Authority, Southwest Power Pool, ISO New England, PJM Interconnection and Midwest ISO Assigned to WEQ BPS and WGQ BPS on 9/8/08          
2008 WEQ Annual Plan Item 2.b.ii.2

WEQ Postbacks and Counterflows Business Practice Standards NAESB WEQ ESS/ITS/BPS NAESB WEQ ESS/ITS/BPS Recommendation
2008 WEQ Annual Plan Item 2.b.ii.2

2008 WEQ Annual Plan Item 2.b.ii.2

NERC and NAESB efforts on Order 890 Counter Flows
Request for Comments Due June 23, 2008

Comments Submitted by K. York, TVA

Comments Submitted by B. Green, EPSA

Comments Submitted by the NAESB WEQ Standards Review Subcommittee

Comments Submitted by B. Rehman, BPA
8/19/08 approved by the EC. Ratified on 9/22/08 Final Action Posted on 9/22/08
2008 WEQ Annual Plan Item 6.a/R07019

WEQ Review/Revise WEQ 006 to remove/revise mandatory requirements for Interconnection Time Monitor WEQ Standards Review Subcommittee Assigned to WEQ BPS on 2/19/08 Recommendation


Revised Recommendation by the WEQ EC 8/19/08

Revised Recommendation by the WEQ EC 8/19/08

Request for Comments Due July 11, 2008

Comments Submitted by J. Busbin, Southern Company Transmission

Late Comments Submitted by E. Skiba, Midwest ISO
8/19/08 approved by the EC. Ratified on 9/22/08 Final Action Posted on 9/22/08
2008 WEQ Annual Plan Item

WEQ Business practice standards to complement new NERC Supplemental SAR: Revisions to Existing Standards MOD001-MOD009, FAC12-13 NAESB WEQ ESS/ITS/BPS NAESB WEQ ESS/ITS/BPS Recommendation
2008 WEQ Annual Plan Item
Request for Comments Due June 4, 2008

Comments Submitted by B. Rehman, BPA
8/19/08 EC decision was made to take no action on the recommendation.    
2008 WEQ Annual Plan Item 2.b.v.1

WEQ Business Practice Standards for ATC and AFC Calculation Methodologies to complement the NERC Reliability Standards NAESB WEQ ESS/ITS/BPS NAESB WEQ ESS/ITS/BPS Recommendation
2008 WEQ Annual Plan Item 2.b.v.1
Request for Comments Due May 23, 2008 8/19/08 EC decision was made to take no action on the recommendation.    
2008 WEQ Annual Plan Item 2.b.iv.1-3

WEQ Transmission Reliability Margins Business Practices   NAESB WEQ ESS/ITS/BPS Recommendation
2008 WEQ Annual Plan Item 2.b.iv.1-3
Request for Comments Due May 8, 2008

Comments Submitted by B. Green, EPSA
05/13/08 EC decision was made to take no action on the recommendation.    
2008 WEQ Annual Plan Item 2.b.v.2

WEQ Business practice standards for data exchange for ATC modeling complementary to the related NERC reliability standards NAESB WEQ ESS/ITS/BPS NAESB WEQ ESS/ITS/BPS Recommendation
2008 WEQ Annual Plan Item 2.b.v.2
Request for Comments Due April 16, 2008

Comments Submitted by B. Green, EPSA
5/13/08 EC decision was made to take no action on the recommendation.    
2008 WEQ Annual Plan Item 2.b.vii

WEQ WEQ-001 changes for �ATC Information Link� on OASIS and TTC and ATC methodologies and values NAESB WEQ ESS/ITS/BPS NAESB WEQ ESS/ITS/BPS Recommendation
2008 WEQ Annual Plan Item 2.b.vii - Redline

2008 WEQ Annual Plan Item 2.b.vii - Clean

2008 WEQ Annual Plan Item 2.b.vii Revised by the WEQ EC - 04/24/2008 (Redline)

2008 WEQ Annual Plan Item 2.b.vii Revised by the WEQ EC - 04/24/2008 (Clean)
Request for Comments Due April 16, 2008

Comments Submitted by D. Danis, Constellation Energy Commodities Group

Comments Submitted by B. Green, EPSA

Comments Submitted by the NAESB WEQ Standards Review Subcommittee
5/2/08 approved by the EC via notational ballot. Ratified on 6/27/08 Final Action Posted on 6/27/08
2008 WEQ Annual Plan Item 2.a.i.4, 2.b.v.4 and 2.b.v.5

WEQ Load Forecast and Actual Load Business Practice Standards associated with S&CP changes NAESB WEQ ESS/ITS/BPS NAESB WEQ ESS/ITS/BPS Recommendation
2008 WEQ Annual Plan Item 2.a.i.4, 2.b.v.4 and 2.b.v.5 - Redline

2008 WEQ Annual Plan Item 2.a.i.4, 2.b.v.4 and 2.b.v.5 - Clean

2008 WEQ Annual Plan Item 2.a.i.4, 2.b.v.4 and 2.b.v.5 Revised by the WEQ EC - 04/18/08 (Redline)

2008 WEQ Annual Plan Item 2.a.i.4, 2.b.v.4 and 2.b.v.5 Revised by the WEQ EC - 04/18/08 (Clean)
Request for Comments Due April 10, 2008

Comments Submitted by P. Sorenson, OATI

Comments Submitted by B. Green, EPSA

Comments Submitted by B. Rehman, BPA

Comments Submitted by L. Wang, Midwest ISO

Comments Submitted by W. Weathers, SRP
4/23/08 approved by the EC via notational ballot. Ratified on 7/23/08 Final Action Posted on 7/23/08
2008 WEQ Annual Plan Item 1.c.i-ii/R03017 - Redline

WEQ Review the need to develop business practice standards to support Operate Within Limits (R03017) NAESB Standards Review Subcommittee 1.c.i assigned to WEQ SRS and 1.c.ii assigned to WEQ BPS Recommendation
2008 WEQ Annual Plan Item 1.c.i-ii / R03017 - Redline

2008 WEQ Annual Plan Item 1.c.i-ii / R03017 - Clean
Request for Comments Due April 7, 2008

Comments Submitted by B. Kedrowski, We Energies
5/13/08 EC decision was made to take no action on the recommendation.    

