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WGQ Minor Corrections
  WGQ Minor Corrections

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    NAESB Minor Corrections Blank Request Form

    WGQ Minor Corrections Blank Recommendation Form

Date Minor Correction # Minor Correction Description MC Comments
June 14, 2024 MC24005 Submitted by Tom Kraft, ONEOK

Minor Corrections to NAESB WGQ Version 4.0 – Quadrant Electronic Delivery Mechanism (QEDM) Related Standards and NAESB WGQ Version 4.0 – Cybersecurity Related Standards
June 5, 2024 MC24003 Submitted by Steve McCord, TC Energy Corporation

Minor Correction to add two code values to WGQ Version 4.0 Standard No 3.4.1 – Transportation / Sales Invoice and WGQ Version 4.0 Standard No 3.4.4 – Service Requester Level Charge / Allowance Invoice.
April 15, 2024 MC24002

Attachment 1

Attachment 2
Submitted by Submitted by the Co-Chairs of the Information Requirements and Technical Subcommittees: Rachel A. Hogge, Eastern Gas Transmission and Storage, Inc., Nichole Lopez, Kinder Morgan, Inc., Kim Van Pelt, Boardwalk Pipelines and Steve McCord, TC Energy Corporation

MC24002 is a correction to be included in NAESB WGQ Version 4.0 and 3.2 to address a publication error and incorporate changes made to the X12 Implementation Guide for NAESB WGQ Standard No. 3.4.1 – Transportation / Sales Invoice consistent with approved Recommendations for R19011 and MC22005.

Attachment 1 - List of Requesters

Attachment 2 - R19011 Recommendation Form

Attachment 3 - G811TSINFIX (correct X12 EDISM)

Attachment 4 - MC22005 Recommendation Form

Recommendation as approved by the WGQ Executive Committee on May 2, 2024

Attachment 1 - as approved by the WGQ Executive Committee on May 2, 2024 - List of Requesters

Attachment 2 - as approved by the WGQ Executive Committee on May 2, 2024 - R19011 Recommendation Form

Attachment 3 - as approved by the WGQ Executive Committee on May 2, 2024 - G811TSINFIX (correct X12 EDISM)

Attachment 4 - as approved by the WGQ Executive Committee on May 2, 2024 - MC22005 Recommendation Form
Request for Comments due
May 17, 2024
December 18, 2023 MC23015 Submitted by Ronnie Hensley, Southern Star Central Gas Pipeline and Eastern Gas Transmission & Storage Inc.

Minor Correction to WGQ Version 4.0 to add four code values to NAESB WGQ Standard No. 1.4.5 – Scheduled Quantity Code Values Dictionary.

Recommendation as approved by the WGQ Executive Committee on March 21, 2024
Request for Comments due
April 10, 2024
August 7, 2023 MC23013 Submitted by Christopher Burden, Enbridge (U.S.) Inc.

Minor Correction to NAESB WGQ Version 3.2, to update a reference in NAESB WGQ Standard No. 10.3.16 in the WGQ Internet Electronic Transport Related Standards (Internet ET) manual.
Recommendation as approved by the WGQ Executive Committee on August 10, 2023 Request for Comments due
August 24, 2023
July 17, 2023 MC23012 Submitted by Rachel Hogge, Eastern Gas Transmission & Storage Inc.

Minor Correction to NAESB WGQ Version 3.3, to add a new code value for the data element Notice Type in NAESB WGQ Standard No. 5.4.16 – System-Wide Notices

Recommendation as approved by the WGQ Executive Committee on August 10, 2023
Request for Comments due
August 24, 2023
July 11, 2023 MC23011 Submitted by Mark Gracey, Kinder Morgan Inc.

Minor correction to NAESB WGQ Version 3.3, to add new code values for the data element Service Requester Level Charge/Allowance Amount Descriptor in the NAESB WGQ Standard 3.4.1 – Transportation/Sales Invoice and WGQ Standard 3.4.4 Service Requester Level Charge/Allowance Invoice

Recommendation as approved by the WGQ Executive Committee on August 10, 2023
Request for Comments due
August 24, 2023
July 11, 2023 MC23010 Submitted by Mark Gracey, Kinder Morgan Inc.

Minor correction to NAESB WGQ Version 3.3, to add a new code value for the data element Charge Indicator in the NAESB WGQ Standard 3.4.1 – Transportation/Sales Invoice

Recommendation as approved by the WGQ Executive Committee on August 10, 2023
Request for Comments due
August 24, 2023
June 19, 2023 MC23009 Submitted by Micki Hoffee, Northern Natural Gas Company

Minor correction to NAESB WGQ Version 3.3, to add a new code value for the data element Meter Type in the NAESB WGQ Standard 2.4.6 – Measured Volume Audit Statement

Recommendation as approved by the WGQ Executive Committee on August 10, 2023
Request for Comments due
August 24, 2023
January 6, 2023 MC23001 Submitted by Keith Sappenfield, Corpus Christi Liquefaction, LLC

Minor corrections to correct the existing 2.17 Definition of “ECS” under the NAESB WGQ Base Contract.

Recommendation as approved by the WGQ Executive Committee on March 30, 2023
Request for Comments due
April 14, 2023
September 26, 2022 MC22011 Submitted by Mark Gracey, Kinder Morgan

Minor correction to NAESB WGQ Version 3.3, Shipper Imbalance (2.4.4), Allocations (2.4.3) and Transportation/Sales Invoice (3.4.1) to add two Code Value Definition for Transaction Type to reflect Swing on Storage Injection and Swing on Storage Withdrawal.

Recommendation as approved by the WGQ Executive Committee on October 20, 2022
Request for Comments due
November 7, 2022
September 26, 2022 MC22010 Submitted by Nancy Senger, WBI Energy Transmission, Inc.

Minor correction to NAESB WGQ Version 3.3; Standard Number 0.4.4 Location Data Download, add three Code Values for the data element Location Type Indicator.

Recommendation as approved by the WGQ Executive Committee on October 20, 2022
Request for Comments due
November 7, 2022
September 19, 2022 MC22009 Submitted by Rachel Hogge, Eastern Gas Transmission & Storage Inc.

Minor correction to Version 3.2 of the WGQ Implementation Guides for NAESB WGQ Standards No. 5.4.20 Transactional Reporting – Capacity Release to correct a typo in the Condition for the ‘Maximum Tariff Rate’ data element.

Recommendation as approved by the WGQ Executive Committee on October 20, 2022
Request for Comments due
November 7, 2022
July 18, 2022 MC22007 Submitted by Jim Buccigross, 8760, Inc. and Rachel Hogge, Eastern Gas Transmission & Storage, Inc.

Proposed minor correction to WGQ Version 3.3 to move all WGQ cybersecurity-related business practices into a new suite of WGQ Business Practice Standards

Attachment 1

Attachment 2

Attachment 3

Attachment 4

Recommendation as approved by the WGQ Executive Committee on March 30, 2023

Attachment 1 to Recommendation

Attachment 2 to Recommendation

Attachment 3 to Recommendation
Request for Comments due
April 14, 2023
July 12, 2022 MC22005 Submitted by Rachel Hogge, Eastern Gas Transmission & Storage Inc.

Minor correction to Version 3.2, NAESB WGQ Standard No. 3.4.1 – Request to correct the EDI X12 Mapping Guidelines for the Transportation / Sales Invoice.

Recommendation as approved by the WGQ Executive Committee on October 20, 2022
Request for Comments due
November 7, 2022
March 7, 2022 MC22002 Submitted by Kim Van Pelt, Boardwalk Pipelines

Minor correction to add a new code value for the data element Meter Type in the Measured Volume Audit Statement.

Recommendation as approved by the WGQ Executive Committee on March 31, 2022
Request for Comments due
April 12, 2022
January 20, 2022 MC22001 Submitted by Steve McCord, TC Energy Corporation

Minor correction to add six new Transaction Type Code Values to the NAESB WGQ Datasets in WGQ Version 3.1, and subsequent, Standard No 0.4.1 (Storage Information), Standard No 1.4.1 (Nomination), Standard No 1.4.5 (Scheduled Quantity), Standard No 2.4.1 (Predetermined Allocation), Standard No 2.4.3 (Allocation), Standard No 2.4.4 (Shipper Imbalance) and Standard No 3.4.1 (Transportation / Sales Invoice)
Minor Correction Request Withdrawn by Submitter on February 1, 2022  
December 22, 2021 MC21010 Submitted by Steve McCord, TC Energy Corporation

Minor correction to NAESB WGQ Version 3.1, and subsequent, Standard No 5.4.24 (Offer) - Request to add two new Discount Indicator Code Values to the NAESB WGQ 5.4.24 Capacity Release Offer Dataset

Recommendation as approved by the WGQ Executive Committee on March 31, 2022
Request for Comments due
April 12, 2022
October 20, 2021 MC21008 Submitted by Mark Gracey, Kinder Morgan Inc

Minor correction to NAESB WGQ Version 3.3. For the following data sets, add Code Value for data element Rate Identification Code to describe the rate charged for a lateral: Transactional Reporting – Capacity Release - NAESB WGQ Standard No. 5.4.20, Transactional Reporting – Firm Transportation - NAESB WGQ Standard No. 5.4.21, Offer - NAESB WGQ Standard No. 5.4.24, Bid - NAESB WGQ Standard No. 5.4.25 and Award Download - NAESB WGQ Standard No. 5.4.26

Recommendation as approved by the WGQ Executive Committee on March 31, 2022
Request for Comments due
April 12, 2022
August 9, 2021 MC21006 Submitted by Tom Kraft, ONEOK

Minor correction to NAESB WGQ Standard No. 0.4.4 (Location Data Download), Data Dictionary to correct a typo in the Condition description for the data element, Upstream/Downstream Identifier Proprietary Code. The typo was present in the ratification of WGQ Standard No. 0.4.4 on September 28, 2012 and first published in WGQ, Version 2.1. The minor correction is applicable to WGQ versions 2.1, 3.0, 3.1 and 3.2 to be implemented in version 3.3.

Recommendation as approved by the WGQ Executive Committee on October 7, 2021

Request for Comments due
October 20, 2021
May 6, 2021 MC21005 Submitted by Mark Gracey, Kinder Morgan Inc.

Minor correction to NAESB WGQ Version 3.3 (next available NAESB WGQ standards version release), Standard Number: 0.4.4 (Location Data Download) to add two Code Values for the data element Location Type Indicator.

Recommendation as approved by the WGQ Executive Committee on October 7, 2021

Request for Comments due
October 20, 2021
April 26, 2021 MC21004 Submitted by Micki Hoffee, Northern Natural Gas

Minor correction for the addition of 2 code values for the data element “Transaction Type” in the NAESB WGQ Standard 0.4.1 – Storage Information for the next available NAESB WGQ Version release.

Recommendation as approved by the WGQ Executive Committee on October 7, 2021

Request for Comments due
October 20, 2021
March 4, 2021 MC21002 Submitted by Valerie Crockett, Tennessee Valley Authority

Minor correction to NAESB WGQ Business Practice Standards Version 3.2 for implementation in Version 3.3. The minor correction to NAESB WGQ Standard Nos. 6.4.1 (Contract Dataset), 6.4.2 (Transaction Confirmation), and 6.4.3 (Sale and Purchase Invoice) proposes minor corrections to the Data Dictionary identified by TVA and Big Data Energy during DLT Testing, Version 3.2

Recommendation as approved by the WGQ Executive Committee via notational ballot on April 7, 2021
Request for Comments due
April 23, 2021
September 28, 2020 MC20013 Submitted by Tom Gwilliam, Iroquois Gas Transmission System, L.P.

Minor correction to NAESB WGQ Standards Versions 3.1 and 3.2: Standard No. 5.4.24 (Offer) to add a code value for the data element “Waive Bidder Credit Indicator”

Recommendation approved by the WGQ Executive Committee on October 29, 2020
Request for Comments due
November 12, 2020
July 21, 2020 MC20011 Submitted by Steve McCord, TC Energy Corporations

Minor correction to add two new Charge Type codes in the Transportation/Sales Invoice 3.4.1 dataset for NAESB WGQ Version 3.3

Recommendation approved by the WGQ Executive Committee on October 29, 2020
Request for Comments due
November 12, 2020
July 1, 2020 MC20010 Submitted by Kim Van Pelt, Boardwalk Pipelines

Minor correction to NAESB WGQ Version 3.2, WGQ Standard No. 3.4.1, Transportation/Sales Invoice to add new code value(s) for ‘Service Requester Level Charge/Allowance Amount Descriptor’

Recommendation approved by the WGQ Executive Committee on July 8, 2020
Request for Comments due
July 23, 2020
June 18, 2020 MC20009 Submitted by Diane Ezernack, Williams Companies, Inc.

Minor correction to WGQ Standard No. 3.4.1 Transportation/Sales Invoice – Data Element Transaction Type to add clarity to TSP’s invoice for underrun penalty.

Recommendation approved by the WGQ Executive Committee on July 8, 2020
Request for Comments due
July 23, 2020
May 14, 2020 MC20008

Submitted by Rachel A. Hogge, Dominion Energy Transmission Inc.

Minor correction to NAESB WGQ Version 3.2, WGQ Quadrant Electronic Delivery Mechanism Related Standards to clean up formatting and correct typos prior to publication of v3.2.

Recommendation approved by the WGQ Executive Committee on July 8, 2020
Request for Comments due
July 23, 2020
May 8, 2020 MC20007 Submitted by Kim Van Pelt, Boardwalk Pipelines

Minor correction to NAESB WGQ Version 3.2, WGQ Standard No. 1.4.2 – Nomination Quick Response to add validation code values for more specific response to the data elements being submitted in the Nomination.

Recommendation approved by the WGQ Executive Committee on July 8, 2020
Request for Comments due
July 23, 2020
April 24, 2020 MC20006 Submitted by Mark Gracey, Kinder Morgan Inc.

Minor correction to Nomination Quick Response 1.4.2 to add code values to Validation Code (Heading)
Minor Correction Request Withdrawn by Submitter on May 27, 2020  
April 14, 2020 MC20005 Submitted by Mark Gracey, Kinder Morgan Inc.

Minor correction to NAESB WGQ Standard Nos. 5.4.20, 5.4.21, 5.4.24, 5.4.25, 5.4.26 - for the data sets listed, add code values to the Capacity Type Location Indicator Data Element

Recommendation approved by the WGQ Executive Committee on July 8, 2020
Request for Comments due
July 23, 2020
February 18, 2020 MC20004 Submitted by Kimberly Van Pelt, Boardwalk Pipelines

Minor correction to Version 3.2 of NAESB WGQ Standard No. 5.4.24 (Offer) proposes the addition of 4 new code values for the data element Release Type to allow for the additional classification of the capacity release.

Recommendation approved by the WGQ Executive Committee on July 8, 2020
Request for Comments due
July 23, 2020
February 18, 2020 MC20003 Submitted by Kimberly Van Pelt, Boardwalk Pipelines

Minor correction to Version 3.2 of NAESB WGQ Standard No. 3.4.1 (Transportation / Sales Invoice) proposes the addition of a new code value for the data element Charge Type to identify the type of charge rendered under a specific type of charge.

Recommendation approved by the WGQ Executive Committee on July 8, 2020
Request for Comments due
July 23, 2020
December 6, 2019 MC19021 Submitted by Kimberly Van Pelt, Boardwalk Pipelines, LP

Minor correction to Version 3.2 of NAESB WGQ Standard Nos. 1.4.1 (Nomination), 1.4.5 (Scheduled Quantity), 2.4.4 (Shipper Imbalance) and 3.4.1 (Transportation / Sales Invoice) proposes the addition of 4 new code values for the data element Transaction Type to allow for meter bounce transactions for park and loan agreements.

Recommendation approved by the WGQ Executive Committee on February 20, 2020
Request for Comments due
March 5, 2020
December 6, 2019 MC19020 Submitted by Micki Hoffee, Northern Natural Gas

Minor correction to Version 3.2 of NAESB WGQ Standard No. 2.4.6 (Measured Volume Audit Statement) proposes a separation of elements in the transaction set table for the data element Component and Unit of Measure.

Recommendation approved by the WGQ Executive Committee on February 20, 2020
Request for Comments due
March 5, 2020
October 1, 2019 MC19019 Submitted by Mark Gracey, Kinder Morgan Inc.

Minor correction to Version 3.2 of NAESB WGQ Standard Nos. 5.4.24 (Offer) and 5.4.26 (Award) to correct the Transaction Set Tables descriptions to match the Code Values Dictionary Description.

Recommendation approved by the WGQ Executive Committee on October 17, 2019
Request for Comments due
November 6, 2019
October 1, 2019 MC19018 Submitted by Mark Gracey, Kinder Morgan Inc.

Minor correction to Version 3.2 of NAESB WGQ Standard No. 1.4.1 (Nomination) to correct the usage for Route in the Pathed Non-Threaded Unthreaded transactions. 1) Routes do not exist for the Pathed Non-Threaded Unthreaded transactions. The current usage is Business Conditional and should be "nu" similar to the Receipt Rank, Delivery Rank.

Recommendation approved by the WGQ Executive Committee on October 17, 2019
Request for Comments due
November 6, 2019
October 1, 2019 MC19017 Submitted by Mark Gracey, Kinder Morgan Inc.

Minor correction to Version 3.2 of NAESB WGQ Standard No. 1.4.1 (Nomination) to correct the Code Value Definition for the Transaction Type = PAL Balancing (148). The current definition limits nominated quantity transfer between locations only. PAL Balancing can also be done by transferring quantities between contracts.

