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NAESB Copyright Policy
NAESB Copyright Policy:

All NAESB Standards are protected under United States Copyright laws. The same copyright protection applies to much of the other materials published by NAESB.

Members of NAESB and persons purchasing NAESB Standards are permitted to make reasonable use of these materials internally for certain limited purposes. However, they may not transfer them outside their own companies nor may they transfer them to affiliates or other third parties without written authorization from the NAESB office.

Duplication of NAESB Standards is not only an infringement of NAESB's copyright but it increases the risk that the duplicated materials may not contain all of the Standards and the like, and may thus be incomplete. Persons in possession of incorrect, incomplete and outdated materials may be under the misconception that they are observing NAESB's Standards even when they are not. This serves no one and only undermines what NAESB is trying to accomplish. Copyright infringement also undermines NAESB's ability to maintain the economic integrity its members expect so that it may continue its work in the future.

Members and purchasers of NAESB Standards and other NAESB copyrighted materials are cautioned to review their policies regarding use and distribution of our materials to assure that they are not intentionally or inadvertently infringing NAESB's copyright and coming into conflict with federal law.

       NAESB Copyright Policy and Companies with Access to NAESB Standards Under the Copyright Policy

       NAESB Copyright Policy and Companies with Access to the NAESB Energy Services Provider Interface (ESPI) Model Business Practices under the Copyright Policy

      List of FERC Public Utilities under the Federal Power Act (full list updated 4/7/2021) entities without recorded access to the most recently mandated NAESB WEQ Standards, revised 8/23/2024

      List of FERC Interstate Pipelines under the Natural Gas Act (full list updated 7/26/2021) entities without recorded access to the most recently mandated NAESB WGQ Standards, revised 8/23/2024

      NAESB Intellectual Property Rights Policy Concerning Contributions and Comments

      NAESB Intellectual Property Rights Policy Concerning Patents

      Irrevocable, Self-Executing, Limited Waiver of NAESB Copyright for NAESB Members and Non-Member Purchasers of NAESB Standards

      NAESB Copyright Procedure Regarding Member and Purchaser Self-Executing Waiver

Non-members that have not purchased NAESB copyright protected material may request access for evaluative purposes, or to respond to a regulatory agency's requests for comments. This access is provided through the use of the Locklizard software product. Upon request for access and approval by the NAESB Office, the requestor would have access to the NAESB copyright protected material for a limited time period. Access to standards that are the subject of a regulatory agency's request for comments will be granted for the duration of the comment period.

      Instructions for Obtaining Non-Member Access for Evaluative Purposes

Non-members that have not purchased NAESB copyright protected material and wish to quote such material in a regulatory filing or other publication must contact the NAESB office and request a copyright waiver. Such requests will be reviewed and approved by the NAESB Office on a case-by-case basis.

If you should encounter any problems or need further information, please call (713) 356-0060.
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