Attachment to R08011
WEQ Consistent with �51 of FERC Order No. 890-A, add AFC and TFC values to the �System_Attribute� data element of the NAESB Standard WEQ-003: OASIS S&CP Data Dictionaries. Bonneville Power Administration Assigned to WEQ ESS/ITS on 3/19/08 Recommendation Request for Comments Due
May 15, 2015
2008 WEQ Annual Plan Item 2.b.v.3 and 2008 WEQ Annual Plan Item 2.a.i.3 WEQ ATC/TTC Narratives   NAESB WEQ ESS/ITS/BPS Recommendation (Clean)

Recommendation (Redlined)

Request for Comments Due March 30, 2008

Comments Submitted by B. Green, Electric Power Supply Association

Comments Submitted by JT Wood, Southern Company

Comments Submitted by J. Harmon, Midwest ISO

Comments Submitted by the NAESB WEQ Standards Review Subcommittee

Late Comments Submitted by the P. Brown, PJM

Late Comments Submitted by the B. Rehman, BPA
4/14/08 approved by the EC via notational ballot. Ratified on 5/16/08 Final Action Posted on 5/16/08
2008 Annual Plan Item 2.a.i.5, 2008 Annual Plan Item 2.a.i.6, and 2008 Annual Plan Items 2.a.ii.1-3 WEQ WEQ-001 changes for Rebid of Partial Service, Preconfirmation Priority, and Group 2: Metrics; Redispatch Cost Posting   NAESB WEQ ESS/ITS Recommendation (Clean)

Recommendation (Redlined)

Recommendation Revised by the WEQ EC - 5/13/08 (Clean)

Recommendation Revised by the WEQ EC - 5/13/08 (Redlined)

Request for Comments Due March 21, 2008

Comments Submitted by NAESB Joint WEQ ESS/ITS/BPS Subcommittees

Comments Submitted by R. Lamoureux, Midwest ISO

Comments Submitted by P. Brown, PJM

Comments Submitted by NAESB WEQ Standards Review Subcommittees

Comments Submitted by B. Rehman, BPA

Late Comments Submitted by JT Wood, Southern Company
5/13/08 approved by the EC. Ratified on 6/23/08 Final Action Posted on 6/23/08
2007 WEQ Annual Plan Item 5 and 2007 WGQ Annual Plan Item 8 WEQ and WGQ Develop business practices as needed to support the e-Tariff program including submittal of tariffs and metadata.
(Docket No RM01-5-000)

Recommendation Attachment

Recommendation Revised by the EC - 2/29/2008

Recommendation Attachment Revised by the EC - 2/29/2008

Request for Comments Due February 27, 2008

Comments Submitted by L. Morrison, ISO New England

Comments Submitted by eTariff Chairs

Attachment to Comments Submitted by eTariff Chairs

Comments Submitted by M. McCain, Spectra Energy

Comments on Shared Tariff Filing Issue by New England Participating Transmission Owners

Comments Submitted by P. Brown, PJM

Cover Letter to Comments Submitted by the ISO Group

Comments Submitted by the ISO Group

Comments Submitted by H. Bartholomot, EEI

Comments Submitted by D. Mihalik, AOPL

Comments Submitted by M. Regulinski, Dominion Resources Services
3/4/08 approved by the EC via notational ballot. Ratified on 4/4/08 Final Action Posted on 4/7/08
R08005 WEQ Consistency changes to WEQ-013, which were presented to the WEQ Leadership Team on December 12, 2007 Midwest ISO Assigned to WEQ ESS/ITS on 2/19/08 Recommendation Request for Comments Due September 8, 2011

Comments Submitted by the WEQ Standards Review Subcommittee

Comments Submitted by E. Davis, Entergy

Comments Submitted by the IESO, New England ISO, Midwest ISO, PJM and SPP

Late Comments Submitted by the WEQ OASIS Subcommittee
R08004 WEQ Consistency changes to WEQ-011, which were presented to the WEQ Leadership Team on December 12, 2007 Midwest ISO Assigned to WEQ BPS on 2/19/08 Recommendation
2009 WEQ Annual Plan Item
6(a)(2)/R08004 - WEQ-011 Consistency Changes to include: Introduction and Applicability sections.

2009 WEQ Annual Plan Item

Attachment WEQ-011

Attachment WEQ-011

WGQ Recommendation R09011

WGQ Recommendation R09011 as revised by the EC on June 4, 2010

Attachment WEQ-011 as revised by the EC on June 4, 2010 (Redline)

Attachment WEQ-011 as revised by the EC on June 4, 2010 (Clean)
Request for Comments Due May 13, 2009

Comments Submitted by E. Skiba, Midwest ISO

Comments Submitted by the NAESB Standards Review Subcommittee

Late Comments Submitted by E. Davis, Entergy

Request for Comments Due November 2, 2009

Comments Submitted by the NAESB Standards Review Subcommittee

Comments Submitted by M. Kulas, Consumers Energy Company

WGQ Request for Comments Due April 29, 2010
R08003 WEQ Consistency changes to WEQ-003, which were presented to the WEQ Leadership Team on December 12, 2007 Midwest ISO Assigned to WEQ ESS/ITS on 2/19/08 Recommendation Request for Comments Due September 8, 2011

Comments Submitted by the WEQ Standards Review Subcommittee

Comments Submitted by E. Davis, Entergy

Comments Submitted by the IESO, New England ISO, Midwest ISO, PJM and SPP

Late Comments Submitted by the WEQ OASIS Subcommittee
R08002 WEQ Consistency changes to WEQ-002, which were presented to the WEQ Leadership Team on December 12, 2007 Midwest ISO Assigned to WEQ ESS/ITS on 2/19/08 Recommendation Request for Comments Due September 8, 2011

Comments Submitted by the WEQ Standards Review Subcommittee

Comments Submitted by E. Davis, Entergy

Comments Submitted by the IESO, New England ISO, Midwest ISO, PJM and SPP

Late Comments Submitted by the WEQ OASIS Subcommittee
R08001 WEQ Consistency changes to WEQ-001, which were presented to the WEQ Leadership Team on December 12, 2007 Midwest ISO Assigned to WEQ BPS and ESS/ITS on 2/19/08 Recommendation Request for Comments Due September 8, 2011

Comments Submitted by the WEQ Standards Review Subcommittee

Comments Submitted by E. Davis, Entergy

Comments Submitted by the IESO, New England ISO, Midwest ISO, PJM and SPP

Late Comments Submitted by the WEQ OASIS Subcommittee
R07020 WEQ Develop a NAESB Time and Inadvertent Management Business Practice that provides additional Inadvertent payback options and improved Time Control Midwest ISO Assigned to WEQ BPS on 2/19/08 Recommendation
2008 WEQ Annual Plan Item
6(b)/R07020 - (Redline)