Recommendation approved by the WGQ Executive Committee on October 17, 2019
Request for Comments due
November 6, 2019
October 1, 2019 MC19016 Submitted by Mark Gracey, Kinder Morgan Inc.

Minor correction to Version 3.2 to add a Reference Identifier to NAESB WGQ Standard Nos. 5.4.16 (System-Wide Notices), 5.4.17 (Note/Special Instruction), 5.4.24 (Offer Download), 5.4.25 (Bid Download), 5.4.26 (Award Download), 5.4.27 (Withdrawal Download). These datasets currently have no identifier to link back to the original Upload of Request for Download of Posted Datasets 5.4.14 (UPRD) and Response to Upload of Request for Download of Posted Datasets 5.4.15 (RURD). Adding a Senders Option Position in EDI allows Initiator of the files to send out an Identifier to assist customers and help with researching items.
Minor Correction Request Withdrawn by Submitter on February 11, 2020  
September 26, 2019 MC19015 Submitted by Marcy McCain, Enbridge (U.S.) Inc.

Minor correction to Version 3.2 of NAESB WGQ Standard No. 5.4.24 (Offer). Review the condition and the code values for the data element "Discount" Indicator" to ensure correct implementation for the EBB Creation and the EBB/EDI Download in WGQ Standard No. 5.4.24
Minor Correction Request Withdrawn by Submitter on May 5, 2020  
August 23, 2019 MC19014 Submitted by Mark Gracey, Kinder Morgan Inc.

Minor correction to 1) The LCD Segment for a Receipt/Delivery Location may only be used when the N101= 'US' or 'DS'. The N1 Segment is conditional based upon the usage as defined by the Allocation Transaction Type Matrix and 15R, 15D contain a Receipt/Delivery Location but do not include Up/Down Identifier Data


2) Add 2 new data elements 'Imbalance Period' and 'Route' to the Allocation Transaction Type Matrix (NAESB WGQ Standard 2.4.3) for 14R, 14D, 15R and 15D. The conditionality should match the other Allocation Transaction Types with the data elements.

Recommendation approved by the WGQ Executive Committee on October 17, 2019
Request for Comments due
November 6, 2019
June 11, 2019 MC19012 Submitted by Mark Gracey, Kinder Morgan Inc.

Minor correction to NAESB WGQ Standard No. 1.4.2 (Nomination Quick Response) to add an additional Entity Identifier Code and Identification Code to accommodate the new Service Requester Agent data element.

Recommendation approved by the WGQ Executive Committee on October 17, 2019
Request for Comments due
November 6, 2019
May 22, 2019 MC19010 Submitted by Mark Gracey, Kinder Morgan Inc.

Minor correction to Version 3.2
NAESB WGQ Standard No. 1.4.2 - Nomination Quick Response to modify the condition of Service Requester Contract for Pathed Non-Threaded (Unthreaded) segment.

Recommendation approved by the WGQ Executive Committee on October 17, 2019
Request for Comments due
November 6, 2019
March 19, 2019 MC19007 Submitted by the NAESB WGQ IR/Technical Subcommittees Chairs

Minor correction to Version 3.2 of the WGQ Implementation Guides for NAESB WGQ Standard No. 3.4.1 - Transportation/Sales Invoice. The minor correction proposes a review of the Code Values Dictionary and the Transaction Set Tables for data element Charge Type in the Transportation/Sales Invoice (3.4.1) to determine which code value is correct and what modifications, if any, should be made, as discrepancies were discovered by the WGQ Joint IR/Technical Subcommittees.
Recommendation approved by the WGQ Executive Committee on March 28, 2019 Request for Comments due
April 12, 2019
March 8, 2019 MC19005 Submitted by the NAESB WGQ IR/Technical Subcommittees Chairs

Minor correction to Version 3.2 of the WGQ Implementation Guides for NAESB WGQ Standard No. 3.4.1 - Transportation/Sales Invoice and NAESB WGQ Standard No. 3.4.2 Payment Remittance. The Data Element Cross Reference to ASC X12 and the EDI Mapping Guidelines for the Transportation/Sales Invoice (3.4.1) and the Payment Remittance (3.4.2) do not correctly show the Contact Person data elements in the PER Segment.
Recommendation approved by the WGQ Executive Committee on March 28, 2019 Request for Comments due
April 12, 2019
January 16, 2019 MC19004 Submitted by the NAESB WGQ IR/Technical Subcommittees Chairs

Minor correction to Version 3.2 of the WGQ Capacity Release Related Standards to modify the 'Transactional Reporting' section of the Executive Summary to remove references to the use of the Upload of Request for Download of Posted Datasets and Response to Upload of Request for download of Posted Datasets.

Recommendation approved by the WGQ Executive Committee on March 28, 2019
Request for Comments due
April 12, 2019
January 3, 2019 MC19003 Submitted by the NAESB WGQ IR/Technical Subcommittees Chairs

Minor correction to Version 3.2 of the WGQ Implementation Guides for the following data set: NAESB WGQ Standard No. 3.4.1 - Transportation/Sales Invoice. The EDI Mapping Guidelines for the Transportation/Sales Invoice (3.4.1) does not correctly show the 'Replacement Shipper Maximum Daily Quantity' data element in the QTY Segment as Sender's Option.

Recommendation approved by the WGQ Executive Committee on March 28, 2019
Request for Comments due
April 12, 2019
January 3, 2019 MC19002 Submitted by the NAESB WGQ IR/Technical Subcommittees Chairs

Minor correction to Version 3.2 of the WGQ Implementation Guides for the following data sets: NAESB WGQ Standard No. 5.4.25 Bid and NAESB WGQ Standard No. 5.4.26 Award Download. In R17009, data element 'Pressure Base Indicator Description' was added to the Bid (5.4.25) and Award Download (5.4.26) data sets. However, the Business Name Abbreviation was submitted incorrectly, missing the 'Desc'.

Recommendation approved by the WGQ Executive Committee on March 28, 2019
Request for Comments due
April 12, 2019
January 3, 2019 MC19001 Submitted by the NAESB WGQ IR/Technical Subcommittees Chairs

Minor correction to Version 3.2 of the WGQ Implementation Guides for the following data set: NAESB WGQ Standard No. 1.4.6 - Scheduled Quantity for Operator. In the Scheduled Quantity for Operator (1.4.6) data set, for data element 'Scheduling Status', the EBB Usage is missing. Need to add the EBB Usage of �MA� Mutually Agreeable in the next version of the NAESB Standards.

Recommendation approved by the WGQ Executive Committee on March 28, 2019
Request for Comments due
April 12, 2019
November 26, 2018 MC18005 Submitted by the NAESB WGQ IR/Technical Subcommittees Co-Chairs

Minor correction to Version 3.2 of the NAESB WGQ Standard Manuals to propose the movement of the 'Version Notes' to the end of each manual, removal of the 'Tab' references and correct the language in the 'Related Standards' section, under the 'ANSI ASC X12 Standards' heading.

Recommendation - Revised February 6, 2019

Recommendation approved by the WGQ Executive Committee on March 28, 2019
Request for Comments due
April 12, 2019
October 4, 2018 MC18004 Submitted by L. Wallach, Chevron Products Company, a division of Chevron U.S.A. Inc.

Minor correction to NAESB WGQ Standard No. 6.3.5 - NAESB WGQ Master Agreement for Purchase, Sale or Exchange of Liquid Hydrocarbons adopted on December 6, 2012 (Minor Correction MC13016, effective 9/26/2013, Revised by R15003 (Part 2), 08/31/2016) to correct an error in the Disclaimer language.
Recommendation approved by the WGQ Executive Committee on October 11, 2018 Request for Comments due
October 26, 2018
July 23, 2018 MC18003 Submitted by the NAESB WGQ IR/Technical Subcommittees Co-Chairs

Minor correction to Version 3.2 NAESB WGQ Standard No. 5.4.24 (Offer) and NAESB WGQ Standard No. 5.4.26 (Award) to modify the proposed implementation previously ratified for R17003.

Recommendation approved by the WGQ Executive Committee on August 23, 2018
Request for Comments due
September 6, 2018
May 17, 2018 MC18002 Submitted by R. Hogge, Dominion Energy Carolina Gas Transmission

Minor Correction to Version 3.2 of the WGQ Implementation Guides for NAESB WGQ No. 3.4.1 Transportation / Sales Invoice to add a new code value for the data element 'Charge Type'

Recommendation approved by the WGQ Executive Committee on August 23, 2018
Request for Comments due
September 6, 2018
January 30, 2018 MC18001 Submitted by Keith Sappenfield, Chairman NAESB WGQ Contracts Subcommittee

Minor Correction to NAESB WGQ Standard No. 6.3.1.MA - Mexican Addendum to the Base Contract for Sale and Purchase of Natural Gas adopted on November 27, 2017 to correction Section 6.3 by adding the language missing at the end of the last sentence in this section.
Recommendation approved by the WGQ Executive Committee via notational ballot on February 22, 2018 Request for Comments due
March 8, 2018
October 10, 2017 MC17019 Submitted by Rachel A. Hogge, Dominion Energy Transmission, Inc., Dominion Energy Cove Point LNG LP, Dominion Energy Carolina Gas Transmission LLC

This request proposes the addition of existing code values for the data element 'Reduction Reason Code' in the NAESB WGQ Standard No. 1.4.4 (Confirmation Response) data set for NAESB WGQ Version 3.2. These code values are currently present in NAESB WGQ Standard Nos. 1.4.5 (Scheduled Quantity) and 1.4.6 (Scheduled Quantity for Operator) datasets.
Recommendation approved by the WGQ Executive Committee on October 26, 2017 Request for Comments due
November 9, 2017
October 10, 2017 MC17018 Submitted by Rachel A. Hogge, Dominion Energy Transmission, Inc., Dominion Energy Cove Point LNG LP, Dominion Energy Carolina Gas Transmission LLC

This request proposes the addition of 1 code value for the data element 'Transaction Type' in the NAESB WGQ Standard No. 3.4.1 (Transportation / Sales Invoice) data set for NAESB WGQ Version 3.2.
Recommendation approved by the WGQ Executive Committee on October 26, 2017 Request for Comments due
November 9, 2017
September 27, 2017 MC17017 Submitted by M. Hoffee, Northern Natural Gas

This request proposes the addition of 1 code value for the data element 'Reduction Reason Code' in the following datasets for the next available NAESB WGQ Version release: NAESB WGQ Standard 1.4.5 - Scheduled Quantity and NAESB WGQ Standard 1.4.6 - Scheduled Quantity for Operator
Recommendation approved by the WGQ Executive Committee on October 26, 2017 Request for Comments due
November 9, 2017
September 26, 2017 MC17016 Submitted by M. Gracey, Kinder Morgan Inc.

This request proposes the addition of 1 code value for the data element 'Reduction Reason' in the following datasets for NAESB WGQ Version 3.1: NAESB WGQ Standard Nos. 1.4.4 (Confirmation Response), 1.4.5 (Scheduled Quantity), and 1.4.6 (Scheduled Quantity for Operator).
Recommendation approved by the WGQ Executive Committee on October 26, 2017 Request for Comments due
November 9, 2017
September 14, 2017 MC17015 Submitted by M. Hoffee, Northern Natural Gas

This request proposes the addition of 1 code value for the data element 'Notice Type' in the following dataset for the next available NAESB WGQ Version release: NAESB WGQ Standard 5.4.16 - System-Wide Notices
Recommendation approved by the WGQ Executive Committee on October 26, 2017 Request for Comments due
November 9, 2017
August 2, 2017 MC17014 Submitted by M. McCain, Spectra Energy Corp/Enbridge Inc.

Minor correction to NAESB WGQ Version 3.1: Nomination - NAESB WGQ Standard No. 1.4.1, Scheduled Quantity - NAESB WGQ Standard No. 1.4.5, Pre-determined Allocation - NAESB WGQ Standard No. 2.4.1, Allocation - NAESB WGQ Standard No. 2.4.3, Shipper Imbalance - NAESB WGQ Standard No. 2.4.4 and Transportation/Sales Invoice - NAESB WGQ Standard No. 3.4.1. Minor Correction to add Transaction Type 109 for Retrograde in the Nomination, Scheduled Quantity, Pre-determined Allocation, and Transportation/Sales Invoice. This Transaction Type is currently present in the Allocation and Shipper Imbalance. Also add a new Transaction Type for Retrograde - Estimate in the Nomination, Scheduled Quantity, Pre-determined Allocation, Allocation, Shipper Imbalance and Transportation/Sales Invoice.

Recommendation approved by the WGQ Executive Committee on August 17, 2017
Request for Comments due
August 31, 2017
August 1, 2017 MC17013 Submitted by the NAESB WGQ IR/Technical Subcommittees Co-Chairs

Minor correction to be included in Version 3.1, request the Usage of 'C' Conditional be added for EDI / FF for the data element 'Downstream Identifier Proprietary Code' in NAESB WGQ Standard No. 1.4.1 (Nomination). During a review it was discovered that the EDI / FF Usage for 'Downstream Identifier Proprietary Code' was inadvertently left blank in the Nomination (1.4.1) data set. The use of entity proprietary codes was introduced in Version 1.7 as part of R97058, which was ratified and published in 2003.

Recommendation approved by the WGQ Executive Committee on August 17, 2017
Request for Comments due
August 31, 2017
July 31, 2017 MC17012 Submitted by M. DiCarlo, Williams Companies, Inc.

Request to add a new Transaction Type Code Value in WGQ Version 3.1 Standard No. 3.4.1 Transportation/Sales Invoice - Data Element Transaction Type.

Recommendation approved by the WGQ Executive Committee on August 17, 2017
Request for Comments due
August 31, 2017
July 12, 2017 MC17011 Submitted by the NAESB WGQ IR/Technical Subcommittees Co-Chairs

Request to be included in Version 3.1 for the data set Transactional Reporting - Capacity Release - NAESB WGQ Standard No. 5.4.20. In the Transactional Reporting - Capacity Release data set, in the Code Values Dictionary, a correction made as part of MC15018 to add code values to the �Capacity Type Location Indicator� data element inadvertently did not include the corresponding code value description abbreviations.

Recommendation approved by the WGQ Executive Committee on August 17, 2017
Request for Comments due
August 31, 2017
June 22, 2017 MC17010 Submitted by M. Gracey, Kinder Morgan Inc

Request to add a code value for Location Purpose to Version 3.1 for NAESB WGQ Standard No. 5.4.21 (Transactional Reporting - Firm Transportation), and is needed for transactional postings to distinguish between the aggregate location and individual locations (Member Locations).

Recommendation approved by the WGQ Executive Committee on August 17, 2017
Request for Comments due
August 31, 2017
June 22, 2017 MC17009 Submitted by M. Gracey, Kinder Morgan Inc

Request to add code values for Validation Code (Sub-detail) to Version 3.1 for NAESB WGQ Standard No. 1.4.2 (Nomination Quick Response), and are needed to validate EPSQ at the sub-detail level.

Recommendation approved by the WGQ Executive Committee on August 17, 2017
Request for Comments due
August 31, 2017
May 22, 2017 MC17008 Submitted by M. Hoffee, Northern Natural Gas

For WGQ Version 3.1, WGQ Standard No. 1.4.5 (Scheduled Quantity) - This request proposes the addition of 2 code values for the data element Transaction Type that already exist in NAESB WGQ Standard Nos. 0.4.1 (Storage Information) and 3.4.1 (Transportation Invoice) datasets but were overlooked in NAESB WGQ Standard No. 1.4.5 (Scheduled Quantity).

Recommendation approved by the WGQ Executive Committee on August 17, 2017
Request for Comments due
August 31, 2017
May 1, 2017 MC17007 Submitted by the NAESB WGQ IR/Technical Subcommittees Co-Chairs

For WGQ Version 3.1 - This request proposes a correction to update the contact information to the Data Interchange Standards Association, Inc. (DISA) which has changed and needs to be correctly reflected in the NAESB WGQ Implementation Guides.

Recommendation approved by the WGQ Executive Committee on August 17, 2017
Request for Comments due
August 31, 2017
April 20, 2017 MC17006 Submitted by R. Hogge, Dominion Transmission Inc.

For WGQ Version 3.1 - This request proposes a correction after a review of the Sample ASC X12 Transaction to correctly represent one of the data elements in NAESB WGQ Standard No. 0.4.2 - Operational Capacity.

Recommendation approved by the WGQ Executive Committee on April 27, 2017
Request for Comments due
May 11, 2017
March 21, 2017 MC17004 Submitted by R. Hogge, Dominion Transmission Inc. and K. Van Pelt, Boardwalk Pipeline Partners, LP

For WGQ Version 3.1 - Modify the ANSI ASC X12 Version of the following data sets to the current ANSI ASC X12 Version: NAESB WGQ Standard No. 1.4.1 - Nomination and NAESB WGQ Standard No. 1.4.5 - Scheduled Quantity. Modify the Data Element Attributes in the QTY Segment, Position 1000, for data element 380 - Quantity in NAESB WGQ Standard No. 1.4.5 - Scheduled Quantity.

Recommendation approved by the WGQ Executive Committee on April 27, 2017
Request for Comments due
May 11, 2017
March 9, 2017 MC17003 Submitted by M. DiCarlo, Williams Companies Inc

For WGQ Version 3.1 Standard No. 3.4.1 Transportation/Sales Invoice - Data Element Transaction Type - Add 1 code value (Lease) for the data element Transaction Type.