2008 WEQ Annual Plan Item
6(b)/R07020 - (Clean)
Request for Comments Due October 24, 2008

Comments Submitted by C. Feagans, Tennessee Valley Authority

Comments Submitted by W. Franklin, Entergy Services

Comments Submitted by the NAESB Standards Review Subcommittee

Comments Submitted by L. Larson, Otter Tail Power Company

Comments Submitted by D. Klempel, Basin Electric Power Cooperative

Comments Submitted by J. Cyrulewski, JDRJC Associates

Comments Submitted by E. Davis, Entergy Services

Comments Submitted by J. Knight, Great River Energy

Comments Submitted by D. Koehn, Bonneville Power Administration

Comments Submitted by D. Kimm, MidAmerican Energy Company

Comments Submitted by M. Goldberg, ISO New England

Comments Submitted by A. Rodriquez, NERC Staff

Comments Submitted by M. Desselle, NAESB Chairman and K. York, NAESB WEQ EC Chairman
2/3/09 failed by the EC via notational ballot.    
2008 WEQ Annual Plan
Item 2(i)7
WEQ 2008 WEQ Annual Plan Item 2(i)7 - OASIS Exemptions
Appendix C
WEQ ESS/ITS Subcommittee NAESB WEQ ESS/ITS Recommendation

WEQ-001 Appendix C OASIS Exemptions

Revised by WEQ EC
February 4, 2008

WEQ-001 Appendix C OASIS Exemptions
as revised by the WEQ EC
February 4, 2008 - (Redline)

WEQ-001 Appendix C OASIS Exemptions
as revised by the WEQ EC
February 4, 2008 - (Clean)
Request for Comments Due January 19, 2008

Comments Submitted by the IRC SRC

2/5/08 approved by the EC. Ratified on 3/13/08 Final Action Posted on 4/2/08
R07019 WEQ Review/Revise WEQ 006 to remove/revise mandatory requirements for Interconnection Time Monitor WEQ Standards Review Subcommittee Assigned to WEQ BPS on 2/19/08 Recommendation


Revised Recommendation by the WEQ EC 8/19/08

Revised Recommendation by the WEQ EC 8/19/08

Request for Comments Due July 11, 2008

Comments Submitted by J. Busbin, Southern Company Transmission

Late Comments Submitted by E. Skiba, Midwest ISO
8/19/08 approved by the EC. Ratified on 9/22/08 Final Action Posted on 9/22/08
2007 WEQ Annual Plan
Item 2(ii)
WEQ 2007 WEQ Annual Plan Item 2(ii) - Order 890 Work Plan Group 1: Conditional Firm, Annotations For ATC; Load Forecast And Actual Load; Re-Bid Of Partial Service; And Preconfirmation Priority WEQ ESS/ITS Subcommittee WEQ ESS/ITS Subcommittee Recommendation

Attachment to Recommendation 1 - Proposed Revisions to the OASIS S&CPs (WEQ 002)

Attachment to Recommendation 2 - Proposed Revisions to the WEQ OASIS Data Dictionary (WEQ 003)

Attachment to Recommendation 3 - Implementation Guide (WEQ 013)

Recommendation with Attachments Revised by the WEQ EC - 11/6/2007

Attachment to Recommendation 1 - Proposed Revisions to the OASIS S&CPs (WEQ 002) Revised by the WEQ EC - 11/6/2007

Attachment to Recommendation 2 - Proposed Revisions to the WEQ OASIS Data Dictionary (WEQ 003) Revised by the WEQ EC - 11/6/2007

Attachment to Recommendation 3 - Implementation Guide (WEQ 013) Revised by the WEQ EC - 11/6/2007
Request for Comments Due November 2, 2007

Comments of the ESS/ITS

Attachment 1 to the Comments � OASIS Standards & Communication Protocols (WEQ-002) revised to incorporate the minor corrections

Attachment 2 to the Comments � OASIS Data Dictionary (WEQ-003) revised to incorporate the minor corrections

Attachment 3 to the Comments � OASIS Implementation Guide (WEQ-013) revised to incorporate the minor corrections

Comments Submitted by E. Skiba, MISO

Comments Submitted by JT Wood, Southern Company

Late Comments Submitted by P. Sorenson, OATI
1/16/08 approved by the EC via notational ballot. Ratified on 2/29/08 Final Action Posted on 3/5/08
2006 WEQ Annual Plan Item 3(c) WEQ 2006 WEQ Annual Plan Item 3(c) - Removal of Portions of WEQ 009 � Standards of Conduct WEQ Executive Committee Commissioned by the WEQ EC on 8/14/07 Recommendation

Recommendation - Redline

Revised by WEQ EC
October 15, 2007
Request for Comments Due September 30, 2007

Comments Submitted by R.Mucci, Williams Power

Comments Submitted by E.Davis, Entergy Services

Comments Submitted by E.Skiba, Midwest ISO
2007 WEQ Annual Plan Item 2(c) WEQ 2007 WEQ Annual Plan Item 2(c) - Order 890 Modifications to WEQ-001 Joint WEQ ESS/ITS/BPS Joint WEQ ESS/ITS/BPS Recommendation

Recommendation Attachment 1 - Order 890 Modifications to WEQ-001 - Redline

Recommendation Attachment 1 - Order 890 Modifications to WEQ-001 - Clean
Request for Comments Due September 21, 2007

Comments Submitted by R.Mucci, Williams Power

Comments Submitted by E. Skiba, Midwest ISO

Comments Submitted by J. Cashin and B. Green, Electric Power Supply Association

Comments Submitted by JT Wood, Southern Company

Comments Submitted by B.Pinto, PJM

Comments Submitted by C.Yeung, SPP
11/6/07 approved by the EC. Ratified on 12/19/07 Final Action Posted on 2/1/08
R07013 WEQ Create a data Confidentiality Agreement for participants in the Electric Industry covering the treatment of data belonging to other Electric Industry Participants such as e-Tag data WEQ JISWG Assigned to WEQ JISWG and WEQ ESS/ITS on 9/24/07 WEQ 2009 Annual Plan 3(a)(ii)(1)/R07013 Recommendation

Request for Comments Due January 15, 2010

Comments Submitted by A. Rodriquez, NERC

Comments Submitted by E. Davis, Entergy

Comments Submitted by M. Mizumori, WECC

Comments Submitted by R. Martinko, FirstEnergy Service Company

Comments Submitted by E. Skiba, Midwest ISO

Comments Submitted by B. Huey, BC Transmission Corporation

Comments Submitted by B. Rehman, Bonneville Power Administration

Comments Submitted by NAESB WEQ SRS

Comments Submitted by ISO/RTO's
R07010 WEQ Modify the NAESB Coordinate Interchange Standard to require that Scheduling Entity be a required field in every submitted request for interchange. TranServ International Assigned to WEQ ESS/ITS on 8/17/07 Recommendation Request for Comments Due November 2, 2007

No Comments Received
11/6/07 EC decision was made to take no action on the recommendation.    
2007 WEQ Annual Plan Item 2 WEQ 2007 WEQ Annual Plan Item 2 - Develop business practice standards in support of the FERC RM05-25-000 and RM05-17-000 (OATT Reform): Revision to Final Action R04006D to align the Resales Standards with Order 890 WEQ ESS WEQ ESS Recommendation

Recommendation - Redline

Revised by WEQ EC
May 8, 2007

Request for Comments due May 4, 2007

Comments Submitted by M.Mitchell, SRP

Comments Submitted by N. Saini, Entergy

Comments Submitted by E. Skiba, MISO

Comments Submitted by J.T. Wood, Southern Company

Comments Submitted by B. Rehman, Bonneville Power Administration
5/8/07 approved by the EC via notational ballot. Ratified on 7/23/07 Final Action Posted on 8/17/07
R07007 WEQ Update the Timing Table to Reflect the Categories (On-time, Late, After-the-fact, and Pre-late) used in the latest E-Tag Specification with respect to receipt of an Arranged Interchange (RFI) Puget Sound Assigned to WEQ ESS/ITS on 5/1/07 Recommendation

2008 WEQ Annual Plan Item
Request for Comments Due August 9, 2007

No Comments Received

Request for Comments Due November 10, 2008

Comments Submitted by the NAESB Standards Review Subcommittee
8/14/07 EC decision was made to defer approval pending corresponding NERC action.

2/3/09 approved by the EC.
Ratified on 3/11/09 Final Action Posted on 3/11/09
R07005 WEQ Request to allow BA�s to Adjust Dynamic Schedule Transaction Type Tags within the ATF changes rules. NEVP/SPPC Assigned to WEQ ESS/ITS on 5/1/07 Recommendation

Recommendation R07005 revised by the WEQ Executive Committee � 07/20/2007 � Clean

Recommendation R07005 revised by the WEQ Executive Committee � 07/20/2007 � Redline
Request for Comments Due July 14, 2007

Comments Submitted by E.Skiba, Midwest ISO
7/20/07 EC decision to decline request.    
R07004 WEQ Business practice and technical standards for assigning, tracking, and limiting rollover rights. Duke Energy Assigned to WEQ ESS/ITS on 2/15/07          
R07003 WEQ Clarify the S&CP implementation of the DEFERRAL request. Open Access Technology International Assigned to WEQ ESS/ITS on 2/15/07 Recommendation
2008 WEQ Annual Plan Item
Request for Comments Due October 20, 2008 11/4/08 EC decision was made to take no action on the recommendation.    
R07002 WEQ Request to divide the OASIS S&CP into two documents: The S&CP and 2) an Implementation Guide Open Access Technology International Assigned to WEQ ESS/ITS on 2/15/07 Recommendation

Attachment to Recommendation 1 - Proposed Revisions to the OASIS S&CPs (WEQ 002)

Attachment to Recommendation 2 - Proposed Revisions to the WEQ OASIS Data Dictionary (WEQ 003)

Attachment to Recommendation 3 - Implementation Guide (WEQ 011)

Recommendation R07002 � revised by WEQ Executive Committee on 07/20/2007 � Clean

Recommendation R07002 � revised by WEQ Executive Committee on 07/20/2007 � Redline

Attachment 1 to Recommendation R07002 � revised by WEQ Executive Committee on 07/20/2007 � Redlined to include references corrected

Attachment 1 to Recommendation R07002 � revised by WEQ Executive Committee on 07/20/2007 � With redline changes to correct references accepted only

Attachment 2 to Recommendation R07002 � reviewed by WEQ Executive Committee on 07/20/2007 � (no references needed to be corrected)

Attachment 3 to Recommendation R07002 � revised by WEQ Executive Committee on 07/20/2007 � Redline

Attachment 3 to Recommendation R07002 � revised by WEQ Executive Committee on 07/20/2007 � Clean
Request for Comments Due July 14, 2007

Comments Submitted by E. Skiba, Midwest ISO
7/20/07 approved by the EC. Ratified on 9/17/07 Final Action Posted on 9/19/07
R07001 WEQ Develop a standard mechanism to implement a �RECALL� of transmission capacity from an existing confirmed transmission service reservation/Specify the technical requirements for implementation of a new OASIS request type, RECALL Open Access Technology International Assigned to WEQ ESS/ITS on 2/15/07 Recommendation
2008 WEQ Annual Plan Item
Request for Comments Due October 20, 2008 11/4/08 EC decision was made to take no action on the recommendation.    
2006 WEQ Annual Plan Item (3)(b)(i) WEQ 2006 WEQ Annual Plan Item (3)(b)(1) - Develop companion business practices to NERC's cyber standard (CIP002-009), and specifically review section 1303-personnel & raining to determine if business practices are needed. Annual Plan Item WEQ JISWG Recommendation

Request for Comments due March 2, 2007

No Comments Received
5/7/07 EC decision was made that no changes are needed at this time and no further action is required.    
R06027 WEQ To develop an enhanced functionality specification for an Electric Industry Registry for the wholesale electric industry where the functions described in the specification would be classified as commercial in nature. On behalf of the NERC/NAESB Joint Interchange Scheduling Working Group (JISWG) submitted by Jim Hansen Assigned to WEQ JISWG on 2/7/07          
2007 WEQ Annual Plan Item (3)(a)(2) WEQ 2007 WEQ Annual Plan Item (3)(a)(2) - Implementation of S&CP changes to support Standards of Conduct business practices. Annual Plan Item WEQ ESS Recommendation

Attachment to Recommendation
Request for Comments due February 5, 2007

No Comments Received
3/6/07 approved by the EC via notational ballot. Ratified on 4/7/07 Final Action Posted on 4/9/07
R06026 WEQ Revise WEQ-004 Coordinate Interchange Business Practice Standard requirement 2.2 and the table contained in Appendix A, part B, to exempt WECC. Puget Sound Energy Assigned to WEQ JISWG on 2/7/07 Recommendation

Attachement to Recommendation
Request for Comments Due July 14, 2007

No Comments Received
7/20/07 approved by the EC. Ratified on 9/17/07 Final Action Posted on 9/19/07
R06025 WEQ Modify Appendix D of WEQ 004 to add an explanation for the terms "required" and "correctable", to add a sentence clarifying that tag data elements are not correctable and are not required, and to make the element of Energy Product Type required. Puget Sound Energy Assigned to WEQ JISWG on 2/7/07 Recommendation

Recommendation R06025 � Revised by WEQ Executive Committee on 07/20/2007 � Clean

Recommendation R06025 � Revised by WEQ Executive Committee on 07/20/2007 � Redline

Recommendation R06025 as Revised by WEQ Executive Committee on 8/14/2007 - Clean

Recommendation R06025 as Revised by WEQ Executive Committee on 8/14/2007 - Redline
Request for Comments Due July 14, 2007