Recommendation approved by the WGQ Executive Committee on April 27, 2017
Request for Comments due
May 11, 2017
January 19, 2017 MC16012 Submitted by M. Gracey, Kinder Morgan Inc

For NAESB WGQ Standard 0.4.3 (Unsubscribed Capacity), this request proposes adding four code values for the data element Location/Quantity Type Indicator consistent with the same code values already available for the data element Flow Indicator in NAESB WGQ Standard 0.4.2 (Operational Capacity)
Recommendation approved by the WGQ Executive Committee on February 23, 2017 Request for Comments due
March 13, 2017
December 1, 2016 MC16011 Submitted by K. Van Pelt, Gulf South Pipeline Company, LP

This request proposes adding Transaction Type Service Segmented - Virtual in the Nomination, Scheduled Quantity, Shipper Imbalance, and Transportation/Sales Invoice.
Recommendation approved by the WGQ Executive Committee on February 23, 2017 Request for Comments due
March 13, 2017
July 14, 2016 MC16010 Submitted by NAESB WGQ IR/Technical Subcommittees Co-Chairs

This request proposes a correction needed in the definition for data element 'Associated Receipt Location' in the Nomination (1.4.1) and Scheduled Quantity (1.4.5) data sets.

Recommendation approved by the WGQ Executive Committee on October 27, 2016
Request for Comments due
November 14, 2016
July 5, 2016 MC16009 Submitted by L. Spangler, Latitude Technologies Inc.

This request proposes adding two Transaction Type code values to the NAESB WGQ Standard 1.4.1 - Nomination and NAESB Standard 1.4.5 - Scheduled Quantity. The two new values would be: 'Storage Injection - Secondary' and 'Storage Withdrawal - Secondary'

Recommendation approved by the WGQ Executive Committee on October 27, 2016
Request for Comments due
November 14, 2016
January 26, 2016 MC16006 Submitted by M. Gracey, Kinder Morgan Inc

This request proposes adding code values for Capacity Type Location Indicator in NAESB WGQ Version 3.1, Standard Numbers: 5.4.24 (Offer), 5.4.25 (Bid), 5.4.26 (Award Download), 5.4.20 (Transactional Reporting - Capacity Release), 5.4.21 (Transactional Reporting - Firm).

Recommendation approved by the WGQ Executive Committee on February 25, 2016
Request for Comments due
March 11, 2016
January 21, 2016 MC16005 Submitted by D. Davis, Williams

This request proposes to correct the first paragraph of the Technical Implementation of Business Process (TIBP) of NAESB WGQ Standard No. 0.4.4 (Location Data Download) for the link to the lists of FERC CIDs in WGQ Version 3.0

Recommendation approved by the WGQ Executive Committee on February 25, 2016
Request for Comments due
March 11, 2016
January 21, 2016 MC16004 Submitted by S. Munson, Consultant, Dauphin Island Gathering Partners

This request proposes adding a code value in Location Data Download in NAESB WGQ Version 3.1, Standard Number 0.4.4. for Location State Abbreviation

Recommendation approved by the WGQ Executive Committee on February 25, 2016

Request for Comments due
March 11, 2016
January 12, 2016 MC16003 Submitted by D. Davis, Williams

This request proposes correcting the Technical Implementation of Business Process (TIBP) of NAESB WGQ Standard No. 2.4.17 (Producer Imbalance Statement) to correct standard reference in the first paragraph in WGQ Versions 2.0 and 3.0

Recommendation approved by the WGQ Executive Committee on February 25, 2016
Request for Comments due
March 11, 2016
January 12, 2016 MC16002 Submitted by M. Gracey, Kinder Morgan Inc

This request proposes adding a code value for Location State Abbreviation for the Location Data Download in NAESB WGQ Version 3.1, Standard Number 0.4.4.

Recommendation approved by the WGQ Executive Committee on February 25, 2016
Request for Comments due
March 11, 2016
January 12, 2016 MC16001 Submitted by M. Gracey, Kinder Morgan Inc

This request proposes adding code values for Release Type for the Offer in NAESB WGQ Version 3.1, Standard Number 5.4.24.

Recommendation revised and approved by the WGQ Executive Committee on February 25, 2016
Request for Comments due
March 11, 2016
December 8, 2015 MC15029 Submitted by Kim Van Pelt, Gulf South Pipeline Company, LP

This request proposes adding Location/Quantity Type Indicator codes for NAESB WGQ Version 3.0 WGQ Standard Nos: 5.4.20 (Transactional Reporting - Capacity Release), 5.4.24 (Offer), 5.4.25 (Bid) and 5.4.26 (Award Download)
Recommendation revised and approved by the WGQ Executive Committee on February 25, 2016 Request for Comments due
March 11, 2016
November 19, 2015 MC15028 Submitted by Dale Davis, Williams

This request proposes a correction to the EDI X12 Mapping Guidelines to correct the field length for the REF02 in the REF Segment (Detail) in the Measured Volume Audit Statement (NAESB WGQ Standard No. 2.4.6) for NAESB WGQ Version 3.0 to be reflected in WGQ Version 3.1.
Recommendation approved by the WGQ Executive Committee on February 25, 2016 Request for Comments due
March 11, 2016
November 5, 2015 MC15027 Submitted by Dale Davis, Williams and Steve McCord, Columbia Pipeline Group

This request proposes a correction to NAESB WGQ Version 3.0 after reviewing NAESB WGQ Standard No. 2.4.6 - Measured Volume Audit Statement, it was determined an error occurred in the application of Final Action R10004 (ratified March 30, 2012) by the NAESB office to the Transaction Set Table for the DTM Segments (Sub-detail). This minor correction is submitted to correct the application as intended in NAESB WGQ Final Action R10004.
Recommendation approved by the WGQ Executive Committee on February 25, 2016 Request for Comments due
March 11, 2016
November 5, 2015 MC15026 Submitted by Keith Sappenfield, Chairman, NAESB WGQ Contracts Subcommittee

This request proposes a correction to NAESB WGQ Version 3.0 Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) to NAESB WGQ Standard No. 6.3.1
Recommendation approved by the WGQ Executive Committee on February 25, 2016 Request for Comments due
March 11, 2016
October 15, 2015 MC15025 Submitted by M. Heier, TransCanada U.S. Pipelines and D. Davis, Williams

This request is for Version 3.0 and proposes to add mass Meter Type (ex: Coriolis) under the code value dictionary for the Measured Volume Audit Statement in NAESB WGQ Standard 2.4.6

Recommendation as approved by the WGQ Executive Committee on October 22, 2015
Request for Comments due
November 10, 2015
September 23, 2015 MC15023 Submitted by C. Wehlmann, TransCanada U.S. Pipelines

This request proposes to add additional Rate Identification Code for Offers under NAESB WGQ Standard 5.4.24, Bids under NAESB WGQ Standard 5.4.25 and Awards under NAESB WGQ Standard 5.4.26

Recommendation as approved by the WGQ Executive Committee on October 22, 2015
Request for Comments due
November 10, 2015
September 18, 2015 MC15022 Submitted by K. Van Pelt, Gulf South Pipeline Company, LP

This request proposes adding a Location/Quanty Type Indicator code to NAESB WGQ Version 3.0 Standard Nos. 5.4.20, 5.4.24, 5.4.25 and 5.4.26

Recommendation as approved by the WGQ Executive Committee on October 22, 2015
Request for Comments due
November 10, 2015
September 17, 2015 MC15021 Submitted by WGQ Pipeline Segment Executive Committee Members and Alternates listed

This request proposes a correction to NAESB WGQ Version 3.0 NAESB WGQ Standard No. 1.3.22

Recommendation as approved by the WGQ Executive Committee on October 22, 2015
Request for Comments due
November 10, 2015
August 28, 2015 MC15020 Submitted by T. Beard, TransCanada U.S. Pipelines

This request proposes to add additional Charge Types for the Transportation/Sales Invoice under NAESB WGQ Standard 3.4.1

Recommendation as approved by the WGQ Executive Committee on October 22, 2015
Request for Comments due
November 10, 2015
July 7, 2015 MC15018 Submitted by D. Davis, Williams

This request proposes various miscellaneous corrections to provide clarity and correctness to published NAESB WGQ Versions 2.0, 2.1, and 3.0

Recommendation as approved by the WGQ Executive Committee on October 22, 2015
Request for Comments due
November 10, 2015
June 9, 2015 MC15017 Submitted by M. Hoffee, Northern Natural Gas

This request proposes the reduction of maximum field length and notation of such in the implementation guide for the BGN 02 data element of the following datasets in the next available NAESB WGQ Version release: NAESB WGQ Standard 1.4.1 � Nomination

Recommendation as approved by the WGQ Executive Committee on October 22, 2015
Request for Comments due
November 10, 2015
June 9, 2015 MC15016 Submitted by M. Hoffee, Northern Natural Gas

This request proposes the addition of 1 code value for the data element �Rate Identification Code� in the following datasets for the NAESB WGQ Version 3.0 release: NAESB WGQ Standard 5.4.22 � Transactional Reporting � Interruptible Transportation

Recommendation as approved by the WGQ Executive Committee on October 22, 2015
Request for Comments due
November 10, 2015
May 15, 2015 MC15012 Submitted by the WGQ Executive Committee Chairman and Co-Chair

NAESB WGQ Version 3.0, Minor Corrections to accommodate modifications made in minor correction MC14018 as noted in the summary. The purpose of the proposed corrections provides consistency in NAESB WGQ Version 3.0.

Recommendation approved by the WGQ Executive Committee via notational ballot on May 29, 2015
Request for Comments due
June 15, 2015
May 15, 2015 MC15011 Submitted by the WGQ Executive Committee Chairman and Co-Chair

NAESB WGQ Version 2.0, Minor Corrections to accommodate modifications to NAESB Final Actions 2014 WGQ Annual Plan Items 11c (Parts 1 & 2) ratified by the WGQ membership on September 22, 2014 and MC14018 adopted by the WGQ EC via notational ballot on September 10, 2014 as noted in the summary. The purpose of the proposed corrections provides consistency in the application to NAESB WGQ Version 2.0 (FERC Order No. 809 issued April 16, 2015 in Docket No. RM14-2-000).

Recommendation approved by the WGQ Executive Committee via notational ballot on May 29, 2015
Request for Comments due
June 15, 2015
May 4, 2015 MC15010 Submitted by M. Gracey, Kinder Morgan

NAESB WGQ Version 3.1, Standard Number 5.4.24 � Add two new code values for the Discount Indicator

Recommendation as approved by the WGQ Executive Committee on October 22, 2015
Request for Comments due
November 10, 2015
April 28, 2015 MC15009 Submitted by WGQ Executive Committee Chairman and Co-Chairman

NAESB WGQ Versions 2.0 and 3.0 � Modify NAESB WGQ Standard No. 1.3.1 to insert the Gas Day start at 9:00 a.m. (FERC Order No. 809 issued April 16, 2015 in Docket No. RM14-2-000) and provide redlines to reflect consistency changes included in Final Action 2014 WGQ Annual Plan Item 11.c (Part 1 of 2), where �Intra-day� was changed to �Intraday� in the following NAESB WGQ Standard Nos. 1.1.15, 1.3.5, 1.3.8, 1.3.9, 1.3.11, 1.3.33, and 5.3.56.

Recommendation as approved by the WGQ Executive Committee on April 30, 2015
Request for Comments due
May 14, 2015
March 12, 2015 MC15005 Submitted by D. Davis, Williams

NAESB WGQ Versions 2.0, 2.1 and 3.0 � Various Miscellaneous Corrections

Recommendation as approved by the WGQ Executive Committee via notational ballot on April 9, 2015
Request for Comments due
May 1, 2015
February 4, 2015 MC15004 Submitted by D. Davis, Williams

NAESB WGQ Version 3.1 � Correction to Versions 2.1 and 3.0 Pre-determined Allocation data set - NAESB WGQ Standard No. 2.4.1 and Correction to PDA Transaction Type Matrix

Recommendation as approved by the WGQ Executive Committee via notational ballot on April 9, 2015
Request for Comments due
May 1, 2015
February 4, 2015 MC15003 Submitted by D. Davis, Williams

NAESB WGQ Version 3.1 � Correction to Versions 2.0, 2.1, and 3.0 Capacity Release Implementation Guide Executive Summary

Recommendation as approved by the WGQ Executive Committee via notational ballot on April 9, 2015
Request for Comments due
May 1, 2015
January 14, 2015 MC15002 Submitted by M. Gracey, Kinder Morgan Inc.

NAESB WGQ Version 3.1, Standard Numbers: 5.4.20, 5.4.21, and, 5.4.22 - Add a code value "Miscellaneous Surcharge" for the data element "Surcharge Identification Code."

Recommendation as approved by the WGQ Executive Committee via notational ballot on April 9, 2015
Request for Comments due
May 1, 2015
November 25, 2014 MC14027 Submitted by J. Sterrett, Rockies Express Pipeline LLC/Tallgrass Interstate Gas Transmission, LLC

New Nomination code value request for data element "Transaction Type" � Intra-lease Transaction.

Recommendation as approved by the WGQ Executive Committee via notational ballot on April 9, 2015
Request for Comments due
May 1, 2015
September 30, 2014 MC14025 Submitted by R. Hogge, Dominion Transmission Inc/Dominion Cove Point LNG LP and S. McCord, Columbia Pipeline Group

NAESB WGQ Standards v3.0 for the following Data Sets: 1.4.4 (Confirmation Response), 1.4.5 (Scheduled Quantity), 1.4.6 (Scheduled Quantity for Operator) - Requesting a new code value for the data element �Reduction Reason� for when there is no corresponding nomination at the delivery/receipt location with matching quantities.

Recommendation as approved by the WGQ Executive Committee on October 23, 2014
Request for Comments due
November 6, 2014
September 29, 2014 MC14024 Submitted by M. Draemer, Transwestern Pipeline Company, LLC

Proposed clarification to Paragraph 1.4.2 of NAESB WGQ Standard 6.3.3 Trading Partner Agreement to provide consistent

Recommendation as approved by the WGQ Executive Committee on October 22, 2015
Request for Comments due
November 10, 2015
September 26, 2014 MC14023 Submitted by R. Hogge, Dominion Transmission Inc/Dominion Cove Point LNG LP

NAESB WGQ Standards v3.0 for the following Data Set: 1.4.4 � Confirmation Response. Requesting new code values for the data element �Reduction Reason� for when a nomination is reduced because there is no upstream or downstream nomination.

Recommendation as approved by the WGQ Executive Committee on October 23, 2014
Request for Comments due
November 6, 2014
September 24, 2014 MC14022 Submitted by R. Hogge, Dominion Transmission Inc/Dominion Cove Point LNG LP

NAESB WGQ Standards v3.0 for the following Data Sets: 1.4.4 � Confirmation Response. Requesting new code values for the data element �Reduction Reason� for when a nomination is reduced due to a reduction from a confirming party, whether at a Receipt or a Delivery location.

Recommendation as approved by the WGQ Executive Committee on October 23, 2014
Request for Comments due
November 6, 2014
September 18, 2014 MC14021 Submitted by M. Gracey, Kinder Morgan Inc

Requests the addition of 1 code value for the data element �Reduction Reason� in NAESB WGQ Version 3.0, Standard Numbers: 1.4.4, 1.4.5, and 1.4.6.

Recommendation as approved by the WGQ Executive Committee on October 23, 2014
Request for Comments due
November 6, 2014
September 15, 2014 MC14020 Submitted by R. Hogge, Dominion Transmission Inc/Dominion Cove Point LNG LP

NAESB WGQ Standards Version 3.0 for 1.4.2 � Nomination Quick Response Data Set - Requesting a new Validation Code for when a nomination exceeds the Segment MDQ.
Minor Correction Request Withdrawn by Submitter on March 31, 2016  
September 15, 2014 MC14019 Submitted by R. Hogge, Dominion Transmission Inc/Dominion Cove Point LNG LP

NAESB WGQ Standards Version 3.0 for 1.4.4 � Confirmation Response Data Set - Requesting a new code value for the data element �Reduction Reason� for when a nomination is reduced due to bumping.

Recommendation as approved by the WGQ Executive Committee on October 23, 2014
Request for Comments due
November 6, 2014
September 2, 2014 MC14018 Submitted by NAESB Executive Committee Officers

NAESB WGQ Version 3.0, NAESB WGQ Standards Minor Corrections to accommodate modifications made in WGQ 2014 Annual Plan item 11c.

Recommendation as approved by the WGQ Executive Committee via Notational Ballot on September 10, 2014
Request for Comments due
September 25, 2014
September 2, 2014 MC14017 Submitted by M. Gracey, Kinder Morgan Inc.

NAESB WGQ Version 3.0, Standard Number 0.4.3 - Add two Location/Quantity Type Indicator Codes Segment(s) Backhaul Quantity and Segment(s) Forward Haul Quantity.

Recommendation as approved by the WGQ Executive Committee on October 23, 2014
Request for Comments due
November 6, 2014
September 2, 2014 MC14016 Submitted by M. Gracey, Kinder Morgan Inc.

NAESB WGQ Version 3.0, Standard Numbers: 1.4.1, 1.4.5, 2.4.3, and 3.4.1 - Add two Transaction Types - Downstream Delivery Service and Downstream Receipt Service.

Recommendation as approved by the WGQ Executive Committee on October 23, 2014
Request for Comments due
November 6, 2014
August 18, 2014 MC14014 Submitted by R. Hogge, Dominion Transmission

WGQ 5.4.25 requested corrections to clean-up BID data set.