Comments Submitted by S. Monzon, PJM Interconnection
8/14/07 approved by the EC. Ratified on 10/4/07 Final Action Posted on 10/6/07
2006 WEQ Annual Plan Item (3)(a)(x) WEQ 2006 WEQ Annual Plan Item (3)(a)(x) WEQ ESS/ITS WEQ ESS/ITS Recommendation Request for Comments due August 13, 2006

Comments Submitted by V.Bissonnette, Hydro-Quebec TransEnergie

Comments Submitted by N.Parker, Bonneville Power Administration

Comments Submitted by J.Dison, Southern Company Generation

Supplemental Comments Submitted by J.Dison, Southern Company Generation

Comments Submitted by P.Sorenson, Open Access Technology International, Inc.
August 14-15, 2006 EC decision was made to remand the recommendation back to the ESS/ITS and pending rehearing request from FERC on Order 676. FERC denied Request for Rehearing on September 21, 2006.    
R06010 WEQ Modify the timing chart for the Western Interconnection in WEQBPS-006 to an initiation of manual time error at +/-5 seconds Western Electricity Coordinating Council - WECC Assigned to WEQ BPS on 8/11/06 Recommendation
2008 WEQ Annual Plan Item
Request for Comments Due October 24, 2008 11/4/08 EC decision was made to take no action on the recommendation.    
2006 WEQ Annual Plan Item (3)(c)(i) WEQ 2006 WEQ Annual Plan Item (3)(c)(i) WEQ BPS, WEQ ESS, and WEQ ITS WEQ BPS Recommendation

Revised Recommendation
Request for Comments due April 26, 2006

Comments Submitted by NAESB WEQ ESS/ITS

Comments Submitted by Puget Sound Energy and Salt River Project

Comments Submitted by B.Rehman, BPA

Comments Submitted by NAESB WEQ BPS (redlined recommendation) 4/25/06

Request for Comments due August 12, 2006

Comments Submitted by Basin Electric Power Cooperative

Comments Submitted by JT Wood, Southern Company
8/15/06 approved by the EC. Ratified on 10/2/06 Final Action Posted on 10/10/06
R06006/WEQ 2008 Annual Plan Item 6(h) WEQ Develop standards to allow for registered Market Operators to request changes to the Market Level profile of Implemented Interchange. Joint Interchange Scheduling Work Group (JISWG) Assigned to WEQ ESS/ITS on 5/18/06 Recommendation (NO ACTION TO BE TAKEN) Request for Comments due March 2, 2009

Comments Submitted by E. Davis, Entergy
5/12/09 EC decision was made to take no action on the recommendation.    
Revised R06002

Attachment 1 to R06002
WEQ Modify NAESB pre-split Version 0 TLR business practices to remain consistent with NERC IRO-006-1 pre-split TLR reliability standards (inclusion of market flows). NERC Assigned to WEQ BPS on 1/23/06 Recommendation

Post Split TLR Business Practice Standard with SPP Regional Differences
Request for Comments due April 13, 2006

Comments Submitted by J. Cyrulewski, ITC Transmission
5/9/06 approved by the EC. Ratified on 9/1/06 Final Action Posted on 9/5/06

R05026 Scoping Document

Letter to Calpine - 8/16/07
WEQ Thirteen proposed enhancements to Incrementally improve OASIS Calpine Assigned to WEQ ESS/ITS on 1/23/06 Recommendation
2008 WEQ Annual Plan Item
3(a)(vi)(3)/R05026 - NO ACTION TO BE TAKEN

2017 WEQ Annual Plan Item
3.a / R05026 - NO ACTION

2017 WEQ Annual Plan Item
3.b / R05026 - NO ACTION
Request for Comments on 2008 WEQ Annual Plan Item 3(a)(vi)(3)/R05026 Due October 20, 2008

Request for Comments on 2017 WEQ Annual Plan Items 3.a and 3.b / R05026 Due January 4, 2018
Being discussed at the EC level. Scoping level change has been developed. Request additional clarification from Calpine on August 16, 2007.

11/4/08 EC decision was made to take no action on the recommendation.
R05020 WEQ Include a guideline for rounding schedules with partial mWh's in the coordinate interchange business practice WEQBPS-002-000 NERC Assigned to WEQ ESS/ITS on 9/19/05          
R05019 WEQ Modify OASIS standards and S&CP to clearly document the procedures used to implement the displacement/interruption terms of the Pro Forma tariff Joint Interchange Scheduling Work Group, A NERC/NAESB Production Assigned to WEQ ESS/ITS on 9/19/05 2017 WEQ Annual Plan Items 2.a.i.1/R05019 and 5.a/R09003 Recommendation

Request for Comments Due
August 4, 2017

Comments Submitted by J. Lemire, NCEMC

Comments Submitted by C. Bigelow, Arizona Public Service Company

Comments Submitted by P. Sorenson, OATI

Comments Submitted by A. Pritchard, Duke Energy

Redline Recommendation Comments Submitted by A. Pritchard, Duke Energy
R05018 WEQ Revise the e-Tag specification to allow PSEs associated with a transmission segment in the tag optional approval rights Joint Interchange Scheduling Work Group, A NERC/NAESB Production Assigned to WEQ ESS/ITS on 7/8/05 Recommendation

Recommendation R05018 � Revised by WEQ Executive Committee on 07/20/2007 � Clean

Recommendation R05018 � Revised by WEQ Executive Committee on 07/20/2007 � Redline
Request for Comments Due July 14, 2007

Comments Submitted by A. Scott, Tenaska Power Services Co.

Comments Submitted by E.Skiba, Midwest ISO
July 20, 2007 approved by the EC. Ratified on 9/17/07 Final Action Posted on 9/19/07
R05009 WEQ Modify the NAESB Version 0 TLR business practices to remain consistent with the NERC Version 0 TLR reliability standards. NAESB Office Assigned to WEQ BPS on 4/27/05 Recommendation Request for Comments due June 24, 2005

No Comments Received
8/23/05 approved by the EC. Ratified on 10/10/05 Final Action Posted on 10/10/05
R05007 WEQ Review the NAESB WEQ "Version 0" business practice standards and remove any references to ERCOT. Electric Reliability Council of Texas (ERCOT) Assigned to WEQ BPS on 4/20/05 Recommendation Request for Comments due April 23, 2006

No Comments Received
5/9/06 approved by the EC via notational ballot. Ratified on 6/22/06 Final Action Posted on 7/7/06

Attachment 1 to R05004

R05004 - Revised 12/12/05 - Clean

R05004 - Revised 12/12/05 - Redline

R05004A - Revised 8/15/06
WEQ Develop transmission service request and scheduling standards using TTC/ATC/AFC and CBM/TRM NERC Long Term ATC/AFC Task Force (LTATF) Assigned to WEQ ESS on 4/20/05

Amended: Assigned to WEQ ESS/ITS on 1/23/06
R05002 WEQ Amend sections 9.5 and 10.5 of OASIS 1A redirect standards NAESB WEQ Information Technology Subcommittee Assigned to WEQ ESS on 4/20/05 Recommendation R04035 and R05002

Recommendation R04035/R05002 Attachment A - Appendix B Redirects Standards Examples

Recommendation R04035/R05002 Attachment B - Resulting Standards 9 and 10

Recommendation R04035 and R05002 (S&CP)
Request for Comments due November 28, 2005

Comments Submitted by R. Vojdani, Western Area Power Administration

Request for Comments due March 15, 2007

No Comments Received
11/29/05 approved by the EC. Ratified on 1/5/06 Final Action Posted on 1/5/06
R05001 WEQ Amend WEQ R03013 to align coordinate interchange transactions with Version 0 NAESB Members of the ESS/ITS Assigned to WEQ ESS/ITS on 1/10/05 R05001 Coordinate Interchange Business Practice Standard (clean)

R05001 Coordinate Interchange Business Practice Standard (redline)

Request for Comments due May 3, 2006

Comments Submitted by B.Blevins, NERC
5/9/06 approved by the EC. Ratified on 6/22/06 Final Action Posted on 7/7/06

Final Action with Numbering Applied Posted on 1/23/07

Final Action with Minor Correction Applied Posted on 3/20/07
R04037 WEQ Revise NERC registry for use by OASIS WEQ Information Technology Subcommittee (ITS) Assigned to WEQ ITS on 1/10/05          
Revised R04036 WEQ Amend definitions, terms and numbering of WEQ Order 2004 (affiliate) standards WEQ Electronic Scheduling Subcommittee (ESS) and WEQ Information Technology Subcommittee (ITS) Assigned to WEQ ESS/ITS on 1/10/05 Recommendation Request for Comments due August 13, 2006

Comments Submitted by J.Dison, Southern Company Generation

Recommendation R04036 - revised by ESS/ITS on 08/11/06
8/15/06 approved by the EC. Ratified on 10/2/06 Final Action Posted on 10/10/06

Attachment 1 to R04035
WEQ Clarify OASIS 1A nomenclature and amend WEQ standard 4.19 WEQ Electronic Scheduling Subcommittee (ESS) and WEQ Information Technology Subcommittee (ITS) Assigned to WEQ ESS/ITS on 1/10/05 Recommendation R04035 and R05002

Recommendation R04035/R05002 Attachment A - Appendix B Redirects Standards Examples

Recommendation R04035/R05002 Attachment B - Resulting Standards 9 and 10

Recommendation R04035 and R05002 (S&CP)
Request for Comments due November 28, 2005

Comments Submitted by R. Vojdani, Western Area Power Administration

Request for Comments due March 15, 2007

No Comments Received
11/29/05 approved by the EC. Ratified on 1/5/06 Final Action Posted on 1/5/06
R04032 WEQ Develop energy product definitions, for scheduling purposes only, in WECC. Bonneville Power Administration Assigned to WEQ BPS on 11/8/04

Withdrawn by Submitter - July 14, 2005
(Word Format)
WGQ, WEQ Develop standards for daily operational communications between pipelines and power plants Natural Gas Pipeline Co. of America, CrossCountry Energy and Salt River Project Assigned to WEQ BPS and WGQ BPS on 8/31/04 Recommendation

Recommendation Revised by the WEQ/WGQ ECs on May 31, 2005

Recommendation R04021-A WGQ: Gas/Electric Operational Communications Technical Implementation

Request for Comments due
May 25, 2005

Comments Submitted
by B. Kedrowski, We Energies

Comments Submitted
by B. Gray, El Paso Electric Company

Comments Submitted
by M. Shepard, Mewbourne Oil Company

Comments Submitted
by G. Brown, California ISO

Comments Submitted
by L. Ell, Entergy

Comments Submitted
by J. Smith, Entergy Services, Inc. Gas Group

Comments Submitted
by K. York, Tennessee Valley Authority

Comments Submitted
by M. Desselle, American Electric Power

Comments Submitted
by J. Lewis, American Gas Association

Comments Submitted
by L. Crowley, NJR Companies

Comments Submitted
by K. Van Pelt, Pipeline Segment

Comments Submitted
by K. Burch, Duke Energy Corporation

Comments Submitted
by G. Ogenyi, Conectiv

Comments Submitted
by P. Larger, Progress Energy Carolinas

Request for Comments on R04021-A due
July 8, 2005

No Comments Received
5/26/05 approved by the EC via notational ballot. Ratified on 7/8/05 Final Action Posted on 7/26/05

Corrected Final Action Posted on 4/12/06
(Word Format)

R04020 Scoping Document - Revised
WEQ WEQ Annual Plan Items 3 & 4 - establish business standards relating to electric transaction scheduling and timelines Tennessee Valley Authority Assigned to WEQ ESS on 7/1/04

Withdrawn by Submitter - February 23, 2006
R04016 WGQ, WEQ Develop a standard definition for Energy Day. KeySpan Utility Services and Duke Energy Gas Transmission Withdrawn by Submitter - February 27, 2006

Withdrawl Letter
R04013 WEQ WEQ Annual Plan Item 1 - Develop Version 0 business practice standards that complement NERC's Version 0 reliability standards. WEQ Business Practices Subcommittee Assigned to WEQ BPS on 7/1/04 Recommendation

Attachment 1 - Version 0 Draft Team's Letter to the EC

Attachment 2 - ACE Business Practice Standards

Attachment 3 - Coordinate Interchange Business Practice Standards

Attachment 4 - Inadvertent Interchange Business Practice Standards

Attachment 5 - Time Error Correction Business Practice Standards

Attachment 6 - TLR Business Practice Standards

Attachment 2 - ACE Business Practice Standards - as Revised by the WEQ EC on 11/30/04

Attachment 3 - Coordinate Interchange Business Practice Standards - as Revised by the WEQ EC on 11/30/04

Attachment 4 - Inadvertent Interchange Payback Business Practice Standards - as Revised by the WEQ EC on 11/30/04

Attachment 5 - Manual Time Error Correction Business Practice Standards - as Revised by the WEQ EC on 11/30/04

Attachment 6 - TLR Business Practice Standards - as Revised by the WEQ EC on 11/30/04

Recommendation for R04013A

Post Split Version 0 TLR Business Practices Standards
Request for Comments due
November 25, 2004

Comments (Inadvertent Interchange) Submitted by: NERC Resources Subcommittee

Comments (ACE Special Cases) Submitted by: NERC Resources Subcommittee

Comments (Time Error) Submitted by: NERC Resources Subcommittee

Comments (Time Error) Submitted by: Salt River Project

Comments (Coordinate Interchange) Submitted by: Salt River Project

Comments (Coordinate Interchange) Submitted by: M. Pfeister of Salt River Project