Recommendation as approved by the WGQ Executive Committee on August 21, 2014
Request for Comments due
September 9, 2014
July 29, 2014 MC14013 Submitted by M. Draemer, ETC Tiger Pipeline, LLC

NAESB WGQ Version 2.2* - Add two Capacity Type Location Indicator code values to Transactional Reporting � Capacity Release (5.4.20), Transactional Reporting � Firm Transportation (5.4.21), Bid (5.4.25) and Award Download (5.4.26)

*NOTE: The WGQ publication schedule for the next publication was changed from Version 2.2 to Version 3.0 by the WGQ Executive Committee on May 1, 2014.

Recommendation as approved by the WGQ Executive Committee on August 21, 2014
Request for Comments due
September 9, 2014
July 11, 2014 MC14012 Submitted by R. Hogge, Dominion Transmission

Correct the spelling of two terms �Releasor� and �Offeror� in three code value descriptions in the Offer � NAESB WGQ Standard No. 5.4.24 to be applied to NAESB WGQ Versions 2.0 and 2.1 and are to be applied in Version 2.2*.

*NOTE: The WGQ publication schedule for the next publication was changed from Version 2.2 to Version 3.0 by the WGQ Executive Committee on May 1, 2014.

Recommendation as approved by the WGQ Executive Committee on August 21, 2014
Request for Comments due
September 9, 2014
April 2, 2014 MC14010 Submitted by D. Davis, Co-Chair Information Requirements Subcommittee

NAESB WGQ Version 2.2 �Correction to MC14005 - Correction to MC14005 to reflect addition of four codes for the data element Transaction Type in the Shipper Imbalance � NAESB WGQ Standard No. 2.4.4.

Recommendation as approved by the WGQ Executive Committee on May 1, 2014

Request for Comments
due May 22, 2014
March 10, 2014 MC14009 Submitted by M. Draemer and J. Studebaker, on behalf of Florida Gas Transmission Company, LLC, Transwestern Pipeline Company, LLC, Fayetteville Express Pipeline, LLC and ETC Tiger Pipeline, LLC

Request to add code values to the data element "reduction reason" in Confirmation Response (1.4.4), Scheduled Quantity (1.4.5) and Scheduled Quantity for Operator (1.4.6)
Minor Correction Request Withdrawn by Submitter on March 25, 2014  
February 25, 2014 MC14008 Submitted by T. Beard, TransCanada U.S. Pipelines

Change the Code Value Description and Code Value Definition for Charge Type Code Value �ACA� for the Transportation/Sales Invoice under NAESB WGQ Standard 3.4.1
Minor Correction Request Withdrawn by Submitter on April 3, 2014  
February 25, 2014 MC14007 Submitted by T. Beard, TransCanada U.S. Pipelines

Add additional Charge Types for the Transportation/Sales Invoice under NAESB WGQ Standard 3.4.1

Recommendation as approved by the WGQ Executive Committee on May 1, 2014

Request for Comments
due May 22, 2014
February 18, 2014 MC14006 Submitted by M. Schmitz, Northern Natural Gas

This request proposes the addition of 1 code value for the data element �Charge Type� in the NAESB WGQ Standard 3.4.1 � Transportation / Sales Invoice.
Minor Correction Request Withdrawn by Submitter on March 4, 2014  
February 7, 2014 MC14005 Submitted by M. Gracey, Kinder Morgan Inc

For standard number 1.4.1 (Nomination) add four Transaction Type Code values associated with Authorized Overrun for Park and Loan transactions.

Recommendation as approved by the WGQ Executive Committee on February 20, 2014

Request for Comments
due March 11, 2014
January 9, 2014 MC14002 Submitted by B. Martin, Kern River Gas Transmission Company

This request proposes an additional code value for the data element �Notice Type� in NAESB WGQ Standard No. 5.4.16 � System-Wide Notices (Code Values Dictionary) for publication in Version 2.2.

Recommendation as approved by the WGQ Executive Committee on February 20, 2014

Request for Comments
due March 11, 2014
January 2, 2014 MC14001 Submitted by M. Schmitz, Northern Natural Gas

This request proposes the addition of 1 code value for the data element �Rate Identification Code� in the following datasets for the next available NAESB WGQ Version release: NAESB WGQ Standard 5.4.22 � Transactional Reporting � Interruptible Transportation

Recommendation as approved by the WGQ Executive Committee on February 20, 2014

Request for Comments
due March 11, 2014
December 5, 2013 MC13029 Submitted by K. Van Pelt, Boardwalk Pipeline Partners, LP

NAESB WGQ Version 2.2 - Add three code values to NAESB Standard 5.4.16

Recommendation as approved by the WGQ Executive Committee on February 20, 2014

Request for Comments
due March 11, 2014
November 20, 2013 MC13027 Submitted by D. Davis, Co-Chair Information Requirements Subcommittee

NAESB WGQ Version 2.2 � Correction to NAESB WGQ Versions 2.0 and 2.1 Service Requester Level Charge / Allowance Invoice - NAESB WGQ Standard No. 3.4.4

Recommendation as approved by the WGQ Executive Committee on February 20, 2014

Request for Comments
due March 11, 2014
November 7, 2013 MC13026 Submitted by M. Schmitz, Northern Natural Gas

This request proposes a correction of the recommendation for R13007 (addition of 1 data element to the Award Download dataset).

Recommendation as approved by the WGQ Executive Committee on February 20, 2014

Request for Comments
due March 11, 2014
September 18, 2013 MC13023 Submitted by D. Davis � Co-Chair Information Requirements Subcommittee

Errata Correction to Versions 2.0 and 2.1 - The Information Requirements Subcommittee identified various errors in NAESB WGQ Version 2.1 which need to be corrected. In doing the research, some of the corrections also apply to NAESB WGQ Version 2.0.

Recommendation as approved by the WGQ Executive Committee on October 24, 2013
Request for Comments
due November 11, 2013
September 10, 2013 MC13022 Submitted by D. Davis, Williams Gas Pipeline on behalf of Transcontinental Gas Pipe Line

NAESB WGQ Version 2.2 � Add one code value (LNG Truck) for data element Transaction Type in the following data sets: Storage Information (NAESB WGQ Standard No. 0.4.1), Nominations (NAESB WGQ Standard No. 1.4.1), Scheduled Quantity (NAESB WGQ Standard No. 1.4.5), Allocations (NAESB WGQ Standard No. 2.4.3) and Transportation/Sales Invoice (NAESB WGQ Standard No. 3.4.1)

Recommendation as approved by the WGQ Executive Committee on October 24, 2013
Request for Comments
due November 11, 2013
September 5, 2013 MC13021 Submitted by M. Schmitz, Northern Natural Gas

This request proposes the addition of 1 code value for the data element �Charge Type� and 1 code value for the data element �Service Code� in the NAESB WGQ Standard 3.4.1 � Transportation / Sales Invoice.

Recommendation as approved by the WGQ Executive Committee on October 24, 2013
Request for Comments
due November 11, 2013
September 3, 2013 MC13020 Submitted by M. Schmitz, Northern Natural Gas

This request proposes the addition of 3 code values for the data element �Charge Type� in the NAESB WGQ Standard 3.4.1 � Transportation / Sales Invoice.
Minor Correction Request Withdrawn by Submitter on October 22, 2013  
August 29, 2013 MC13019 Submitted by D. Rager, NAESB

Joint WEQ/WGQ Minor Correction to the NAESB WEQ/WGQ Implementation Guide for Electronic Tariff Filing to correspond to modifications made by FERC to its OSEC Implementation Guide for Electronic Filing of Parts 35, 154, 284, 300, and 341 Tariff Filings as noted by FERC, dated August 12, 2013

Recommendation as approved by the WGQ Executive Committee on October 24, 2013
Request for Comments
due November 11, 2013
August 20, 2013 MC13018 Submitted by Dale Davis, Co-Chair Information Requirements Subcommittee

NAESB WGQ Version 2.1 � Errata Correction to Version 2.1 (correction to R10005) � Transactional Reporting � Capacity Release - NAESB WGQ Standard No. 5.4.20.

Recommendation as approved by the WGQ Executive Committee on August 22, 2013
Request for Comments
due September 10, 2013
July 26, 2013 MC13016 Submitted by K. Sappenfield, Chair WGQ Contracts Subcommittee

Master Agreement for Purchase, Sale or Exchange of Liquid Hydrocarbons, NAESB Standard 6.3.5 dated December 6, 2012 - Minor corrections and clarifications are required to eliminate ambiguities and clarify intentions of the counterparties.

Recommendation as approved by the WGQ Executive Committee on August 22, 2013
Request for Comments
due September 10, 2013
July 12, 2013 MC13014 Submitted by N. Sheffer, El Paso Natural Gas Company, L.L.C.

Version 2.1 NAESB WGQ Standard No. 1.4.1 �Nomination - For the Mandatory data element �Transaction Type,� add a new code for Hourly Entitlement Enhancement Nomination (HEEN) service.

Recommendation as approved by the WGQ Executive Committee on October 24, 2013
Request for Comments
due November 11, 2013
May 15, 2013 MC13012 Submitted by K. Van Pelt, Gulf South Pipeline Company, LP

NAESB WGQ Version 2.2 - Add Transaction Type Service Requester Swing in the Nomination, Scheduled Quantity, Pre-determined Allocation, Allocation, Shipper Imbalance, Transportation/Sales Invoice.

Recommendation as approved by the WGQ Executive Committee on August 22, 2013
Request for Comments
due September 10, 2013
May 13, 2013 MC13011 Submitted by M. Gracey, Tennessee Gas Pipeline Company, L.L.C.

NAESB WGQ Version 2.2 Standard Numbers: 1.4.1, 1.4.5, 2.4.1, and 2.4.3 - Add a Transaction Type Code value for the following�PALs Balancing-Nominated gas quantities required to transfer a PARK balance from one location to another.

Recommendation as approved by the WGQ Executive Committee on August 22, 2013
Request for Comments
due September 10, 2013
May 1, 2013 MC13010 Submitted by D. Davis, Williams Gas Pipeline

Principle NAESB WGQ Standard No. 0.1.1 does not match the corresponding principle in the NAESB WGQ/REQ/RGQ Internet ET. The purpose of this request is to determine if the difference is appropriate - NAESB WGQ Standard No. 0.1.1. (NAESB WGQ Version 2.2) - NAESB WGQ/REQ/RGQ Internet ET Standard No. 0.1.1
Recommendation - NO ACTION TO BE TAKEN

Recommendation as approved by the WGQ Executive Committee on August 22, 2013
May 1, 2013 MC13009 Submitted by M. Schmitz, Northern Natural Gas

Requests the addition of 1 code value for the data element �Reduction Reason� in the Scheduled Quantity datasets of NAESB WGQ Standards version 2.2 - NAESB WGQ Standard 1.4.5 � Scheduled Quantity and 1.4.6 Scheduled Quantity for Operator

Recommendation as approved by the WGQ Executive Committee on August 22, 2013
Request for Comments
due September 10, 2013
May 1, 2013 MC13008 Submitted by D. Davis, Chair WGQ Information Requirements Subcommittee

Provide clarity in the data dictionary to be consistent with the EDI ANSI X12 Data Element Cross Reference - Correction applicable to WGQ Version 2.1, to be applied in Version 2.2, in the Transportation/Sales Invoice (NAESB WGQ Standard No. 3.4.1)

Recommendation as approved by the WGQ Executive Committee on August 22, 2013
Request for Comments
due September 10, 2013
March 12, 2013 MC13007 Submitted by V. Price, CenterPoint Energy Gas Transmission

Requests the addition of 2 code values for the data element Transaction Type in the Transportation/Sales Invoice data set � NAESB WGQ Standard 3.4.1 for the next available NAESB WGQ Version release.

Recommendation as approved by the WGQ Executive Committee on August 22, 2013
Request for Comments
due September 10, 2013
March 8, 2013 MC13006 Submitted by D. Davis, Williams Gas Pipeline

NAESB WGQ Version 2.1 � Correct the data sets adopted as part of R12003 / R12004 � erroneous inclusion of two data elements.

Recommendation as approved by the WGQ Executive Committee via Notational Ballot on April 5, 2013

Request for Comments
due April 15, 2013
March 7, 2013 MC13005 Submitted by D. Davis, Williams Gas Pipeline

NAESB WGQ Version 2.1 � Correct the technical implementation adopted as part of R11012 � specifically for the Scheduled Quantity, NAESB WGQ Standard No. 1.4.5.

Recommendation as approved by the WGQ Executive Committee via Notational Ballot on April 5, 2013

Request for Comments
due April 15, 2013
February 26, 2013 MC13004 Submitted by R. Hogge, Dominion Transmission Inc. / Dominion Cove Point LNG LP

NAESB WGQ Version 2.1 � Add several code values for data element Charge Type in Transportation / Sales Invoice - NAESB WGQ Standard No. 3.4.1

Recommendation as approved by the WGQ Executive Committee on February 20, 2014

Request for Comments
due March 11, 2014
February 8, 2013 MC13003 Submitted by D. Davis, Williams Gas Pipeline

NAESB WGQ Version 2.1 � Modification to 2011 Annual Plan Item 7 / 2012 Annual Plan Item 8 � NAESB WGQ Standard No. [0.3.z7]

Recommendation as approved by the WGQ Executive Committee on February 21, 2013
Request for Comments
due March 14, 2013
February 6, 2013 MC13002 Submitted by D. Davis, Williams Gas Pipeline

NAESB WGQ Version 2.1 � Correction to R10004 � Sample Paper for Transactional Reporting � Capacity Release - NAESB WGQ Standard No. 5.4.20.

Recommendation as approved by the WGQ Executive Committee on February 21, 2013
Request for Comments
due March 14, 2013
January 15, 2013 MC13001 Submitted by J. Gross, Questar Pipeline Company

Correct the Code Value description in the Code Values Dictionary for the data element Transaction Type in the Nomination data set, NAESB WGQ Standard No. 1.4.1. Code Value 63 has an equals sign (=) but should be a hyphen (-).
Typographical error corrected by NAESB Office
December 28, 2012 MC12053 Submitted by D. Davis, Chair WGQ Information Requirements Subcommittee

Correct two Code Value descriptions and definitions in the Code Values Dictionary for the data element Reduction Reason in the following data sets: Confirmation Response - NAESB WGQ Standard No. 1.4.4, Scheduled Quantity - NAESB WGQ Standard No. 1.4.5 and Scheduled Quantity for Operator - NAESB WGQ Standard No. 1.4.6
Minor Correction Request Withdrawn by Submitter on January 2, 2013  
December 27, 2012 MC12052 Submitted by Several Pipelines (see list in request)

This request proposes modifying the Code Value Description for one of the existing codes for the data element �Cycle Indicator� in the following datasets for the next available NAESB WGQ Version release: Operational Capacity - NAESB WGQ Standard 0.4.2, Nomination - NAESB WGQ Standard 1.4.1, Request for Confirmation - NAESB WGQ Standard 1.4.3, Confirmation Response - NAESB WGQ Standard 1.4.4, Scheduled Quantity - NAESB WGQ Standard 1.4.5 Scheduled Quantity for Operator - NAESB WGQ Standard 1.4.6, Offer - NAESB WGQ Standard 5.4.24, Bid - NAESB WGQ Standard 5.4.25 and Award Download - NAESB WGQ Standard 5.4.26

Attachment 1 - Additional and Nomination Related Standards

Attachment 2 - Flowing Gas Related Standards

Attachment 3 - Invoicing Related Standards

Attachment 4 - Capacity Release Related Standards

Final Action - Ratified September 25, 2014

Final Action (Attachment 1) - Additional and Nomination Related Standards

Final Action (Attachment 2) - Flowing Gas Related Standards

Final Action (Attachment 3) - Invoicing Related Standards

Final Action (Attachment 4) - Capacity Release Related Standards

Request for Comments Due August 18, 2014
December 11, 2012 MC12051 Submitted by M. Schmitz, Northern Natural Gas

This request proposes the addition of 2 code values for the data element �Transaction Type� in the following datasets for the next available NAESB WGQ Version release: NAESB WGQ Standard 1.4.5 � Scheduled Quantity and NAESB WGQ Standard 3.4.1 � Transportation / Sales Invoice

Recommendation as approved by the WGQ Executive Committee on February 21, 2013
Request for Comments
due March 14, 2013
December 6, 2012 MC12050 Submitted by M. Schmitz, Northern Natural Gas

This request proposes the update of code values for the data element �Location/Quantity Type Indicator� in the following datasets for the next available NAESB WGQ Version release: NAESB WGQ Standard 5.4.20 � Transactional Reporting - Capacity Release, NAESB WGQ Standard 5.4.21 � Transactional Reporting - Firm Transportation, and NAESB WGQ Standard 5.4.22 � Transactional Reporting - Interruptible Transportation
Minor Correction Request Withdrawn by Submitter on January 15, 2013  
December 3, 2012 MC12049 - Revised Submitted by D. Davis, Chair WGQ Information Requirements Subcommittee

Correct the applicable LQ Segments (Detail and Sub-detail), Data element Reduction Reason LQ02 Descriptions in the affected Transaction Set Tables for: Scheduled Quantity - NAESB WGQ Standard No. 1.4.5, Scheduled Quantity for Operator - NAESB WGQ Standard No. 1.4.6 and Confirmation Response - NAESB WGQ Standard No. 1.4.4

Recommendation as approved by the WGQ Executive Committee on February 21, 2013
Request for Comments
due March 14, 2013
November 29, 2012 MC12048 Submitted by D. Davis, Williams Gas Pipeline on behalf of Transcontinental Gas Pipe Line

NAESB WGQ Version 2.1 � Add nine code values for data element Charge Type in Transportation / Sales Invoice - NAESB WGQ Standard No. 3.4.1

Recommendation as approved by the WGQ Executive Committee on February 21, 2013
Request for Comments
due March 14, 2013
November 29, 2012 MC12047 Submitted by P. Love, Natural Gas Pipeline Company of America LLC

Version 2.1 WGQ Standard No. 7.3.38

Request R10005, ratified on September 19, 2011 eliminated the business practice that was addressed in this interpretation. It was an oversight that the deletion of this interpretation was not included in the R10005 recommendation.