Comments (Coordinate Interchange) Submitted by: CASIO

Comments (ACE Special Equation) Submitted by: CASIO

Comments (Time Error) Submitted by: CASIO

Comments (Inadvertent Interchange) Submitted by: CASIO

Comments (Time Error) Submitted by: Mirant

Comments (ACE Special Cases) Submitted by: Mirant

Comments (Time Error) Submitted by: Allegheny Power

Comments (Coordinate Interchange) Submitted by: Allegheny Power

Overall Comments Submitted by: Duke Energy

Comments (Coordinate Interchange) Submitted by: Mirant

Comments (ACE Special Cases) Submitted by: Entergy Services

Comments (Coordinate Interchange) Submitted by: Entergy Services

Comments (Inadvertent Interchange) Submitted by: Entergy Services

Comments (Time Error) Submitted by: Entergy Services

Comments (TLR) Submitted by: Entergy Services

Comments (Coordinate Interchange) Submitted by: Mirant

Comments (Time Error) Submitted by: ISO RTO Council - SRC

Comments (Coordinate Interchange) Submitted by: ISO RTO Council - SRC

Comments (Inadvertent Interchange) Submitted by: ISO RTO Council - SRC

Comments (ACE Special Cases) Submitted by: ISO RTO Council - SRC

Comments (Inadvertent Interchange) Submitted by: We Energies

Comments (Time Error) Submitted by: We Energies

Comments (TLR) Submitted by: We Energies

Comments (ACE Special Cases) Submitted by: We Energies

Comments (Coordinate Interchange) Submitted by: We Energies
R04013 11/29/04 approved by the EC via notational ballot.

R04013A 11/29/05 approved by the EC via notational ballot.
R04013 Ratified on 12/31/04

R04013A Ratified on 4/10/06
R04013 Final Action Posted on 1/3/05

R04013A Final Action Posted on 4/12/06
R04013 WEQ WEQ Annual Plan Item 1 - Develop Version 0 business practice standards that complement NERC's Version 0 reliability standards. WEQ Business Practices Subcommittee Assigned to WEQ BPS on 7/1/04 Recommendation for R04013A

Post Split Version 0 TLR Business Practices Standards

Post Split Version 0 TLR Business Practices Standards - Amended by the WEQ BPS on 11/22/05
Request for Comments
on R04013A due
November 18, 2005

Comments (R04013A- TLR) Submitted by: E. Davis, Entergy Services, Inc.

Comments by: J. Voeck, American Transmission Company

Comments by: C. Yeung, ISO RTO Councils Standards Review Committee

Comments by: O. Frazier, Duke Energy

Comments by: R. Carter, Southern Company Generation

Comments by: E. Senkowicz, Florida Reliability Coordinating Council

Comments by: K. Warren, NERC Operating Reliability Subscommittee

Attachment to NERC Comments

Comments by: K. York, Tennessee Valley Authority

Comments by: J. Busbin, Southern Company Transmission
11/29/05 approved by the EC via notational ballot. R04013A Ratified on 4/10/06 R04013A Final Action Posted on 4/12/06

Attachment to R04011
WEQ Conform WEQ OASIS standards to FERC Order 2003 (Large Generator Interconnection Order). Bonneville Power Administration Assigned to WEQ ESS/ITS on 2/13/04 Recommendation

Request for Comments due
September 20, 2004

Comments Submitted by We Energies
11/6/04 approved by the EC. Ratified on 12/30/04 Final Action Posted on 1/3/05
R04007 - revised 1/8/04

Attachment 1 to R04007

Attachment 2 to R04007
WEQ Develop OASIS Phase II implementing NERC's functional model and other improvements. Southern Company Services Assigned to WEQ ESS/ITS on 9/1/04 Recommendation R04007

Request for Comments on R04006D, R04006F and R04007 - Comments due
May 1, 2006

No Comments Received
May 9, 2006 EC decision was made to take no action on the recommendation.    
Revised R04006


WEQ Develop OASIS Phase 1A business practices.

Develop OASIS 1A capacity release request standards
Southern Company Services

WEQ Electronic Scheduling Subcommittee (ESS) and WEQ Information Technology Subcommittee (ITS)
Assigned to WEQ ESS/ITS on 9/1/04 Recommendation - Standards of Conduct

Recommendation R04006B - OASIS 1A Enhancements - Multiple Requests

Recommendation R04006C - OASIS 1A Enhancements - Redirects

Recommendation R04006A - Corrected Standards of Conduct

Recommendation R04006D

Revised Recommendation R04006D

Recommendation R04006F

2nd Revised Recommendation R04006D

2nd Revised Recommendation R04006D

Response to Comments Document

Recommendation R04006D - Clean - Revised by the WEQ EC 8/15/06

Recommendation R04006D - Redline - Revised by the WEQ EC 8/15/06

Recommendation R04006C1

Recommendation R04006C1 - Clean - Revised by the WEQ EC 2/06/07

Recommendation R04006C1 - Redline - Revised by the WEQ EC 2/06/07
Request for Comments due
September 20, 2004

Comments Submitted by Bonneville Power Administration

Comments Submitted by We Energies

Comments Submitted by Southern Company Transmission

Comments Submitted by V. Bissonnette, Hydro-Quebec TransEnergie

Request for Comments on R04006B - OASIS 1A Enhancements - Multiple Requests due
November 7, 2004

Comments (Multiple Requests) Submitted by First Energy

Comments (Multiple Requests) Submitted by Hydro-Quebec TransEnergie

Comments (Multiple Requests) Submitted by Southern Company's Bulk Power Operations

Request for Comments on R04006C - OASIS 1A Enhancements - Redirects due
November 12, 2004

Comments (Redirects) Submitted by First Energy

Comments (Redirects) Submitted by Southern Company's Bulk Power Operations

Comments (Redirects) Submitted by We Energies

Comments (Redirects) Submitted by Puget Sound Energy Marketing

Request for Comments on R04006D due November 28, 2005

Comments Submitted by J. Dison, Southern Company Generation

Request for Comments on R04006D, R04006F and R04007 - Comments due
May 1, 2006

Comments Submitted by N.Saini, Entergy on R04006D

Request for Comments on 2nd Revised Recommendation R04006D - Comments due
August 9, 2006

Comments Submitted by Southern Company Generation on 2nd Revised Recommendation R04006D

Comments Submitted by V.Bissonnette, Hydro-Quebec TransEnergie

Request for Comments on Recommendation R04006C1 - Comments due
January 8, 2007

Comments Submitted by B. Harshbarger, Puget Sound Energy on R04006C1
R04006A 11/6/04 approved by the EC.