Recommendation as approved by the WGQ Executive Committee on February 21, 2013
Request for Comments
due March 14, 2013
November 27, 2012 MC12046 Submitted by D. Davis and R. Davis, Williams Gas Pipeline and Carolina Gas Transmission Corporation

NAESB WGQ Version 2.0 Standard Nos.: Transactional Reporting � Capacity Release (NAESB WGQ Standard No. 5.4.20), Transactional Reporting � Firm Transportation (NAESB WGQ Standard No. 5.4.21) and Transactional Reporting � Interruptible Transportation (NAESB WGQ Standard No. 5.4.22). This request is a companion request to MC12043. MC 12043 uncovered an issue that is also resident in the three transactional reporting data sets. Therefore, this request asks for the same correction to be made in them as well.

Recommendation as approved by the WGQ Executive Committee on February 21, 2013
Request for Comments
due March 14, 2013
November 19, 2012 MC12045 Submitted by K. Brooks, WBI Energy Transmission, Inc.

Version 2.0 NAESB WGQ Standard No. 0.4.2 � Operational Capacity - For the mandatory data element �Flow Indicator,� add four new codes for flow indicators equal to North, South, East and West.

Recommendation as approved by the WGQ Executive Committee on February 21, 2013
Request for Comments
due March 14, 2013
November 12, 2012 MC12044 Submitted by K. Brooks, WBI Energy Transmission, Inc.

Version 2.0 NAESB WGQ Standard No. 2.4.10 Posted Imbalances Download

Add code value for Imbalance Direction Indicator

Final Action - Ratified September 25, 2014
Request for Comments Due August 18, 2014
November 12, 2012 MC12043 Submitted by K. Brooks, WBI Energy Transmission, Inc.

Version 2.0 NAESB WGQ Standard No. 0.4.2 � Operational Capacity and 0.4.3 � Unsubscribed Capacity: 1. Change EBB Usage of Location Purpose and Location Purpose Description to �Conditional� and 2. Add Condition to Location Purpose and Location Purpose Description of �For EBB, at least one of the Location Purpose or Location Purpose Description is required.�

Recommendation as approved by the WGQ Executive Committee on February 21, 2013
Request for Comments
due March 14, 2013
November 12, 2012 MC12042 Submitted by K. Brooks, WBI Energy Transmission, Inc.

Version 2.0 NAESB WGQ Standard No. 2.4.9 Authorization to Post Imbalance

Add code value for Authorization Indicator

Final Action - Ratified September 25, 2014
Request for Comments Due August 18, 2014
November 7, 2012 MC12041 Submitted by R. Hogge, Dominion Transmission, Inc., Dominion Cove Point LNG, LP, and Dominion South Pipeline Company, LPD.

NAESB WGQ Standards v2.1 - NAESB WGQ Standard No. 1.4.1 � Nomination, NAESB WGQ Standard No. 1.4.5 � Scheduled Quantity, NAESB WGQ Standard No. 2.4.1 � Pre-determined Allocation, NAESB WGQ Standard No. 2.4.3 � Allocation, NAESB WGQ Standard No. 2.4.4 � Shipper Imbalance and NAESB WGQ Standard No. 3.4.1 � Transportation / Sales Invoice

Dominion is requesting an additional code value for the data element Transaction Type for the previously listed data sets to accommodate our business need to specify the Electronic Balancing Agreement type of agreement in transportation transactions.
Minor Correction Request Withdrawn by Submitter on December 4, 2012  
October 10, 2012 MC12039 Submitted by D. Davis, Williams Gas Pipeline

NAESB WGQ Version 2.1 - Correct the Transaction Set Tables for Errors and Warnings (Heading), (Detail), and (Sub-detail) in the following data set: Pre-determined Allocation Quick Response NAESB WGQ Standard No. 2.4.2.

as Approved by the WGQ Executive Committee on October 25, 2012
Request for Comments
due November 15, 2012
October 10, 2012 MC12038 Submitted by D. Davis, Williams Gas Pipeline

NAESB WGQ Version 2.1 - Minor Corrections to recommendation R05027 - NAESB WGQ Standard Nos. 2.4.2, 2.4.4 and 3.4.1

as Approved by the WGQ Executive Committee on October 25, 2012
Request for Comments
due November 15, 2012
October 10, 2012 MC12037 Submitted by D. Davis, Williams Gas Pipeline

NAESB WGQ Version 2.1 - Correct Data Element Quick Guide � Creation of Bid in the recommendation R11011 / MC11007 in the following data set: Bid NAESB WGQ Standard No.5.4.25

as Approved by the WGQ Executive Committee on October 25, 2012
Request for Comments
due November 15, 2012
September 18, 2012 MC12033 Submitted by M. Schmitz, Northern Natural Gas

This request proposes the addition of 4 code values for the data element �Capacity Type Indicator� in the NAESB WGQ Standard 1.4.5 � Scheduled Quantity of the NAESB WGQ Version 2.1 release.

as Approved by the WGQ Executive Committee on October 25, 2012
Request for Comments
due November 15, 2012
September 7, 2012 MC12031 Submitted by S. Peters, Quorum Business Solutions

NAESB WGQ 2.0 Standard No. 5.4.16 and Standard No. 4.3.29 - Minor correction request for the WGQ standards to provide consistency in abbreviation for Imbalance Trading between the notice types used by Informational Posting Website and System-Wide Notices.

Recommendation as approved by the WGQ Executive Committee on February 21, 2013
Request for Comments
due March 14, 2013
August 16, 2012 MC12030 Submitted by D. Davis, Williams Gas Pipeline

Minor Correction to NAESB Version 2.1, for the Data Element �Location � Initiating Trader�, inadvertently, in the data dictionaries, the new data element �Location � Initiating Trader� was typed in as �Location Period � Initiating Trader� (Ref: R09009 (adopted by the EC 8/18/11, ratified 9/19/11)). The purpose of this minor correction is to correct this typo by deleting the word �Period� from the data element name.

as Approved by the WGQ Executive Committee on August 23, 2012
Request for Comments
due September 12, 2012
August 16, 2012 MC12029 Submitted by D. Davis, Williams Gas Pipeline

For the data element Cycle Indicator, MC10040 (EC adopted by notational ballot 1/18/11) added 4 code values TD22-TD25 and modified the code value description for the existing 21 code values TD1 � TD21. It appears that the Code Value Definitions for the existing 21 code values were inadvertently not modified to be consistent with those of the four new ones (or the similar existing code value definitions in the Operating Capacity � NAESB WGQ Standard No. 0.4.2).

as Approved by the WGQ Executive Committee on August 23, 2012
Request for Comments
due September 12, 2012
August 16, 2012 MC12028 Submitted by D. Davis, Williams Gas Pipeline

Modify the Data Element Quick Guides to the NAESB WGQ Version 2.1 Standard No. 5.4.24 (Offer), Standard No. 5.4.25 (Bid) and Standard No. 5.4.26 (Award Download) data sets to include new data elements that were inadvertently not added in the original recommendations.

as Approved by the WGQ Executive Committee on August 23, 2012
Request for Comments
due September 12, 2012
August 1, 2012 MC12027

Submitted by K. Sappenfield, Chair WGQ Contracts Subcommittee

Correct legal cites to legal federal regulations in the Government Acquisition Provisions Addendum (GAPA) to the Base Contract for Sale and Purchase of Natural Gas, Ratified June 11, 2012
as Approved by the WGQ Executive Committee on August 23, 2012

Request for Comments
due September 12, 2012
June 11, 2012 MC12024 Submitted by D. Davis, Chair, WGQ Information Requirements Subcommittee

Correct the condition for the data element Location Indicator Data in Transactional Reporting � Interruptible Transportation � NAESB WGQ Standard No. 5.4.22.

as Approved by the WGQ Executive Committee on August 23, 2012
Request for Comments
due September 12, 2012
June 11, 2012 MC12023 Submitted by D. Davis, Chair, WGQ Information Requirements Subcommittee

Correct two Code Values in the Code Values Dictionary of the Invoicing Related Standards Manual for the data element Charge Type in the Transportation/Sales Invoice NAESB WGQ Standard No. 3.4.1. Correction applicable to WGQ Versions 1.9 and 2.0, to be applied in Version 2.1.

as Approved by the WGQ Executive Committee on August 23, 2012
Request for Comments
due September 12, 2012
June 11, 2012 MC12022 Submitted by K. Brooks, Williston Basin Interstate Pipeline Company

Add 1 code value for transaction type in the following datasets for the NAESB WGQ Version 2.0 release: WGQ Standards 1.4.1 Nomination, 1.4.5 Scheduled Quantity and 3.4.1 Invoice.

as Approved by the WGQ Executive Committee on August 23, 2012
Request for Comments
due September 12, 2012
June 5, 2012 MC12021 Submitted by M. Draemer, ETC Tiger Pipeline, LLC

For the NAESB WGQ Version 2.1 release, this request proposes the addition of two code values for the data element Capacity Type Location Indicator in NAESB WGQ Standard 5.4.24 � Offer.

as Approved by the WGQ Executive Committee on August 23, 2012
Request for Comments
due September 12, 2012
May 11, 2012 MC12019 Submitted by M. Schmitz, Northern Natural Gas

Proposes the addition of 1 code value for the data element �Capacity Type Location Indicator� in the following datasets for the NAESB WGQ Version 2.0 release: NAESB WGQ Standard 5.4.24 � Offer

as Approved by the WGQ Executive Committee on August 23, 2012
Request for Comments
due September 12, 2012
May 11, 2012 MC12018 - Revised 6/15/12 Submitted by M. Schmitz, Northern Natural Gas

Proposes the addition of 2 code value for the data element �Charge Type� in the NAESB WGQ Standard 3.4.1 � Transportation / Sales Invoice of the NAESB WGQ Version 2.0 release

as Approved by the WGQ Executive Committee on August 23, 2012
Request for Comments
due September 12, 2012
May 11, 2012 MC12017 Submitted by M. Schmitz, Northern Natural Gas

Proposes the addition of 1 code value for the data element �Meter Type� in the following datasets for the NAESB WGQ Version 2.0 release: NAESB WGQ Standard 2.4.6 � Measured Volume Audit Statement

as Approved by the WGQ Executive Committee on August 23, 2012
Request for Comments
due September 12, 2012
May 1, 2012 MC12016 Submitted by M. Schmitz, Northern Natural Gas

WGQ Version 2.1, add one new code value for the data element "Validation Code (Sub-detail)" in NAESB WGQ Standard No. 1.4.2 (Nomination Quick Response).

as Approved by the WGQ Executive Committee on August 23, 2012
May 1, 2012 MC12015 Submitted by D. Davis and M. Stender, Joint WGQ Information Requirements/Technical Subcommittee

WGQ Versions 1.9 and 2.0, to be incorporated in Version 2.1
Correct the segment level usage and the segment level note for the LQ Segment position 0800.

WGQ Versions 1.9 and 2.0, to be incorporated in Version 2.1, Recommendation as approved by the WGQ Executive Committee on May 3, 2012
Request for Comments
due May 24, 2012
May 1, 2012 MC12014 Submitted by D. Davis and M. Stender, Joint WGQ Information Requirements/Technical Subcommittee

WGQ Versions 1.9 and 2.0, to be incorporated in Version 2.1
Correct the qualifier in the REF Segments (Heading) Transaction Set Table for the data element Offer Package Identifier.

WGQ Versions 1.9 and 2.0, to be incorporated in Version 2.1, Recommendation as approved by the WGQ Executive Committee on May 3, 2012
Request for Comments
due May 24, 2012
April 17, 2012 MC12013 Submitted by M. Schmitz, Northern Natural Gas

WGQ Version 2.1, add 2 new code values for the data element "Adjustment Type" in NAESB WGQ Standard No. 2.4.4 (Shipper Imbalance).

WGQ Version 2.1, Recommendation as approved by the WGQ Executive Committee on May 3, 2012
Request for Comments
due May 24, 2012
April 17, 2012 MC12012 Submitted by M. Schmitz, Northern Natural Gas

WGQ Version 2.1, add 5 new code values for the data element "Reduction Reason" in NAESB WGQ Standard Nos. 1.4.5 (Scheduled Quantity) and 1.4.6 (Scheduled Quantity for Operator).

WGQ Version 2.1, Recommendation as approved by the WGQ Executive Committee on May 3, 2012
Request for Comments
due May 24, 2012
April 4, 2012 MC12011 Transferred to C12004 Submitted by B. Jones, NOVA Gas Transmission Ltd.

WGQ Version 2.0, NAESB WGQ Standard No. 2.3.14 (Measurement Data Corrections)
MC12011 Transferred to C12004  
March 26, 2012 MC12009 Submitted by P. Kramer, Boardwalk Pipelines

WGQ versions 1.9 and later versions
3.4.1 Transportation/Sales Invoice
Add a new code value to the Transaction Type data element
and Modify the Code Value Definition for Reservation/Enhanced Nomination Service, Code Value 143, in the Transaction Type data element (added with MC11021), to clarify this code applies to Reservation charges.

WGQ Versions 1.9 and later, to be incorporated in Version 2.1, Recommendation as approved by the WGQ Executive Committee on May 3, 2012
Request for Comments
due May 24, 2012
March 30, 2012 MC12008 Submitted by D. Davis, Williams Gas Pipeline

Corrections to be included in NAESB WGQ Version 2.1 -
NAESB WGQ Standard No. 5.4.14 (Upload of Request for Download of Posted Datasets) and NAESB WGQ Standard No. 5.4.15 (Response to Upload of Request for Download of Posted Datasets)
and For the data element Transportation Service Provider, add footnote references �*� and �4�.

WGQ Version 2.1, Recommendation as approved by the WGQ Executive Committee on May 3, 2012
Request for Comments
due May 24, 2012
March 16, 2012 MC12007 Submitted by M. Draemer, ETC Tiger Pipeline, LLC, Fayetteville Express Pipeline LLC, Transwestern Pipeline Company, LLC

Request is for new Nomination Quick Response Validation Codes - To the Nomination Quick Response document (1.4.2), add new Nominations Quick Response Validation Codes (Sub-detail).
Minor Correction Request Withdrawn by Submitter on April 16, 2014  
March 14, 2012 MC12006 Submitted by J. Buccigross, Group 8760 LLC

WGQ Version 2.0, Standard No. 0.3.21 - Clarify standard language for 0.3.21 for clarification purposes
WGQ Version 2.0, Minor Correction as approved by the WGQ Executive Committee via notational ballot on March 27, 2012 Request for Comments
due April 12, 2012
March 14, 2012 MC12005 Submitted by J. Buccigross, Group 8760 LLC

WGQ Version 2.0, Standard No. 0.3.19 - Modify standard language for 0.3.19 for clarification purposes
WGQ Version 2.0, Minor Correction as approved by the WGQ Executive Committee via notational ballot on March 27, 2012 Request for Comments
due April 12, 2012
February 21, 2012 MC12004 Submitted by D. Davis and M. Stender, Joint WGQ Information Requirements/Technical Subcomittee

NAESB WGQ Versions 1.9 and 2.0 - Correct the ASC X12 Mapping Guidelines in Confirmation Response - NAESB WGQ Standard No. 1.4.4.

WGQ Version 2.1, Minor Correction as approved by the WGQ Executive Committee on February 23, 2012
Request for Comments
due March 15, 2012
January 30, 2012 MC12002 Submitted by R. Hogge, Dominion Transmission

To correct information in the NAESB WGQ Standard No. 5.4.26, Award Download, v2.0 in the TIBP for Award Download regarding the Replacement Shipper Role Indicator

WGQ Version 2.1, Minor Correction as approved by the WGQ Executive Committee on February 23, 2012
Request for Comments
due March 15, 2012
January 30, 2012 MC12001 Submitted by R. Hogge, Dominion Transmission

To correct spelling in the NAESB WGQ Standard No. 2.4.1 � Pre-determined Allocation

WGQ Version 2.1, Minor Correction as approved by the WGQ Executive Committee on February 23, 2012
Request for Comments
due March 15, 2012
December 21, 2011 MC11032 Submitted by D. Rager, NAESB

Joint WEQ/WGQ Minor Correction to the NAESB WEQ/WGQ Implementation Guide for Electronic Tariff Filing to correspond to modifications made by FERC to its Implementation Guide for Electronic Filing of Parts 25, 154, 284, 300, and 341 Tariff Filings as noted by FERC, dated December 22, 2011
WEQ Version 2.1 and WGQ Version 2.0, Minor Correction as approved by the Joint WEQ and WGQ EC's via notational ballot on February 3, 2012 Request for Comments
due February 20, 2012
November 21, 2011 MC11031 Submitted by D. Davis and M. Stender, Joint WGQ Information Requirements/Technical Subcommittee

Errata for NAESB WGQ Version 2.0 - Correct the Technical Implementation of Business Process, Code Values for the Data Element Associated Transaction Set, and ASC X12 Mapping Guidelines in Note/Special Instruction - NAESB WGQ Standard No. 5.4.17

WGQ Version 2.0, Minor Correction as approved by the WGQ EC via notational ballot on December 5, 2011
Request for Comments
due December 19, 2011
October 26, 2011 MC11030 Submitted by D. Davis and M. Stender, Joint WGQ Information Requirements/Technical Subcommittee

Errata for NAESB WGQ Versions 1.9 and 2.0 - Delete the duplicate data element �Transportation Service Provider� in the Nomination Quick Response � NAESB WGQ Standard No. 1.4.2

WGQ Versions 1.9 and 2.0, Minor Correction as approved by the WGQ EC on October 27, 2011
Request for Comments
due November 16, 2011
September 23, 2011 MC11028 Submitted by M. Schmitz, Northern Natural Gas

NAESB WGQ 2.1 Standards - This request proposes the addition of 1 code value for the data element �Rate Charged Reference� in the following datasets for the NAESB WGQ Version 2.1 release: NAESB WGQ Standard 5.4.21 - Transactional Reporting � Firm Transportation
Minor Correction Request Withdrawn by Submitter on April 4, 2012  
September 2, 2011 MC11027 Submitted by K. Brooks, Williston Basin Interstate Pipeline Company

Errata to Version 2.0 - In WGQ Standard 4.3.29 in Version 2.0, Notice Type is spelled �Operational flow order� as is the Code Value Description in Standard 5.4.16. Both the �f� and the �o� should be capitalized. The changes also need to be made in the QEDM manual, Booklet 1 of 1.