R04006B 11/6/04 approved by the EC.

R04006C 11/6/04 approved by the EC.

R04006D 8/15/06 approved by the EC.

R04006C1 2/5/07 approved by the EC.
R04006A Ratified on 12/30/04

R04006B Ratified on 12/30/04

R04006C Ratified on 12/30/04

R04006D Ratified on 10/2/06

R04006C1 Ratified on 4/7/07
R04006A Final Action Posted on 1/3/05

R04006B Final Action Posted on 1/3/05

R04006C Final Action Posted on 1/3/05

R04006D Final Action Posted on 10/10/06

R04006C1 Final Action Posted on 4/9/07

Attachments A-F to R04005 (Zip File)
WEQ Adopt current OASIS business practices in FERC Orders 605, 638 & 889 as WEQ standards. Southern Company Services Assigned to WEQ ESS/ITS on 9/1/04 Recommendation

Recommendation 2 (Clean-up)
Request for Comments due February 9, 2004

Comments Submitted by Entergy

Comments Submitted by Midwest ISO

Request for Comments due
September 20, 2004

Comments Submitted by Entergy

Comments Submitted by We Energies

Comments Submitted by V. Bissonnette, Hydro-Quebec TransEnergie
R04005 2/24/04 approved by the EC.

R04005A 11/6/04 approved by EC.
R04005 Ratified on 4/7/04

R04005A Ratified on 12/30/04
R04005 Final Action Posted on 9/30/04

R04005A Final Action Posted on 1/3/05

R03031 - Revised November 20, 2003
REQ, RGQ, WEQ, WGQ Investigate and review possible modifications to the WGQ Intraday Nominations, Confirmation Scheduling, and Gas Day standards, including possible standards for coordination of wholesale electric and wholesale gas scheduling. Tennessee Valley Authority Assigned to Gas Electric Coordination Task Force on 10/29/03 Interim Report

Final Report

2008 WEQ Annual Plan Item
(6)(g)/R03031 & R03031 revised - NO ACTION TO BE TAKEN
Request for Comments Due October 16, 2008 11/4/08 EC decision was made to take no action on the recommendation.    
R03018   Develop a standardized contract for executing wholesale electricity transactions. National Association of Regulatory Commissioners (NARUC) Withdrawn by Submitter          
R03017 WEQ Provide complementary business practice standards to support the Operate Within Interconnection Reliability Operating Limits standard being developed by NERC. NAESB Standards Review Subcommittee Assigned to WEQ SRS on 7/21/03 Recommendation
2008 WEQ Annual Plan Item 1.c.i-ii / R03017 - Redline

2008 WEQ Annual Plan Item 1.c.i-ii / R03017 - Clean
Request for Comments Due April 4, 2008

No Comments Received
5/13/08 EC decision was made to take no action on the recommendation.    
R03014 WEQ Provide complementary business practice standards to support the Coordinate Operations Standards Authorization Request assigned to NERC by the JIC. NAESB Members of the Joint Interface Committee Assigned to WEQ COBP Task Force on 6/16/03 Recommendation
2008 WEQ Annual Plan Item
(1)(g)/R03014 - NO ACTION TO BE TAKEN
Request for Comments Due October 16, 2008 11/4/08 EC decision was made to take no action on the recommendation.    
R03013 WEQ Provide complementary business practice standards to support the Coordinate Interchange Standards Authorization Request assigned to NERC by the JIC. NAESB Members of the Joint Interface Committee Assigned to WEQ CIBP Task Force on 6/16/03 Recommendation Request for Comments due
April 2, 2004 (Adobe Format)

Request for Comments - Recommendation (Word Format)

Request for Comments - Recommendation Attachment 1 (Word Format)

Request for Comments - Recommendation Attachment 2 (Word Format)

Comments Submitted by ISO New England

Comments Submitted by Consumers Energy

Comments Submitted by WECC Interchange Scheduling and Accounting Subcommittee

Comments Submitted by Allegheny Power

Comments Submitted by Entergy

Comments Submitted by We Energies

Comments Submitted by the ISO/RTOs

Comments Submitted by TVA

Comments Submitted by the NAESB CIBP Task Force

Comments Submitted by BPA Transmission

Comments Submitted by Los Angeles Dept of Water and Power

Comments Submitted by BPA Power Business Line (Pt 1)

Comments Submitted by BPA Power Business Line (Pt 2)

Comments Submitted by BPA Power Business Line (Pt 3)

Comments Submitted by NAESB WEQ ESS

Additional Comments Submitted by Entergy

Additional Comments Submitted by Southern
5/4/04 approved by the EC. Ratified on 6/21/04 Final Action Posted on 9/30/04
R03007 / WEQ 2006 Annual Plan Item 3 (b) (iii) WEQ Enhance the current OASIS Standards and Communications Protocols (S&CP) to ensure compliance with the Energy Market Access and Reliability Certificates (e-MARC) Security Initiative, currently being developed by NERC. OASIS Standards Collaborative WEQ JISWG Recommendation

Request for Comments due December 7, 2006

Late Comments Submitted by IETF
1/2/07 approved by the EC via notational ballot. Ratified on 2/10/07 Final Action Posted on 2/12/07
2003 WEQ Annual Plan Item 5F - FTAA WEQ 2003 WEQ Annual Plan Item 5F - FTAA NAESB 2003 WEQ Annual Plan WEQ Contracts and WEQ FTAA Task Force Recommendation Request for Comments due April 30, 2003

Comments Submitted by Conectiv Energy

Comments Submitted by Visage

Comments Submitted by SRP

Comments Submitted by PacifiCorp
6/6/03 approved by the EC via notational ballot. Ratified on 7/21/03 Final Action Posted on 9/30/04
2003 WEQ Annual Plan Item 6-IIP WEQ 2003 WEQ Annual Plan Item 6-IIP NAESB 2003 WEQ Annual Plan WEQ IIPTF Recommendation

Attachment to Recommendation

Recommendation - Revised by the WEQ EC on 11/29/05

Attachment to Recommendation - Revised by the WEQ EC on 11/12/905
Request for Comments Due November 14, 2005

Comments Submitted by R. Blohm

Compilation of Comments Submitted by TAPS

Comments Submitted by A.Dotterweich, Consumers Energy

Comments Submitted by K. York, Tennessee Valley Authority

Comments Submitted by G. Locke, ElectriCities of North Carolina

Comments Submitted by F. Halpin, Bonneville Power Administration

Comments Submitted by M. Butts, Southern Company Services

Comments Submitted by H. Illian, Energy Mark, Inc.

Late Comments Received 11/21/05 - Submitted by M. Wells, Western Electricity Coordinating Council

November 29, 2005 EC decision was made to decline this request.    

If you should encounter any problems or need further information, please call (713) 356-0060.
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