WGQ Version 2.0, Minor Correction as approved by the WGQ EC on October 27, 2011
Request for Comments
due November 16, 2011
August 30, 2011 MC11026 Submitted by J. Buchanan, Transwestern Pipeline Company, LLC, Fayetteville Express Pipeline LLC and ETC Tiger Pipeline, LLC

NAESB WGQ 2.1 Standards -Scheduled Quantity (1.4.5) and Scheduled Quantity for Operator (1.4.6) - Request is for new Scheduled Quantity and Scheduled Quantity for Operator Reduction Reason codes

WGQ Version 2.1, Minor Correction as approved by the WGQ EC on October 27, 2011
Request for Comments
due November 16, 2011
August 4, 2011 MC11025 Submitted by K. Brooks, Williston Basin Interstate Pipeline Company

For Transactional Reporting � Interruptible � add a code value to the data element �Rate Identification Code� for authorized overrun - NAESB WGQ 2.1 Standards, Transactional Reporting � Interruptible 5.4.22

WGQ Version 2.1, Minor Correction as approved by the WGQ EC on August 18, 2011
Request for Comments
due September 1, 2011
July 22, 2011 MC11024 Submitted by M. Schmitz, Northern Natural Gas

This request proposes the addition of 1 code value for the data element �Charge Type� in the following datasets for the NAESB WGQ Version 2.0 release: NAESB WGQ Standard 3.4.1 � Transportation / Sales Invoice
Recommendation - NO ACTION TO BE TAKEN
approved by the WGQ EC on August 18, 2011
Approved by the WGQ EC on
August 18, 2011
July 19, 2011 MC11023 Submitted by M. Stender, Co-chair WGQ Technical Subcommittee

Errata for NAESB WGQ Version 2.0 - Correct the Data Element Cross Reference to ASCX12 for the N1 sub-detail usages for the data elements Upstream Identifier Code/Upstream Identifier Proprietary Code and Downstream Identifier Code/Downstream Identifier Proprietary Code in the column �Usage with Nominator's Tracking ID P N T U� from �nu nu nu nu� to �M C nu C�

WGQ Version 2.0, Minor Correction as approved by the WGQ EC on August 18, 2011
Request for Comments
due September 1, 2011
July 19, 2011 MC11022 Submitted by WGQ Interpretation Subcommittee

Errata for NAESB WGQ Version 2.0

WGQ Version 2.0, Minor Correction as approved by the WGQ EC on August 18, 2011
Request for Comments
due September 1, 2011
July 1, 2011 MC11021 Submitted by P. Kramer, Boardwalk Pipelines

NAESB WGQ Standard No. 3.4.1 Transportation/Sales Invoice - to add a new code value to the Transaction Type data element

WGQ Version 2.1, Minor Correction as approved by the WGQ EC on October 27, 2011
Request for Comments
due November 16, 2011
June 28, 2011 MC11020 Submitted by Keith M. Sappenfield, II, Chair, WGQ Contracts Subcommittee

WGQ Version 2.0 Minor correction - Correction of inadvertent typographical error in published NAESB WGQ Standard No. 6.3.1 - NAESB Base Contract for Sale and Purchase of Natural Gas dated September 5, 2006.
WGQ Version 2.0, Minor Correction as approved by the WGQ EC on August 18, 2011 Request for Comments
due September 1, 2011
June 6, 2011 MC11019 Submitted by D. Davis and C. Burden, Williams Gas Pipeline on behalf of Transcontinental Gas Pipe Line

Add the code values �Swing Service Overtake� and �Unauthorized Take� for the data element �Transaction Type� in the following data sets: NAESB WGQ Standard No. 2.4.3 � Allocation, NAESB WGQ Standard No. 2.4.4 � Shipper Imbalance and NAESB WGQ Standard No. 3.4.1 � Transportation/Sales Invoice

WGQ Version 2.1, Minor Correction as approved by the WGQ EC on October 27, 2011
Request for Comments
due November 16, 2011
May 2, 2011 MC11018 Submitted by M. Schisler, Kinder Morgan Inc.

Minor Correction regarding adding Reduction Reason code value �CNM� to all applicable documents.

WGQ Version 2.1, Minor Correction as approved by the WGQ EC on August 18, 2011
Request for Comments
due September 1, 2011
May 17, 2011 MC11017 Submitted by S. Peters, Quorum Business Solutions, Inc.

Minor Correction for NAESB WGQ Standard 5.4.24 - Conflicting Code Values

WGQ Version 2.0, Minor Correction as approved by the WGQ EC on August 18, 2011
Request for Comments
due September 1, 2011
April 26, 2011 MC11016 Submitted by D. Rager, NAESB

Joint WEQ/WGQ Minor Correction to the NAESB WEQ/WGQ Implementation Guide for Electronic Tariff Filing to correspond to modifications made by FERC to its Implementation Guide for Electronic Filing of Parts 25, 154, 284, 300, and 241 Tariff Filings as noted in the FERC eTariff RSS Feed(s), dated April 18, 2011
WGQ Version 2.0 and WEQ Version 002.1, Minor Correction approved by the NAESB WGQ Executive Committee on May 5, 2011 Request for Comments
due May 19, 2011
April 26, 2011 MC11014 Submitted by D. Davis, Williams Gas Pipeline

Errata for miscellaneous corrections to NAESB WGQ Standards, Versions 1.9 and 2.0

WGQ Versions 1.9 and 2.0 Minor correction approved by the NAESB WGQ Executive Committee on May 5, 2011
Request for Comments
due May 19, 2011
April 20, 2011 MC11013 Submitted by Kelly Brooks, Williston Basin Interstate Pipeline Company

Special Terms and Miscellaneous Notes - Offer Upload, Offer Download, Offer Notification, Bid Upload, Bid Download, Award Download and Transactional Reporting

WGQ Versions 1.9 and 2.0 Minor correction approved by the NAESB WGQ Executive Committee on May 5, 2011
Request for Comments
due May 19, 2011
March 9, 2011 MC11008
Transferred to
Submitted by Kelly Brooks, Williston Basin Interstate Pipeline Company

NAESB WGQ Standard Nos. 5.4.24: Offer � add a code value to the Business Conditional data element �Capacity Type Location Indicator� for capacity that is �Primary thru Storage�, NAESB WGQ Standard Nos. 5.4.20, 5.4.25 and 5.4.26 Transactional Reporting � Capacity Release, Bid and Award � add a date element that is Business Conditional �Capacity Type Location Indicator�.
Minor Correction Request transferred to R11011  
March 9, 2011 MC11007 Submitted by Kelly Brooks, Williston Basin Interstate Pipeline Company

NAESB WGQ Standard No. 5.4.21: Transactional Reporting - Firm, add a code value to the Sender�s Option data element �Capacity Type Indicator� for capacity that is �Primary thru Storage�.
Recommendation Processed with R11011 (WGQ Request for Formal Comments Due June 11, 2012)
March 9, 2011 MC11006 Submitted by M. Draemer, Transwestern Pipeline Company, Fayetteville Express Pipeline and ETC Tiger Pipeline

Request is for new Nomination Quick Response Validation Codes - To the Nomination Quick Response document (1.4.2), add new Nominations Quick Response Validation Codes (Sub-detail).
Minor Correction Request Withdrawn by Submitter on March 16, 2012  
February 25, 2011 MC11005 Submitted by M. Schmitz, Northern Natural Gas

This request proposes the addition of 4 code values for the data element �Rate Identification Code� in the following datasets for the NAESB WGQ Version 2.0 release: NAESB WGQ Standard 5.4.20 � Transactional Reporting � Capacity Release and NAESB WGQ Standard 5.4.21 � Transactional Reporting � Firm Transportation

WGQ Version 2.1, Minor Correction as approved by the WGQ EC via Notational Ballot on April 8, 2011
Request for Comments
due April 28, 2011
January 13, 2011 MC11004 (R11006) Submitted by B. Troicuk, Alliance Pipeline L.P.

Request to add non-negotiated based release code values to the data element �Releaser Designation of Acceptable Bidding Basis� for NAESB WGQ Standard No. 5.4.24 - Offer

WGQ Version 2.1, Minor Correction/Recommendation as approved by the WGQ EC on August 18, 2011
Request for Comments/Ratification Ballot (R11006 portion)
due September 19, 2011
January 13, 2011 MC11003 (R11003) Submitted by B. Troicuk, Alliance Pipeline L.P.

Request to add several non-indexed based release code values to the data element �Bidder Designation of Bidding Basis for Standard 5.4.26 Award Download

WGQ Version 2.1, Minor Correction/Recommendation as approved by the WGQ EC on August 18, 2011
Request for Comments/Ratification Ballot (R11006 portion)
due September 19, 2011
January 13, 2011 MC11002 (R11002) Submitted by B. Troicuk, Alliance Pipeline L.P.

Request to add several non-indexed based release code values to the data element Bidder Designation of Bidding Basis for NAESB WGQ Standard No. 5.4.25 Bid

WGQ Version 2.1, Minor Correction/Recommendation as approved by the WGQ EC on August 18, 2011
Request for Comments/Ratification Ballot (R11006 portion)
due September 19, 2011
January 13, 2011 MC11001 (R11001) Submitted by B. Troicuk, Alliance Pipeline L.P.

Request to add a Reservation and AOS Charge code value to the data element �Rate Form/Type Code� under NAESB WGQ Standard Nos. 5.4.24 Offer, 5.4.25 Bids and 5.4.26 Award Download

WGQ Version 2.1, Minor Correction/Recommendation as approved by the WGQ EC on August 18, 2011
Request for Comments/Ratification Ballot (R11006 portion)
due September 19, 2011
November 30, 2010 MC10041 Submitted by D. Rager, NAESB

Joint WEQ/WGQ Minor Correction to the NAESB WEQ/WGQ Implementation Guide for Electronic Tariff Filing to correspond to modifications made by FERC to its Implementation Guide for Electronic Filing of Parts 25, 154, 284, 300, and 241 Tariff Filings as noted in the FERC eTariff RSS Feed(s), dated October 8, 2010
WGQ Version 2.0, Minor Correction as approved by the WEQ and WGQ ECs via Notational Ballot on December 20, 2010 Request for Comments
due January 4, 2011
November 11, 2010 MC10040 Submitted by D. Davis, C. Burden and K. Burch, Gulfstream Natural Gas System, L.L.C

For NAESB WGQ Version 2.1: NAESB WGQ Standard No. 0.4.2 � Operational Capacity, NAESB WGQ Standard No. 1.4.1 � Nomination, NAESB WGQ Standard No. 1.4.3 � Request for Confirmation, NAESB WGQ Standard No. 1.4.4 � Confirmation Response, NAESB WGQ Standard No. 1.4.5 � Scheduled Quantity, NAESB WGQ Standard No. 1.4.6 � Scheduled Quantity for Operator, NAESB WGQ Standard No. 5.4.20 � Transactional Reporting � Capacity Release, NAESB WGQ Standard No. 5.4.21 � Transactional Reporting � Firm Transportation, NAESB WGQ Standard No. 5.4.24 � Offer, NAESB WGQ Standard No. 5.4.25 � Bid, and NAESB WGQ Standard No. 5.4.26 � Award Download

WGQ Version 2.1, Minor Correction as approved by the WGQ EC via Notational Ballot on January 18, 2011
Request for Comments
due March 24, 2011
November 10, 2010 MC10039 Submitted by D. Davis and C. Burden, Williams Gas Pipeline

Errata for NAESB WGQ Version 2.0 - NAESB WGQ Standard No. 4.3.29, NAESB WGQ Standard No. 5.4.16 � System-Wide Notices, Data Element Cross Reference, EDI X12 Mapping Guidelines

WGQ Version 2.0,Minor Correction as approved by the NAESB WGQ Executive Committee via Notational Ballot on November 17, 2010
Request for Comments
due December 2, 2010
November 9, 2010 MC10038 Submitted by B. Griffith, El Paso Natural Gas

Version 2.0, Nomination (1.4.1), Confirmation Response (1.4.4), Scheduled Quantity (1.4.5), Scheduled Quantity for Operators (1.4.6), and Confirmation Response data sets as needed to support these requirements.

WGQ Version 2.1, Minor Correction as approved by the WGQ EC via Notational Ballot on January 18, 2011
Request for Comments
due March 24, 2011
November 4, 2010 MC10037 Submitted by D. Davis, Williams Gas Pipeline

Minor Corrections for the Version 2.0 publication resulting from editorial review

WGQ Version 2.0,Minor Correction as approved by the NAESB WGQ Executive Committee via Notational Ballot on November 16, 2010
Request for Comments
due December 2, 2010
October 7, 2010 MC10036 Submitted by D. Davis, Williams Gas Pipeline

Minor Corrections for the Version 2.0 publication resulting from editorial review

WGQ Version 2.0, Minor Correction as approved by the NAESB WGQ Executive Committee via Notational Ballot on October 17, 2010
Request for Comments
due November 3, 2010
September 30, 2010 MC10035 Submitted by T. Roza, GXS

Minor Corrections to NAESB 1.9 Internet Electronic Transport Related Standards

WGQ Version 1.9,Minor Correction as approved by the NAESB Retail Executive Committees on October 27, 2010 and the WGQ Executive Committee on October 28, 2010
Request for Comments
due November 17, 2010
September 22, 2010 MC10034 Submitted by J. Compton-Pellizzi, AGL Resources

Minor Corrections to Internet Electronic Transport Related Standards dated September 30, 2009
Minor Correction Request Withdrawn by Submitter as a Duplicate to MC10035  
August 9, 2010 MC10030 Submitted by D. Davis, Joint WGQ Information Requirements/Technical Subcommittee

Errata for NAESB WGQ Version 1.9 Standard No.5.4.7 (Offer Upload)

WGQ Version 1.9, Minor Correction as approved by the NAESB WGQ Executive Committee on August 19, 2010
Request for Comments
due September 7, 2010
July 27, 2010 MC10029 Submitted by K. Brooks, Williston Basin Interstate Pipeline Company

NAESB WGQ Standard 4.3.54
WGQ Version 2.0,Minor Correction as approved by the NAESB WGQ Executive Committee on August 19, 2010 Request for Comments
due September 7, 2010
July 23, 2010 MC10028 Submitted by M. Mahle, Transcanada

This request proposes adding back the Code Value for the data element �Surcharge Indicator� to the following Transaction Data Sets: Offer Download (5.4.1), Bid Download (5.4.2) and Award Download (5.4.3)

WGQ Version 2.0,Minor Correction as approved by the NAESB WGQ Executive Committee on August 19, 2010
Request for Comments
due September 7, 2010
July 23, 2010 MC10027 Submitted by D. Davis/M. Stender, Co-Chairs Information Requirements/Technical Subcommittee

Errata to NAESB WGQ Version 1.9: Correct the condition for the data element Amendment Reporting in the following data sets: Transactional Reporting - Capacity Release (NAESB WGQ Standard No. 5.4.20), Transactional Reporting � Firm Transportation (NAESB WGQ Standard No. 5.4.21) and Transactional Reporting � Interruptible Transportation (NAESB WGQ Standard No. 5.4.22)
WGQ Version 1.9,Minor Correction as approved by the NAESB WGQ Executive Committee via notational ballot on August 6, 2010 Request for Comments
due August 25, 2010
July 12, 2010 MC10026 Submitted by K. Brooks, Williston Basin Interstate Pipeline Company

This request proposes the addition of a Code Value for the data element �Transaction Type� to the following Transaction Data Sets: Nomination (1.4.1), Scheduled Quantity (1.4.5), Pre-determined Allocation (2.4.1), Allocation (2.4.3), Shipper Imbalance (2.4.4), and Transportation/Sales Invoice (3.4.1)

WGQ Version 2.0,Minor Correction as approved by the NAESB WGQ Executive Committee on August 19, 2010
Request for Comments
due September 7, 2010
July 1, 2010 MC10025 Submitted by C. Burden, Joint WGQ Information Requirements/Technical Subcommittee

Errata for NAESB WGQ Internet Electronic Transport (Internet ET) Manual, Version 1.9 and NAESB RXQ Internet ET Manual Version 1.2.
WGQ Version 1.9,Minor Correction as approved by the NAESB WGQ and Retail Executive Committees via notational ballot on August 6, 2010 Request for Comments
due August 25, 2010
June 11, 2010 MC10024 (R10006) Submitted by R. Hogge, Dominion Transmission

Add Additional Reduction Reason code value(s) to NAESB WGQ Standard 1.4.6

WGQ Version 2.0,Minor Correction as approved by the NAESB WGQ Executive Committee on August 19, 2010
Request for Comments
due September 7, 2010
July 1, 2010 MC10023 Submitted by D. Davis/M. Stender, Co-Chairs Information Requirements/Technical Subcommittee

Corrections to the Offer Download � NAESB WGQ Standard No. 5.4.1 � PID Segment and Correct the Technical Implementation of Business Process for Confirmation Response � NAESB WGQ Standard No. 1.4.4
WGQ Version 1.9,Minor Correction as approved by the NAESB WGQ Executive Committee via notational ballot on August 6, 2010 Request for Comments
due August 25, 2010
June 28, 2010 MC10022 Submitted by T. Gwilliam, Iroquois Gas Transmission System, L.P.

Add code value description �Deferred Asset Surcharge� with code value �DAS� to the list of standardized code values for the following datasets and data elements: 3.4.1, 5.4.1, 5.4.2, 5.4.3, 5.4.7, 5.4.8, 5.4.18, 5.4.19, 5.4.20, 5.4.21, 5.4.22

WGQ Version 2.0, Minor Correction as approved by the NAESB WGQ Executive Committee on August 19, 2010
Request for Comments
due September 7, 2010
June 8, 2010 MC10021 Submitted by K. Brooks, Williston Basin Interstate Pipeline Company

NAESB WGQ Standard 5.4.22

WGQ Version 1.9,Minor Correction as approved by the NAESB WGQ Executive Committee via notational ballot on August 6, 2010
Request for Comments
due August 25, 2010
May 17, 2010 MC10020 Submitted by D. Davis/M. Stender, Co-Chairs Information Requirements/Technical Subcommittee

Version 1.9 (Errata) for NAESB WGQ Capacity Release

WGQ Version 1.9,Minor Correction as approved by the NAESB WGQ Executive Committee via notational ballot on August 6, 2010
Request for Comments
due August 25, 2010
April 22, 2010 MC10019 Submitted by D. Davis, Williams Gas Pipeline

Version 1.9: Joint NAESB WEQ Version 002.1 Standard WEQ-014-A and WGQ Version 1.9 Standard No. 11.4.1 (Implementation Guide for Electronic Tariff Filing)
Minor Correction as approved by the NAESB WGQ Executive Committee via notational ballot on August 6, 2010

MC10019 as revised by the NAESB WEQ Executive Committee on August 17, 2010 and the NAESB WGQ Executive Committee on August 19, 2010
Request for Comments
due August 25, 2010

Comments Submitted by E. Skiba, MISO

Request for Comments
due September 7, 2010

Comments Submitted by the NAESB WEQ Standards Review Subcommittee

Redline Attachment to Comments Submitted by the NAESB WEQ Standards Review Subcommittee as previously approved by the WEQ EC on August 17, 2010

Comments Submitted by R. Pysh, The United Illuminating Company
April 9, 2010 MC10018 Submitted by D. Davis and C. Burden, Williams Gas Pipeline

Version 2.0: NAESB WGQ Standard 2.4.3 � Allocation, NAESB WGQ Standard 2.4.4 � Shipper Imbalance and NAESB WGQ Standard 3.4.1 � Transportation/Sales Invoice

WGQ Version 2.0, Minor Correction as approved by the NAESB WGQ Executive Committee on August 19, 2010
Request for Comments
due September 7, 2010
April 5, 2010 MC10017 Submitted by D. Davis/M. Stender, Co-Chairs Information Requirements/Technical Subcommittee

Version 1.9 NAESB WGQ Standard No. 2.4.6 � Measurement Volume Audit Statement

WGQ Version 1.9,Minor Correction as approved by the NAESB WGQ Executive Committee via notational ballot on August 6, 2010
Request for Comments
due August 25, 2010
April 5, 2010 MC10016 Submitted by D. Davis/M. Stender, Co-Chairs Information Requirements/Technical Subcommittee

Errata for NAESB WGQ Version 1.9 Standard No.3.4.1 (Transportation/Sales Invoice)

WGQ Version 1.9,Minor Correction as approved by the NAESB WGQ Executive Committee via notational ballot on August 6, 2010
Request for Comments
due August 25, 2010
April 5, 2010 MC10015 Submitted by D. Davis/M. Stender, Co-Chairs Information Requirements/Technical Subcommittee

Errata to NAESB WGQ Version 1.9 - Standard No.5.4.15 (Response to Upload of Request for Download of Posted Datasets)

WGQ Version 1.9, Minor Correction as approved by the NAESB WGQ Executive Committee via notational ballot on August 6, 2010
Request for Comments
due August 25, 2010
March 24, 2010 MC10014 Submitted by D. Davis/M. Stender, Co-Chairs Information Requirements/Technical Subcommittee

Errata for NAESB WGQ Standard No.5.4.18 (Bid Upload)

WGQ Version 1.9, Minor Correction as approved by the NAESB WGQ Executive Committee via notational ballot on August 6, 2010
Request for Comments
due August 25, 2010
February 24, 2010 MC10013 Submitted by P. Love, Natural Gas Pipeline Company of America

Code values for 3.4.1 Transportation/Sales Invoice & 3.4.4 Service Requester Level Charge/Allowance Invoice

WGQ Version 2.1, Minor Correction as approved by the NAESB WGQ Executive Committee via notational ballot on April 29, 2011
Request for Comments
due May 31, 2011
February 16, 2010 MC10012 Submitted by C. Burden, Joint WGQ Information Requirements/Technical Subcommittee

Errata for NAESB WGQ Internet Electronic Transport (Internet ET) Manual, Version 1.9 and NAESB RXQ Internet ET Manual Version 1.2.
Minor Correction approved by the NAESB WGQ and Retail Executive Committees via Notational Ballot on March 5, 2010 Request for Comments
due June 7, 2010
February 16, 2010 MC10011 Submitted by D. Davis, Williams Gas Pipeline

Errata for NAESB WGQ Standard Nos.3.4.1 (Transportation/Sales Invoice)

WGQ Version 1.9, Minor Correction as approved by the NAESB WGQ Executive Committee via notational ballot on August 6, 2010
Request for Comments
due August 25, 2010
February 16, 2010 MC10010 Submitted by D. Davis, Williams Gas Pipeline

Errata for NAESB WGQ Standard No.5.4.20 (Transactional Reporting � Capacity Release)

WGQ Version 1.9, Minor Correction as approved by the NAESB WGQ Executive Committee via notational ballot on August 6, 2010
Request for Comments
due August 25, 2010
February 16, 2010 MC10009 Submitted by D. Davis, Williams Gas Pipeline

Errata for: NAESB WGQ Standard No.5.4.1 (Offer Download), NAESB WGQ Standard No.5.4.2 (Bid Download) and NAESB WGQ Standard No.5.4.3 (Award Download)

WGQ Version 1.9, Minor Correction as approved by the NAESB WGQ Executive Committee via notational ballot on August 6, 2010
Request for Comments
due August 25, 2010
February 3, 2010 MC10008 Submitted by D. Davis/M. Stender, Co-Chairs Information Requirements/Technical Subcommittee

Errata for NAESB WGQ Standard Nos.3.4.1 (Transportation/Sales Invoice) and 3.4.4 (Service Requester Level Charge/Allowance Invoice) � Version 1.9
WGQ Version 2.0,Minor Correction approved by the NAESB WGQ Executive Committee on February 4, 2010 Request for Comments
due March 19, 2010
January 26, 2010 MC10007 Submitted by C. Burden, Williams Gas Pipeline WGQ Version 2.0,Minor Correction approved by the NAESB WGQ Executive Committee on February 4, 2010 Request for Comments
due March 19, 2010
January 26, 2010 MC10006 Submitted by C. Burden, Williams Gas Pipeline WGQ Version 2.0, Minor Correction approved by the NAESB WGQ Executive Committee on February 4, 2010 Request for Comments
due March 19, 2010
January 26, 2010 MC10005 Submitted by C. Burden, Williams Gas Pipeline WGQ Version 1.9, Minor Correction approved by the NAESB WGQ Executive Committee on February 4, 2010 Request for Comments
due March 19, 2010
November 4, 2009 MC10004 (R09020) Submitted by P. Love, Natural Gas Pipeline Company of America
D. Davis, Williams Gas Pipeline

Add additional Charge Type and Service Requestor Level Charge/Allowance Amount Descriptor code values to NAESB WGQ Standard No. 3.4.1

WGQ Version 2.1, Minor Correction as approved by the NAESB WGQ Executive Committee via notational ballot on April 29, 2011
Request for Comments
due May 31, 2011
January 14, 2010 MC10003 Submitted by D. Davis/M. Stender, Co-Chairs Information Requirements/Technical Subcommittee

Version 1.9 NAESB WGQ Standard No. 2.2.4 � Shipper Imbalance
WGQ Version 1.9,Minor Correction approved by the NAESB WGQ Executive Committee on February 4, 2010 Request for Comments
due March 19, 2010
November 1, 2005 MC10002 (R09019) NGPL

Request: Create two additional Allocation Transaction Type codes to improve the reporting of Pathed Non-Threaded levels of detail in the Allocation Statement
WGQ Version 1.9,Minor Correction approved by the NAESB WGQ Executive Committee on February 4, 2010 Request for Comments
due March 19, 2010
January 5, 2010 MC10001 - Revised 1/12/10 Submitted by M. Stender, El Paso Natural Gas

NAESB standard 5.4.1, 5.4.2 and 5.4.17 version 1.9
WGQ Version 1.9,Minor Correction approved by the NAESB WGQ Executive Committee on February 4, 2010 Request for Comments
due March 19, 2010
December 18, 2009 MC09035 Submitted by D. Davis/M. Stender, Co-Chairs Information Requirements/Technical Subcommittee

Errata for NAESB WGQ Standard Nos.5.4.1 (Offer Download) and 5.4.3 (Award Download) � Version 1.9
WGQ Version 1.9, Minor Correction approved by the NAESB WGQ Executive Committee on January 15, 2010 Request for Comments
due August 27, 2010
December 15, 2009 MC09034 Submitted by C. Burden, Williams Gas Pipeline

Version 1.8 � NAESB WGQ Standard No. 6.3.3 � Electronic Data Interchange Trading Partner Agreement and Version 1.0 NAESB RXQ Standard No. 6.1 - Electronic Data Interchange Trading Partner Agreement.
WGQ Version 1.8, Minor Correction approved by the NAESB WGQ and Retail Executive Committee's on January 15, 2010 Request for Comments
due August 27, 2010
November 3, 2009 MC09033 Submitted by M. Schmitz, Northern Natural Gas

This request proposes the addition of 4 code values for the data element �Charge Type� in the following datasets for the NAESB WGQ Version 1.9 release: NAESB WGQ Standard 3.4.1 � Transportation / Sales Invoice.
WGQ Version 2.0,Recommendation approved by the NAESB WGQ Executive Committee on February 4, 2010 Request for Comments
due March 19, 2010
September 30, 2009 MC09032

MC09032 Attachment
Submitted by K. Sappenfield, Chair, WGQ Contracts Subcommittee

Canadian Addendum dated August 2, 2007 (NAESB Standard 6.3.1 CA).
WGQ Version 1.9,Minor Correction approved by the NAESB WGQ Executive Committee on October 29, 2009 Request for Comments
due November 30, 2009
August 18, 2009 MC09031 Submitted by D. Davis/M. Stender, Co-Chairs Information Requirements/Technical Subcommittee

Version 1.9 � Errata - Offer Upload Quick Response - NAESB WGQ Standard No. 5.4.8
Recommendation approved by the NAESB WGQ Executive Committee via Notational Ballot on September 1, 2009 Request for Comments
due September 15, 2009
July 9, 2009 MC09030 Submitted by M. Stender, Co-Chair Information Requirements / Technical Subcommittee

WGQ Version 1.9 of WGQ standard 5.4.2 Bid Download
Minor Correction approved by the NAESB WGQ Executive Committee on August 15, 2009 Request for Comments
due August 31, 2009
July 30, 2009 MC09029 Submitted by C. Burden, Williams Gas Pipeline � Transcontinental Gas Pipe Line Company, LLC

WGQ Version 1.9 - Internet Electronic Transport manual
Minor Correction approved by the NAESB WGQ Executive Committee on August 14, 2009 Request for Comments
due August 31, 2009
July 22, 2009 MC09028 Submitted by D. Davis/M. Stender, Co-Chairs Information Requirements/Technical Subcommittee

WGQ Version 1.8 and 1.9 - Correct Technical Implementation as more fully explained below for following data sets: NAESB WGQ Standard No. 5.4.1 (Offer Download), NAESB WGQ Standard No. 5.4.3 (Award Download), NAESB WGQ Standard No. 5.4.7 (Offer Upload), NAESB WGQ Standard No. 5.4.9 (Offer Upload Notification) and add erroneously omitted code values for data element �Message Type� in NAESB WGQ Standard 5.4.17 (Note/Special Instruction)
Minor Correction approved by the NAESB WGQ Executive Committee on August 14, 2009 Request for Comments
due August 31, 2009
July 21, 2009 MC09027 Submitted by D. Davis, Chair, Information Requirements Subcommittee

WGQ Version 1.9 - To correct the technical implementation for R08006
Minor Correction approved by the NAESB WGQ Executive Committee on August 14, 2009 Request for Comments
due August 31, 2009
July 8, 2009 MC09026 Submitted by C. Burden, NAESB WGQ Joint Information Requirements/Technical Subcommittee

WGQ Version 1.9 - To correct the technical implementation for Recommendation - R08015, 2009 WGQ AP Item 2.b, 2009 Retail AP Item 5
Minor Correction approved by the NAESB WGQ Executive Committee on August 14, 2009 Request for Comments
due August 31, 2009
July 17, 2009 MC09025 Submitted by J. Buccigross, 8760, Inc.

Version 1.8 and Version 1.9 of NAESB WGQ Standard No. 6.3.1 Canadian Addendum (CA).
Minor Correction approved by the NAESB WGQ Executive Committee on August 14, 2009 Request for Comments
due August 31, 2009
July 15, 2009 MC09024 Submitted by M. Schmitz, Northern Natural Gas

This request proposes the addition of 1 code values for the data element �Validation Code (Detail)� in the following datasets for the NAESB WGQ Version 1.9 release: NAESB WGQ Standard 1.4.2 - Nomination Quick Response

WGQ Version 2.0,Minor Correction approved by the NAESB WGQ Executive Committee on February 4, 2010
Request for Comments
due March 19, 2010
July 8, 2009 MC09023 Submitted by D. Davis/M. Stender, Co-Chairs Information Requirements/Technical Subcommittee

WGQ Version 1.9 - To correct the technical implementation for FERC Order Nos. 698/712
Minor Correction approved by the NAESB WGQ Executive Committee on August 14, 2009 Request for Comments
due August 31, 2009
July 9, 2009

Revised July 24, 2009
MC09022 Submitted by D. Davis/M. Stender, Co-Chairs Information Requirements/Technical Subcommittee

WGQ Version 1.9 - To correct the technical implementation for R96121-a23
Minor Correction approved by the NAESB WGQ Executive Committee on August 14, 2009 Request for Comments
due August 31, 2009
July 8, 2009 MC09021 Submitted by D. Davis/M. Stender, Co-Chairs Information Requirements/Technical Subcommittee

WGQ Version 1.9 - To correct the technical implementation for R07014
Minor Correction approved by the NAESB WGQ Executive Committee on August 14, 2009 Request for Comments
due August 31, 2009
July 8, 2009 MC09020 Submitted by D. Davis/M. Stender, Co-Chairs Information Requirements/Technical Subcommittee

WGQ Version 1.9 - To correct the technical implementation for R07008
Minor Correction approved by the NAESB WGQ Executive Committee on August 14, 2009 Request for Comments
due August 31, 2009
July 9, 2009 MC09019 Submitted by D. Davis/M. Stender, Co-Chairs Information Requirements/Technical Subcommittee

WGQ Version 1.9 - To correct the technical implementation for R01003
WGQ Version 1.9,Minor Correction approved by the NAESB WGQ Executive Committee on August 14, 2009 Request for Comments
due August 31, 2009
May 27, 2009 MC09018 Submitted by M. Whitehead, Boardwalk Pipelines

5.4.13 Operationally Available and Unsubscribed Capacity

Minor Correction approved by the NAESB WGQ Executive Committee on June 30, 2009
Request for Comments due July 24, 2009
June 5, 2009 MC09017 Submitted by C. Burden, Williams Gas Pipeline

Version 1.9 � NAESB WGQ Standard No. 4.3.z1 (a.k.a. newly assigned standard number 4.3.94)
Minor Correction approved by the NAESB WGQ Executive Committee on June 30, 2009 Request for Comments due July 24, 2009
May 27, 2009 MC09016

MC09016 - Submitted 7/9/09
Submitted by M. Stender, El Paso Natural Gas

NAESB 5.4.15 version 1.8 and 1.9
Minor Correction approved by the NAESB WGQ Executive Committee on June 30, 2009

Minor Correction - July 9, 2009 as approved by the NAESB WGQ Executive Committee on August 14, 2009
Request for Comments due July 24, 2009

Request for Comments
due August 31, 2009
May 27, 2009 MC09015 Submitted by M. Whitehead, Boardwalk Pipelines

3.4.1 Transportation / Sales Invoice

Minor Correction approved by the NAESB WGQ Executive Committee on June 30, 2009
Request for Comments due July 24, 2009
May 13, 2009 MC09014

MC09014 - Corrected 7/20/09
Submitted by M. Stender, El Paso Natural Gas

NAESB WGQ Standard No. 3.4.1 Version 1.8 and 1.9
Minor Correction approved by the NAESB WGQ Executive Committee on May 14, 2009

Minor Correction Corrected July 20, 2009 and approved by the NAESB WGQ Executive Committee on August 14, 2009
Request for Comments due May 29, 2009

Request for Comments
due August 31, 2009
April 24, 2009 MC09013 Submitted by D. Davis, Williams Gas Pipeline

Version 1.9 � NAESB WGQ Standard No. 5.4.20 � Transactional Reporting � Capacity Release, NAESB WGQ Standard No. 5.4.21 � Transactional Reporting � Firm Transportation and NAESB WGQ Standard No. 5.4.22 � Transactional Reporting � Interruptible Transportation
Minor Correction approved by the NAESB WGQ Executive Committee on May 14, 2009 Request for Comments due May 29, 2009
April 24, 2009 MC09012 Submitted by D. Davis, Williams Gas Pipeline

Version 1.8 - NAESB WGQ Standard No. 5.4.22 � Transactional Reporting � Interruptible Transportation
Minor Correction approved by the NAESB WGQ Executive Committee on May 14, 2009 Request for Comments due May 29, 2009
April 23, 2009 MC09011 Submitted by M. Stender, El Paso Natural Gas

NAESB 2.4.3 version 1.8 and 1.9
Minor Correction approved by the NAESB WGQ Executive Committee on May 14, 2009 Request for Comments due May 29, 2009
April 23, 2009 MC09010

MC09010 - Corrected 7/20/09
Submitted by M. Stender, El Paso Natural Gas

NAESB 1.4.5 version 1.8 and 1.9
Minor Correction approved by the NAESB WGQ Executive Committee on May 14, 2009

Minor Correction Corrected August 17, 2009 and approved by the NAESB WGQ Executive Committee on August 14, 2009
Request for Comments due May 29, 2009

Request for Comments
due August 31, 2009
April 10, 2009 MC09009 Submitted by D. Davis, Williams Gas Pipeline

Version 1.9 - NAESB WGQ Standard No. 1.4.3 � Request for Confirmation, NAESB WGQ Standard No. 1.4.4 � Confirmation Response and NAESB WGQ Standard No. 1.4.6 � Scheduled Quantity for Operator
Minor Correction approved by the NAESB WGQ Executive Committee on May 14, 2009 Request for Comments due May 29, 2009
April 17, 2009 MC09008


Submitted by M. Stender, Chair, NAESB Technical Subcommittee

NAESB version 1.8 G867MAUS Standard 2.4.6


Submitted by C. Burden, Williams Gas Pipeline

Version 1.8 NAESB WGQ Standard No. 2.4.6 � Measured Volume Audit Statement
Minor Correction (MC09008) approved by the NAESB WGQ Executive Committee on May 14, 2009

Minor Correction (MC09008A) approved by the NAESB WGQ Executive Committee on June 30, 2009
Request for Comments due May 29, 2009

Request for Comments due July 24, 2009
March 31, 2009 MC09007 Submitted by M. Stender, Chair, NAESB Technical Subcommittee

NAESB version 1.8 G811TSIN Standard 3.4.1
Minor Correction approved by the NAESB WGQ Executive Committee on May 14, 2009 Request for Comments due May 29, 2009
March 16, 2009 MC09006 Submitted by D. Davis, Williams Gas Pipeline

Version 1.9 � NAESB WGQ Standard No. 3.4.1 � Transportation Sales/Invoice
Minor Correction approved by the NAESB WGQ Executive Committee on May 14, 2009 Request for Comments due May 29, 2009
March 11, 2009 MC09005 Submitted by S. Meyers, ANR Pipeline Company

This request proposes the addition of 2 code values for the data element �Transaction Type� in the following Transaction Datasets for the NAESB WGQ Version 1.8 release

Minor Correction approved by the NAESB WGQ Executive Committee on May 14, 2009
Request for Comments due May 29, 2009
March 9, 2009 MC09004 Submitted by D. Davis, Williams Gas Pipeline

Version 1.9 � NAESB WGQ Standard No. 5.4.20 � Transactional Reporting � Capacity Release and NAESB WGQ Standard No. 5.4.21 � Transactional Reporting � Firm Transportation
Minor Correction approved by the NAESB WGQ Executive Committee on May 14, 2009 Request for Comments due May 29, 2009
February 18, 2009 MC09003 Submitted by C. Burden and D. Davis, Williams Gas Pipeline and K. Burch, Spectra Energy Transmission

This request proposes the addition of 16 code values for the data element �Cycle Indicator� in the following Transaction Datasets for the NAESB WGQ Version 1.8 release
Recommendation for MC09003(A)

Minor Correction for MC09003(A) approved by the NAESB WGQ Executive Committee on May 14, 2009

Recommendation R08010 includes MC09003(B)
Request for Comments due May 29, 2009
March 9, 2009 MC09002 Submitted by D. Davis, Williams Gas Pipeline

Version 1.8 � NAESB WGQ Standard No. 5.4.1 � Offer Download
Minor Correction approved by the NAESB WGQ Executive Committee on May 14, 2009 Request for Comments due May 29, 2009
March 5, 2009 MC09001 Submitted by M. Schmitz, Northern Natural Gas

This request proposes the addition of 2 code values for the data element �Location/Quantity Type Indicator� in the following datasets for the NAESB WGQ Version 1.9 release: NAESB WGQ Standard 5.4.13 - Operationally Available and Unsubscribed Capacity

Minor Correction approved by the NAESB WGQ Executive Committee on May 14, 2009

Corrected Recommendation - June 2, 2009

Minor Correction approved by the NAESB WGQ Executive Committee on June 30, 2009
Request for Comments due May 29, 2009

Request for Comments due July 24, 2009
August 7, 2008 MC08023 (R08023) Submitted by Enbridge Energy Partners

Request: Add 2 new code values for the data element Surcharge Identification Code for Capacity Release Transaction datasets

Minor Correction approved by the NAESB WGQ Executive Committee on May 14, 2009
Request for Comments due May 29, 2009
July 1, 2008 MC08022 (R08022) Submitted by Northern Natural Gas

Request: Add a new code value for the data element Reduction Reason to the Scheduled Quantity for Operator (1.4.6)

Minor Correction approved by the NAESB WGQ Executive Committee on May 14, 2009
Request for Comments due May 29, 2009
June 16, 2008 MC08018 (R08018) Submitted by Boardwalk Pipeline Partners and Texas Gas Transmission

Request: Add a new code value for the data element Rate Identification Code in the dataset Transactional Reporting � Firm Transportation.
Withdrawn by Submitter on April 8, 2009  
June 16, 2008 MC08017 (R08017)

MC08017 - Submitted 7/9/09
Submitted by Boardwalk Pipeline Partners and Texas Gas Transmission

Request: Add a new code value for the data element Transaction Type in the Transportation/Sales Invoice (3.4.1) and two new code values for the data element Service Requester Level Charge/Allowance Amount Descriptor in the Transportation/Sales Invoice (3.4.1) and the Service Requester/Charge Allowance Invoice (3.4.4)

Minor Correction approved by the NAESB WGQ Executive Committee on May 14, 2009

Corrected Recommendation - July 9, 2009

Minor Correction approved by the NAESB WGQ Executive Committee on August 14, 2009
Request for Comments due May 29, 2009

Request for Comments
due August 31, 2009
June 5, 2008 MC08016 (R08016) Submitted by Northern Natural Gas

Request: Add a new code value for the data element Reduction Reason to the Scheduled Quantity for Operator (1.4.6)

Minor Correction approved by the NAESB WGQ Executive Committee on May 14, 2009
Request for Comments due May 29, 2009
April 13, 2008 MC08014 (R08014) Submitted by Kinder Morgan Energy Partners

Request: Add a new code value for the data element Transaction Type to support Operational Sales and Operational Purchases. It is requested for Nominations (1.4.1) and all related documents where Transaction Type appears.

Minor Correction approved by the NAESB WGQ Executive Committee on May 14, 2009
Request for Comments due May 29, 2009
April 13, 2008 MC08013 (R08013) Submitted by Kinder Morgan Energy Partners

Request: Add a new code value for the data element Transaction Type to support Wheeling service on Rockies Express Pipeline LLC. It is requested for Nominations (1.4.1) and all related documents where Transaction Type appears.

Minor Correction approved by the NAESB WGQ Executive Committee on May 14, 2009
Request for Comments due May 29, 2009
April 9, 2008 MC08012 (R08012) Submitted by Northern Natural Gas

Request: Add 2 detail (contract) level code values to Validation Code and Message elements in the Nomination Quick Response (1.4.2)

Minor Correction as revised and approved by the NAESB WGQ Executive Committee on May 14, 2009
Request for Comments due May 29, 2009
February 3, 2008 MC08009 (R08009) Submitted by Williams Gas Pipeline

Request: Add a validation code value (Sub-detail) in NAESB WGQ Standard No. 1.4.2, Nomination Quick Response and add a code value for the data element Reduction Reason Code in NAESB WGQ Standard No. 1.4.5, Scheduled Quantity

Minor Correction approved by the NAESB WGQ Executive Committee on May 14, 2009

Corrected Recommendation - June 4, 2009

Minor Correction approved by the NAESB WGQ Executive Committee on June 30, 2009
Request for Comments due May 29, 2009

Request for Comments due July 24, 2009
August 30, 2006 MC06022 (R06022) Texas Gas Transmission, LLC

Request: Add new Location Quantity Type Indicator code values for Offer Download, Bid Download, Award Download, Replacement Capacity, Offer Upload, Offer Upload Notification, Operationally Available, Unsubscribed Capacity, Bid Upload, Transactional Reporting � Capacity Release, Firm Transportation, and Interruptible Transportation.

Minor Correction approved by the NAESB WGQ Executive Committee on May 14, 2009
Request for Comments due May 29, 2009
August 7, 2006 MC06015 (R06015) Duke Energy Gas Transmission

Request: Add code values for the Rate Identification Code data element in the Offer Download, Bid Download, Award Download, Offer Upload, Offer Upload Quick Response, Offer Upload Notification, Bid Upload and Bid Upload Quick Response datasets.

Minor Correction approved by the NAESB WGQ Executive Committee on May 14, 2009
Request for Comments due May 29, 2009
January 13, 2006 MC06003 (R06003) Northern Plains Natural Gas Company, LLC

Request: Add "Compression Use Surcharge" code value for "Surcharge Identification Code" data element.

Minor Correction approved by the NAESB WGQ Executive Committee on May 14, 2009
Request for Comments due May 29, 2009
August 31, 2004 MC04027 (R04027) Texas Gas Transmission

Request: Develop new code values for Capacity Type Location Indicator data element.

Minor Correction approved by the NAESB WGQ Executive Committee on May 14, 2009
Request for Comments due May 29, 2009
Request for Comment on the following 2 Recommendations for Interpretations. Comments due June 17, 2009.
Recommendation for Interpretation for NAESB WGQ 2007 Annual Plan Item 7a / NAESB WGQ 2008 Annual Plan Item 4a / NAESB WGQ 2009 Annual Plan Item 4 (Order Nos. 698/698A) Recommendation Part 2 - Technical Implementation And NAESB WGQ 2008 Annual Plan Item 9 / 2009 Annual Plan Item 3a (Order Nos. 712/712A) and R07018 and R08019 and R08024
Recommendation for Interpretation for NAESB WGQ 2009 Annual Plan Item 1

  WGQ Minor Corrections Submitted prior to 2009:

Request for Comment on the following minor correction to NAESB WGQ Versions 1.7 and 1.8 Interpretation 7.3.16 adopted by the WGQ EC on May 15, 2008:
Minor Correction to NAESB WGQ Interpretations 7.3.16

Request for Comments for a Recommendation for Interpretation for Request for Clarification C07003. Comments are due
March 8, 2008.

Recommendation for Interpretation for Request for Clarification C07003
Comments Submitted by D. Gussow, FPL
Comments Submitted by D. Davis, Williams Gas Pipeline

Request for Comments for a Recommendation for Interpretation for Request for Clarification C07002. Comments are due
March 8, 2008.

Recommendation for Interpretation for Request for Clarification C07002
Comments Submitted by D. Davis, Williams Gas Pipeline

Request for Comment on the following minor correction adopted by the WGQ, REQ and RGQ EC's on January 4, 2008:
Minor Correction to NAESB WGQ / REQ / RGQ Internet Electronic Transport (Standard No. 10.3.7)

Request for Comment on the following three minor corrections to the NAESB WGQ Version 1.8 Standards. Comments are due December 13, 2006.
Minor Correction - Duplicate NAESB WGQ Standard 4.3.89s in Booklet 1 of 1 (Version 1.8)
Minor Correction - re WGQ Standard 5.4.10 - Offer Upload Bidder Confirmation � Data Element Bidder Contact Name - Invoice (Version 1.8)
Minor Correction - re NAESB WGQ Standard 5.4.21 � Transactional Reporting � Firm Transportation � Data Element Abbreviation (Version 1.7 and Version 1.8)

Request for Comment on the following minor correction to the NAESB WGQ Standard No. 4.3.16 adopted by the WGQ EC on September 13, 2006. Comments are due September 28, 2006.
Minor Correction for WGQ Standard No. 4.3.16

Request for Comment on the following minor correction to the NAESB Version 1.7 WGQ Standards adopted by the WGQ EC on August 17, 2006. Comments are due September 13, 2006.
Minor Correction for WGQ Version 1.7 Recall Notification Period Indicators

Request for Comment on the following three minor corrections to the NAESB WGQ Standards adopted by the WGQ EC on July 27, 2006. Comments are due August 18, 2006.
Minor Correction for Version 1.7 Capacity Release
Minor Correction for Version 1.8 Nominations Related Standards Principle 1.1.9
Minor Correction for Code Values Dictionary for Offer Upload and Offer Download

Request for Comment on the following eight minor corrections to the NAESB WGQ Version 1.7 Standards and the NAESB WGQ Version 1.8 Standards adopted by the WGQ EC on May 11, 2006:
Minor Correction to NAESB Internet Electronic Transport Implementation Manual
Minor Correction to Trading Partner Agreement
Minor Correction to Version 1.7 WGQ EDM Implementation Manual
Minor Correction that affects WGQ Standard 2.4.7
Minor Correction that affects the related standards section of all WGQ Version 1.8 Standards Implementation Manuals
Minor Correction that affects the introduction section of all WGQ Version 1.8 Standards Implementation Manuals
Correction of language adopted for NAESB WGQ Standard 2.3.21 in Recommendations R98011/R98012 and R98001
Minor Correction to Recommendation R01008 to include the addition of WGQ Standard No. 3.4.1

Request for Comment on WGQ Version 1.7 and 1.8 Minor Corrections adopted by the WGQ EC on February 23, 2006.
Minor corrections on WGQ Version 1.7 Transactional Reporting Standards 5.4.20, 5.4.21 and 5.4.22 adopted by the WGQ Executive Committee on February 23, 2006.
Minor corrections on WGQ Version 1.7 Offer Upload Standard 5.4.7 adopted by the WGQ Executive Committee on February 23, 2006
Minor corrections on WGQ Version 1.8 Standard 4.3.23 adopted by the WGQ Executive Committee on February 23, 2006
Attachment to Minor Correction on WGQ Version 1.8 Standard 4.3.23 - Corrected Standard Language

Request for Comment on WGQ Version 1.8 Minor Corrections adopted by the WGQ EC on December 1, 2005.
Minor corrections (Base Contract Credit Support Addendum) adopted by the WGQ Executive Committee on December 1, 2005.
Minor corrections (Producer Imbalance Statement) adopted by the WGQ Executive Committee on December 1, 2005.

Request for Comment on WGQ Version 1.8 Minor Corrections adopted by the WGQ EC on August 25, 2005.
Minor corrections adopted by the WGQ Executive Committee on August 25, 2005.

Request for Comment on WGQ Version 1.7 Minor Corrections adopted by the WGQ EC on June 22, 2005.
Minor corrections adopted by the WGQ Executive Committee on June 22, 2005.

Request for comment on two WGQ Version 1.7 Minor Corrections adopted by the WGQ EC on February 3, 2005.
Minor corrections adopted by the WGQ Executive Committee on February 3, 2005.
Additional Minor corrections adopted by the WGQ Executive Committee on February 3, 2005.

Minor corrections adopted by the WGQ Executive Committee on August 26, 2004.
Please submit comments or concerns by September 15, 2004.

Minor corrections and clarifications adopted by the Executive Committee on June 4, 2001. Please submit comments or concerns by June 18, 2001.

Minor corrections and clarifications adopted by the Executive Committee on December 14, 2000. Please submit comments or concerns by February 1, 2001.

Request for minor correction from El Paso Natural Gas

Request for minor correction from Williams Gas Pipeline

The following three minor corrections/clarifications were approved by the Executive Committee on July 15. These minor corrections/clarifications will go into effect August 31 unless comments to the contrary are received.
Technical Subcommittee Cleanup Items for Capacity Release related data sets
EII Related Data Dictionaries

Comments requested by October 31, 1998 on the following Minor Clarification and Correction.

The following three minor corrections/clarifications were approved by the Executive Committee on June 11. These minor corrections/clarifications will go into effect July 6 unless comments to the contrary are received.
Minor Clarifications and Corrections

Revisions to Ratifications, Final Actions and Version 1.2 Publication
Revisions to the Electronic Delivery Mechanism Related Standards

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